Yango Pro

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices

Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and EURL RIDE TECHNOLOGY ALGERIA, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

Privacy Policy available online at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

Terms of Use of the Pro-User Card Service available online at: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of Algeria, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.

2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.

3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).

4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.

5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners, including to carry out cross-border transfer for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.

7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.

8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.

9. Details of the Rightholder


Registration number: 23B1282133-00/16

Single shareholder limited liability company

Rue Selman Amirate №21 section 03 Ilot № 88 RDC El Mouradia

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 21.12.2023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/04092023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/28092022

Accord de licence sur Yango Pro pour les appareils mobiles

Avant d’utiliser le programme, veuillez prendre connaissance des termes et conditions suivantes de l’accord de licence.

Toute utilisation du programme signifie que vous acceptez intégralement et inconditionnellement les termes et conditions de cet accord de licence.

Si vous n’acceptez pas l’accord de licence dans son intégralité, vous n’avez pas le droit d’utiliser le programme à quelque fin que ce soit.

1. Dispositions Générales

1.1. Cet Accord de licence (la « Licence ») définit les conditions d’utilisation de Yango Pro (anciennement « Taximètre ») pour les appareils mobiles (le «Programme») et est conclu entre toute personne qui utilise le Programme (« l’Utilisateur ») et EURL RIDE TECHNOLOGY ALGERIA, qui est un organisme autorisé à accorder les droits d’utilisation du Programme (le « Titulaire des droits »).

1.2. En copiant le Programme, en l’installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Programme de toute autre manière, l’Utilisateur exprime son accord intégral et inconditionnel avec toutes les termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.3. Le Programme ne peut être utilisé que selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence. Si l’Utilisateur n’accepte pas les termes et conditions de la Licence dans leur intégralité, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas utiliser le Programme à quelque fin que ce soit. Il est interdit d’utiliser le Programme en violation (en cas de non-respect) de l’un des termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.4. L’Utilisateur peut utiliser le Programme selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales sans frais. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

1.5. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

La Politique de confidentialité est disponible en ligne sur: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

Les Conditions d’Utilisation du Service de la Carte de Pro-Utilisateur sont disponibles en ligne via: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv.

Le Titulaire des droits peut modifier unilatéralement lesdits documents (entre autres, toute partie de ceux-ci) sans préavis particulier. Les nouvelles versions des documents entreront en vigueur dès leur publication, sauf disposition contraire.

1.6. Le Titulaire des droits et l’Utilisateur ont convenu par la présente qu’en ce qui concerne le Programme, ils considéreront mutuellement les documents électroniques signés avec une signature électronique de base comme identiques aux documents papier signés avec une signature manuscrite.

1.6.1. Le Programme est, entre autres, un système d’information exploité par le Titulaire des droits.

1.6.2. Pour signer un document électronique avec une signature électronique, comme cela est prévu par certaines fonctions du Programme, l’Utilisateur utilisera des codes numériques, alphabétiques, symboliques ou combinés générés par le Titulaire des droits et reçus par l’Utilisateur sous forme de message au numéro de téléphone de l’Utilisateur qu’il a spécifié dans le Programme. Ces codes représentent la clé de signature électronique.

1.6.3. L’Utilisateur s’engage à respecter la confidentialité des codes (clés de signature électronique) qu’il a reçus.

1.6.4. L’Utilisateur saisira un code respectif sous une forme spéciale dans le Programme. Les Parties reconnaissent que tous les documents électroniques que l’Utilisateur générera, utilisera et enverra au Titulaire des droits via les fonctions du programme au cours d’une session (la période de validité d’un code respectif) seront signés avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur.

1.6.5. L’Utilisateur garantit que ses données personnelles spécifiées dans le Programme sont fiables. L’Utilisateur déterminera sur la base de ces données si un document électronique signé avec une signature électronique telle que spécifiée ci-dessus est signé par l’Utilisateur.

1.7. Lorsque l’Utilisateur est représentant du Partenaire du Titulaire des droits, les dispositions des clauses 1.6.1–1.6.5 de la présente Licence s’appliqueront dans la mesure où ils n’entrent pas en conflit avec les accords et les contrats conclus entre le Titulaire des droits et ce partenaire du Titulaire des droits.

1.8. L’Utilisateur autorisera le Titulaire des droits à utiliser les informations qu’il a fournies dans le Programme, en incluant ces informations dans la base de données du Titulaire des droits et en utilisant ultérieurement cette base de données par quelque moyen que ce soit.

1.9. Cette Licence et toutes les relations associées à l’utilisation du Programme seront soumises aux lois d’Algérie, et toute réclamation ou action découlant de ou en relation avec cette Licence ou l’utilisation du Programme sera soumise et instruite par les tribunaux au siège social du Titulaire des droits.

1.10. Le Titulaire des droits peut envoyer des messages d’information aux Utilisateurs. En utilisant le Programme, l’Utilisateur donne également son consentement pour recevoir des messages publicitaires et informatifs. L’Utilisateur peut se désinscrire des messages publicitaires en s’adressant au service d’assistance ou en suivant les instructions spécifiées dans un message publicitaire reçu.

1.11. Selon la région de l’Utilisateur, une ou toutes les fonctions du Programme peuvent être inaccessibles ou limitées. Les fonctions sont réputées inaccessibles (limitées) pour l’Utilisateur d’une certaine région, si cet Utilisateur n’est pas en mesure de les utiliser explicitement. Il est interdit d’appliquer des méthodes techniques et logicielles pour contourner ces limitations. Les dispositions des présentes Conditions et les documents spécifiés à la clause 1.5 qui régissent les fonctions inaccessibles (limitées) du Programme, ne s’appliqueront pas jusqu’à ce que ces fonctions soient explicitement accessibles à l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut recevoir des informations sur l’accessibilité des fonctions du programme dans une certaine région à la demande adressée au Titulaire des droits.

2. Droits sur le Programme

2.1. Le droit exclusif sur le Programme appartient au Titulaire des droits.

3. Licence

3.1. Le Titulaire des droits accordera gratuitement et sous licence ordinaire (non exclusive) à l’Utilisateur le droit non transférable d’utiliser le Programme dans tous les pays du monde de la manière suivante :

3.1.1. Utiliser le Programme comme prévu, c’est-à-dire le copier et l’installer (reproduire) sur l’appareil(-s) mobile(-s) de l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut installer le Programme sur un nombre illimité d’appareils mobiles. Lorsqu’il est installé sur des appareils mobiles, chaque copie du Programme se voit attribuer un numéro individuel signalé automatiquement au Titulaire des droits.

3.1.2. Reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins non commerciales (gratuitement).

4. Limitations

4.1. Sauf lorsqu’il est utilisé dans le cadre et de la manière expressément stipulée par la présente Licence ou les lois applicables, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas modifier, décompiler, désassembler, décrypter et effectuer toute autre action avec le code objet du Programme destiné à obtenir les informations sur la mise en œuvre des algorithmes utilisés dans le Programme, créer des œuvres dérivées à l’aide du Programme, et autrement utiliser (autoriser l’utilisation) le Programme sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.2. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins commerciales (entre autres, contre rémunération), y compris dans le cadre de collections de produits logiciels sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.3 L’Utilisateur ne peut pas distribuer le Programme sous une forme autre que la forme reçue, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.4. Le Programme sera utilisé (entre autres, sera distribué) sous le nom : Yango Pro. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas changer le nom du Programme, modifier et/ou supprimer l’avis de droit d’auteur ou d’autres références au Titulaire des droits.

5. Conditions d’utilisation de certaines fonctions du Programme

5.1. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne peuvent être exécutées qu’avec un accès à Internet. L’Utilisateur obtiendra et paiera indépendamment cet accès selon les conditions et selon les tarifs de son fournisseur de télécommunications ou d’Internet.

5.2. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne seront disponibles que pour l’Utilisateur qui a conclu un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits ou un organisme qui donne accès à ces fonctions du Programme.

5.3. Lorsque le Programme est utilisé, l’Utilisateur autorise le Titulaire des droits à traiter les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur comme cela est défini dans la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) pour garantir que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, pour transférer les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur aux partenaires du Titulaire, y compris pour effectuer un transfert transfrontalier des droits pour qu’ils traitent ultérieurement ces informations et garantissent que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, et aux fins spécifiées dans les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur, ainsi que pour obtenir les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur auprès de tiers aux mêmes fins.

Le Titulaire des droits ne transférera et/ou ne recevra que les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur qui sont nécessaires auxdites finalités. Le Titulaire des droits traitera les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur et d’autres informations que l’Utilisateur téléchargera et fournira via le Programme conformément à la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

Les dispositions de la présente clause relatives au traitement des informations personnelles et d’autres informations de l’Utilisateur par le Titulaire des droits s’appliqueront aux documents et informations que l’Utilisateur a reçus lors de l’utilisation du Service et de ses fonctions.

L’autorisation visée dans la présente clause s’appliquera aux informations que l’Utilisateur indiquera dans le Programme et que le Titulaire des droits recevra de tiers, y compris le nom, prénom, patronyme, adresse; le numéro de la pièce d’identité principale et du permis de conduire; le certificat d’immatriculation du véhicule, les informations sur la date (y compris la date d’expiration) et l’organisme qui a délivré lesdits documents; toutes informations nécessaires pour prévenir la fraude à l’encontre du Titulaire des droits et toutes informations sur la manière dont le Programme sera utilisé, y compris toutes photos, informations sur le droit de conduire un véhicule pour transporter des passagers et des bagages, informations sur les contraventions routières et autres violations des lois (y compris arriérés / procédures d’exécution disponibles dans les registres publics). Le Titulaire des droits peut traiter ces informations personnelles avec ou sans outils d’automatisation, et par tout moyen, entre autres, les collecter, enregistrer, systématiser, accumuler, stocker, clarifier (actualiser, modifier), extraire, utiliser, transférer (fournir, donner accès), dépersonnaliser, bloquer, supprimer et détruire.

Dans les cas où cela est prévu par la loi applicable, l’autorisation de l’Utilisateur visée dans la présente clause sera réputée être accordée par écrit, signée avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur conformément aux clauses 1.6–1.6.5 de la présente Licence avec les détails nécessaires que l’Utilisateur a spécifiés comme cela est stipulé dans une telle forme d’autorisation. Cette autorisation sera valable aussi longtemps qu’il sera nécessaire pour fournir à l’Utilisateur les fonctions du Programme, et pendant 3 (trois) ans par la suite, à moins que la législation en vigueur ne prévoie une autre période (plus courte ou plus longue).

5.4. L’Utilisateur est par la présente informé, comprend et accepte que lorsque l’Utilisateur utilise le Programme pour accéder aux fonctions du Programme, le Titulaire des droits recevra automatiquement les informations suivantes : système d’exploitation de l’appareil de l’Utilisateur, version et ID du navigateur, statistiques des fonctions du Programme, données de localisation de l’appareil et toute autre information technique.

6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence

6.1. Le Programme est fourni en l’état. Le Titulaire des droits ne donne aucune garantie du fonctionnement sans erreur et sans problème du Programme ou de ses certains composants et/ou fonctions, de la conformité du Programme aux objectifs et attentes spécifiques de l’Utilisateur, et ne donne aucune autre garantie qui n’est pas expressément indiquée dans cette Licence.

6.2. Le Titulaire des droits ne pourra pas être tenu responsable des conséquences directes ou indirectes de toute utilisation ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et/ou de tout dommage infligé à l’Utilisateur et/ou à des tiers à la suite de toute utilisation, défaillance ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme ou certains de ses composants et/ou fonctions, entre autres, en raison d’éventuelles erreurs ou échecs dans le fonctionnement du Programme, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la loi.

6.3. Toutes les questions et réclamations liées à l’utilisation du Programme / à l’impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et à un éventuel non-respect des lois et/ou des droits de tiers par le Programme doivent être transmises via le formulaire de commentaires.

7. Mises à jour / Nouvelles versions du Programme

7.1. Cette Licence couvre toutes les futures mises à jour / nouvelles versions du Programme. Lorsque l’Utilisateur accepte d’installer une mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme, il accepte les termes et conditions de cette Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions respectives du Programme, s’il n’existe pas d’autre accord de licence pour la mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme.

8. Modifications de cette Licence

8.1. Le présent Accord de licence peut être modifié unilatéralement par le Titulaire des droits. Les avis des Utilisateurs concernant les modifications apportées à cette Licence seront publiés sur: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. Lesdites modifications des termes et conditions de la Licence entreront en vigueur une fois publiées, sauf indication contraire dans la publication concernée.

9. Coordonnées du Titulaire des droits


Numéro d'enregistrement 23B1282133-00/16

Entreprise unipersonnelle à responsabilité limité

Rue Selman Amirate №21 section 03 Ilot № 88 RDC El Mouradia

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 21.12.2023

Version précédente du document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/04092023

Version précédente du document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/28092022

Acordo de Licença do Yango Pro para Dispositivos Móveis


Antes de usar o programa, por favor, leia os termos e condições do acordo de licença abaixo.

Qualquer uso do programa significa que aceita total e incondicionalmente os termos e condições do presente acordo de licença.

Se não aceitar o acordo de licença na íntegra, não poderá usar o programa para qualquer efeito.


1. Disposições Gerais

1.1. Este Acordo de Licença (a "Licença") define os termos de uso do Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taximeter") para dispositivos móveis (o "Programa") e é celebrado entre qualquer pessoa que use o Programa (o "Utilizador") e RIDETECH – TRANSPORTES E TECNOLOGIAS, LDA, sendo um órgão autorizado a conceder os direitos de uso do Programa (o "Titular dos Direitos").

1.2. Ao copiar o Programa, instalá-lo no seu dispositivo móvel ou utilizar o Programa de qualquer forma, o Utilizador expressa o seu consentimento total e incondicional de todos os termos e condições da presente Licença.

1.3. O Programa só pode ser usado sob os termos e condições da presente Licença. Se o Utilizador não aceitar integralmente os termos e condições da Licença, o Utilizador não poderá usar o Programa para qualquer efeito. É proibido usar o Programa em violação (não cumprimento) de qualquer um dos termos e condições da Licença.

1.4. O Utilizador pode usar o Programa sob os termos e condições da presente Licença para efeitos pessoais não comerciais sem custo. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos por esta Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

1.5. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos pela presente Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

Termos de Uso do Serviço Cartão Pró-Usuário disponíveis online em: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Política de Privacidade disponível online em: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

O Titular dos Direitos pode alterar unilateralmente os referidos documentos (inter alia, quaisquer partes dos mesmos) sem aviso especial. As novas versões dos documentos entrarão em vigor uma vez publicadas, salvo estipulação em contrário.

1.6. O Titular dos Direitos e o Utilizador acordaram que, no que diz respeito ao Programa, considerariam mutuamente os documentos electrónicos assinados com uma assinatura electrónica básica idênticos aos documentos em papel assinados com uma assinatura manuscrita.

1.6.1. O Programa é, entre outros, um sistema de informação operado pelo Titular dos Direitos.

1.6.2. Para assinar um documento electrónico com assinatura electrónica conforme e quando estipulado por determinadas funções do Programa, o Utilizador usará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos ou combinados que o Titular dos Direitos gerou e o Utilizador recebeu como mensagem para o número de telefone que o Utilizador especificou no Programa. Esses códigos representam a chave de assinatura electrónica.

1.6.3. O Utilizador deve respeitar a confidencialidade dos códigos (chaves de assinatura electrónica) que recebeu.

1.6.4. O Utilizador inserirá um respectivo código num formulário especial no Programa. As Partes reconhecem que todos os documentos electrónicos que o Utilizador gerar, usar e enviar ao Titular dos Direitos através de funções do programa numa sessão (o período de validade de um respectivo código) serão assinados com a assinatura electrónica do Utilizador.

1.6.5. O Utilizador garante que os seus dados pessoais especificados no Programa são correctos. Com base nesses dados, o Utilizador determinará se um documento electrónico assinado com uma assinatura electrónica conforme especificado acima é assinado pelo Utilizador.

1.7. Quando o Utilizador for um representante do Parceiro do Titular dos Direitos, as disposições das cl. 1.6.1 a 1.6.5 da presente Licença serão aplicáveis ​​na medida em que não entrem em conflito com acordos e contratos entre o Titular dos Direitos e tal parceiro do Titular dos Direitos.

1.8. O Utilizador autorizará o Titular dos Direitos a usar a informação que forneceu no Programa, incluindo as informações no base de dados do Titular dos Direitos e o uso posterior de tal base de dados por qualquer meio.

1.9. A presente Licença e todas as relações associadas ao uso do Programa estarão sujeitas às leis de Angola, e quaisquer reclamações ou acções decorrentes ou relacionadas com esta Licença ou ao uso do Programa deverão ser submetidas e analisadas por tribunais no local do Titular dos Direitos.

1.10. O Titular dos Direitos pode enviar mensagens informativas aos Utilizadores. Ao utilizar o Programa, o Utilizador também dá o seu consentimento para receber mensagens publicitárias e informativas. O Utilizador pode cancelar a assinatura de mensagens publicitárias consultando o help desk ou seguindo as instruções especificadas numa mensagem publicitária recebida.

1.11. Dependendo da região do Utilizador, qualquer ou todas as funções do Programa podem ser consideradas inacessíveis ou limitadas. As funções são consideradas inacessíveis (limitadas) ao Utilizador de uma determinada região, se tal Utilizador não puder usá-las explicitamente. É proibido aplicar quaisquer métodos técnicos e software para contornar essas limitações. As disposições dos presentes Termos e os documentos especificados na cl. 1.5 que rege as funções inacessíveis (limitadas) do Programa não se aplicarão até que tais funções se tornem explicitamente acessíveis ao Utilizador. O Utilizador receberá informação sobre a acessibilidade das funções do programa numa determinada região mediante solicitação enviada ao Titular dos Direitos.


2. Direitos ao Programa

2.1. O direito exclusivo ao Programa é exercido pelo Titular dos Direitos.


3. Licença

3.1. O Titular dos Direitos deverá, gratuitamente e sob uma licença ordinária (não exclusiva), conceder ao Utilizador o direito intransferível de usar o Programa em todos os países do mundo das seguintes formas:

3.1.1. Para usar o Programa conforme pretendido, portanto, copiá-lo e instalá-lo (reproduzir) no(s) dispositivo(s) móvel(is) do Utilizador. O Utilizador pode instalar o Programa num número ilimitado de dispositivos móveis. Quando instalado em dispositivos móveis, cada cópia do Programa recebe um número individual comunicado automaticamente ao Titular dos Direitos.

3.1.2. Para reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins não comerciais (gratuitamente).


4. Limitações

4.1. Excepto quando utilizado no âmbito e nas formas expressamente estipuladas pela Licença ou pelas leis aplicáveis, o Utilizador não poderá modificar, descompilar, desmontar, decodificar e realizar quaisquer outras acções com o código objecto do Programa destinadas a obter informação sobre a implementação de algoritmos usados ​​no Programa, criar trabalhos derivados usando o Programa e, de outra forma, usar (permitir usar) o Programa, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.2. O Utilizador não pode reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins comerciais (inter alia, por uma taxa), entre outros, como parte de colecções de produtos de software, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.3 O Utilizador não pode distribuir o Programa de qualquer outra forma que não a recebida, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.4. O Programa deve ser usado (inter alia, distribuído) sob o nome: Yango Pro. O Utilizador não pode alterar o nome do Programa, alterar e/ou excluir o aviso de direitos de autores ou outras referências ao Titular dos Direitos.


5. Termos de Uso de Determinadas Funções do Programa

5.1. Algumas funções do Programa só podem ser executadas com acesso à Internet. O Utilizador obterá e pagará independentemente por tal acesso nos termos e de acordo com as tarifas do seu fornecedor de telecomunicações ou Internet.

5.2. Algumas funções do Programa estarão disponíveis apenas para o Utilizador que celebrou um acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos ou um órgão que forneça acesso a tais funções do Programa.

5.3. Quando o Programa, inter alia, as suas determinadas funções, descritas e regidas pelos Termos de Uso do Gerador de Cartão de Motorista (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), forem usadas, o Utilizador permitirá que o Titular dos Direitos processe as informações pessoais do Utilizador de acordo com a definição deste termo na Política de Privacidade (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) para garantir que as funções do Programa estejam disponíveis, para transferir as informações pessoais do Utilizador para os parceiros do Titular dos Direitos para que estes processem posteriormente tais informações e certificarem-se de que as funções do Programa estarão disponíveis, e para os fins especificados nos Termos de Uso do Gerador de Cartão de Motorista, bem como obter informações pessoais do Utilizador de terceiros para os mesmos efeitos.

O Titular dos Direitos apenas transferirá e/ou receberá as informações pessoais do Utilizador necessárias para os referidos efeitos. O Titular dos Direitos processará as informações pessoais do Utilizador e outras informações que o Utilizador descarregará e fornecerá através do Programa de acordo com a Política de Privacidade (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

As disposições da presente cláusula relacionadas com processamento das informações pessoais e outras do Utilizador pelo Titular dos Direitos serão aplicadas aos materiais e informações que o Utilizador recebeu ao usar o Serviço e as suas funções.

A permissão mencionada na presente cláusula será aplicada às informações que o Utilizador especificar no Programa e o Titular dos Direitos receberá de terceiros, entre outros, o apelido, nome, patronímico, endereço; o número do documento de identidade principal e a carta de condução; o certificado de matrícula do veículo, informação sobre quando (incluindo a data de validade) e por que organismo os referidos documentos foram emitidos; informações necessárias para evitar fraudes em relação ao Titular dos Direitos e à forma como o Programa será usado, incluindo fotos, informações sobre o direito de conduzir um veículo para transportar passageiros e bagagem em táxi de passageiros, informações sobre infracções relacionadas com o trânsito e outras violações de leis (incluindo processos de execução/atrasos disponíveis em registos públicos). O Titular dos Direitos pode processar essas informações pessoais com ou sem ferramentas de automatização e por qualquer meio, entre outros, recolher, registar, sistematizar, acumular, armazenar, esclarecer (actualizar, modificar), extrair, usar, transferir (fornecer, aceder), despersonalizar, bloquear, excluir e destruir.

Sempre que as leis aplicáveis ​​assim determinarem, a permissão do Utilizador mencionada na presente cláusula será considerada concedida por escrito, assinada com a assinatura electrónica do Utilizador de acordo com o previsto nas cláusulas 1.6 a 1.6.5 da presente Licença com os detalhes necessários que o Utilizador especificou como estipulado em tal forma de permissão. Tal permissão será válida enquanto for necessário fornecer ao Utilizador as funções do Programa e durante os 3 (três) anos seguintes, a menos que as leis aplicáveis ​​estipulem qualquer outro período (mais curto ou mais longo).

5.4. O Utilizador, pelo presente instrumento é notificado, compreende e acorda que, quando o Programa for usado para fornecer ao Utilizador funções do Programa, o Titular dos Direitos receberá automaticamente as seguintes informações: sistema operacional do dispositivo do Utilizador, versão e ID do navegador, estatísticas das funções do Programa, dados de localização do dispositivo e qualquer outra informação técnica.


6. Responsabilidade de acordo com a Licença

6.1. O Programa é fornecido como está. O Titular dos Direitos não oferece garantias de operação sem erros e problemas do Programa ou dos seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, adequação do Programa a objectivos e expectativas específicas do Utilizador, e não fornece outras garantias, que não estejam expressamente declaradas na presente Licença.

6.2. O Titular dos Direitos não será responsabilizado por quaisquer consequências directas ou indirectas de qualquer uso ou incapacidade de usar o Programa e/ou qualquer dano infligido ao Utilizador e/ou terceiros como resultado de qualquer uso, falha ou incapacidade de usar o Programa ou os seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, entre outros, devido a possíveis erros ou falhas na operação do Programa, salvo expressa estipulação em contrário na lei.

6.3. Todas as dúvidas e reclamações relacionadas com o uso/impossibilidade de uso do Programa e possível descumprimento de leis e/ou direitos de terceiros pelo Programa deverão ser encaminhadas através do formulário de feedback.


7. Actualizações/Novas Versões do Programa

7.1. Esta Licença abrange todas as actualizações/novas versões futuras do Programa. Quando o Utilizador acorda em instalar uma actualização/nova versão do Programa, aceita os termos e condições da presente Licença para as respectivas actualizações/novas versões do Programa, caso não exista outro acordo de licença para a actualização/nova versão do programa.


8. Alterações à presente Licença

8.1. Este Acordo de Licença pode ser alterado unilateralmente pelo Titular dos Direitos. Os avisos ao utilizador sobre as alterações realizadas à presente Licença serão publicados em: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. As mencionadas alterações aos termos e condições da Licença entrarão em vigor uma vez publicadas, a menos que especificado de outra forma na respectiva publicação.


9. Dados do Titular dos Direitos


Sociedade por quotas com sede social em Angola, Luanda, Município de Luanda, Bairro Morro Bento, Ediffcio Vany, n° 59, Avenida 21 de Janeiro.

Data de publicação: 30.09.2024

Data de entrada em vigor: 01.10.2024

Versão anterior do documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/31082023

Versão anterior do documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Versão anterior do documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/12042022

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RIDETECH AZERBAIJAN LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

Terms of Use of the Pro-User Card Service available online at: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The User confirms that he has been duly notified when uploading, understands and agrees that if the User uploads User's photo in the User profile in the Program, such a photo will be available for viewing to users of the Yango Service (https://yango.com/legal/yango_termsofuse ) as described in the Privacy Notice of the Program (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice). The User understands that in some cases, some functions of the Program may not be available to the User if the User has not uploaded the User's photo referred to in this paragraph.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.



Company incorporated under the laws of Azerbaijan, registration number 2003320301

Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku city, Khatai district, 55 Khojaly, AZ1025

Date of publication: 25.11.2024

Date of entering into force: 25.11.2024

Previous version: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/01122023

Previous version: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/21092023

Mobil Vasitələr üçün Yango Pro üzrə Lisenziya Müqaviləsi


Bu proqramı oxumazdan əvvəl aşağıda verilmiş lisenziya müqaviləsinin şərt və müddəalarını oxuyun.

Proqramdan hər hansı istifadə sizin bu lisenziya müqaviləsinin şərt və müddəalarını tam və qeyd-şərtsiz qəbul etdiyinizi bildirir.

Lisenziya müqaviləsini tamlığı ilə qəbul etməmisinizsə, bu proqramdan heç bir məqsəd üçün istifadə edə bilməzsiniz.


1. Ümumi Müddəalar

1.1. Bu Lisenziya Müqaviləsi (“Lisenziya”) mobil vasitələr (“Proqram”) üçün Yanqo Pro-dan (əvvəl “Taksimetr”) istifadə şərtlərini müəyyən edir Proqramdan istifadə edən istənilən şəxslə (“İstifadəçi”) Proqramdan istifadə hüquqlarını vermək səlahiyyətinə malik (“Hüquq sahibi”) RIDETECH AZƏRBAYCAN MMC arasında bağlanır.

1.2. Proqramın surətini çıxarmaqla, onun mobil vasitəsinə quraşdırmaqla və ya hər hansı cür Proqramdan istifadə etməklə, İstifadəçi bu Lisenziyanın bütün şərt və müddəalarına özünün tam və qeyd-şərtsiz razılığını ifadə edir.

1.3. Proqramı yalnız bu Lisenziya şərt və müddəalarına uyğun istifadə etmək olar. İstifadəçi Lisenziyanın şərt və müddəalarını tamlığı ilə qəbul etməzsə, Proqramdan hər hansı məqsəd üçün istifadə edə bilməz. Proqramdan Lisenziyanın şərt və müddəalarından hər hansı birini pozmaqla (yerinə yetirməməklə) istifadə etmək qadağandır.

1.4. İstifadəçi bu Proqramı Lisenziya şərt və müddəalarına əsasən şəxsi qeyri-kommersiya məqsədləri üçün təmənnasız istifadə edə bilər. Proqramdan bu Lisenziyada nəzərdə tutulmamış şərt və üsullarla yalnız Hüquq sahibi ilə xüsusi müqavilə əsasında istifadə etmək mümkündür.

1.5. Proqramdan bu Lisenziyada olmayan şərt və üsullarla yalnız Hüquq sahibi ilə xüsusi müqavilə əsasında istifadə etmək mümkündür.

Pro İstifadəçi Kartı Xidmətindən istifadə şərtləri: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv

Hüquq sahibi xüsusi bildiriş etmədən qeyd edilən sənədlərə birtərəfli qaydada düzəliş edə bilər (digər məsələlərlə yanaşı, onun hissələri). Bilavasitə başqa cür nəzərdə tutulmayıbsa, sənədlərin yeni versiyaları dərc edilən kimi qüvvəyə minir.

1.6. Hüquq sahibi və İstifadəçi bununla razılıq verir ki, Proqrama gəldikdə, qarşılıqlı surətdə əsas elektron imzası ilə imzalanmış elektron sənədləri əl imzası ilə imzalanmış kağız sənədlərə bərabər tutacaqlarını qəbul edirlər.

1.6.1. Bu proqram digər məsələlərlə yanaşı, Hüquq sahibinin istifadə etdiyi məlumat sistemidir.

1.6.2. Proqramın müəyyən funksiyalarında nəzərdə tutulduğu kimi, elektron sənədi elektron imza ilə imzalamaq üçün İstifadəçi Hüquq sahibinin verdiyi və İstifadəçinin Proqramda müəyyən etdiyi telefon nömrəsinə ismarıc kimi göndərilən ədədi, hərfi, rəmzi və ya birgə kodlardan istifadə edir. Bu cür kodlar elektron imza açarını ifadə edir.

1.6.3. İstifadəçi qəbul etdiyi kodların məxfiliyinə (elektron imza açarları) hörmət edir.

1.6.4. İstifadəçi müvafiq kodu Proqramdakı xüsusi formaya daxil edir. Tərəflər qəbul edir ki, İstifadəçinin yaratdığı, istifadə etdiyi və sessiyadakı proqram funksiyaları vasitəsilə Hüquq sahibinə göndərdiyi bütün elektron sənədlər ( müvafiq kodun etibarlılıq müddəti) İstifadəçinin elektron imzası ilə imzalanacaq.

1.6.5. İstifadəçi Proqramda verilmiş şəxsi məlumatların etibarlı olduğuna zəmanət verir. Bu məlumatlara əsasən İstifadəçi yuxarıda verildiyi kimi elektron imza ilə imzalanmış sənədin İstifadəçi tərəfindən imzalanıb-imzalanmadığını müəyyən edir.

1.7. İstifadəçi Hüquq sahibinin Tərəfdaşının nümayəndəsi olduqda, bu Lisenziya Müqaviləsinin 1.6.1-1.6.5 Maddələrinin müddəaları Hüquq sahibi ilə Hüquq sahibinin bu cür tərəfdaşı arasında bağlanmış saziş və müqavilələrə zidd olmadığı səviyyədə tətbiq edilir.

1.8. İstifadəçi bu cür məlumatları Hüquq sahibinin məlumatlar bazasına daxil edərək və istənilən vasitələrlə həmin bazadan istifadə edərək Hüquq sahibinə Proqramda təqdim etdiyi məlumatlardan istifadə etmək səlahiyyəti verir.

1.9. Bu Lisenziya və Proqramdan istifadə ilə bağlı bütün münasibətlər BƏƏ qanunları ilə tənzimlənir, həmçinin bu Lisenziya və ya Proqramdan istifadə ilə əlaqədar yaranan və ya onlardan irəli gələn istənilən iddia və ya tələblər Hüquq sahibinin olduğu ölkənin məhkəmələrinə təqdim olunur və orada baxılır.

1.10. Hüquq sahibi məlumat mesajlarını İstifadəçilərə göndərə bilər. Bu Proqramdan istifadə edərkən İstifadəçi həmçinin reklam və informasiya xarakterli ismarıclara da öz razılığını verir. İstifadəçi yardım masasına müraciət edərək və ya alınmış reklam ismarıcında verilmiş aşağıdakı təlimatlara əməl edərək reklam ismarıclarından çıxa bilər.

1.11. İstifadəçinin yerləşdiyi bölgədən asılı olaraq, Proqramın funksiyalarından istənilən biri və ya hamısının əlçatan olmaması və ya məhdud olması mümkündür. Funksiyalar hər hansı bölgədən İstifadəçi üçün yalnız o halda əlçatmaz (məhdud) sayılır ki, İstifadəçi onlardan dəqiq istifadə etmək imkanında olmasın. Belə məhdudiyyətlərdən qacınmaq üçün texniki və proqram təminatı əsaslı metodları tətbiq etmək qadağandır. Bu Şərtlərin müddəaları və Proqramın əlçatmaz olan (məhdud) funksiyalarını tənzimləyən 1.5 bəndində verilmiş sənədlər bu cür funksiyalar İstifadəçi üçün tam əlçatan olana qədər tətbiq edilir. İstifadəçi Hüquq sahibinə xahiş ünvanladıqdan sonra müəyyən bölgədə proqram funksiyalarının əlçatanlığına dair məlumat verilir.


2. Proqrama olan Hüquqlar

2.1. Proqrama olan müstəsna hüquqlar Hüquq sahibinə məxsusdur.


3. Lisenziya

3.1.Hüquq sahibi təmənnasız olaraq və adi (qeyri-müstəsna) lisenziya vasitəsilə İstifadəçiyə Proqramdan dünyanın bütün ölkələrində aşağıdakı kimi istifadə edə bilmək üçün ötürülə bilməyən istifadə hüququ verir:

3.1.1. Proqramdan nəzərdə tutulduğu kimi istifadə etmək, onun surətini çıxararaq İstifadəçinin mobil vasitəsinə (vasitələri) quraşdırmaq (təkrar buraxmaq). İstifadəçi Proqramı qeyri-məhdud sayda mobil vasitələrə quraşdıra bilər. Mobil vasitələrə quraşdırılanda Proqramın hər bir nüsxəsinə Hüquq sahibinə avtomatik bildirilən xüsusi nömrə verilir.

3.1.2. Proqramın qeyri-kommersiya məqsədləri üçün yenidən buraxılması və yayımlanması (təmənnasız).


4. Məhdudiyyətlər

4.1. Bu Lisenziya və ya tətbiq olunan qanunlarda bilavasitə nəzərdə tutulduğu həcm və qaydada istifadə edilməzsə, İstifadəçi Proqramda istifadə edilən alqoritmlərin icrasına dair məlumatlar əldə etmək, Proqramdan istifadə edən yaradıcı törəmə işlər yaratmaq və ya Hüquq sahibinin yazılı razılığı olmadan Proqramdan istifadə etmək (istifadəsi icazə vermək) məqsədi daşıyan Proqramın obyektinin koduna dəyişiklik edə, sökə, kodunu aça və digər hərəkətləri icra edə bilməz.

4.2. Hüquq sahibinin ilkin yazılı razılığı olmadan İstifadəçi proqram təminatı məhsulu toplamalarının tərkib hissəsi kimi Proqramı kommersiya məqsədilə yenidən buraxa və ya yayımlaya bilməz (digər məsələlərlə yanaşı ödəniş qarşılığında).

4.3 Hüquq sahibinin ilkin yazılı razılığı olmadan İstifadəçi Proqramı alındığı formadan başqa formada yayımlaya bilməz.

4.4. Proqram Yango Pro adı altında istifadə olunmalıdır (və yayımlanmalıdır). İstifadəçi Proqramın adına dəyişiklik edə, müəllif hüququna dair bildiriş və ya Hüquq sahibinə digər istinadları dəyişdirə və / ya silə bilməz.


5. Proqramın Müəyyən Funksiyalarından İstifadə Şərtləri

5.1. Proqramın bəzi funksiyaları yalnız İnternetə çıxışla icra oluna bilər. İstifadəçi bu cür çıxışı öz telekom və ya İnternet provayderinin şərtləri və tariflərinə əsasən təmin edir.

5.2. Proqramın bəzi funksiyaları Hüquq sahibi və ya Proqramın bəzi funksiyalarına çıxış verən başqa qurumla xüsusi razılaşma bağlamış İstifadəçi üçün təmin edilir.

5.3. Proqram və onun Drayver Kard İstehsalçısının İstifadə Şərtlərində təsvir edilən və tənzimlənən digər bəzi funksiyalarından (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv) istifadə ediləndə İstifadəçi Proqramın funksiyalarının təminatı, həmin məlumatları əlavə emal etmələri üçün İstifadəçinin şəxsi məlumatlarının Hüquq sahibinin tərəfdaşlarına ötürülməsi, Proqramın funksiyalarının təqdim edilməsi, Drayv Kard İstehsalçısının Şərtlərində nəzərdə tutulmuş məqsədlər və eyni məqsədlərlə İstifadəçinin şəxsi məlumatlarının üçüncü tərəflərdən alınması məqsədilə şəxsi məlumatlardan bu terminin Məxfilik siyasətində nəzərdə tutulduğu kimi emalına icazə verir (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

Hüquq sahibi yalnız İstifadəçinin eyni məqsəd üçün zəruri olan məlumatlarını ötürür və qəbul edir. Hüquq sahibi İstifadəçinin yükləyəcəyi və Məxfilik Siyasəti vasitəsilə Proqramdan təqdim edəcəyi şəxsi məlumatlar və digər məlumatlarını emal edir (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

İstifadəçinin şəxsi və digər məlumatlarının Hüquq sahibi tərəfindən emalına aid bənd müddəaları İstifadəçinin Xidmət və onun funksiyalarından istifadə edərkən aldığı material və məlumatlara tətbiq edilir.

Bu bənddə istinad edilən icazə İstifadəçinin Proqramda təsbit etdiyi məlumata şamil olunur və Hüquq sahibi üçüncü tərəflərdən ad, soyad, atasının adı, ünvanı, əsas kimlik sənədinin nömrəsi, sürücülük vəsiqəsinin nömrəsi, avtomobil qeydiyyat şəhadətnaməsi, qeyd edilən sənədlərin kim tərəfindən nə zaman verilməsi (bitmə tarixi də daxil olmaqla), Hüquq sahibi ilə əlaqədar fırıldaqçılığın qarşısının alınması, Proqramdan istifadə qaydası, o cümlədən fotoşəkillər, sərnişinlərin daşınması üçün sürücülük hüququ, sərnişin taksi baqajı, nəqliyyatla bağlı pozuntular, qanunların digər sahələrinə (dövlət reyestrlərində mövcud olan girov / icra prosedurları da daxil olmaqla) aid məlumatları əldə edir. Hüquq sahibi bu cür şəxsi məlumatları avtomatlaşdırma alətləri ilə və ya onlarsız, istənilən yolla toplayaraq, yazaraq, sistemləşdirərək, saxlayaraq, aydınlıq gətirərək (yeniləyərək, dəyişdirərək), çıxarış edərək, istifadə edərək, ötürərək (təqdim edərək, çıxışı təmin edərək), ümumiləşdirərək, bloklayaraq, silərək və məhv edərək emal edə bilər.

Mövcud qanunlar nəzərdə tutduqda, İstifadəçinin bu bənddə qeyd olunan icazəsi yazılı şəkildə, bu Lisenziyanın 1.6 - 1.6.5-ci bəndlərinə uyğun olaraq İstifadəçinin elektron imzası ilə imzalanmış, İstifadəçinin qeyd etdiyi zəruri detallarla birlikdə verilmiş hesab ediləcəkdir. Belə icazə, İstifadəçiyə Proqramın funksiyalarını təqdim etmək zərurəti yarandıqda və tətbiq olunan qanunlarda başqa (daha qısa və ya daha uzun) müddət nəzərdə tutulmadıqda, 3 (üç) il ərzində etibarlı olacaq.

5.4. İstifadəçi bununla xəbərdar edilir, başa düşür və razılaşır ki, Proqram İstifadəçini Proqramın funksiyaları ilə təmin etmək üçün istifadə edildikdə, Hüquq Sahibi avtomatik olaraq aşağıdakı məlumatları alacaq: İstifadəçinin cihazının əməliyyat sistemi, brauzer versiyası və ID-si, Proqram funksiyalarının statistikası, cihazın yeri məlumatları və hər hansı digər texniki məlumat.

5.5. İstifadəçi yükləyərkən ona lazımi qaydada məlumat verildiyini təsdiq edir, anlayır və razılaşır ki, İstifadəçi özünün fotoşəklini Proqramdakı İstifadəçi profilinə yükləsə, belə bir şəkil Yango Xidmətinin istifadəçiləri üçün (https://yango.com/legal/yango_termsofuse) baxa bilər. Proqramın Məxfilik Bildirişində təsvir edildiyi kimi (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) görünür. İstifadəçi başa düşür ki, bəzi hallarda, İstifadəçi bu paraqrafda qeyd olunan İstifadəçinin şəklini yükləməyibsə, Proqramın bəzi funksiyaları İstifadəçi üçün əlçatan olmaya bilər..


6. Lisenziya üzrə Öhdəlik

6.1. Proqram olduğu kimi təqdim olunur. Hüquq sahibi Proqram, onun bəzi komponent və ya funksiyalarının qüsursuz və problemsiz işi, Proqramın İstifadəçinin xüsusi məqsəd və gözləntilərinə uyğunluğuna heç bir zəmanət vermir və bu Lisenziyada bilavasitə bildirilməmiş başqa təminatlar vermir.

6.2. Hüquq sahibi Proqramdan istifadə və ya istifadə edə bilməmək. İstifadəçi və/ya üçüncü tərəflərə qanunlarda bilavasitə nəzərdə tutulmuş hallar istisna olmaqla, Proqramın işindəki qüsur və ya xətalar səbəbindən Proqram, onun müəyyən komponent və ya funksiyalarından istifadə yaxud da istifadə edə bilməməyin nəticəsində dəymiş zərərin birbaşa və ya dolayı nəticələrinə görə cavabdehlik daşımır.

6.3. Proqramdan istifadə / istifadə edə bilməməklə bağlı bütün sual və tələblər və Proqramın qanunlar və ya üçüncü tərəf hüquqlarını potensial nəzərə almaması məsələsi rəy forması vasitəsilə göndərilir.


7. Proqramın Yenilənmələri / Yeni Versiyaları

7.1. Bu Lisenziya Proqramın bütün gələcək yeniləmələrini/yeni versiyalarını əhatə edir. İstifadəçi Proqramın yeniləməsini/yeni versiyasını quraşdırmağa razılaşdıqda, proqramın yenilənməsi/yeni versiyası üçün başqa lisenziya müqaviləsi olmadıqda, Proqramın müvafiq yeniləmələri/yeni versiyaları üçün bu Lisenziyanın şərtlərini qəbul edir.


8. Lisenziyaya Düzəlişlər

8.1. Hüquq sahibi bu Lisenziya Müqaviləsinə birtərəfli qaydada düzəliş edə bilər. İstifadəçinin bu Lisenziyaya düzəliş bildirişləri at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement İnternet səhifəsində yerləşdirilir. Lisenziyanın şərt və müddəalarına qeyd edilən düzəlişlər müvafiq buraxılışda başqa cür bildirilmədiyi təqdirdə buraxılan kimi qüvvəyə minir.


9. RIDETECH AZƏRBAYCAN MMC-nin rekvizitləri

Azərbaycan Respublikasının qanunlarına uyğun olaraq təsis edilmiş AZ1025, Bakı şəhəri, Xətai rayonu, Xocalı, ev 55 ünvanında yerləşən, 2003320301 qeydiyyat nömrəli şirkət

e-poçt: support@yango.com

Dərc olunma tarixi: 25.11.2024

Qüvvəyə minmə tarixi: 25.11.2024

Əvvəlki versiya: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/01122023

Əvvəlki versiya: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/21092023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and the following Rideholders, being authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder):

  • in respect of the platform for rides - RIDETECH BOL S.R.L.;
  • in respect of the platform for delivery - Yango Delivery FZ-LLC;
  • in respect of Sell &Buy - RideTechnology Global FZ LLC.

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the UAE, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Governing law and dispute resolution.

9.1. The license agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connectUnless the mandatory applicable law provisions prescribe otherwise, the license agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

9.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this license agreement, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.


10. Details of the Rightholders


Limited Liability Company

Tax ID 469172024

Calle Tropical, Edificio: Torres Alas 2, Piso: PB, Officina: 3, NRO: S/N, Barrio: Sirari UV0058 MZA 0026, A Media Cuadras Del 4TO Anillo Frente de Tropical Tour Al Lado Del Coe, Santa Cruz, Bolivia


RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE


Yango Delivery FZ-LLC

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

101-Sub 1, First floor, Bld. 4, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 01.12.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/14052024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/24082023

Acuerdo de Licencia de Yango Pro para Dispositivos Móviles


Antes de usar el programa, lea los términos y condiciones del acuerdo de licencia a continuación. Cualquier uso del programa significa que usted acepta total e incondicionalmente los términos y condiciones de este acuerdo de licencia. Si no acepta el acuerdo de licencia en su totalidad, no podrá utilizar el programa para ningún fin.


1. Disposiciones Generales

1.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia (la "Licencia") establece los términos de uso de Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taxímetro") para dispositivos móviles (el "Programa") y se celebra entre cualquier persona que utilice el Programa (el "Usuario") y los siguientes Titulares de los viajes, que están autorizados a otorgar los derechos de uso del Programa (en adelante, el Titular de los Derechos):

  • con respecto a la plataforma de viajes: RIDETECH BOL S.R.L.;
  • con respecto a la plataforma de entrega: Yango Delivery FZ-LLC;
  • con respecto a la venta y compra: RideTechnology Global FZ LLC.

1.2. Al copiar el Programa, instalarlo en su dispositivo móvil o utilizar el Programa de cualquier forma, el Usuario expresa su consentimiento total e incondicional a todos los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia.

1.3. Solo se permite utilizar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia. Si el Usuario no acepta los términos y condiciones de la Licencia en su totalidad, el Usuario no podrá utilizar el Programa para ningún fin. Está prohibido usar el Programa en violación de (no cumplir) cualquiera de los términos y condiciones de la Licencia.

1.4. El Usuario puede usar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para fines personales no comerciales sin costo alguno. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

1.5. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

Los Términos de Uso del Servicio de Tarjeta Pro-Usuario disponible en línea en: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv;

Política de Privacidad disponible en línea en https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

El Titular de los Derechos puede modificar dichos documentos (entre otros, cualquier parte de los mismos) unilateralmente sin previo aviso. Las nuevas versiones de los documentos entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, salvo que se estipule lo contrario.

1.6. El Titular de los Derechos y el Usuario han acordado que, en lo que respecta al Programa, considerarán mutuamente los documentos electrónicos firmados con una firma electrónica básica idénticos a los documentos en papel firmados con una firma manuscrita.

1.6.1. El Programa es, entre otras cosas, un sistema de información operado por el Titular de los Derechos.

1.6.2. Para firmar un documento electrónico con una firma electrónica como y cuando lo estipulen ciertas funciones del Programa, el Usuario utilizará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos o combinados que el Titular de los Derechos generó y el Usuario recibió como mensaje al número de teléfono del Usuario especificado en el Programa. Dichos códigos representan la clave de firma electrónica.

1.6.3. El Usuario deberá respetar la confidencialidad de los códigos (claves de firma electrónica) que ha recibido.

1.6.4. El Usuario ingresará un código respectivo en un formulario especial en el Programa. Las Partes reconocen que todos los documentos electrónicos que el Usuario generará, usará y enviará al Titular de los Derechos a través de las funciones del programa en una sesión (el período de validez de un código respectivo) estarán firmados con la firma electrónica del Usuario.

1.6.5. El Usuario garantiza que sus datos personales especificados en el Programa son confiables. Sobre la base de estos datos, el Usuario determinará si un documento electrónico firmado con una firma electrónica, como se especifica anteriormente, está firmado por el Usuario.

1.7. Cuando el Usuario es un representante del Socio del Titular de los Derechos, lo dispuesto en las cláusulas 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 de esta Licencia se aplicarán en la medida en que no entren en conflicto con los acuerdos y contratos entre el Titular de los Derechos y dicho socio del Titular de los Derechos.

1.8. El Usuario autorizará al Titular de los Derechos a utilizar la información que proporcionó en el Programa mediante la inclusión de dicha información en la base de datos del Titular de los Derechos y el uso posterior de dicha base de datos por cualquier medio.

1.9. Esta Licencia y todas las relaciones asociadas con el uso del Programa estarán sujetas a las leyes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y cualquier reclamo o acción que surja de o en relación con esta Licencia o el uso del Programa se someterá y revisará ante los tribunales en la ubicación del Titular de los Derechos.

1.10. El Titular de los Derechos podrá enviar mensajes informativos a los Usuarios. Al utilizar el Programa, el Usuario también da su consentimiento para recibir mensajes publicitarios e informativos. El Usuario puede darse de baja de los mensajes publicitarios dirigiéndose al servicio de asistencia o siguiendo las instrucciones especificadas en un mensaje publicitario recibido.

1.11. Dependiendo de la región del Usuario, algunas o todas las funciones del Programa pueden ser inaccesibles o limitadas. Las funciones se consideran inaccesibles (limitadas) para el Usuario de una determinada región si dicho Usuario no puede usarlas explícitamente. Está prohibido aplicar cualquier método técnico y basado en software para eludir estas limitaciones. Las disposiciones de estos Términos y los documentos especificados en la cláusula 1.5 que rigen las funciones inaccesibles (limitadas) del Programa no se aplicarán hasta que dichas funciones sean explícitamente accesibles para el Usuario. Al Usuario se le proporcionará información sobre la accesibilidad de las funciones del programa en una determinada región previa solicitud enviada al Titular de los Derechos.


2. Derechos al Programa

2.1. El derecho exclusivo al Programa se otorga al Titular de los Derechos.


3. Licencia

3.1. El Titular de los Derechos deberá, de forma gratuita y bajo una licencia ordinaria (no exclusiva), otorgar el derecho intransferible de usar el Programa en todos los países del mundo al Usuario de las siguientes maneras:

3.1.1. Para usar el Programa según lo previsto, por lo tanto, para copiarlo e instalarlo (reproducirlo) en el/los dispositivo/s móvil/es del Usuario. El Usuario puede instalar el Programa en un número ilimitado de dispositivos móviles. Cuando se instala en dispositivos móviles, a cada copia del Programa se le asigna un número individual informado automáticamente al Titular de los Derechos.

3.1.2. Para reproducir y distribuir el Programa con fines no comerciales (sin cargo).


4. Limitaciones

4.1. Excepto cuando se use en el alcance y en las formas expresamente estipuladas por esta Licencia o las leyes aplicables, el Usuario no puede modificar, descompilar, desensamblar, descifrar y realizar cualquier otra acción con el código objeto del Programa destinado a obtener información sobre la implementación de los algoritmos usados en el Programa, crear trabajos derivados usando el Programa, y usar (permitir usar) el Programa sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.2. El Usuario no puede reproducir ni distribuir el Programa con fines comerciales (entre otros, a cambio de una tarifa), entre otros, como parte de colecciones de productos de software, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.3 El Usuario no puede distribuir el Programa de ninguna forma que no sea la recibida, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.4. El Programa se utilizará (entre otros, se distribuirá) bajo el nombre: Yango Pro. El Usuario no puede cambiar el nombre del Programa, cambiar y (o) eliminar el aviso de derechos de autor u otras referencias al Titular de los Derechos.


5. Términos de Uso de Ciertas Funciones del Programa

5.1. Algunas funciones del Programa solo se pueden realizar con acceso a Internet. El Usuario obtendrá y pagará de forma independiente por dicho acceso en los términos y tarifas de su proveedor de telecomunicaciones o Internet.

5.2. Algunas funciones del Programa solo estarán disponibles para el Usuario que ha celebrado un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos o un organismo que proporciona acceso a dichas funciones del Programa.

5.3. Cuando se utiliza el Programa, entre otras cosas, sus determinadas funciones descritas y regidas por los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), el Usuario permitirá que el Titular de los Derechos procese la información personal del Usuario tal como se define este término en la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) para asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, para transferir la información personal del Usuario a los socios del Titular de los Derechos para que puedan procesar dicha información y asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, y para los fines especificados en los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor, así como para obtener la información personal del Usuario de terceros para los mismos fines.

El Titular de los Derechos únicamente transferirá y (o) recibirá la información personal del Usuario necesaria para dichos fines. El Titular de los Derechos procesará la información personal del Usuario y otra información que el Usuario descargará y proporcionará a través del Programa según la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice). Las disposiciones de esta cláusula que tienen que ver con el procesamiento de la información personal y de otro tipo del Usuario por parte del Titular de los Derechos se aplicarán a los materiales y la información que el Usuario recibió al usar el Servicio y sus funciones. El permiso a que se refiere esta cláusula se aplicará a la información que el Usuario especificará en el Programa y el Titular de los Derechos recibirá de terceros, entre otros, el apellido, nombre, patronímico, dirección; el número del documento de identidad principal y del permiso de conducir; el certificado de registro del vehículo, información sobre cuándo (incluida la fecha de vencimiento) y por qué organismo se emitieron dichos documentos; información necesaria para prevenir el fraude en relación con el Titular de los Derechos y la forma en que se utilizará el Programa, incluidas fotografías, información sobre el derecho a conducir un vehículo para transportar pasajeros y equipaje en un taxi de pasajeros, información sobre infracciones relacionadas con el tráfico y otras infracciones de leyes (incluyendo atrasos / procedimientos de ejecución disponibles en los registros públicos). El Titular de los Derechos puede tratar dicha información personal con o sin herramientas de automatización, y por cualquier medio, entre otros, mediante la recopilación, registro, sistematización, acumulación, almacenamiento, aclaración (actualización, modificación), extracción, uso, transferencia (suministro, acceso), despersonalización, bloqueo, eliminación y destrucción. Cuando las leyes aplicables prescriban, el permiso del Usuario mencionado en esta cláusula se considerará otorgado por escrito, firmado con la firma electrónica del Usuario según las cláusulas 1.6 - 1.6.5 de esta Licencia con los detalles necesarios que el Usuario especificó según lo estipulado en la forma de permiso. Dicho permiso tendrá vigencia mientras sea necesario para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario y dentro de los 3 (tres) años siguientes, salvo que las leyes aplicables establezcan cualquier otro período (menor o mayor).

5.4. Por el presente, el Usuario se notifica, entiende y acepta que, cuando el Programa se utiliza para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario, el Titular de los Derechos recibirá automáticamente la siguiente información: el sistema operativo del dispositivo del Usuario, la versión e identificador del navegador, estadísticas de las funciones del Programa, datos de ubicación del dispositivo y cualquier otra información técnica.


6. Responsabilidad bajo la Licencia

6.1. El Programa se proporciona "tal cual". El Titular de los Derechos no ofrece ninguna garantía de que el Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones funcionen sin errores ni problemas, la idoneidad del Programa para los objetivos y expectativas específicos del Usuario, y no ofrece otras garantías que no estén expresamente establecidas en esta Licencia.

6.2. El Titular de los Derechos no será responsable de las consecuencias directas o indirectas del uso o la imposibilidad de usar el Programa y (o) cualquier daño infligido al Usuario y (o) terceros como resultado del uso, la falta o imposibilidad de uso del Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones, entre otros, debido a posibles errores o fallos en el funcionamiento del Programa, salvo lo expresamente previsto por las leyes.

6.3. Todas las preguntas y reclamos relacionados con el uso o imposibilidad de usar el Programa y el posible incumplimiento de las leyes y (o) los derechos de terceros por parte del Programa se enviarán a través del formulario de comentarios.


7. Actualizaciones / Nuevas Versiones del Programa

7.1. Esta Licencia cubre todas las futuras actualizaciones / nuevas versiones del Programa. Cuando el Usuario acepta instalar una actualización / nueva versión del Programa, él/ella acepta los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para las actualizaciones / nuevas versiones correspondientes del Programa si no existe otro acuerdo de licencia para la actualización / nueva versión del Programa.


8. Enmiendas a esta Licencia

8.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia puede ser modificado unilateralmente por el Titular de los Derechos. Los avisos de las modificaciones realizadas a esta Licencia para los Usuarios se publicarán en: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. Dichas modificaciones a los términos y condiciones de la Licencia entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, a menos que se especifique lo contrario en la publicación correspondiente.


9. Ley aplicable y solución de controversias.

9.1. A menos que las disposiciones legales aplicables obligatorias prescriban lo contrario, el contrato de licencia y cualquier obligación no contractual que surja de o en relación con el contrato de licencia se regirán e interpretarán de conformidad con las leyes de Inglaterra y Gales sin tener en cuenta las disposiciones sobre conflicto de leyes.

9.2. Cualquier disputa, diferencia, controversia o reclamo que surja de o en conexión con este acuerdo de licencia, incluyendo (pero no limitado a) cualquier pregunta relacionada con su existencia, validez, interpretación, desempeño, descarga y recursos aplicables, será remitida y finalmente resuelto mediante arbitraje conforme a las Reglas de Arbitraje del Centro de Arbitraje Internacional de Dubai, cuyas Reglas se consideran incorporadas por referencia a esta cláusula. El número de árbitros será uno. La sede del arbitraje será Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. El idioma que se utilizará en el arbitraje será el inglés.


10. Detalles de los Titulares de los derechos


Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada

Número de identificación fiscal 469172024

Calle Tropical, Edificio: Torres Alas 2, Piso: PB, Oficina: 3, NRO: S/N, Barrio: Sirari UV0058 MZA 0026, A Media Cuadras Del 4TO Anillo Frente de Tropical Tour Al Lado Del Coe, Santa Cruz, Bolivia


RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (Número de licencia: 101640)

Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada de zona franca (FZ-LLC)

104A, primer piso, edificio 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirato de Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos


Yango Delivery FZ-LLC

Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada de zona franca (FZ-LLC)

101-Sub 1, primer piso, edificio 4, Dubai Internet City, Emirato de Dubái, Emiratos Árabes Unidos

Correo electrónico: support@yango.com

Fecha: 01.12.2024

Versión anterior del documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/24082023

Versión anterior del documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/08072022

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License, any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with this License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

1.10. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this thisddc License, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.

1.11. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.12. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Governing law and dispute resolution.

9.1. The license agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

9.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this license agreement, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.


10. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/19022024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/06102023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11092023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/15112022

Accord de licence sur Yango Pro pour les appareils mobiles


Avant d’utiliser le programme, veuillez prendre connaissance des termes et conditions suivantes de l’accord de licence.

Toute utilisation du programme signifie que vous acceptez intégralement et inconditionnellement les termes et conditions de cet accord de licence.

Si vous n’acceptez pas l’accord de licence dans son intégralité, vous n’avez pas le droit d’utiliser le programme à quelque fin que ce soit.


1. Dispositions Générales

1.1. Cet Accord de licence (la « Licence ») définit les conditions d’utilisation de Yango Pro (anciennement « Taximètre ») pour les appareils mobiles (le «Programme») et est conclu entre toute personne qui utilise le Programme (« l’Utilisateur ») et RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, qui est un organisme autorisé à accorder les droits d’utilisation du Programme (le « Titulaire des droits »).

1.2. En copiant le Programme, en l’installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Programme de toute autre manière, l’Utilisateur exprime son accord intégral et inconditionnel avec toutes les termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.3. Le Programme ne peut être utilisé que selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence. Si l’Utilisateur n’accepte pas les termes et conditions de la Licence dans leur intégralité, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas utiliser le Programme à quelque fin que ce soit. Il est interdit d’utiliser le Programme en violation (en cas de non-respect) de l’un des termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.4. L’Utilisateur peut utiliser le Programme selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales sans frais. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

1.5. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

Les Conditions d’Utilisation du Service de la Carte de Pro-Utilisateur sont disponibles en ligne via: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv.

La Politique de confidentialité est disponible en ligne sur : https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

Le Titulaire des droits peut modifier unilatéralement lesdits documents (entre autres, toute partie de ceux-ci) sans préavis particulier. Les nouvelles versions des documents entreront en vigueur dès leur publication, sauf disposition contraire.

1.6. Le Titulaire des droits et l’Utilisateur ont convenu par la présente qu’en ce qui concerne le Programme, ils considéreront mutuellement les documents électroniques signés avec une signature électronique de base comme identiques aux documents papier signés avec une signature manuscrite.

1.6.1. Le Programme est, entre autres, un système d’information exploité par le Titulaire des droits.

1.6.2. Pour signer un document électronique avec une signature électronique, comme cela est prévu par certaines fonctions du Programme, l’Utilisateur utilisera des codes numériques, alphabétiques, symboliques ou combinés générés par le Titulaire des droits et reçus par l’Utilisateur sous forme de message au numéro de téléphone de l’Utilisateur qu’il a spécifié dans le Programme. Ces codes représentent la clé de signature électronique.

1.6.3. L’Utilisateur s’engage à respecter la confidentialité des codes (clés de signature électronique) qu’il a reçus.

1.6.4. L’Utilisateur saisira un code respectif sous une forme spéciale dans le Programme. Les Parties reconnaissent que tous les documents électroniques que l’Utilisateur générera, utilisera et enverra au Titulaire des droits via les fonctions du programme au cours d’une session (la période de validité d’un code respectif) seront signés avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur.

1.6.5. L’Utilisateur garantit que ses données personnelles spécifiées dans le Programme sont fiables. L’Utilisateur déterminera sur la base de ces données si un document électronique signé avec une signature électronique telle que spécifiée ci-dessus est signé par l’Utilisateur.

1.7. Lorsque l’Utilisateur est représentant du Partenaire du Titulaire des droits, les dispositions des clauses 1.6.1–1.6.5 de la présente Licence s’appliqueront dans la mesure où ils n’entrent pas en conflit avec les accords et les contrats conclus entre le Titulaire des droits et ce partenaire du Titulaire des droits.

1.8. L’Utilisateur autorisera le Titulaire des droits à utiliser les informations qu’il a fournies dans le Programme, en incluant ces informations dans la base de données du Titulaire des droits et en utilisant ultérieurement cette base de données par quelque moyen que ce soit.

1.9. Cette Licence, toute obligation non contractuelle découlant de cette Licence ou en rapport avec celle-ci et toutes les relations associées à l’utilisation du Programme sont régies et interprétées conformément aux lois de l'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles, sans tenir compte des dispositions relatives aux conflits de lois.

1.10. Tout litige, différend, contentieux ou réclamation découlant de ou en rapport avec la présente Licence, y compris (mais sans s'y limiter) toute question concernant son existence, sa validité, son interprétation, son exécution, sa décharge et les recours applicables, sera soumis et définitivement résolu par arbitrage en vertu du Règlement d'arbitrage du Centre d'arbitrage international de Dubaï, lequel Règlement est réputé être incorporé par référence dans la présente clause. Le nombre d'arbitres est fixé à un. Le siège de l'arbitrage sera Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis. La langue utilisée dans l'arbitrage est l'anglais.

1.11. Le Titulaire des droits peut envoyer des messages d’information aux Utilisateurs. En utilisant le Programme, l’Utilisateur donne également son consentement pour recevoir des messages publicitaires et informatifs. L’Utilisateur peut se désinscrire des messages publicitaires en s’adressant au service d’assistance ou en suivant les instructions spécifiées dans un message publicitaire reçu.

1.12. Selon la région de l’Utilisateur, une ou toutes les fonctions du Programme peuvent être inaccessibles ou limitées. Les fonctions sont réputées inaccessibles (limitées) pour l’Utilisateur d’une certaine région, si cet Utilisateur n’est pas en mesure de les utiliser explicitement. Il est interdit d’appliquer des méthodes techniques et logicielles pour contourner ces limitations. Les dispositions des présentes Conditions et les documents spécifiés à la clause 1.5 qui régissent les fonctions inaccessibles (limitées) du Programme, ne s’appliqueront pas jusqu’à ce que ces fonctions soient explicitement accessibles à l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut recevoir des informations sur l’accessibilité des fonctions du programme dans une certaine région à la demande adressée au Titulaire des droits.


2. Droits sur le Programme

2.1. Le droit exclusif sur le Programme appartient au Titulaire des droits.


3. Licence

3.1. Le Titulaire des droits accordera gratuitement et sous licence ordinaire (non exclusive) à l’Utilisateur le droit non transférable d’utiliser le Programme dans tous les pays du monde de la manière suivante :

3.1.1. Utiliser le Programme comme prévu, c’est-à-dire le copier et l’installer (reproduire) sur l’appareil(-s) mobile(-s) de l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut installer le Programme sur un nombre illimité d’appareils mobiles. Lorsqu’il est installé sur des appareils mobiles, chaque copie du Programme se voit attribuer un numéro individuel signalé automatiquement au Titulaire des droits.

3.1.2. Reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins non commerciales (gratuitement).


4. Limitations

4.1. Sauf lorsqu’il est utilisé dans le cadre et de la manière expressément stipulée par la présente Licence ou les lois applicables, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas modifier, décompiler, désassembler, décrypter et effectuer toute autre action avec le code objet du Programme destiné à obtenir les informations sur la mise en œuvre des algorithmes utilisés dans le Programme, créer des œuvres dérivées à l’aide du Programme, et autrement utiliser (autoriser l’utilisation) le Programme sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.2. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins commerciales (entre autres, contre rémunération), y compris dans le cadre de collections de produits logiciels sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.3 L’Utilisateur ne peut pas distribuer le Programme sous une forme autre que la forme reçue, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.4. Le Programme sera utilisé (entre autres, sera distribué) sous le nom : Yango Pro. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas changer le nom du Programme, modifier et/ou supprimer l’avis de droit d’auteur ou d’autres références au Titulaire des droits.


5. Conditions d’utilisation de certaines fonctions du Programme

5.1. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne peuvent être exécutées qu’avec un accès à Internet. L’Utilisateur obtiendra et paiera indépendamment cet accès selon les conditions et selon les tarifs de son fournisseur de télécommunications ou d’Internet.

5.2. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne seront disponibles que pour l’Utilisateur qui a conclu un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits ou un organisme qui donne accès à ces fonctions du Programme.

5.3. Lorsque le Programme, y compris ses certaines fonctions qui sont décrites et régies par les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), est utilisé, l’Utilisateur autorise le Titulaire des droits à traiter les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur comme cela est défini dans la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) pour garantir que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, pour transférer les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur aux partenaires du Titulaire des droits pour qu’ils traitent ultérieurement ces informations et garantissent que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, et aux fins spécifiées dans les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur, ainsi que pour obtenir les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur auprès de tiers aux mêmes fins.

Le Titulaire des droits ne transférera et/ou ne recevra que les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur qui sont nécessaires auxdites finalités. Le Titulaire des droits traitera les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur et d’autres informations que l’Utilisateur téléchargera et fournira via le Programme conformément à la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

Les dispositions de la présente clause relatives au traitement des informations personnelles et d’autres informations de l’Utilisateur par le Titulaire des droits s’appliqueront aux documents et informations que l’Utilisateur a reçus lors de l’utilisation du Service et de ses fonctions.

L’autorisation visée dans la présente clause s’appliquera aux informations que l’Utilisateur indiquera dans le Programme et que le Titulaire des droits recevra de tiers, y compris le nom, prénom, patronyme, adresse; le numéro de la pièce d’identité principale et du permis de conduire; le certificat d’immatriculation du véhicule, les informations sur la date (y compris la date d’expiration) et l’organisme qui a délivré lesdits documents; toutes informations nécessaires pour prévenir la fraude à l’encontre du Titulaire des droits et toutes informations sur la manière dont le Programme sera utilisé, y compris toutes photos, informations sur le droit de conduire un véhicule pour transporter des passagers et des bagages, informations sur les contraventions routières et autres violations des lois (y compris arriérés / procédures d’exécution disponibles dans les registres publics). Le Titulaire des droits peut traiter ces informations personnelles avec ou sans outils d’automatisation, et par tout moyen, entre autres, les collecter, enregistrer, systématiser, accumuler, stocker, clarifier (actualiser, modifier), extraire, utiliser, transférer (fournir, donner accès), dépersonnaliser, bloquer, supprimer et détruire.

Dans les cas où cela est prévu par la loi applicable, l’autorisation de l’Utilisateur visée dans la présente clause sera réputée être accordée par écrit, signée avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur conformément aux clauses 1.6–1.6.5 de la présente Licence avec les détails nécessaires que l’Utilisateur a spécifiés comme cela est stipulé dans une telle forme d’autorisation. Cette autorisation sera valable aussi longtemps qu’il sera nécessaire pour fournir à l’Utilisateur les fonctions du Programme, et pendant 3 (trois) ans par la suite, à moins que la législation en vigueur ne prévoie une autre période (plus courte ou plus longue).

5.4. L’Utilisateur est par la présente informé, comprend et accepte que lorsque l’Utilisateur utilise le Programme pour accéder aux fonctions du Programme, le Titulaire des droits recevra automatiquement les informations suivantes : système d’exploitation de l’appareil de l’Utilisateur, version et ID du navigateur, statistiques des fonctions du Programme, données de localisation de l’appareil et toute autre information technique.


6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence

6.1. Le Programme est fourni en l’état. Le Titulaire des droits ne donne aucune garantie du fonctionnement sans erreur et sans problème du Programme ou de ses certains composants et/ou fonctions, de la conformité du Programme aux objectifs et attentes spécifiques de l’Utilisateur, et ne donne aucune autre garantie qui n’est pas expressément indiquée dans cette Licence.

6.2. Le Titulaire des droits ne pourra pas être tenu responsable des conséquences directes ou indirectes de toute utilisation ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et/ou de tout dommage infligé à l’Utilisateur et/ou à des tiers à la suite de toute utilisation, défaillance ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme ou certains de ses composants et/ou fonctions, entre autres, en raison d’éventuelles erreurs ou échecs dans le fonctionnement du Programme, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la loi.

6.3. Toutes les questions et réclamations liées à l’utilisation du Programme / à l’impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et à un éventuel non-respect des lois et/ou des droits de tiers par le Programme doivent être transmises via le formulaire de commentaires.


7. Mises à jour / Nouvelles versions du Programme

7.1. Cette Licence couvre toutes les futures mises à jour / nouvelles versions du Programme. Lorsque l’Utilisateur accepte d’installer une mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme, il accepte les termes et conditions de cette Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions respectives du Programme, s’il n’existe pas d’autre accord de licence pour la mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme.


8. Modifications de cette Licence

8.1. Le présent Accord de licence peut être modifié unilatéralement par le Titulaire des droits. Les avis des Utilisateurs concernant les modifications apportées à cette Licence seront publiés sur : https://yandex.com/legal/yango_partner_demo. Lesdites modifications des termes et conditions de la Licence entreront en vigueur une fois publiées, sauf indication contraire dans la publication concernée.


9. Coordonnées de RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (numéro de license: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail : support@yango.com

Date : 19.02.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11092023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Version précédente du document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/15112022

Acordo de Licença do Yango Pro para Dispositivos Móveis


Antes de usar o programa, por favor, leia os termos e condições do acordo de licença abaixo.

Qualquer uso do programa significa que aceita total e incondicionalmente os termos e condições do presente acordo de licença.

Se não aceitar o acordo de licença na íntegra, não poderá usar o programa para qualquer efeito.


1. Disposições Gerais

1.1. Este Acordo de Licença (a "Licença") define os termos de uso do Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taximeter") para dispositivos móveis (o "Programa") e é celebrado entre qualquer pessoa que use o Programa (o "Utilizador") e a MLU Europe BV, Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, the Netherlands, sendo um órgão autorizado a conceder os direitos de uso do Programa (o "Titular dos Direitos").

1.2. Ao copiar o Programa, instalá-lo no seu dispositivo móvel ou utilizar o Programa de qualquer forma, o Utilizador expressa o seu consentimento total e incondicional de todos os termos e condições da presente Licença.

1.3. O Programa só pode ser usado sob os termos e condições da presente Licença. Se o Utilizador não aceitar integralmente os termos e condições da Licença, o Utilizador não poderá usar o Programa para qualquer efeito. É proibido usar o Programa em violação (não cumprimento) de qualquer um dos termos e condições da Licença.

1.4. O Utilizador pode usar o Programa sob os termos e condições da presente Licença para efeitos pessoais não comerciais sem custo. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos por esta Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

1.5. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos pela presente Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

Termos de Uso do Serviço Cartão Pró-Usuário disponíveis online em: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Política de Privacidade disponível online em: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

O Titular dos Direitos pode alterar unilateralmente os referidos documentos (inter alia, quaisquer partes dos mesmos) sem aviso especial. As novas versões dos documentos entrarão em vigor uma vez publicadas, salvo estipulação em contrário.

1.6. O Titular dos Direitos e o Utilizador acordaram que, no que diz respeito ao Programa, considerariam mutuamente os documentos electrónicos assinados com uma assinatura electrónica básica idênticos aos documentos em papel assinados com uma assinatura manuscrita.

1.6.1. O Programa é, entre outros, um sistema de informação operado pelo Titular dos Direitos.

1.6.2. Para assinar um documento electrónico com assinatura electrónica conforme e quando estipulado por determinadas funções do Programa, o Utilizador usará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos ou combinados que o Titular dos Direitos gerou e o Utilizador recebeu como mensagem para o número de telefone que o Utilizador especificou no Programa. Esses códigos representam a chave de assinatura electrónica.

1.6.3. O Utilizador deve respeitar a confidencialidade dos códigos (chaves de assinatura electrónica) que recebeu.

1.6.4. O Utilizador inserirá um respectivo código num formulário especial no Programa. As Partes reconhecem que todos os documentos electrónicos que o Utilizador gerar, usar e enviar ao Titular dos Direitos através de funções do programa numa sessão (o período de validade de um respectivo código) serão assinados com a assinatura electrónica do Utilizador.

1.6.5. O Utilizador garante que os seus dados pessoais especificados no Programa são correctos. Com base nesses dados, o Utilizador determinará se um documento electrónico assinado com uma assinatura electrónica conforme especificado acima é assinado pelo Utilizador.

1.7. Quando o Utilizador for um representante do Parceiro do Titular dos Direitos, as disposições das cl. 1.6.1 a 1.6.5 da presente Licença serão aplicáveis ​​na medida em que não entrem em conflito com acordos e contratos entre o Titular dos Direitos e tal parceiro do Titular dos Direitos.

1.8. O Utilizador autorizará o Titular dos Direitos a usar a informação que forneceu no Programa, incluindo as informações no base de dados do Titular dos Direitos e o uso posterior de tal base de dados por qualquer meio.

1.9. A presente Licença e todas as relações associadas ao uso do Programa estarão sujeitas às leis dos os Emirados Árabes Unidos, e quaisquer reclamações ou acções decorrentes ou relacionadas com esta Licença ou ao uso do Programa deverão ser submetidas e analisadas por tribunais no local do Titular dos Direitos.

1.10. O Titular dos Direitos pode enviar mensagens informativas aos Utilizadores. Ao utilizar o Programa, o Utilizador também dá o seu consentimento para receber mensagens publicitárias e informativas. O Utilizador pode cancelar a assinatura de mensagens publicitárias consultando o help desk ou seguindo as instruções especificadas numa mensagem publicitária recebida.

1.11. Dependendo da região do Utilizador, qualquer ou todas as funções do Programa podem ser consideradas inacessíveis ou limitadas. As funções são consideradas inacessíveis (limitadas) ao Utilizador de uma determinada região, se tal Utilizador não puder usá-las explicitamente. É proibido aplicar quaisquer métodos técnicos e software para contornar essas limitações. As disposições dos presentes Termos e os documentos especificados na cl. 1.5 que rege as funções inacessíveis (limitadas) do Programa não se aplicarão até que tais funções se tornem explicitamente acessíveis ao Utilizador. O Utilizador receberá informação sobre a acessibilidade das funções do programa numa determinada região mediante solicitação enviada ao Titular dos Direitos.


2. Direitos ao Programa

2.1. O direito exclusivo ao Programa é exercido pelo Titular dos Direitos.


3. Licença

3.1. O Titular dos Direitos deverá, gratuitamente e sob uma licença ordinária (não exclusiva), conceder ao Utilizador o direito intransferível de usar o Programa em todos os países do mundo das seguintes formas:

3.1.1. Para usar o Programa conforme pretendido, portanto, copiá-lo e instalá-lo (reproduzir) no(s) dispositivo(s) móvel(is) do Utilizador. O Utilizador pode instalar o Programa num número ilimitado de dispositivos móveis. Quando instalado em dispositivos móveis, cada cópia do Programa recebe um número individual comunicado automaticamente ao Titular dos Direitos.

3.1.2. Para reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins não comerciais (gratuitamente).


4. Limitações

4.1. Excepto quando utilizado no âmbito e nas formas expressamente estipuladas pela Licença ou pelas leis aplicáveis, o Utilizador não poderá modificar, descompilar, desmontar, decodificar e realizar quaisquer outras acções com o código objecto do Programa destinadas a obter informação sobre a implementação de algoritmos usados ​​no Programa, criar trabalhos derivados usando o Programa e, de outra forma, usar (permitir usar) o Programa, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.2. O Utilizador não pode reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins comerciais (inter alia, por uma taxa), entre outros, como parte de colecções de produtos de software, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.3 O Utilizador não pode distribuir o Programa de qualquer outra forma que não a recebida, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.4. O Programa deve ser usado (inter alia, distribuído) sob o nome: Yango Pro. O Utilizador não pode alterar o nome do Programa, alterar e/ou excluir o aviso de direitos de autores ou outras referências ao Titular dos Direitos.


5. Termos de Uso de Determinadas Funções do Programa

5.1. Algumas funções do Programa só podem ser executadas com acesso à Internet. O Utilizador obterá e pagará independentemente por tal acesso nos termos e de acordo com as tarifas do seu fornecedor de telecomunicações ou Internet.

5.2. Algumas funções do Programa estarão disponíveis apenas para o Utilizador que celebrou um acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos ou um órgão que forneça acesso a tais funções do Programa.

5.3. Quando o Programa, inter alia, as suas determinadas funções, descritas e regidas pelos Termos de Uso do Gerador de Cartão de Motorista (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), forem usadas, o Utilizador permitirá que o Titular dos Direitos processe as informações pessoais do Utilizador de acordo com a definição deste termo na Política de Privacidade (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) para garantir que as funções do Programa estejam disponíveis, para transferir as informações pessoais do Utilizador para os parceiros do Titular dos Direitos para que estes processem posteriormente tais informações e certificarem-se de que as funções do Programa estarão disponíveis, e para os fins especificados nos Termos de Uso do Gerador de Cartão de Motorista, bem como obter informações pessoais do Utilizador de terceiros para os mesmos efeitos.

O Titular dos Direitos apenas transferirá e/ou receberá as informações pessoais do Utilizador necessárias para os referidos efeitos. O Titular dos Direitos processará as informações pessoais do Utilizador e outras informações que o Utilizador descarregará e fornecerá através do Programa de acordo com a Política de Privacidade (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

As disposições da presente cláusula relacionadas com processamento das informações pessoais e outras do Utilizador pelo Titular dos Direitos serão aplicadas aos materiais e informações que o Utilizador recebeu ao usar o Serviço e as suas funções.

A permissão mencionada na presente cláusula será aplicada às informações que o Utilizador especificar no Programa e o Titular dos Direitos receberá de terceiros, entre outros, o apelido, nome, patronímico, endereço; o número do documento de identidade principal e a carta de condução; o certificado de matrícula do veículo, informação sobre quando (incluindo a data de validade) e por que organismo os referidos documentos foram emitidos; informações necessárias para evitar fraudes em relação ao Titular dos Direitos e à forma como o Programa será usado, incluindo fotos, informações sobre o direito de conduzir um veículo para transportar passageiros e bagagem em táxi de passageiros, informações sobre infracções relacionadas com o trânsito e outras violações de leis (incluindo processos de execução/atrasos disponíveis em registos públicos). O Titular dos Direitos pode processar essas informações pessoais com ou sem ferramentas de automatização e por qualquer meio, entre outros, recolher, registar, sistematizar, acumular, armazenar, esclarecer (actualizar, modificar), extrair, usar, transferir (fornecer, aceder), despersonalizar, bloquear, excluir e destruir.

Sempre que as leis aplicáveis ​​assim determinarem, a permissão do Utilizador mencionada na presente cláusula será considerada concedida por escrito, assinada com a assinatura electrónica do Utilizador de acordo com o previsto nas cláusulas 1.6 a 1.6.5 da presente Licença com os detalhes necessários que o Utilizador especificou como estipulado em tal forma de permissão. Tal permissão será válida enquanto for necessário fornecer ao Utilizador as funções do Programa e durante os 3 (três) anos seguintes, a menos que as leis aplicáveis ​​estipulem qualquer outro período (mais curto ou mais longo).

5.4. O Utilizador, pelo presente instrumento é notificado, compreende e acorda que, quando o Programa for usado para fornecer ao Utilizador funções do Programa, o Titular dos Direitos receberá automaticamente as seguintes informações: sistema operacional do dispositivo do Utilizador, versão e ID do navegador, estatísticas das funções do Programa, dados de localização do dispositivo e qualquer outra informação técnica.


6. Responsabilidade de acordo com a Licença

6.1. O Programa é fornecido como está. O Titular dos Direitos não oferece garantias de operação sem erros e problemas do Programa ou dos seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, adequação do Programa a objectivos e expectativas específicas do Utilizador, e não fornece outras garantias, que não estejam expressamente declaradas na presente Licença.

6.2. O Titular dos Direitos não será responsabilizado por quaisquer consequências directas ou indirectas de qualquer uso ou incapacidade de usar o Programa e/ou qualquer dano infligido ao Utilizador e/ou terceiros como resultado de qualquer uso, falha ou incapacidade de usar o Programa ou os seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, entre outros, devido a possíveis erros ou falhas na operação do Programa, salvo expressa estipulação em contrário na lei.

6.3. Todas as dúvidas e reclamações relacionadas com o uso/impossibilidade de uso do Programa e possível descumprimento de leis e/ou direitos de terceiros pelo Programa deverão ser encaminhadas através do formulário de feedback.


7. Actualizações/Novas Versões do Programa

7.1. Esta Licença abrange todas as actualizações/novas versões futuras do Programa. Quando o Utilizador acorda em instalar uma actualização/nova versão do Programa, aceita os termos e condições da presente Licença para as respectivas actualizações/novas versões do Programa, caso não exista outro acordo de licença para a actualização/nova versão do programa.


8. Alterações à presente Licença

8.1. Este Acordo de Licença pode ser alterado unilateralmente pelo Titular dos Direitos. Os avisos ao utilizador sobre as alterações realizadas à presente Licença serão publicados em: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. As mencionadas alterações aos termos e condições da Licença entrarão em vigor uma vez publicadas, a menos que especificado de outra forma na respectiva publicação.


9. Dados do Titular dos Direitos

MLU Europe B.V., (número de registo 74474103)

Sociedade de Responsabilidade Limitada

Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH

Schiphol, the Netherlands

Data: 20.07.2022

Versão anterior do documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/12042022

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the UAE, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Governing law and dispute resolution.

9.1. The license agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

9.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this license agreement, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.


10. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/29082023

Acuerdo de Licencia de Yango Pro para Dispositivos Móviles


Antes de usar el programa, lea los términos y condiciones del acuerdo de licencia a continuación. Cualquier uso del programa significa que usted acepta total e incondicionalmente los términos y condiciones de este acuerdo de licencia. Si no acepta el acuerdo de licencia en su totalidad, no podrá utilizar el programa para ningún fin.


1. Disposiciones Generales

1.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia (la "Licencia") establece los términos de uso de Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taxímetro") para dispositivos móviles (el "Programa") y se celebra entre cualquier persona que utilice el Programa (el "Usuario") y RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, siendo un organismo autorizado para otorgar los derechos de uso del Programa (el "Titular de los Derechos").

1.2. Al copiar el Programa, instalarlo en su dispositivo móvil o utilizar el Programa de cualquier forma, el Usuario expresa su consentimiento total e incondicional a todos los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia.

1.3. Solo se permite utilizar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia. Si el Usuario no acepta los términos y condiciones de la Licencia en su totalidad, el Usuario no podrá utilizar el Programa para ningún fin. Está prohibido usar el Programa en violación de (no cumplir) cualquiera de los términos y condiciones de la Licencia.

1.4. El Usuario puede usar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para fines personales no comerciales sin costo alguno. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

1.5. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

Los Términos de Uso del Servicio de Tarjeta Pro-Usuario disponible en línea en: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv;

Política de Privacidad disponible en línea en https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

El Titular de los Derechos puede modificar dichos documentos (entre otros, cualquier parte de los mismos) unilateralmente sin previo aviso. Las nuevas versiones de los documentos entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, salvo que se estipule lo contrario.

1.6. El Titular de los Derechos y el Usuario han acordado que, en lo que respecta al Programa, considerarán mutuamente los documentos electrónicos firmados con una firma electrónica básica idénticos a los documentos en papel firmados con una firma manuscrita.

1.6.1. El Programa es, entre otras cosas, un sistema de información operado por el Titular de los Derechos.

1.6.2. Para firmar un documento electrónico con una firma electrónica como y cuando lo estipulen ciertas funciones del Programa, el Usuario utilizará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos o combinados que el Titular de los Derechos generó y el Usuario recibió como mensaje al número de teléfono del Usuario especificado en el Programa. Dichos códigos representan la clave de firma electrónica.

1.6.3. El Usuario deberá respetar la confidencialidad de los códigos (claves de firma electrónica) que ha recibido.

1.6.4. El Usuario ingresará un código respectivo en un formulario especial en el Programa. Las Partes reconocen que todos los documentos electrónicos que el Usuario generará, usará y enviará al Titular de los Derechos a través de las funciones del programa en una sesión (el período de validez de un código respectivo) estarán firmados con la firma electrónica del Usuario.

1.6.5. El Usuario garantiza que sus datos personales especificados en el Programa son confiables. Sobre la base de estos datos, el Usuario determinará si un documento electrónico firmado con una firma electrónica, como se especifica anteriormente, está firmado por el Usuario.

1.7. Cuando el Usuario es un representante del Socio del Titular de los Derechos, lo dispuesto en las cláusulas 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 de esta Licencia se aplicarán en la medida en que no entren en conflicto con los acuerdos y contratos entre el Titular de los Derechos y dicho socio del Titular de los Derechos.

1.8. El Usuario autorizará al Titular de los Derechos a utilizar la información que proporcionó en el Programa mediante la inclusión de dicha información en la base de datos del Titular de los Derechos y el uso posterior de dicha base de datos por cualquier medio.

1.9. Esta Licencia y todas las relaciones asociadas con el uso del Programa estarán sujetas a las leyes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y cualquier reclamo o acción que surja de o en relación con esta Licencia o el uso del Programa se someterá y revisará ante los tribunales en la ubicación del Titular de los Derechos.

1.10. El Titular de los Derechos podrá enviar mensajes informativos a los Usuarios. Al utilizar el Programa, el Usuario también da su consentimiento para recibir mensajes publicitarios e informativos. El Usuario puede darse de baja de los mensajes publicitarios dirigiéndose al servicio de asistencia o siguiendo las instrucciones especificadas en un mensaje publicitario recibido.

1.11. Dependiendo de la región del Usuario, algunas o todas las funciones del Programa pueden ser inaccesibles o limitadas. Las funciones se consideran inaccesibles (limitadas) para el Usuario de una determinada región si dicho Usuario no puede usarlas explícitamente. Está prohibido aplicar cualquier método técnico y basado en software para eludir estas limitaciones. Las disposiciones de estos Términos y los documentos especificados en la cláusula 1.5 que rigen las funciones inaccesibles (limitadas) del Programa no se aplicarán hasta que dichas funciones sean explícitamente accesibles para el Usuario. Al Usuario se le proporcionará información sobre la accesibilidad de las funciones del programa en una determinada región previa solicitud enviada al Titular de los Derechos.


2. Derechos al Programa

2.1. El derecho exclusivo al Programa se otorga al Titular de los Derechos.


3. Licencia

3.1. El Titular de los Derechos deberá, de forma gratuita y bajo una licencia ordinaria (no exclusiva), otorgar el derecho intransferible de usar el Programa en todos los países del mundo al Usuario de las siguientes maneras:

3.1.1. Para usar el Programa según lo previsto, por lo tanto, para copiarlo e instalarlo (reproducirlo) en el/los dispositivo/s móvil/es del Usuario. El Usuario puede instalar el Programa en un número ilimitado de dispositivos móviles. Cuando se instala en dispositivos móviles, a cada copia del Programa se le asigna un número individual informado automáticamente al Titular de los Derechos.

3.1.2. Para reproducir y distribuir el Programa con fines no comerciales (sin cargo).


4. Limitaciones

4.1. Excepto cuando se use en el alcance y en las formas expresamente estipuladas por esta Licencia o las leyes aplicables, el Usuario no puede modificar, descompilar, desensamblar, descifrar y realizar cualquier otra acción con el código objeto del Programa destinado a obtener información sobre la implementación de los algoritmos usados en el Programa, crear trabajos derivados usando el Programa, y usar (permitir usar) el Programa sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.2. El Usuario no puede reproducir ni distribuir el Programa con fines comerciales (entre otros, a cambio de una tarifa), entre otros, como parte de colecciones de productos de software, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.3 El Usuario no puede distribuir el Programa de ninguna forma que no sea la recibida, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.4. El Programa se utilizará (entre otros, se distribuirá) bajo el nombre: Yango Pro. El Usuario no puede cambiar el nombre del Programa, cambiar y (o) eliminar el aviso de derechos de autor u otras referencias al Titular de los Derechos.


5. Términos de Uso de Ciertas Funciones del Programa

5.1. Algunas funciones del Programa solo se pueden realizar con acceso a Internet. El Usuario obtendrá y pagará de forma independiente por dicho acceso en los términos y tarifas de su proveedor de telecomunicaciones o Internet.

5.2. Algunas funciones del Programa solo estarán disponibles para el Usuario que ha celebrado un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos o un organismo que proporciona acceso a dichas funciones del Programa.

5.3. Cuando se utiliza el Programa, entre otras cosas, sus determinadas funciones descritas y regidas por los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), el Usuario permitirá que el Titular de los Derechos procese la información personal del Usuario tal como se define este término en la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) para asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, para transferir la información personal del Usuario a los socios del Titular de los Derechos para que puedan procesar dicha información y asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, y para los fines especificados en los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor, así como para obtener la información personal del Usuario de terceros para los mismos fines.

El Titular de los Derechos únicamente transferirá y (o) recibirá la información personal del Usuario necesaria para dichos fines. El Titular de los Derechos procesará la información personal del Usuario y otra información que el Usuario descargará y proporcionará a través del Programa según la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice). Las disposiciones de esta cláusula que tienen que ver con el procesamiento de la información personal y de otro tipo del Usuario por parte del Titular de los Derechos se aplicarán a los materiales y la información que el Usuario recibió al usar el Servicio y sus funciones. El permiso a que se refiere esta cláusula se aplicará a la información que el Usuario especificará en el Programa y el Titular de los Derechos recibirá de terceros, entre otros, el apellido, nombre, patronímico, dirección; el número del documento de identidad principal y del permiso de conducir; el certificado de registro del vehículo, información sobre cuándo (incluida la fecha de vencimiento) y por qué organismo se emitieron dichos documentos; información necesaria para prevenir el fraude en relación con el Titular de los Derechos y la forma en que se utilizará el Programa, incluidas fotografías, información sobre el derecho a conducir un vehículo para transportar pasajeros y equipaje en un taxi de pasajeros, información sobre infracciones relacionadas con el tráfico y otras infracciones de leyes (incluyendo atrasos / procedimientos de ejecución disponibles en los registros públicos). El Titular de los Derechos puede tratar dicha información personal con o sin herramientas de automatización, y por cualquier medio, entre otros, mediante la recopilación, registro, sistematización, acumulación, almacenamiento, aclaración (actualización, modificación), extracción, uso, transferencia (suministro, acceso), despersonalización, bloqueo, eliminación y destrucción. Cuando las leyes aplicables prescriban, el permiso del Usuario mencionado en esta cláusula se considerará otorgado por escrito, firmado con la firma electrónica del Usuario según las cláusulas 1.6 - 1.6.5 de esta Licencia con los detalles necesarios que el Usuario especificó según lo estipulado en la forma de permiso. Dicho permiso tendrá vigencia mientras sea necesario para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario y dentro de los 3 (tres) años siguientes, salvo que las leyes aplicables establezcan cualquier otro período (menor o mayor).

5.4. Por el presente, el Usuario se notifica, entiende y acepta que, cuando el Programa se utiliza para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario, el Titular de los Derechos recibirá automáticamente la siguiente información: el sistema operativo del dispositivo del Usuario, la versión e identificador del navegador, estadísticas de las funciones del Programa, datos de ubicación del dispositivo y cualquier otra información técnica.


6. Responsabilidad bajo la Licencia

6.1. El Programa se proporciona "tal cual". El Titular de los Derechos no ofrece ninguna garantía de que el Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones funcionen sin errores ni problemas, la idoneidad del Programa para los objetivos y expectativas específicos del Usuario, y no ofrece otras garantías que no estén expresamente establecidas en esta Licencia.

6.2. El Titular de los Derechos no será responsable de las consecuencias directas o indirectas del uso o la imposibilidad de usar el Programa y (o) cualquier daño infligido al Usuario y (o) terceros como resultado del uso, la falta o imposibilidad de uso del Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones, entre otros, debido a posibles errores o fallos en el funcionamiento del Programa, salvo lo expresamente previsto por las leyes.

6.3. Todas las preguntas y reclamos relacionados con el uso o imposibilidad de usar el Programa y el posible incumplimiento de las leyes y (o) los derechos de terceros por parte del Programa se enviarán a través del formulario de comentarios.


7. Actualizaciones / Nuevas Versiones del Programa

7.1. Esta Licencia cubre todas las futuras actualizaciones / nuevas versiones del Programa. Cuando el Usuario acepta instalar una actualización / nueva versión del Programa, él/ella acepta los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para las actualizaciones / nuevas versiones correspondientes del Programa si no existe otro acuerdo de licencia para la actualización / nueva versión del Programa.


8. Enmiendas a esta Licencia

8.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia puede ser modificado unilateralmente por el Titular de los Derechos. Los avisos de las modificaciones realizadas a esta Licencia para los Usuarios se publicarán en: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. Dichas modificaciones a los términos y condiciones de la Licencia entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, a menos que se especifique lo contrario en la publicación correspondiente.


9. Ley aplicable y solución de controversias.

9.1. El acuerdo de licencia y cualquier obligación no contractual que surja de o en conexión con el acuerdo de licencia se regirán e interpretarán de acuerdo con las leyes de Inglaterra y Gales sin tener en cuenta las disposiciones sobre conflicto de leyes.

9.2. Cualquier disputa, diferencia, controversia o reclamo que surja de o en conexión con este acuerdo de licencia, incluyendo (pero no limitado a) cualquier pregunta relacionada con su existencia, validez, interpretación, desempeño, descarga y recursos aplicables, será remitida y finalmente resuelto mediante arbitraje conforme a las Reglas de Arbitraje del Centro de Arbitraje Internacional de Dubai, cuyas Reglas se consideran incorporadas por referencia a esta cláusula. El número de árbitros será uno. La sede del arbitraje será Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. El idioma que se utilizará en el arbitraje será el inglés.


10. Detalles del Titular de los Derechos

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Fecha: 29.08.2023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License, any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with this License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

1.10. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this thisddc License, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.

1.11. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.12. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.

9. Details of RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

Date: 19.02.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11092023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/04072022

Accord de licence sur Yango Pro pour les appareils mobiles


Avant d’utiliser le programme, veuillez prendre connaissance des termes et conditions suivantes de l’accord de licence.

Toute utilisation du programme signifie que vous acceptez intégralement et inconditionnellement les termes et conditions de cet accord de licence.

Si vous n’acceptez pas l’accord de licence dans son intégralité, vous n’avez pas le droit d’utiliser le programme à quelque fin que ce soit.


1. Dispositions Générales

1.1. Cet Accord de licence (la « Licence ») définit les conditions d’utilisation de Yango Pro (anciennement « Taximètre ») pour les appareils mobiles (le «Programme») et est conclu entre toute personne qui utilise le Programme (« l’Utilisateur ») et RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, qui est un organisme autorisé à accorder les droits d’utilisation du Programme (le « Titulaire des droits »).

1.2. En copiant le Programme, en l’installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Programme de toute autre manière, l’Utilisateur exprime son accord intégral et inconditionnel avec toutes les termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.3. Le Programme ne peut être utilisé que selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence. Si l’Utilisateur n’accepte pas les termes et conditions de la Licence dans leur intégralité, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas utiliser le Programme à quelque fin que ce soit. Il est interdit d’utiliser le Programme en violation (en cas de non-respect) de l’un des termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.4. L’Utilisateur peut utiliser le Programme selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales sans frais. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

1.5. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

Les Conditions d’Utilisation du Service de la Carte de Pro-Utilisateur sont disponibles en ligne via: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv.

La Politique de confidentialité est disponible en ligne sur : https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

Le Titulaire des droits peut modifier unilatéralement lesdits documents (entre autres, toute partie de ceux-ci) sans préavis particulier. Les nouvelles versions des documents entreront en vigueur dès leur publication, sauf disposition contraire.

1.6. Le Titulaire des droits et l’Utilisateur ont convenu par la présente qu’en ce qui concerne le Programme, ils considéreront mutuellement les documents électroniques signés avec une signature électronique de base comme identiques aux documents papier signés avec une signature manuscrite.

1.6.1. Le Programme est, entre autres, un système d’information exploité par le Titulaire des droits.

1.6.2. Pour signer un document électronique avec une signature électronique, comme cela est prévu par certaines fonctions du Programme, l’Utilisateur utilisera des codes numériques, alphabétiques, symboliques ou combinés générés par le Titulaire des droits et reçus par l’Utilisateur sous forme de message au numéro de téléphone de l’Utilisateur qu’il a spécifié dans le Programme. Ces codes représentent la clé de signature électronique.

1.6.3. L’Utilisateur s’engage à respecter la confidentialité des codes (clés de signature électronique) qu’il a reçus.

1.6.4. L’Utilisateur saisira un code respectif sous une forme spéciale dans le Programme. Les Parties reconnaissent que tous les documents électroniques que l’Utilisateur générera, utilisera et enverra au Titulaire des droits via les fonctions du programme au cours d’une session (la période de validité d’un code respectif) seront signés avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur.

1.6.5. L’Utilisateur garantit que ses données personnelles spécifiées dans le Programme sont fiables. L’Utilisateur déterminera sur la base de ces données si un document électronique signé avec une signature électronique telle que spécifiée ci-dessus est signé par l’Utilisateur.

1.7. Lorsque l’Utilisateur est représentant du Partenaire du Titulaire des droits, les dispositions des clauses 1.6.1–1.6.5 de la présente Licence s’appliqueront dans la mesure où ils n’entrent pas en conflit avec les accords et les contrats conclus entre le Titulaire des droits et ce partenaire du Titulaire des droits.

1.8. L’Utilisateur autorisera le Titulaire des droits à utiliser les informations qu’il a fournies dans le Programme, en incluant ces informations dans la base de données du Titulaire des droits et en utilisant ultérieurement cette base de données par quelque moyen que ce soit.

1.9. Cette Licence, toute obligation non contractuelle découlant de cette Licence ou en rapport avec celle-ci et toutes les relations associées à l’utilisation du Programme sont régies et interprétées conformément aux lois de l'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles, sans tenir compte des dispositions relatives aux conflits de lois.

1.10. Tout litige, différend, contentieux ou réclamation découlant de ou en rapport avec la présente Licence, y compris (mais sans s'y limiter) toute question concernant son existence, sa validité, son interprétation, son exécution, sa décharge et les recours applicables, sera soumis et définitivement résolu par arbitrage en vertu du Règlement d'arbitrage du Centre d'arbitrage international de Dubaï, lequel Règlement est réputé être incorporé par référence dans la présente clause. Le nombre d'arbitres est fixé à un. Le siège de l'arbitrage sera Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis. La langue utilisée dans l'arbitrage est l'anglais.

1.11. Le Titulaire des droits peut envoyer des messages d’information aux Utilisateurs. En utilisant le Programme, l’Utilisateur donne également son consentement pour recevoir des messages publicitaires et informatifs. L’Utilisateur peut se désinscrire des messages publicitaires en s’adressant au service d’assistance ou en suivant les instructions spécifiées dans un message publicitaire reçu.

1.12. Selon la région de l’Utilisateur, une ou toutes les fonctions du Programme peuvent être inaccessibles ou limitées. Les fonctions sont réputées inaccessibles (limitées) pour l’Utilisateur d’une certaine région, si cet Utilisateur n’est pas en mesure de les utiliser explicitement. Il est interdit d’appliquer des méthodes techniques et logicielles pour contourner ces limitations. Les dispositions des présentes Conditions et les documents spécifiés à la clause 1.5 qui régissent les fonctions inaccessibles (limitées) du Programme, ne s’appliqueront pas jusqu’à ce que ces fonctions soient explicitement accessibles à l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut recevoir des informations sur l’accessibilité des fonctions du programme dans une certaine région à la demande adressée au Titulaire des droits.


2. Droits sur le Programme

2.1. Le droit exclusif sur le Programme appartient au Titulaire des droits.


3. Licence

3.1. Le Titulaire des droits accordera gratuitement et sous licence ordinaire (non exclusive) à l’Utilisateur le droit non transférable d’utiliser le Programme dans tous les pays du monde de la manière suivante :

3.1.1. Utiliser le Programme comme prévu, c’est-à-dire le copier et l’installer (reproduire) sur l’appareil(-s) mobile(-s) de l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut installer le Programme sur un nombre illimité d’appareils mobiles. Lorsqu’il est installé sur des appareils mobiles, chaque copie du Programme se voit attribuer un numéro individuel signalé automatiquement au Titulaire des droits.

3.1.2. Reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins non commerciales (gratuitement).


4. Limitations

4.1. Sauf lorsqu’il est utilisé dans le cadre et de la manière expressément stipulée par la présente Licence ou les lois applicables, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas modifier, décompiler, désassembler, décrypter et effectuer toute autre action avec le code objet du Programme destiné à obtenir les informations sur la mise en œuvre des algorithmes utilisés dans le Programme, créer des œuvres dérivées à l’aide du Programme, et autrement utiliser (autoriser l’utilisation) le Programme sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.2. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins commerciales (entre autres, contre rémunération), y compris dans le cadre de collections de produits logiciels sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.3 L’Utilisateur ne peut pas distribuer le Programme sous une forme autre que la forme reçue, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.4. Le Programme sera utilisé (entre autres, sera distribué) sous le nom : Yango Pro. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas changer le nom du Programme, modifier et/ou supprimer l’avis de droit d’auteur ou d’autres références au Titulaire des droits.


5. Conditions d’utilisation de certaines fonctions du Programme

5.1. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne peuvent être exécutées qu’avec un accès à Internet. L’Utilisateur obtiendra et paiera indépendamment cet accès selon les conditions et selon les tarifs de son fournisseur de télécommunications ou d’Internet.

5.2. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne seront disponibles que pour l’Utilisateur qui a conclu un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits ou un organisme qui donne accès à ces fonctions du Programme.

5.3. Lorsque le Programme, y compris ses certaines fonctions qui sont décrites et régies par les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), est utilisé, l’Utilisateur autorise le Titulaire des droits à traiter les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur comme cela est défini dans la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) pour garantir que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, pour transférer les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur aux partenaires du Titulaire des droits pour qu’ils traitent ultérieurement ces informations et garantissent que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, et aux fins spécifiées dans les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur, ainsi que pour obtenir les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur auprès de tiers aux mêmes fins.

Le Titulaire des droits ne transférera et/ou ne recevra que les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur qui sont nécessaires auxdites finalités. Le Titulaire des droits traitera les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur et d’autres informations que l’Utilisateur téléchargera et fournira via le Programme conformément à la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

Les dispositions de la présente clause relatives au traitement des informations personnelles et d’autres informations de l’Utilisateur par le Titulaire des droits s’appliqueront aux documents et informations que l’Utilisateur a reçus lors de l’utilisation du Service et de ses fonctions.

L’autorisation visée dans la présente clause s’appliquera aux informations que l’Utilisateur indiquera dans le Programme et que le Titulaire des droits recevra de tiers, y compris le nom, prénom, patronyme, adresse; le numéro de la pièce d’identité principale et du permis de conduire; le certificat d’immatriculation du véhicule, les informations sur la date (y compris la date d’expiration) et l’organisme qui a délivré lesdits documents; toutes informations nécessaires pour prévenir la fraude à l’encontre du Titulaire des droits et toutes informations sur la manière dont le Programme sera utilisé, y compris toutes photos, informations sur le droit de conduire un véhicule pour transporter des passagers et des bagages, informations sur les contraventions routières et autres violations des lois (y compris arriérés / procédures d’exécution disponibles dans les registres publics). Le Titulaire des droits peut traiter ces informations personnelles avec ou sans outils d’automatisation, et par tout moyen, entre autres, les collecter, enregistrer, systématiser, accumuler, stocker, clarifier (actualiser, modifier), extraire, utiliser, transférer (fournir, donner accès), dépersonnaliser, bloquer, supprimer et détruire.

Dans les cas où cela est prévu par la loi applicable, l’autorisation de l’Utilisateur visée dans la présente clause sera réputée être accordée par écrit, signée avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur conformément aux clauses 1.6–1.6.5 de la présente Licence avec les détails nécessaires que l’Utilisateur a spécifiés comme cela est stipulé dans une telle forme d’autorisation. Cette autorisation sera valable aussi longtemps qu’il sera nécessaire pour fournir à l’Utilisateur les fonctions du Programme, et pendant 3 (trois) ans par la suite, à moins que la législation en vigueur ne prévoie une autre période (plus courte ou plus longue).

5.4. L’Utilisateur est par la présente informé, comprend et accepte que lorsque l’Utilisateur utilise le Programme pour accéder aux fonctions du Programme, le Titulaire des droits recevra automatiquement les informations suivantes : système d’exploitation de l’appareil de l’Utilisateur, version et ID du navigateur, statistiques des fonctions du Programme, données de localisation de l’appareil et toute autre information technique.


6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence

6.1. Le Programme est fourni en l’état. Le Titulaire des droits ne donne aucune garantie du fonctionnement sans erreur et sans problème du Programme ou de ses certains composants et/ou fonctions, de la conformité du Programme aux objectifs et attentes spécifiques de l’Utilisateur, et ne donne aucune autre garantie qui n’est pas expressément indiquée dans cette Licence.

6.2. Le Titulaire des droits ne pourra pas être tenu responsable des conséquences directes ou indirectes de toute utilisation ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et/ou de tout dommage infligé à l’Utilisateur et/ou à des tiers à la suite de toute utilisation, défaillance ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme ou certains de ses composants et/ou fonctions, entre autres, en raison d’éventuelles erreurs ou échecs dans le fonctionnement du Programme, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la loi.

6.3. Toutes les questions et réclamations liées à l’utilisation du Programme / à l’impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et à un éventuel non-respect des lois et/ou des droits de tiers par le Programme doivent être transmises via le formulaire de commentaires.


7. Mises à jour / Nouvelles versions du Programme

7.1. Cette Licence couvre toutes les futures mises à jour / nouvelles versions du Programme. Lorsque l’Utilisateur accepte d’installer une mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme, il accepte les termes et conditions de cette Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions respectives du Programme, s’il n’existe pas d’autre accord de licence pour la mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme.


8. Modifications de cette Licence

8.1. Le présent Accord de licence peut être modifié unilatéralement par le Titulaire des droits. Les avis des Utilisateurs concernant les modifications apportées à cette Licence seront publiés sur : https://yandex.com/legal/yango_partner_demo. Lesdites modifications des termes et conditions de la Licence entreront en vigueur une fois publiées, sauf indication contraire dans la publication concernée.


9. Coordonnées de RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (numéro de license: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail : support@yango.com

Date : 19.02.2024

Version précédente du document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11092023

Version précédente du document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Version précédente du document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/04072022

This document has been published upon the request and on behalf of MOBILE VENTURE EL SALVADOR S.A DE C.V.

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and MOBILE VENTURE EL SALVADOR S.A DE C.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the Republic of El-Salvador, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.




71 Av, Nte. y Calle Pte. Col. Escalón, #3698, San Salvador, San Salvador Centro, San Salvador

E-mail legal@bipbiprides.com

Date: January 24, 2025

This document has been published upon the request and on behalf of MOBILE VENTURE EL SALVADOR S.A DE C.V.

Este documento se publicó a pedido y en nombre de MOBILE VENTURE EL SALVADOR S.A DE C.V.

Acuerdo de Licencia de Yango Pro para dispositivos móviles

Antes de usar el programa, lea los términos y condiciones del acuerdo de licencia a continuación.

Cualquier uso del programa significa que usted acepta total e incondicionalmente los términos y condiciones de este Acuerdo de Licencia.

Si no acepta el acuerdo de licencia en su totalidad, no podrá utilizar el programa para ningún fin.

1. Disposiciones generales

1.1. El presente Acuerdo de Licencia (la “Licencia”) establece los términos de uso de Yango Pro para dispositivos móviles (el “Programa”) y se celebra entre cualquier persona que use el Programa (el “Usuario”) y MOBILE VENTURE EL SALVADOR S.A DE C.V., organismo autorizado para otorgar los derechos de uso del Programa ( el “Titular de los Derechos”).

1.2. Al copiar el Programa, instalarlo en su dispositivo móvil o utilizarlo de cualquier forma, el Usuario expresa su consentimiento total e incondicional a todos los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia.

1.3. Solo se permite utilizar el Programa de acuerdo con los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia. Si el Usuario no acepta los términos y condiciones de la Licencia en su totalidad, el Usuario no podrá utilizar el Programa para ningún fin. Está prohibido incumplir cualquiera de los términos y condiciones de la Licencia al usar el Programa.

1.4. El Usuario puede usar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para fines personales y no comerciales sin costo alguno. El uso del Programa bajo términos y formas no contemplados por esta Licencia solo es posible a través de un acuerdo independiente con el Titular de los Derechos.

1.5. El uso del Programa bajo términos y formas no contemplados por esta Licencia solo es posible a través de un acuerdo independiente con el Titular de los Derechos.

El Titular de los Derechos puede modificar dichos documentos (o cualquier parte de ellos) unilateralmente sin previo aviso. Las nuevas versiones de los documentos entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, salvo que se estipule lo contrario.

1.6. El Titular de los Derechos y el Usuario han acordado que, en lo que respecta al Programa, considerarán que los documentos electrónicos firmados con una firma electrónica básica tendrán la misma validez que los documentos en papel firmados con una firma manuscrita.

1.6.1. El Programa es, entre otras cosas, un sistema de información operado por el Titular de los Derechos.

1.6.2. Para firmar un documento electrónico con una firma electrónica según lo estipulado por ciertas funciones del Programa, el Usuario utilizará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos o combinados que el Titular de los Derechos haya generado y el Usuario haya recibido como mensaje en el número de teléfono especificado en el Programa. Dichos códigos representan la clave de la firma electrónica.

1.6.3. El Usuario deberá respetar la confidencialidad de los códigos (claves de firma electrónica) que haya recibido.

1.6.4. El Usuario ingresará el código correspondiente en un formulario especial dentro del Programa. Las Partes reconocen que todos los documentos electrónicos que el Usuario genere, use y envíe al Titular de los Derechos a través de las funciones del Programa en una sesión (el período de validez del código correspondiente) estarán firmados con la firma electrónica del Usuario.

1.6.5. El Usuario garantiza que sus datos personales especificados en el Programa son verídicos. Sobre la base de estos datos, el Usuario determinará si un documento electrónico firmado con una firma electrónica, como se especifica anteriormente, está firmado por el Usuario.

1.7. Si el Usuario actúa como representante del socio del Titular de los Derechos, lo dispuesto en las cláusulas 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 de esta Licencia se aplicará en la medida en que no entren en conflicto con los acuerdos y contratos entre el Titular de los Derechos y dicho socio.

1.8. El Usuario autorizará al Titular de los Derechos a utilizar la información que haya proporcionado en el Programa mediante la inclusión de dicha información en la base de datos del Titular de los Derechos y su uso posterior por cualquier medio.

1.9. Esta Licencia y todo asunto vinculado con el uso de este Programa se regirán por las leyes de la República de El Salvador. Cualquier demanda o acción que surja como consecuencia de esta Licencia o del uso del Programa se someterá a los tribunales correspondientes a la ubicación del Titular de los Derechos.

1.10. El Titular de los Derechos podrá enviar mensajes informativos a los Usuarios. Al utilizar el Programa, el Usuario también da su consentimiento para recibir mensajes publicitarios e informativos. El Usuario puede darse de baja de los mensajes publicitarios dirigiéndose al servicio de asistencia o siguiendo las instrucciones proporcionadas en el mensaje publicitario recibido.

1.11. Dependiendo de la región del Usuario, algunas o todas las funciones del Programa pueden ser inaccesibles o limitadas. Las funciones se consideran inaccesibles (limitadas) para el Usuario de una determinada región si dicho Usuario no puede usarlas explícitamente. Está prohibido aplicar métodos técnicos y basados en software para eludir estas limitaciones. Las disposiciones de estos Términos y los documentos especificados en la cláusula 1.5 que rigen las funciones inaccesibles (limitadas) del Programa no se aplicarán hasta que dichas funciones sean explícitamente accesibles para el Usuario. Al Usuario se le proporcionará información sobre la accesibilidad de las funciones del programa en una determinada región previa solicitud enviada al Titular de los Derechos.

2. Derechos al Programa

2.1. El derecho exclusivo al Programa se otorga al Titular de los Derechos.

3. Licencia

3.1. El Titular de los Derechos deberá, de forma gratuita y bajo una licencia ordinaria (no exclusiva), otorgar al Usuario el derecho intransferible de usar el Programa en todos los países del mundo de las siguientes maneras:

3.1.1. Para usar el Programa según lo previsto, lo que implica copiarlo e instalarlo (reproducirlo) en el dispositivo móvil (o los dispositivos móviles) del Usuario. El Usuario puede instalar el Programa en un número ilimitado de dispositivos móviles. Cuando se instala en dispositivos móviles, a cada copia del Programa se le asigna un número individual informado automáticamente al Titular de los Derechos.

3.1.2. Para reproducir y distribuir el Programa con fines no comerciales (sin cargo).

4. Limitaciones

4.1. Excepto cuando se use dentro del alcance y en las formas expresamente estipuladas por esta Licencia o las leyes aplicables, el Usuario no podrá modificar, descompilar, desensamblar, descifrar ni realizar ninguna otra acción con el código objeto del Programa con el fin de obtener información sobre la implementación de los algoritmos usados en el Programa, crear trabajos derivados usando el Programa o usar (o permitir usar) el Programa sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.2. El Usuario no puede reproducir ni distribuir el Programa con fines comerciales (entre otros, a cambio de una tarifa), entre otros, como parte de colecciones de productos de software, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.3 El Usuario no puede distribuir el Programa de ninguna forma que no sea la recibida, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.4. El Programa se utilizará (y se distribuirá, entre otros usos) bajo el nombre: Yango Pro. El Usuario no puede cambiar el nombre del Programa, cambiar o eliminar el aviso de derechos de autor u otras referencias al Titular de los Derechos.

5. Términos de uso de algunas funciones del Programa

5.1. Algunas funciones del Programa solo se pueden realizar con acceso a Internet. El Usuario obtendrá y pagará de forma independiente por dicho acceso de acuerdo con los términos y las tarifas de su proveedor de telecomunicaciones o Internet.

5.2. Algunas funciones del Programa estarán disponibles únicamente para el Usuario que haya suscrito un acuerdo separado con el Titular de los Derechos o con un organismo que facilite el acceso a dichas funciones.

5.3. Cuando se utilice el Programa, incluidas ciertas funciones descritas y regidas por los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), el Usuario permitirá al Titular de los Derechos procesar la información personal del Usuario, tal como se define en la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice), para garantizar la disponibilidad de las funciones del Programa, transferir la información personal del Usuario a los socios del Titular de los Derechos para su posterior procesamiento, y para los propósitos especificados en los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor, así como para obtener información personal del Usuario de terceros para los mismos fines.

El Titular de los Derechos únicamente transferirá o recibirá la información personal del Usuario necesaria para dichos fines. El Titular de los Derechos procesará la información personal del Usuario y otra información que el Usuario descargará y proporcionará a través del Programa según la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

Las disposiciones de esta cláusula que tienen que ver con el procesamiento de la información personal y de otro tipo del Usuario por parte del Titular de los Derechos se aplicarán a los materiales y la información que el Usuario haya recibido al usar el Servicio y sus funciones.

El permiso mencionado en esta cláusula se aplicará a la información que el Usuario especifique en el Programa y que el Titular de los Derechos reciba de terceros, incluyendo, entre otros, el apellido, nombre, segundo nombre, dirección; el número del documento principal de identidad y la licencia de conducir; la tarjeta de propiedad/circulación, información sobre cuándo (incluida la fecha de vencimiento) y por qué organismo se emitieron dichos documentos; información necesaria para prevenir fraudes en relación con el Titular de los Derechos y el uso del Programa, incluyendo fotografías, información sobre el derecho a conducir un vehículo destinado al transporte de pasajeros y equipaje en un taxi, información sobre infracciones de tránsito y otras violaciones de la ley (incluidos atrasos/procesos de ejecución disponibles en registros públicos). El Titular de los Derechos está autorizado a procesar esta información personal, ya sea con herramientas automatizadas o sin ellas, mediante métodos como la recopilación, registro, sistematización, acumulación, almacenamiento, aclaración (actualización, modificación), extracción, uso, transferencia (suministro, acceso), despersonalización, bloqueo, eliminación y destrucción.

Cuando las leyes aplicables así lo exijan, se entenderá que el permiso del Usuario mencionado en esta cláusula ha sido otorgado por escrito, firmado mediante su firma electrónica conforme a las cláusulas 1.6 - 1.6.5 de esta Licencia, incluyendo los detalles necesarios especificados por el Usuario según lo estipulado para dicha forma de permiso. El permiso tendrá validez mientras sea necesario para garantizar las funciones del Programa al Usuario y por un período adicional de 3 (tres) años, salvo que las leyes aplicables especifiquen un plazo distinto (más corto o más largo).

5.4. Por el presente, el Usuario se notifica, entiende y acepta que, cuando el Programa se utiliza para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario, el Titular de los Derechos recibirá automáticamente la siguiente información: el sistema operativo del dispositivo del Usuario, la versión e identificador del navegador, estadísticas de las funciones del Programa, datos de ubicación del dispositivo y cualquier otra información técnica.

6. Responsabilidad bajo la Licencia

6.1. El Programa se proporciona "tal cual". El Titular de los Derechos no garantiza que el Programa, o ciertos componentes o funciones del mismo, funcionen sin errores ni inconvenientes, ni que el Programa sea adecuado para objetivos específicos o expectativas del Usuario, y no otorga ninguna otra garantía que no esté expresamente establecida en esta Licencia.

6.2. El Titular de los Derechos no será responsable de las consecuencias directas o indirectas derivadas del uso o la imposibilidad de usar el Programa o de cualquier daño causado al Usuario o a terceros como resultado del uso, fallo o imposibilidad de usar el Programa o ciertos componentes o funciones del mismo, incluyendo, entre otros, posibles errores o fallos en su funcionamiento, salvo lo expresamente estipulado por la ley.

6.3. Todas las preguntas y reclamos relacionados con el uso o imposibilidad de usar el Programa y el posible incumplimiento de las leyes o los derechos de terceros por parte del Programa se enviarán a través del formulario de comentarios.

7. Actualizaciones / Nuevas Versiones del Programa

7.1. Esta Licencia cubre todas las futuras actualizaciones / nuevas versiones del Programa. Cuando el Usuario acepta instalar una actualización / nueva versión del Programa, acepta los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para las actualizaciones / nuevas versiones correspondientes del Programa si no existe otro acuerdo de licencia para dicha actualización / nueva versión.

8. Modificaciones de esta Licencia

8.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia puede ser modificado unilateralmente por el Titular de los Derechos. Los avisos al Usuario sobre las modificaciones realizadas a esta Licencia se publicarán en: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/. Dichas modificaciones a los términos y condiciones de la Licencia entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, a menos que se especifique lo contrario en la publicación correspondiente.



71 Av, Nte. y Calle Pte. Col. Escalón, #3698, San Salvador, San Salvador Centro, San Salvador

Correo electrónico: legal@bipbiprides.com

Fecha: 24 de enero de 2025

Este documento se publicó a pedido y en nombre de MOBILE VENTURE EL SALVADOR S.A DE C.V.

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the device, or the app, or the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement,

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


This Contract is Made, and Entered to Benefit the Vehicle Service Giver from the Transport Technology or Ride Hailing Technology


Article One

This contract is sets terms of use of Yango Pro for mobile devices (“Yango Pro”) and is concluded between any person using the Program and the contract giver, hereafter called technology service supplier or driver or right giver authority/ organ/ owner/The list of the companies, representing Yango on the respective territory in Ethiopia and their details are available at:https://yango.com/legal/ethiopia_fr_partners.


Article Two

Objective of the Contract

2.1. The objective of this contract refers that the transport technology supplier having legal license from government organ in a manner to search mutual customers with the vehicle service giver providing international standard re-assuring, comfortable and efficient vehicle service for limited or unlimited time, place, distance through facilitation and the customer using the transport technology device for transportation and the vehicle service giver by the help of the technology meaning for users found through Yango Pro device based on this contract by obeying quality standard and directives giving service to customers through search and for the supplied technology service based on the payment rate stated hereunder making payment to the technology service supplier for which the contracting parties has concluded this contract agreement.

2.2. This license agreement /permit/ setout Yango Pro mobile device /program/ application detail and any person /user/ service giver using the device and G2G IT Solutions Share Company has concluded this contract in this regard and the authority organ giving the right to use the device G2G IT Solutions Share Company shall remain owner of the right.

2.3. By coping the device or downloading on your mobile application or by use of the device in any manner confirmation made on agreement and acceptance of this contract or license detail and conditions completely and without pre-condition.

2.4. Yango Pro or the device allowed for use only under this license detail and conditions. If the users do not accept the license detail and conditions completely the user shall not use the device for any purpose use of the license by violating or without fulfilling any detail and conditions and using the device was prohibited.

2.5. The user under this license detail and conditions can use the device without any expense for objective that are not private trade related.

2.6. To use the device by special condition out of this license it will be mandatory to obtain special license from the right giving organ.

The right giving organ meaning G2G IT Solutions can amend the document/ conditions/ terms from any part or/and regulations without any notice by its own option as the documents new correction or amendment or contents are corrected shall be applicable unless there is special pre-condition.

2.7. The right owner and the vehicle service supplier or the user concerning the device mutually by electronic document including this contract if hand signed with basic electronic signature and paper agreement reached by the contracting parties that both shall have equal acceptance based on electronic contract cods.

2.7.1. In addition to other things the device or app shall be the right owner movable information system.

2.7.2. In addition to electronic contracts and electronic documents signature documents to be requested and supplied in the future by the device in order to sign electronic signature the user by making use of user number or code, alphabet, different marks or by makes of this using special code generated by the right owner the vehicle service giver or the user phone number sent massage electronic signature will be identified which represented the private user identification key.

2.7.3. The user is expected to obey and use secret keys or cods meaning electronic signature.

2.7.4. The user enters special code in the device. The contracting parties all electronic documents generated by the user and used through the device functions in one session sent to the right to owner/ at the time of making use of cods/ the user shall sign e-signature.

2.7.5. The user has given guarantee that the personal information in the device was re-assuring. Due to error of this information the user decides that electronic documents are signed by electronic signature.

2.8. If the user is partner of the right owner agent of the right owner based on the regulations in this license article 271-275 apply if not opposed or shall has complicit the agreement and contracts between the right owner and the right owner partner.

2.9. The user by including right owner information in the program and the information found in the right owner data base permission was given in addition permission was given to use this data base in any manner.

2.10. This license and all communications related to the use of the device Ethiopian Laws shall be applicable and any claim or acts related to this license or use of the device can be revised submitted to arbitration or negotiation judges at the place of the right owner.

2.11. The right owner information massages can be sent to users and as the user make use of the device shall give permission to accept notice and information massages. The user by contact with the notice massage support desk or by following order given from the received notice massage can make use of the device.

2.12. Based on the region of the user the device any or all functions may not be available or restricted. The functions may not be available /restricted as the user will not be able to use from a limited region based on any technique and software methods to change this restrictions is prohibited the details stated on Article 2.5 and conditions also the stated documents shall not apply until the user get functions from the device. The user may gets program functions information in some regions based on request made to the right owner.


Article Three

Rights, Obligations and License of the Supplier

3. The device or application/ App/ general write shall be that of the right giver.

3.1. Yango Pro Transport Service Givers through call and accommodation transport technology device shall be supplied to service givers.

3.2. Shall perform different advertisement works to introduce technology supported transport service to the community.

3.3. The technology service supplier in order to perform works and render service with good ethics, effective and efficient manner required technology use work ethics and customer handling and related cased shall be presented at reasonable price by professionals selected in the sector.

3.4. The right owner without payment has given regular/but not general/ license for users in all countries around the world using the program in the following manner un transferable right.

3.5. As the program shall be used as required it was allowed to copy and install /duplicate in the user mobile device by making copy. The user can install the program in mobile apparatus without limited number. The mobile apparatus installation the device every copies having personal number immediately will be reported to the right owner.

3.6. The program can be duplicated and disseminated without payment for objectives that are not trade related.


Article Four

Obligation of Vehicle Service Giver

4.1. The technology service supplier by receiving the transport call sent only by transport device shall immediately render and supply service to users.

4.2. Shall present the vehicle ownership book, trade license photo copy and if employed driver is to drive the vehicle other than the owner there shall be legal representation.

4.3. At any time the registered vehicle give service users the driver is expected to undertake or perform the following

4.3.1. Shall wear clean shirt and ironed trouser

4.3.2. Shall keep the vehicle internal and external clean

4.3.3. Shall accommodate passengers with humble and calm

4.3.4. shall drive carefully securing the passengers comfort and mutual safety

4.3.5. Before passengers enter the vehicle reminding them that safety and comfort can be preserved at the back seat and if the passenger shoes to seat in front seat accepting the passenger choice

4.3.6. At any time giving service placing mobile phone at a place the passenger can easily see by placing in a phone keeping area.

4.3.7. At any time the vehicle give service not telling personal problems to the passenger

4.3.8. There shall not be discrimination or difference between passengers and supporting the passengers load their bag or goods allowed to be loaded.

4.3.9. Before starting travel if there are more than one alternative roads on the way the passenger travel asking the passenger on which road he/she choses to travel and taking the same road but to travel longer distance to get higher payment was prohibited.

4.3.10. If the passengers are elders, pregnant women, patients, disabled or support looking persons in order to make entry and exit convenient giving necessary support, care and love without any discrimination.

4.3.11. Rendering service to passengers during rainy time as they enter and exit the vehicle.

4.3.12. Availing vehicle service within 10 munities from request, and if there is forced measure that do not allow to reach the passenger within 10 munities or before notify the call center 20 munities in advance and by calling asking the passenger for forgiveness and take advise.

4.3.13. Driving the vehicle within the traffic legal allowed speed limit control regulations during giving transport service.

4.3.14. To give safe and comfortable vehicle service to be ready physically and in spirit taking adequate at the time of getting tired.

4.3.15. At any time of giving vehicle service putting on seat belt and if the passenger chooses to seat in front seat kindly reminding that he/she shall put on seat belt.

4.3.16. If there is disagreement or dispute between the driver and passenger during vehicle service giving due to traffic jam or act of third party or incontinent passenger character solving the disagreement amicably and notifying the call center.

4.3.17. For call coming close to the service giver not taking payment from the passenger more than Yango Pro calculated service price and if there is technique problem or before payment informing the call center.

4.3.18. At any time of giving vehicle service becoming available from any alcohol or drug influence, or chat that affect driving ability physically or mentally.

4.3.19. At any time of giving vehicle service if the passenger is to exit at dark place using the vehicle or any light until the passenger enters entry point.

4.3.20. At any time of giving vehicle service making the vehicle clean from any bad smell.

4.3.21. At any time of giving vehicle service not using technology device /applications/ not allowed by the driver inside or outside the vehicle.

4.3.22. Without having written permit from the service giver not loading any technology device /applications/ on the phone received from Yango Pro and not using other than driver work.

4.3.23. Without having written permission from the service giver not giving transport call personal account or the driver registered SIM card to other person.

4.3.24. At any time of giving vehicle service using the driver technology device/application/ or using phone the vehicle shall be stopped.

4.3.25. At any time of giving vehicle service placing the driver technology device/application/ offline.

4.3.26. At any time of giving vehicle service having complete legal documents concerning the vehicle or the driver

4.3.27. At any time of giving vehicle service following up and executing the driver work directives.

4.3.28. Notifying the driver about used Yongo Pro Technology device/application service with lesson 7 days \

4.3.29. Reconciling service giving remaining account within the time set by the supplier.

4.3.30. If the used technology device /application/ count mistaken or execs amount immediately notifying the driver call center.

4.3.31. Carefully handling the vehicle service technology device taken from the supplier, use and return as requested by the driver.

4.3.32. Having good work relations with technology service supplier workers.

4.3.33. Concerning the used technology device /application/ at least within one month period by calling the driver institution or by physically appearing showing and getting inspection.

4.3.34. At any time vehicle service given Takes responsibility for penalty in violating different counter crime, civil codes, drivers bylaws and this contract.

4.3.35. At any time vehicle service given solving any disagreement based on ethical rules and regulations.

4.3.36. During traveling with passenger it was prohibited to load/carry friend or family.

4.3.37. At any time vehicle service given if there is money and other property passenger forgot in the vehicle and leave shall bring and handover at the driver institution.

4.3.38. At any time vehicle service given shall not force the passenger to be out of the vehicle other than final destination.

4.4. Driving vehicle having only registered plate on the driver Yango Pro application and to give Yango Pro service if the plate number was registered on the application by mistake immediately notifying the driver call center.

4.5. Shall load one passenger bag on the vehicle free of charge. However, if the bag is more than one for each bag birr 20 shall be paid and bags loaded.

4.6. To make the vehicle secured by presenting to driver assigned control garage every 6 months and get the vehicle inspected.

4.7. The technology service supplier shall be present at the driver office physically every 3 months and take training.

4.8. Personal account loaded phone of Yango Pro on use if lost for any reason shall appear at drivers office physically and notify within 48 hours.


Article Five

Servicer Payment

5.1 Out of the income the service payment the vehicle service giver get from customers by giving service on time service commission price shall be paid to the company, listed in Article 1.


Article Six

Conditions for Contract Termination

This contract can be terminated for the following reasons.

6.1. If the vehicle service giver do not execute obligations set out in this contract without adequate reason the supplier can cancel this contract.

6.2. If users have compliant or grievance on the vehicle service giver the technology supplier shall investigate the compliant and if found offence without any warning unilaterally cancels the contract.

6.3. In a similar manner if the suppliers do not obey contract obligations the vehicle service giver shall request for adjustment in written within one month and if not corrected can terminate the contract.

6.4. If the service giver without adequate reason do not take call for one month without notifying to the supplier the contract can be terminated by the supplier without any notice or unilaterally.

6.5. The two parties can terminate the contract by mutual agreement.


Article Seven

Consequence of Contract Termination

Termination contract will have the following consequences.

7.1 If the technology service supplier has reaming account on the system, it will not be refunded.7.2 The technology service supplier after the contract termination, if he supplier wants to return back and give service shall pay birr 2,150,000.00 / Two million one hundred fifty thousand /for contract renewal.


Article Eight


Preserving the penalty stated above related to contract termination and the stated on different traffic regulations and rules:

8.1 The vehicle service giver be it owner of the vehicle or employee driver without having permission from the supplier in written if found giving the personal use Id/account and SIM card to other person or found using on a vehicle not registered by Yango pro the service provider agrees to pay the following penalty.

8.1.1 If the vehicle service giver have this offence for the first time shall pay birr 25,000 /Twenty Five Thousand/ to the service supplier.

8.1.2 If the vehicle service giver have this offence for the second time shall pay birr 50,000 /fifty thousand/ to the technology provider.

8.1.3 If the service giver has this offence for more than two times shall pay the penalty stated on no. B above to the technology provider and in addition will be cancelled from the system completely by taking out clients.

8.2 If the phone yango Pro personal account loaded used by the vehicle service giver is lost for any reason and not notified to the drivers office within 48 hours and other person found using this account shall pay birr 25,000 /twenty five thousand/ to the technology supplier.

8.3 If the vehicle service provided by employee driver as the vehicle owner terminates contract with the driver shall notify the technology supplier within seven days and restrict the [person from using the technology. If this is not done and the driver found using the technology on other vehicle shall pay birr 10,000 /ten thousand/ to the technology supplier.

8.4 If the vehicle service giver receives appointment for work and do not appear at time and place shall pay the work estimated payment.

8.5 If the vehicle service giver is found involved in fraud or corruption shall pay for full damage and completely accept lawsuit by the offence.


Article Nine

Special Provision and Attachment

Concerning the transport service for our mutual customers after entering in to this contract the contacting parties has agreed that different letters sent fron the technology supplier, messages, statements, decision motions on t5he meetings called by the driver , the driver work directive and policy and short message sent on 8610 and related shall be part of this contract.


Article Ten

Dispute Settlement

Dispute Settlement

10.1 The dispute and disagreement that arise related to this contract interpretation and execution shall be solved amicably by the best effort of the two contracting parties.

10.2 If agreement was not reached based on the above sub article the affected party can submit the case to authorized court.


Article Eleven

Effective Period of the Contract and Agreement Confirmation

11.1 This transport service raid hauling technology supports agreement as per Civil Code No. 1731 remain code between the two contracting parties for unlimited period.

11.2 We the contracting parties has agreed on the terms and conditions of the contract and confirm by our signature that we have concluded the agreement by our mutual consent.


Article Twelve

Contract Amendment

12 Some conditions for the use of the device

12.1 The device some functions will be used only by use of internet. For separate use the user shall pay to telecom, or the internet provider.

12.2 Some functions of the devise can be obtained from the right owner or the device supplier only by having separate agreement.

12.3 As the program and some functions are on use drive card generated purchased detail conditions based use https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv based on the right owner users personal data confidentiality regulation https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice by having similar objectives based on the conditions it can be used to obtain from third party.

The right owner user’s personal data and other data download by users can be obtained based on confidentiality policy https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice the supplied by the program can be used.

This article provisions apply as the user uses the service provided by the right owner.

The user using the permit allowed in this article on the data provided in the program and other third party received by the right owner like full name, tacking address, original ID Number, and driving license, vehicle registration certificate, the data or information obtained, /including expiry period/ organ giving this documents related to the right owner to prevent fraud the required data and way by which the program is used, photo, passengers transport driving right information and passengers taxi bags and passengers transport information related to traffic, and other violation of traffic rules /penalty/ execution process including those on public register will be accepted. The right owner by using this information without automation equipment or other equipment in any manner can collect the information, record, make systematic, store, clarify, update, change use, transfer/present, obtain/ lift privacy, restrict, cancel and illuminate.

The permit stated in this Article will be issued in written by the E-Signature of the user as stated on 1.6-1.65 in detail. So long as this permit is required for the user to present program functions and here after effective laws up to three years unless other short or long period stated it will be effective.

12.4. As the user present the program the right owner agrees to receive the following information meaning the user equipment working system, browser version and ID, program activity events, statics, the equipment site information and any other technical information.


Article Thirteen

Legal Responsibility Under the License

13.1. The Program provided as is the right owner will not give any guarantee for any mistake and the device problem free working and other parts and/or activities different objectives and goals for the competency of the program and user expected guarantee will not be given and other guarantee not stated in the license will not be given.

13.2. the right owner concerning direct or indirect condition the user unable to use the device or damage or use by third party not possible due to activity mistake or program not working unless stated by law shall not have any responsibility.

13.3. all questions and claim for not being able to use the program law enforcement and/or the program third party rights response form shall be submitted


Article Fourteen

The Device up Date/New Version/

14.1. This license covers all future update/program new versions. the user in order to install the update/program new version by agreement he/she except there is other license agreement accepts the conditions of this license for program update new version device as there is no other updated new version license agreement.


Article Fifteen

The license Amendment

This license agreement can be separately amended by the right owner this license amendments user notice will be made on https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement the stated amendment once printed for this license detail and condition amendment meaning except special appropriate print is required shall be applicable.

Date of publication: 11.03.2025

This document has been published upon the request and on behalf of https://yango.com/legal/ethiopia_fr_partners.

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/03102023

ያንጎ ፕሮ

ያንጎ ፕሮ የሞባይል መተግበሪያ ፈቃድ ስምምነት


መተግበሪያውን ወይም አፑን ከመጠቀምዎ በፊት ከዚህ በታች ያለውን የፈቃድ ስምምነት ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች ያንብቡ። የመተግበሪያው ማንኛውም አይትነት አጠቃቀም ማለት የዚህን ፈቃድ ሰምምነት ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች ሙሉ በሙሉ እና ያለቅድመ ሁኔታ ተቀብሏል ማለት ነው፡፡

የፈቃድ ስምምነቱን ሙሉ በሙሉ ካልተቀበሉ መተግበሪያውን ወይም አፑን ለማንኛውም አላማ መጠቀም አይችሉም፡፡


ይህ ውል የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው የትራንስፖርት ቴክኖሎጂ ወይም /Ride Hailing Technology/ ተጠቃሚ እንዲሆኑ ለማድርግ የተደረገ ውል ነው

አንቀፅ አንድ

ይህ ውል በውል ሰጪ ጂቱጂ አይቲ ሶሉሽንሽ አክሲዮን ማህበር(ከዚህ በኃላ የቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ ወይም ሹፌር ወይም መብት ሰጪ ባለስልጣን/አካል/ባለቤት በመባል የሚጠራ) ድርጅት

አድራሻ፡- አራዳ ክፍለ ከተማ ወረዳ 01 ጌት-አስ ህንፃ የቤት ቁጥር 595/596/589

ስልክ፡ +251 111 26 46 77 ኢ-ሜይል፡

አዲስ አበባ፤ ኢትዮጵያ



አንቀፅ ሁለት

የውሉ ዓላማ

2.1. የዚህ ውል ዓላማ የትራንስፖርት ቴክኖሎጂ አቅራቢው ከሚመለከተው የመንግስት ኣካል ህጋዊ ፈቃድ ተሰጥቶት ከሚሰሩ የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪ ጋር የጋራ ደንበኞቻቸው በሚፈልጉት መልኩ ዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃውን የጠበቀ አስተማማኝ ምቹ እና ቀልጣፋ የመኪና አገልግሎት ለተወሰነ ወይም ላልተወሰነ ጊዜ ቦታ እንዲሁም ርቀት ላይ አገልግሎት ለመስጠት እንዲያስችላቸው የተፈጸመ ሲሆን ደንበኛው የትራንስፖርት ቴክኖሎጂን በመተግበሪያው ተጠቅሞ እንዲጓጓዝ የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪውም በቴክኖሎጂው በመታገዝ ማለትም በ ያንጎ ፕሮ መተግበሪ ለሚያገኛቸው ተጠቃሚዎች በዚህ ውል መሰረት የአገልግሎት ጥራት ደረጃና መመሪያዎችን አክብሮ ለደንበኞች አገልግሎት ለመስጠት በመፈለግ እና ለሚያገኘው የቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎትም ከዚህ በታች በተመለከተው የገንዘብ ተመን መሰረት ለቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ ክፍያ ለመፈጸም በመስማማት ይህንን ስምምነት ተዋውለናል፡፡

2.2. ይህ የፈቃድ ስምምነት /ፈቃድ/ የያንጎ ፕሮ ሞባይል መተግበሪያ/ ፕሮግራም / መጠቀሚያ ዝረዝሮችን የሚያስቀምጥ ሲሆን መተግበሪያውን በሚጠቀም ማንኛውም ግለሰብ/ተጠቃሚ/አገልግሎት ሰጪ እና ጂቱጂ አይቲ ሶሉሽንሽ አክሲዮን ማህበር መካከል የተደነገገ ውል ነው። መተግበሪያውን ለመጠቀም መብት የሚሰጠው ባለስልጣን አካል ጂቱጂ አይቲ ሶሉሽንሽ አክሲዮን ማህበር የመብቱ ባለቤት ነው፡፡

2.3. መተግበሪያውን ኮፒ በማድረግ ወይም የእርስዎ ሞባይል መሳሪያ ላይ በማወረድ ወይም መተግበሪያውን በማንኛውም መልኩ በመጠቀም የዚህን ውል ወይም ፈቃድ ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች በሙሉ እና ያለቅድመ ሁኔታ መስማማትና መቀበልን ይገለጻሉ፡፡

2.4. ያንጎ ፕሮ ወይም መተግበሪያው በዚህ ፈቃድ ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች ስር ብቻ ጥቅም ላይ እንዲውል ተፈቅዷል፡፡ ተጠቃሚው የፈቃዱን ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች ሙሉ በሙሉ ካልተቀበ ተጠቃሚው መተግበሪያውን ለማንኛውም አላማ መጠቀም አይችልም፡፡ የፈቃዱን ማንኛቸውም ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች በመጣስ/ በለማሟላት መተግበሪያውን መጠቀም የተከለከለ ነው፡፡

2.5. ተጠቃሚው መተግበሪያውን በዚህ ፈቃድ ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች ስር ለግል ንግድ ነክ ላልሆኑ አላማዎች ያለምንም ወጪ መጠቀም ይችላል፡፡

2.6. መተግበሪያውን ከዚህ ፈቃድ ውጪ በልዩ ሁኔታ ለመጠቀም የተለየ ፈቃድ ከመብት ሰጪ አካል ጋር ፈቃድ ማግኘት ግድ ነው።

መብት ሰጪው አካል ማለትም ጂቱጂ አይቲ ሶሉሽንሽ አክሲዮን ማህበርበራሱ አማራጭ የተገለጹትን ሰነዶች/ሁኔታዎች/ድንጋጌዎች/ ማንኛቸውንም ክፍሎችና ደንቦችን/ ያለምንም ልዩ ማስታወቂያ ሊያሻሽል ይችላል፡፡ የሠነዶች አዲስ እርማት ወይም ማሻሻዮችን ወይም ይዘቶች እንደታተሙ ተፈጻሚነት ሲኖራቸው ይህም በተለየ መልኩ ሁኔታ እስካለተቀመጠለት ተፈጻሚ ይሆናል፡፡

2.7. የመብቱ ባለቤት እና የመኪና አገልግሎት አቅራቢ ወይም ተጠቃሚው መተግበሪያውን በተመለከተ በጋራ የኤለክቶሪኒክ ሰነዶች ይህንንም ውልን ጨምሮ በመሰረታዊ ኤሌክትሮኒክ ፊርማዎች ከወረቀት ሰነዶች ጋር በእጅ ከተፈረሙ ፊርማዎች ጋር እኩል በሆነ መልኩ ሊፈረም እንደሚችልና ተቀባይነቱ አገሩስት ባሉት ህጋዊ ከሆኑ የውል አካሄዶች ጋር ማለትም የኤለክትሮኒክ ውል ህጎችን አማክሎ ህግን በጠበቀ መልክ የጸና እንደሆነ ተስማምተዋል፡፡

2.7.1. መተግበሪያው ወይም አፑ ከሌሎች ነገሮች በተጨማሪ በመብት ባለቤቱ የሚንቀሳቀስ የመረጃ ሲስተም ነው፡፡

2.7.2. ኤሌክትሮኒክ ውሎችንና ኤሌክትሮኒክ ሰነዶችን በተጨማሪም መተግበሪያው ወደፊት ሊጠይቅና ሊያቀርብ ከሚችለው የፊርማ ሰነዶች በኤሌክትሮኒክ ፊርማ ለመፈረም ተጠቃሚው የተጠቃሚ ቁጥር ወይም ኮድ፣ አልፋቤት፣ የተለያዩ ምልክትችን ወይም እነዚህ በተቀላቀሉ መንገድ ልዩ ኮድ በመጠቀም የመብቱ ባለቤት ያመነጨውን ተጠቅሞ የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪ ወይም ተጠቃሚው ባስመዘገበው ሰልክ ቁጥር በሚላከው መልዕክክት የኤሌክትሮኒክ ፊርማው ይለያል የግል የተጠቃሚ የመለያ ቁልፍን ይወክላሉ፡፡

2.7.3. ተጠቃሚው ሚስጢራዊ የሆኑ ቁልፎችን ወይም ኮዶችን ማለትም ኤሌክትሮኒክ ፊርማዎችን ማክበርና መጠበቅ ይጠበቅበታል፡፡

2.7.4. ተጠቃሚው በመተግበሪያው ውስጥ በተለየ መልኩ ያለውን ኮድ ያስገባል፡፡ ተዋዋይ ወገኖች ሁሉም ኤሌክትሮኒክ ሰነዶች ተጠቃሚው የሚያመነጫቸው የሚጠቀማቸው እና በመተግበሪያው ተግባራት በኩል በአንድ ክፍለ ጊዜ ለመብቱ ባለቤት የሚልካቸው/ኮዶች በሚያገለግሉበት ጊዜ./ በተጠቃሚው ኢ - ፊረማ የሚፈረሙ ይሆናል፡፡

2.7.5. ተጠቃሚው የግል መረጃው በመተግበሪይው ውስጥ የተገለጸው አሰተማማኝ እንደሆነ ዋስትና ሰጥተዋል፡፡ በዚህ መረጃ መሰረት ተጠቃሚው ኤሌክትሮኒክ ሰነዶች በኤሌክትሮኒክ ፊርማ መፈረማቸውን ይወሰናል፡፡

2.8. ተጠቃሚው የመብት ባለቤቱ አጋር ተወካይ ከሆነ የዚህ ፈቃድ አንቀጽ 2.7.1 -2.7.5 የተገለጹት ደንቦች ከስምምነቱ እና ውሎች በመብቱ ባለቤት እና የመብቱ ባለቤት አጋር መካከል የተፈጸሙ ጋር እስካልተጋጨ ተፈጻሚነት ይኖረዋል፡፡

2.9. ተጠቃሚው የመብቱን ባለቤት እሱ/እሷ ፕሮግራሙ ውስጥ ያቀረቡትን መረጃ በመብቱ ባለቤት መረጃ ቋት ውስጥ ያለው መረጃ አካቶ እንዲጠቀሙ የፈቀደ ሲሆን በተጨማሪም በማንኛውም መልኩ ይህንን መረጃ ቋት ለመጠቀም ፈቃድ ሰጥቷል፡፡

2.10. ይህ ፈቃድ እና ሁሉም ግንኙነቶች ከመተግበሪያው መጠቀም ጋር በተያያዙ በኢትዮጵያ ህጎች መሰረት ተፈጻሚ ሆነው ከዚህ ፈቃድ ወይም መተግበሪያ መጠቀም ጋር የተያያዙ ማንኛቸውም ይገባኛሎች ወይም ድርጊቶች በመብቱ ባለቤት ባለበት ቦታ ላሉ አርቢትሬችን ወይም ገላጋይ ዳኞች ቀርበው ሊከለሱ ይችላሉ፡፡

2.11. የመብቱ ባለቤት የመረጃ መልዕክቶች ለተጠቃሚዎች ሊልክ ይችላል፡፡ ተጠቃሚው መተግበሪያውን ሲጠቀሙ ማስታወቂያ እና የመረጃ መልዕክቶች ለመቀበል ፈቃዳቸውን ይሰጣሉ፡፡ ተቀጠቃሚው ከማስታወቂያ መልዕክቶች የእገዛ ዴስክ ጋር በመገናኘት ወይም በማስታወቂያ መልዕክት በተቀበሉት የተሰጡ ትዕዛዞችን በመከተል መጠቀም ይችላል፡፡

2.12. በተጠቃሚ ክልል መሰረት መተግበሪያው ማንኛውም ወይም ሁሉም ተግባራት ላይገኙ ወይም ሊገደቡ ይችላሉ፡፡ ተግባራት የማይገኙት/የሚገደቡት/ ተጠቃሚው ማግኘት የማይችለው ከተወሰነ ክልል ተጠቃሚው በተናጠል ሊጠቀምባቸው ሳይችል ሲቀር ይሆናል፡፡ ማንኛቸውንም የቴክኒክ እና የሶፍት ዌር መሰረት ያደረጉ ዘዴዎች እነዚህን ገደቦች ለማስቀየር መጠቀም የተከለከለ ነው፡፡ የዚህ አንቀጽ 1.5 ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች እና የተገለጹ ሰነዶች የመተግበሪያው ተግባረት አለማግኘት /መገደብ/ ተግባራቱ ተጠቃሚው ማግኘት እስኪችል ተፈጻሚነት አይኖራቸውም፡፡ ተጠቃሚው የፕሮግራም ተግባራት መረጃ በአንዳንድ ክልሎች የመብቶ ባለቤት በሚላከው ጥያቄ መሰረት ሊያገኝ ይችላል፡፡


አንቀፅ ሶስት

የአቅራቢ መብት ግዴታ እና ፈቃድ

3. የመተግበሪያው ወይም አፕልኬችን /አፕ/ አጠቃላይ መብት የመበት ሰጪው ይሆናል፡፡

3.1 ያንጎ ፕሮ የተባለ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ሰጪዎች ለመጥራት እና ለማስተናገድ የሚውሉ የትራንስፖርት ቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያ ለአገልግሎት ሰጪ ያቀርባል፡፡

3.2 በቴክኖሎጂ የተደገፈ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት ለማህበረሰቡ ማስተዋወቅ የሚያስችል የተለያዩ የማስተዋወቂያ ስራዎችን ያከናውናል፡፡

3.3 የቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ ስራውን እና አገልግሎቱን በመልካም ስነምግባር በተሳካ እና በተሳለጠ መንገድ እንዲሰጡ ይረዳቸው ዘንድ አስፈላጊውን የቴክኖሎጂ አጠቃቀም የስራ ስነ-ምግባር እና የደንበኛ አያያዝ እና ተያያዥ ጉዳዮችን በዘርፉ በተመረጡ ባለሞያዎች በተመጣጣኝ ዋጋ ያቀርባል፡፡

3.4 የመብቱ ባለቤት ያለክፍያ በመደበኛ /አጠቃለይ ባልሆነ / ፈቃድ ለተጠቃሚው ፕሮግራሙን በአለም ላይ ባሉ ሁሉም አገሮች በሚከተሉት መንገዶች እንዲጠቀም የማይዘዋወር መብት ሰጥቷል፡፡

3.5. ፕሮግራሙ እንደተፈለገው መጠቀም አስፈላጊ ሰሆን ኮፒ በማድረግ መዘርጋት/ማባዛት/ በተጠቃሚው የሞበይል መሳሪያዎች ላይ ኮፒ ማድረግ ይችላል፡፡ ተጠቃሚው ፕሮግራሙን ያልተገደበ ቁጥር ባላቸው የሞባይል መሳሪያዎች ላይ ሊያስገባ ይችላል፡፡ ሞባይል መሳሪያዎች ላይ ሲገቡ የመተግበሪያው እያንዳንዳቸው ኮፒዎች የግል ቁጥር ወዲያውኑ ተመድቦላቸው ለመብቱ ባለቤት ሪፖርት ይደረጋሉ፡፡

3.6. ፕሮግራሙን ንግድ ነክ ላልሆኑ አላማዎች ማባዛት እና ማሰራጨት ያለክፍያ ተፈጻሚ ሊያደርግ ይችላል፡፡


አንቀፅ አራት

የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪ ግዴታዎች

4.1 በቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢው የትራንስፖርት መተግበሪያ ብቻ የሚቀርብለትን የትራንስፖርት ጥሪ በመቀበል አገልግሎቱን ለተጠቃሚዎች በፍጥነት ያቀርባል፡፡

4.2 የአሽከርካሪውን የባለቤትነት ማስረጃ፤ የንግድ ፈቃድ ማስረጃ ፎቶ ኮፒ እንዲሁም መኪናውን የሚያሽከረክረው ከባለቤቱ ውጭ በተቀጣሪ አሽከርካሪ ከሆነ ይህንን የሚያሳይ ህጋዊ ውክልና ያቀርባል፡፡

4.3 በተመዘገበው መኪና አገልግሎቱን ለተጠቃሚዎች በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ አሽከርካሪው የሚከተሉትን ማከናወን ይጠበቅበታል፡-

4.3.1 ንፁህ ሸሚዝ እና በደንብ የተተኮሰ ሱሪ መልበስ፤

4.3.2 መኪናውን ውስጣዊም ሆነ ውጫዊ ጽዳትና ውበት መጠበቅ፤

4.3.3 ተሳፋሪውን በቅንነትና ረጋ ባለመልኩ የማናገር እንዲሁም የማስተናገድ፤

4.3.4 የተሳፋሪውን ምቾትና የጋራ ደህንነትን በጠበቀ መልኩ በጥንቃቄ ማሽከርከር፤

4.3.5 ተሳፋሪ ወደ ተሸከርካሪው ከመግባቱ በፊት ደህንነቱና ምቾቱ የሚጠበቀው ከኋላ ወንበር ሲቀመጥ እንደሆነ በትህትና የማሳሰብ ፣ ማሳሰቢያውን ከሰማ በኋላ ከፊት ወንበር ላይ መቀመጥ ከመረጠ የተሳፋሪውን ምርጫ መቀበልና፤

4.3.6 አገልግሎቱን በሚሰጥበት ማናቸውም ጊዜ ተንቀሳቃሽ ስልኩን ተሳፋሪው በቀላሉ ሊያየው በሚችልበት ቦታ በስልክ ማስቀመጫ ላይ ማስቀመጥ፤

4.3.7 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ የግል ችግር ለተሳፋሪው ያለማጫወት፤

4.3.8 በተሳፋሪዎች መካከል ልዩነት ወይም መድልዎ ሳያሳድር የተሳፋሪዎቹን ሻንጣ ወይም በተሸከርካሪው ላይ ለመጫን የተፈቀደላቸውን ዕቃ ሲጭኑ በቅንነት የማገዝ፤

4.3.9 በጉዞ መስመር ላይ ተሳፋሪው ወደሚደርስበት ስፍራ ለመጓዝ ከአንድ በላይ አማራጭ መንገዶች ካሉ ጉዞውን ከመጀመሩ በፊት ተሳፋሪው በየትኛው አማራጭ ሊጓዝ እንደሚፈልግ የመጠየቅ እና ከአማራጮቹ አጭሩን የጉዞ መስመር መርጦ የመጓዝ፤ከፍ ያለ ክፍያ ለማግኘት ሲባል ረዥም መንገድ መርጦ መጓዝ የተከለከለ ነው፡፡

4.3.10 ተሳፋሪዎቹ አረጋውያን፣ እርጉዝ ሴት፣ ታካሚዎች ፣ አካል ጉዳተኞች ወይም ድጋፍ የሚሹ ማናቸውም ሰዎች ከሆኑ ለመሳፈርም ሆነ ለመውረድ እንዲመቻቸው ተገቢውን ድጋፍ እንክብካቤና ፍቅር በመለገስ ያለአድልዎ ትብብር የመስጠት፤

4.3.11 በዝናብ ወቅት ተሳፋሪው ወደ ተሸከርካሪው ሲገባም ሆነ ሲወርድ ዣንጥላ በመያዝ የማገልገል፤

4.3.12 የመኪና አገልግሎት በተጠየቀ በ10 ደቂቃ ውስጥ ወደ ተሳፋሪው የመድረስ ቀድሞ በተያዙ ትዕዛዞች ከ10 ደቂቃ በፊት ተሳፋሪው ወዳለበት የመድረስ በ10 ደቂቃ ውስጥ ወይም ቀደም ብሎ ተሳፋሪው ወዳለበት ለመድረስ የማያስችል ከአቅም በላይ የሆነ ዕክል ከገጠመው ለሹፌር የስልክ ጥሪ ማዕከል የአገልግሎት ለውጡን ቀደም ብሎ ከ20 ደቂቃ በፊት የማሳወቅ እና ወደ ተሳፋሪው ስልክ በመደወል ይቅርታ የመጠየቅ፤ የማሳወቅ እና የመመካከር፤

4.3.13 የመኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ በጥንቃቄና በትራፊክ መቆጣጠሪያ ደንቦች በተፈቀደ ሕጋዊ የፍጥነጥ ወሰን የማሽከርከር፤

4.3.14 ደህንነቱና ምቾቱ የተጠበቀ መኪና አገልግሎት ለመስጠት በአካል እና በመንፈስ ዝግጁ ለመሆን ያስችለው ዘንድ የድካም ስሜት በተሰማው ጊዜ በቂ እረፍት የማድረግ፤

4.3.15 የመኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ የደህንነት ቀበቶ (ሲት ቤልት) የማሰር እና ተሳፋሪው በፊተኛው ወንበር ለመቀመጥ ከመረጠ የደህንነት ቀበቶ (ሲት ቤልት) እንዲያስር በትህትና የማሳሰብ፤

4.3.16 የመኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ በትራፊክ መጨናነቅ ፀባያቸው ወይም ባህሪያቸው የማይስማማ ተሳፋሪዎች በመጫኑ ወይም በሶስተኛ ወገኖች ድርጊት መነሻነት በተሳፋሪውና በአሽከርካሪው መካከል አለመግባባት ወይም የስሜት መጋል ከተከሰተ አለመግባባቱን በሰከነ መንፈስ የመፍታት እና በጊዜው ለጥሪ ማዕከሉ ማሳወቅ፤

4.3.17 ከአገልግሎት አቅራቢው ለሚመጣ ጥሪ የያንጎ ፕሮ ቴክኖሎጂ ከሚያሰላው የአገልግሎት ዋጋ በላይ ተሳፋሪን ያለመጠየቅና ያለማስከፈል የቴክኒካል ብልሽት ካጋጠመው ወይም ከተሳፋሪው ቅሬት ከተነሳ ከማስከፈል በፊት ለጥሪ ማዕከል የማሳወቅ፤

4.3.18 የመኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ በማሽከርከር አካላዊም ሆነ አእምሮአዊ ብቃት ወይም በባህሪ ወይም በሁለቱም ላይ ተጽዕኖ ማድረግ ከሚችሉ ማናቸውም የአልኮል መጠጥ ጫት አደንዛዥ ዕፅ ወይም ማናቸውም ነገር ነፃ ሆኖ የመገኝት፤

4.3.19 የመኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ ተሳፋሪው የሚወርደው ጨለማ በሆነ አካባቢ ከሆነ የተሸከርካሪውን ወይም ሌላ ማናቸውም መብራት በማብራት ተሳፋሪ ወደሚገባበት ስፍራ እስኪገባ ቆሞ የመጠበቅ፤

4.3.20 አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ ተሸከርካሪን ከማናቸውም መጥፎ ጠረን የጸዳ የማድረግ፤

4.3.21 አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ ለሚሰጠው አገልግሎት በተሸከርካሪ ውስጥም ሆነ ውጪ ከሹፌር ፈቃድ ያልተሰጣቸውን የቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያዎች(አፕሊኬሽንስ) ያለመጠቀም፤

4.3.22 ከአገልግሎት አቅራቢው የፅሁፍ ፈቃድ ሳያገኝ ለሚሰጠው የትራነስፖርት ጥሪ አገልግሎት ከያንጎ ፕሮ በተቀበለው ስልክ ላይ ምንም አይነት የቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያዎች(አፕሊኬሽንስ) ያለመጫን እና ከሹፌር ሥራ ውጪ ያለመጠቀም፤

4.3.23 ከአቅራቢው የፅሁፍ ፈቃድ ሳያገኝ ለሚሰጠው የትራነስፖርት ጥሪ አገልግሎት የግል አካውንት እንዲሁም በሹፌር የተመዘገበ ሲም ካርድ ሌላ ሰው እንዲገለገልበት ያለመስጠት፤

4.3.24 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ የሹፌርን የቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያ (አፕሊኬሽን) መጠቀም ወይም ስልክ መጠቀም ካስፈለገኝ ተሸከርካሪን የማቆም፤

4.3.25 መኪና አገልግሎት በማልሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ በጉዞ ወቅት የሹፌርን የቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያ (አፕሊኬሽን) ከአገልግሎት ውጪ’ “offline” ላይ ማኖር፤

4.3.26 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ የተሸከርካሪንም ሆነ እራሱ አሽከርካሪውን የሚመለከቱ ማናቸውም ህጋዊ ሰነዶች አሟልቶ የመገኘት፤

4.3.27 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ ከሹፌር የሚወጡትን የስራ መመሪያዎች የመከታተልና የመተግበር፤

4.3.28 የሚገለገልበት የያንጎ ፕሮ የቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያ (አፕሊኬሽን) አገልግሎት ከሰባት ቀን ባነሰ ጊዜ ውስጥ ለሹፌር የማሳወቅ፤

4.3.29 አገልግሎት የሰጠበትን ቀሪ ሒሳብ በአቅራቢው በተጣለው የጊዜ ገደብ ውስጥ ማወራረድ፤

4.3.30 የሚገለገልበት የቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያ (አፕሊኬሽን) የተሳሳተ ወይም እላፊ ሒሳብ ከቆጠረ ለሹፌር ጥሪ ማዕከል ወዲያውኑ የማሳወቅ፤

4.3.31 መኪና አገልግሎት ለመስጠት ከአቅራቢው የተቀበላቸውን ማናቸውም የቴክኖሎጂ መሳሪያ በጥንቃቄ ለመያዝ ለመገልገልና በሹፌር በተጠየቁ ጊዜ የመመለስ፤

4.3.32 ከቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ ሰራተኞች ጋር ጥሩ ግኑኝነት በመፍጠርና በመግባባት መስራት፤

4.3.33 የሚገለገልበትን የቴክኖሎጂ መተግበሪያ (አፕልኬሽን) ቢያንስ በወር አንድ ጊዜ ሹፌር መስሪያ ቤት በመደወል ወይም በአካል በመገኘት የማሳየት እና ምርመራ የማስደረግ፤

4.3.34 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ በአገሪቱ የሚገኙትን የተለያዩ የወንጀል ፣ የፍ/ብሄር ህግጋት እና የሹፌርን መተዳደሪያ ደንብን እንዲሁም ይህንን ውል በመጣስ ለሚጣል ማናቸውም ቅጣት ሃላፊነት የመውሰድ እና፤

4.3.35 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ የሚፈጠሩ ማናቸውም አለመግባባቶችን በስነምግባር በህግና በደንብ መሰረት የመፍታት ግዴታ አለበት፡፡

4.3.36 ተገልጋይን ይዞ በጉዞ ላይ ጓደኛን ወይም ቤተሰብን መጫን የተከለከለ ነው፡፡

4.3.37 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ ተሳፋሪ በተሸከርካሪ ውስጥ ረስቶ የወረደው ገንዘብ፤ እና ሌሎች ንብረቶችን ካገኘ ለሹፌር መ/ቤት አምጥቶ የማስረከብ ግዴታ አለበት፡፡

4.3.38 መኪና አገልግሎት በሚሰጥበት በማናቸውም ጊዜ ተጓዡን ሊደርስ ከሚፈልግበት ቦታ ውጭ እንዲወርድ ማድረግ የለበትም፡፡

4.4 በአሽከርካሪው የያንጎ ፕሮ አፕልኬሽን ላይ የተመዘገበን ታርጋ ብቻ የያዘ መኪና እያሽከረከረ የያንጎ ፕሮ አገልግሎት ለመስጠት ታርጋ ቁጥሩ አፕልኬሽኑ ላይ በስህተት ከተመዘገበ ወዲያው ለሹፌር ጥሪ ማዕከል ማሳወቅ፤

4.5 የተሳፋሪን አንድ ሻንጣ ያለ ክፍያ በነፃ የመጫን ግዴታ አለበት፡፡ ነገር ግን የሻንጣው ብዛት ከ 1 በላይ በሆነ ጊዜ በእያንዳንዱ ሻንጣ ብር 20(ሃያ አምስት ብር) በማስከፈል የሚጭን ይሆናል፤

4.6 የመኪናውን ደህንነት መጠበቅ ያስችል ዘንድ በየ 6 ወሩ ሹፌር በመደበበት የቁጥጥር ጋራዥ በማቅረብ መኪናውን የማስመርመር ግዴታ አለበት፡፡

4.7 የቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ በየ3 ወር በአካል የሹፌር ጽ/ቤት ቀርቦ ስልጠናዎችን መውሰድ፤

4.8 የሚጠቀመበት የያንጎ ፕሮ የግል አካውንት የተጫነበት ስልክ በማናቸውም ምክንያት ቢጠፋ በሹፌር ጽ/ቤት በአካል ቀርቦ በ48 ሰዓት ውስጥ ማሳወቅ፡ አለበት፡፡


አንቀፅ አምስት

የአገልግሎት ክፍያን በተመለከተ

5.1 የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው ለደንበኛ አገልግሎት በመስጠት ከሚያገኘው ገቢ በወቅቱ የአገልግሎት ኮሚሽን ዋጋ ለጂቱጂ አይቲ ሶሉሽንስ አ/ማ ክፍያ የሚፈጽም ይሆናል፡፡


አንቀፅ ስድስት

ውሉ ስለሚቋረጥበት ሁኔታ

ይህ ውል በሚከተሉት ምክንያቶች ሊቋረጥ ይችላል፡፡

6.1 መኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው በዚህ ውል ውስጥ የተጣሉበትን ግዴታዎች ያለበቂ ምክንያት ሳይፈጽም ከቀረ አቅራቢው ይህን የስምምነት ውል ለመሰረዝ ይችላል፡፡

6.2 ተገልጋዮች መኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪውን በተመለከተ ቅሬታ ካቀረቡበት ትክኖሎጂ አቅራቢው የቀረበውን አቤቱታ በማጣራት ጥፋት ነው ብሎ ካመነበት ያለ ምንም ማስጠንቀቂያ በተናጥል ውሉን ለመሰረዝ ይችላል፡፡

6.3 አቅራቢው በውሉ ውስጥ የተቀመጡትን ግዴታዎች በተመሳሳይ ሁኔታ ሳይፈጽም ከቀረ መኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው ጉድለቱን በአንድ ወር ውስጥ እንዲያስተካክል በፅሁፍ ጠይቆ ማስተካከያ ካላገኘ ውሉን ማቋረጥ ይችላል፡፡

6.4 አገልግሎት ሰጭ ለአቅራቢው ሳያሳውቅ ያለ በቂ ምክንያት ለአንድ ወር ያህል ምንም ጥሪ ካልተቀበለ አቅራቢው ይህንን ውል በተናጥል መሰረዝ ይችላል፡፡

6.5 ሁለቱም ወገኖች በጽሁፍ በሚፈጽሙት ስምምነት ውሉን ለመቋረጥ ይችላሉ፡፡


አንቀፅ ሰባት

ውሉ መቋረጥ ውጤት

የውሉ ማቋረጥ ከዚህ በታች የተጠቀሱትን ያስከትላል፡፡

7.1 የቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ በሲስተሙ ላይ ቀሪ ሂሳብ ካለው ተመላሽ አይሆንም፡፡

7.2 የቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ ውሉ ከተቋረጠ በኃላ ተመልሶ አገልግሎት መስጠት ቢፈልግ 2,150.00(ሁለት ሺህ አንድ መቶ ሀምሳ ብር) ለውሉ ማደሻ የሚከፈል ይሆናል፡፡


አንቀፅ ስምንት


ስለቅጣት፡-ከዚህ በላይ ውልን ስለማቋረጥ የተጠቀሰው እና በተለያየ የትራፊክ ደህንነት ህጎች ላይ የተጠቀሱት እርምጃዎች እንደተጠበቁ ሆነው፡-

8.1 የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው የመኪናው ባለቤትም ይሁን በእርሱ ስር ተቀጥሮ የሚሰራ አሽከርካሪ ከሆነና ከአገልግሎት አቅራቢዉ የፅሁፍ ፈቃድ ሳያገኝ ለሚሰጠው አገልግሎት፤ የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው የተሰጠውን የጥሪ አገልግሎት መጠቀሚያ ማለትም የግል መገልገያ ልዩ መታወቂያ/አካውንቱን እንዲሁም ለስራው የተመዘገብ ሲም ካርድን ለሌላ ሰው እንዲገለገልበት ሰጥቶ ከተገኘ ወይም ያንጎ ፕሮ ላይ ባልተመዘገበ መኪና ላይ ሲጠቀም ከተገኘ አገልግሎት አቅራቢው የሚከተለውን ቅጣት ለመክፈል ተስማምቷል፡፡

8.1.1 የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው ይህንን ድርጊት ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ ከፈጸመ ለአገልግሎት አቅራቢው ብር 25,000.00 (ሃያ አምስት ሺህ ብር)የመክፈል ግዴታ አለበት፡፡

8.1.2 የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው ይህንን ድርጊት ለሁለተኛ ጊዜ ሲፈጽም ከተገኘ ለቴክኖሎጂ አቅራቢው ብር 50,000.00 (ሃምሳ ሺህ ብር) የመክፈል ግዴታ አለበት፡፡

8.1.3 የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው ይህንን ድርጊት ከሁለት ጊዜ በላይ ሲፈጽም ከተገኘ ከላይ በፊደል ‘ለ’ ስር የተቀመጠውን ቅጣት የሚከፍል ይሆናል፡፡ በተጨማሪም ቴክኖሎጂ አቅራቢው ደንበኛውን ሙሉ በሙሉ ከሲስተም በማስወጣት የሚሰርዘው ይሆናል፡፡

8.2 መኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው የሚጠቀምበት የያንጎ ፕሮ የግል አካውንት የሚጫንበት ስልክ በማናቸውም ምክንያት ቢጠፋና ለሹፌር ጽ/ቤት በአካል ቀርቦ በ48 ሰዓት ውስጥ ባለማሳወቁና ይህን አካውንት ሌላ ግለሰብ ሲጠቀምበት ቢገኝ ለቴክኖሎጂ አቅራቢው ብር 25000.00(ሃያ አምስት ሺህ ብር) የመክፈል ግዴታ አለበት፡፡

8.3 መኪና አገልግሎቱን የሚሰጠው ተቀጣሪ አሽከርካሪ ከሆነ የመኪናው ባለቤት ይህ አሽከርካሪ ከእርሱ ጋር ያለው የውል ግንኙነት ሲቋረጥ ውሉ በተቋረጠ በሰባት ቀናት ውስጥ ለቴክኖሎጂ አቅራቢው በማሳወቅ ግለሰቡ ቴክኖሎጂውን እንዳይጠቀምበት እንዲታገድ ማድረግ አለበት፡፡ ነገር ግን የተሸከርካሪው ባለቤት ይህንን ግዴታውን በተጠቀሰው ጊዜ ውስጥ ባይፈጽምና አሽከርካሪው ቴክኖሎጂውን በሌላ መኪና ሲጠቀም ቢገኝ የመኪናው ባለቤት ለቴክኖሎጂ አቅራቢው ብር 10,000.00 (አስር ሺህ ብር) ለመክፈል ተስማምቷል፡፡

8.4 የመኪና አገልግሎት ሰጪው የቀጠሮ ስራ ተቀብሎ ቦታው ላይ በተቀጠረበት ሰዓትና ቦታ ሳይገኝ ቢቀር የስራውን ግምት ሂሳብ ለመክፈል ተስማምቷል፡፡

8.5 የመኪና አግለልግሎት ሰጪው በማንኛውም አይንት ፍራውድ ወይም ማጭበርበር ተሳታፊ ሆኖ ቢገኝ የጉዳቱን ተመን ልክ ልከፍልና በህግ ለሚቀርብልት ክስ ሙሉ በሙሉ ጥፋቱን አምኖ ለመቀበል ተስማምቷል።


አንቀፅ ዘጠኝ

ልዩ ድንጋጌ እና አባሪ

ይህ ውል ከተፈጸመ በኃላ ለጋራ ደንበኞቻችን የሚሰጠውን የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎት በተመለከተ በተለያዩ ጊዜያት ከቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት አቅራቢ የሚላኩ የተለያዩ ደብዳቤዎች መልዕክቶች የሚሰጡ መግልጫዎች እንዲሁም ሹፌር በሚጠራው ስብሰባ ላይ የሚሳተፉ የውሳኔ ሃሳቦች ሹፌር የሚያወጣው የአሰራር ፖሊሲና መመሪያ በ8610 የሚላክ የአጭር መልዕክቶች እና የመሳሰሉት የዚህ ውል አካል ተደርጎ እንዲቆጠሩ ተዋዋዮች ተስማምተዋል፡፡


አንቀፅ አስር

አለመግባባትን ስለመፍታት

10.1 በዚህ ውል ትርጉም እና አፈፃፀም ጋር ተያይዘው የሚነሱ አለመግባባቶችን በሁለቱ ወገኖች ቅን መንፈስ ላይ ተመስርቶ በሚደረግ ውይይት እልባት እንዲገኝ ጥረት ይደረጋል፡፡

10.2 ከዚህ በላይ ባለው ንዑስ አንቀፅ መሰረት ስምምነት ላይ ካልተደረሰ ተበደልኩ ባይ ወገን ጉዳዩን የማየት ስልጣን ባለው ፍ/ቤት ማቅረብ ይችላል፡፡


አንቀፅ አስራ አንድ

ውሉ የሚቆይበት የጊዜ ገደብና የስምምነት ማረጋገጫ

11.1 ይህ የትራንስፖርት አገልግሎትን በትራንስፖርት ቴክኖሎጂ ለመደገፍ የተደረገ የስምምነት ውል በሁለቱ ተዋዋዮች መካከል በፍ/ሕ/ቁ/1731 መሰረት ህግ ሆኖ ላልተወሰነ ጊዜ ፀንቶ ይቆያል፡፡

11.2 እኛ የዚህ ውል ተዋዋ ወገኖች ይህንን ውል አንብበን የውሉን ይዘት በሚገባ ተረድተን በሙሉ ፈቃዳችን በዚህ ውል በተቀመጡት የስምምነት ነጥቦች ላይ መስማማታችንን በተለመደው ፊርማችን እናረጋግጣለን፡፡


አንቀፅ አስራ ሁለት

ውል ስለማሻሻል

12. የመተግበሪያው አንዳንድ ተግባራት የመጠቀም ሁኔታዎች

12.1. የመተግበሪያው አንዳንድ ተግባራት ኢንተርኔት በመጠቀም ብቻ ተፈጻሚ ይሆናሉ፡፡ ተጠቃሚው በተናጠል ለዚህ ለቴሌኮም ወይም ኢንተርኔት አቅራቢው አገልግሎት በማግኘት ይከፍላሉ፡፡

12.2. የመተግበሪያው አንዳንድ ተግባራት ለተጠቃሚው ከመብቱ ባለቤት ወይም የመተግበሪያውን ተግባራት ካቀረበው አካል ጋር የተናጠል ስምምነት በማድረግ ብቻ ሊያገኝ ይችላል፡፡

12.3. ፕሮግራሙ እና አንዳንድ ተግባራቱ በድራይቨር ካርድ አመንጪ በሚገዙ የተዘረዘሩ ሁኔታዎች ስር ጥቅም ላይ ሲውል (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv) ጥቅም ላይ ሲውል ተጠቃሚው ለመብቱ ባለቤት የተጠቃሚውን የግል መረጃ በሚስጢራዊን ደንብ (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) እንደተገለጸው እነዚህ ተግባራት ከፕሮግራሙ የሆኑ መሆናቸውን የተጠቃሚ የግል መረጃ ለመብት ባለቤት አጋሮች ይህን መረጃ እንዲያገኙ እና ተግባራቱን ፕሮግራሙንየተመለከቱ በደራይቨር ካርድ ጄኔሬተር የአጠቃቀመ ሁኑታዎች ለተገለጸው አላማ እና የተጠቃሚው የግል መረጃ ለተመሳሳይ አላማ ከሶስተኛ ወገኖች ለማግኘት መተቀም ይችላሉ፡፡

የመብቱ ባለቤት የተጠቃሚን የግል መረጃ የተገለጹት አላማዎች የሚያስፈልግን ያዘዋውራል እና/ወይም ይቀበላል፡፡ የመብቱ ባለቤት የተጠቃሚን የግል መረጃ እና ተጠቃሚው ዳውንሎድ የሚያደርገውነ ሌላ መረጃ በመያዝ በሚስጢራዊነት ፖሊሲ (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) መሰረት በፕሮግራሙ የሚቀርበውን የሚያገኝ ይሆናል፡፡

የዚህ አንቀጽ ደንቦች የተጠቃሚ የግል እና ሌላ መረጃ በመብቱ ባለቤት ተጠቃሚው የሚቀበለውን አገልግሎት ሲጠቀም እና ተግባራቱም ሲጠቀም ተፈጻሚነት ይኖራቸዋል፡፡

በዚህ አንቀጽ የተፈቀዱት ፈቃዶች ተጠቃሚው በፕሮግራሙ ውስጥ የሚገልጸው መረጃ እና ሶስተኛ ወገኖች የመብቱ ባለቤት የሚቀበለው ላይ እንደ ሙሉ ስም ፣ መከታተያ አድራሻ ፣ የዋናው መለያ ሰነድ ቁጥር እና መንጃ ፈቃድ ፣ የተሸከርካሪ ምዝገበ የምስክር ወረቀት፣ መረጃው የተገኘበት ጊዜ /የሚያበቃበት ቀን አካቶ/ የተገለጹት ሰነዶች የሰጠ አካል የመብቱ ባለቤት ጋር በተያያዘ መጭበርበር ለመከላከል አስፈላጊ መረጃ እና ፕሮግራሙ ጥቅም ላየ የሚውልበት መንገድ ፎቶዎች፣ ተሳፋሪዎች ለማጓጓዝ ተሸከርካሪ የማሸከርከር መብት መረጃ እና ለተሳፋሪዎች ታክሲ ሻንጣዎች እና ተሳፋሪ የማጓጓዝ መረጃ ከትራፊክ ጋር የተያያዙ መረጃ እና ሌላ የህጎች ጥሰት /መቀጫ/ የአፈጻጸም ሂደቶች የህዝብ መዝገቦች ላይ ያሉ/አካቶ የሚቀበል ይሆናል፡፡ የመብቱ ባለቤት ይህን የግል መረጃ ያለአውቶሜሸን መሰሪያዎች ወይም መሳሪያዎቸን በመጠቀም በማንኛውም መልኩ መረጃውን መሰብሰብ ፣ ሪከርድ ማድረግ፣ ሲስተማቲክ ማድረግ፣ ማከማቸት፣ ስቶር ማድረግ፣ ማብራራት/ ወቅታዊ ማድረግ፣ መለወጥ/ ማውጣት፣ መጠቀም፣ ማዘዋወር/ማቅረብ፣ ማግኘት/የግል መሆን ማንሳት፣ መገደብ፣ መሰረዝ እና ማጥፋት ይችላል፡፡

ተፈጻሚ ህጎች ሲገልጹት ተጠቃሚው በዚህ አንቀጽ የተገለጸውን የተጠቃሚ ፈቃድ በጽሁፍ የሚሰጥ ሆኖ በተጠቃሚው ኢ-ፊርማ በአንቀጽ 1.6-1.65 በዚህ አንቀጽ እንደተገለጸው በተጠቃሚው ለዚህ አይነቱ ፈቃድ እንደተገለጸው ዝረዝሮች ይቀርባሉ፡፡ ይህ ፈቀድ ለተጠቃሚው የፕሮግረም ተግባራት ለማቅረብ አስፈላጊ እስከሆነ እና ከዚህ በኃላ እስከ 3 ዓመታት ተፈጻሚ ህጎች ማንኛውም ሌላ አጭር ወይም ረጅም ጊዜ እስካልገለጹ የሚያገለግል ይሆናል፡፡

12.4. ተጠቃሚው ፕሮግራሙ ለተጠቃሚው የመተግበሪያውን ተግባራት ሲያቀርብ የመብቱ ባለቤት የሚከተለውን መረጃ ማለትም የተጠቃሚው መሳሪያ አሰራር ስስተም፣ የብሮዘር ቭርሽን እና መታወቂያ፣ የፕሮግራም ተግባራት ኩነታት፣ የመሳሪያው ቦታ መረጃ ፣ እና ማንኛውም ሌላ የቴክኒክ መረጃ የሚቀበል እንደሚሆን ተረድቶ ተስማምቷል፡፡


አንቀፅ አስራ ሶስት

በፈቃዱ ስር ያለ ህጋዊ ሀላፊነት

13.1. ፕሮግራሙ እንዳለ የቀረበ ሲሆን የመብቱ ባለቤት ለማንኛውም ስህተት እና የመተግበሪያውን ከችግር ነጻ አሰራር ምንም አይነት ዋስትና አይሰጥም ወይም ላሉት ክፍሎች እና/ወይም ተግባራት ለተለየ አላማዎች እና ግቦች ለፕሮግራሙ ብቁነት እና ተጠቃሚዎች ለሚጠብቁት ዋስትና አይሰጥም፡፡ በፈቃዱ ላልተገለጹ ሌሎች ዋስትናዎች አይሰጥም፡፡

13.2. የመብቱ ባለቤት ለማንኛውም ቀጥተኛ ወይም ቀጥተኛ ያልሆኑ ማንኛቸውም የመተግበሪያው መጠቀም አለመቻል ወይም መጠቀም እና/ወይም ማንኛውም ጉዳት በተጠቃሚላይ ለመጣ እና/ወይም ሶስተኛ ወገኖች ላይ ለማንኛውም መጠቀም ለመጣ ፕሮግራሙን ላለመጠቀም ወይም መጠቀም አለመቻል እንዳንድ ክፍሎ እና/ወይም ተግባራት በስተህተት ምክንያት ወይም ፕሮግራም ባለመስራቱ በህግ እስካልተገለጸ ሀላፊነት አይኖርበትም፡፡

13.3. ፕሮግራሙን መጠቀም /መጠቀም አለመቻል ጋር የተያያዙ ሁሉም ጥያቄዎች እና ይገባኛሎች የህግ አፈጻጸም እና /ወይም በፕሮግራሙ የሶስተኛ ወገኖች መብቶች በመላሸ ቅጽ መቅረብ አለባቸው፡፡


አንቀፅ አስራ አራት

የመተግበሪያው ወቅታዊነት /አዲስ ቨርሽኖች /

14.1. ይህ ፈቃድ ሁሉም የወደፊት ወቅታዊዎች /የፕሮግራም አዲስ ቨርሽኖ ይሸፍናል፡፡ ተጠቃሚው ወቅታዊውን./ የፕሮግራም አዲስ ቨርሽን ለመዘርጋት ሲስማማ እሱ/እሷ የዚህን ፈቃድ ዝርዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች ለፕሮግራሙ ወቅታዊነት አዲስ ቨርሽን የመተግበሪያው ሌላ ወቅታዊ አዲስ ቨርሸን የፈቃድ ስምምነት እስከሌለ ሁኔታዎቹን ለመቀበል ተስማምተዋል፡፡

አንቀፅ አስራ አምስት

የዚህ ፈቃድ ማሻሻያዎች

14.1. ይህ የፈቃድ ስምምነት በመብቱ ባለቤት በተናጠል ሊሻሻል ይችላል፡፡ ለዚህ ፈቃድ መሻሻያዎች ለተጠቃሚው ማስታወሻ በ https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. ይገለጻል፡፡ የተገለጹት ማሻሻያዎች ለዚህ ፈቃድ ዝረዝሮች እና ሁኔታዎች ማሻሸያዎ አንዴ እንደታተሙ ማለትም የተለየ ተገቢ ህትመት እስካላስፈለገ ተፈጻሚት ይኖራቸዋል፡፡

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and CABS TEK OY, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

Terms of Use of the Pro-User Card Service available online at: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Privacy Policy available online at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of Finland, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended as well as assigned to the another party by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of the Rightholder

CABS TEK OY, a legal entity duly incorporated and operating in accordance with the laws of Finland, with business registration number 3504746-6, registered address at Töpöhäntä 1 as. 1, 20750, Turku, Finland

Date of publication: March 1, 2025

Date of entering into force: March 1, 2025.

This document has been published upon the request and on behalf of CABS TEK OY.

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/04072022

Mobiililaitteille suunnitellun Yango Pro -ohjelmiston käyttöoikeussopimus


Lue tämä sopimus huolellisesti ennen ohjelmiston käyttöä.

Käyttämällä ohjelmistoa hyväksyt tämän sopimuksen ehdot täydessä laajuudessa.

Ellet hyväksy tämän sopimuksen ehtoja, sinulla ei ole oikeutta käyttää ohjelmistoa mihinkään tarkoitukseen.

1 Yleistä

1.1 Tämä käyttöoikeussopimus (jäljempänä Sopimus) asettaa mobiililaitteille kehitetyn Yango Pro -ohjelmiston (jäljempänä Ohjelmisto) käyttöehdot ja on solmittu jokaisen Ohjelmistoa käyttävän henkilön (jäljempänä Käyttäjä) ja Ohjelmiston käyttöoikeuksien myöntämiseen valtuutetun CABS TEK OY (jäljempänä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija).

1.2 Kopioimalla Ohjelmiston, asentamalla sen mobiililaitteeseesi tai jollakin tavalla käyttämällä Ohjelmistoa Käyttäjä myöntää olevansa täysin hyväksynyt kaikki tämän Sopimuksen ehdot kokonaan.

1.3 Ohjelmiston käyttäminen on sallittu ainoastaan tämän Sopimuksen ehtojen mukaisena. Mikäli Käyttäjä ei hyväksy tämän Sopimuksen ehtoja kokonaan, hän ei saa käyttää Ohjelmistoa mihinkään tarkoitukseen. Ohjelmiston käyttäminen on kielletty jonkin sopimusehdoista ollessa laiminlyöty/jätetty täyttämättä.

1.4 Tämän Sopimuksen ehtojen mukaisena Ohjelmiston käyttö yksityistarkoituksiin tapahtuu korvauksetta. Ohjelmiston käyttö muilla kuin tässä Sopimuksessa mainituilla ehdoin ja tavoin on mahdollista ainoastaan erillisellä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kanssa solmittavalla sopimuksella.

1.5 Käyttämällä Ohjelmistoa Käyttäjä hyväksyy sen, että erottamatona osana tätä Sopimusta ovat seuraavat asiakirjat, joiden tarkoittamat ehdot koskevat täydessä määrin Ohjelmiston käyttämistä:

Pro-Käyttäjäkorttipalvelun Käyttöehdot saatavilla verkossa osoitteessa: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv

Tietoturvapolitiikka, joka on Internetissä osoitteessa https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice_fi.

Em. asiakirjoja (mm. mitä tahansa näiden osia) voi Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija muuttaa yksipuolisesti ilman mitään erillistä ilmoitusta ja päivitetty versio asiakirjoista astuu voimaan, kun ne on julkaistu, ellei muuta ole näissä päivitetyissä verioissa mainittu.

1.6 Täten Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija ja Käyttäjä ovat keskenään sopineet, että Ohjelmiston puitteissa he molemminpuolisesti hyväksyvät sähköisesti allekirjoitettuja sähköisiä asiakirjoja sitoviksi ja yhtä päteviksi kuin paperille tehtyjä ja omakätisesti allekirjoitettuja asiakirjoja.

1.6.1 Ohjelmisto on mm. tietojärjestelmä, jota operoi Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija.

1.6.2 Allekirjoittaakseen sähköisen asiakirjan sähköisellä allekirjoituksella Ohjelmiston tietyjen toimintojen tarkoittamissa puitteissa ja tapauksissa Käyttäjä käyttää Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan luomia numero-, kirjain-, merkki- tai yhdistelmätunnuksia, joita Käyttäjä saa tekstiviestinä Ohjelmistoon ilmoittamaansa puhelinnumeroon. Tällaiset tunnukset ovat sähköisen allekirjoituksen avaimia.

1.6.3 Käyttäjä sitoutuu pitämään tulleet tunnukset / sähköisen allekirjoituksen avaimet salassa.

1.6.4 Käyttäjä syöttää asiaankuuluvan tunnuksen Ohjelmistossa varta vasten olevaan lomakkeeseen. Sopijapuolet hyväksyvät sen, että kaikki sähköiset asiakirjat, jotka Käyttäjä on Ohjelmiston toimintojen avulla luonut, käyttänyt ja lähettänyt Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle saman istunnon puitteissa eli asiaankuuluvan tunnuksen voimassaoloaikana, ovat allekirjoitettu edellä mainitulla tavalla Käyttäjän sähköisellä allekirjoituksella.

1.6.5 Käyttäjä vakuuttaa ilmoittaneensa Ohjelmistoon tiedot itsestään oikein ja ajantasaisina. Ko. tiedon perusteella Käyttäjä päättelee, että sähköisesti edellämainitulla menettelyllä allekirjoitettu sähköinen asiakirja on nimenomaan Käyttäjän allekirjoittama.

1.7 Siinä tapauksessa kun Käyttäjänä on Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan yhteistyökumppanin edustaja, tämän Sopimuksen lausekkeita 1.6.1...1.6.5 sovelletaan siltä osin, kuin se ei ole Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan ja tämän yhteistyökumppanin välisten sopimusten vastaista.

1.8 Käyttäjä hyväksyy Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan oikeuden käyttää Käyttäjän Ohjelmiston merkeissä antamaa tietoa, sisällyttämällä tämän Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan tietokantaan ja käyttämällä jatkossa tällaista tietokantaa millä hyvänsä tavalla.

1.9 Tähän Sopimukseen ja kaikkiin Ohjelmiston käyttämisestä aiheutuviin suhteisiin on sovellettava Soumen lainsäädäntöä ja kaikki tästä Sopimuksesta tai Ohjelmiston käyttämisestä aiheutuvat vaateet tai kanteet on esitettävä ja käsiteltävä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kotipaikan oikeudessa.

1.10 Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija voi toimittaa Käyttäjälle tästä Sopimuksesta käännöksen venäjän kielestä muihin kieliin, kutenkin venäjänkielisten Sopimusehtojen ollessa ristiriidassa käännöksen kanssa pätee ainoastaan venäjänkielinen versio.

1.11 Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalla on oikeus toimittaa Käyttäjille tiedotusviestejä. Käyttämällä Ohjelmistoa Käyttäjä myös suostuu siihen, että hänelle lähetetään mainos- ja tiedotusviestejä. Käyttäjä voi kieltäytyä vastaanottamasta mainosviestejä ilmoittamalla siitä tukipalveluun tai seuraamalla näissä viesteissä olevia ohjeita.

1.12 Käyttäjän oleskelualueesta riippuen kaikki Ohjelmiston toiminnot tai jotkin näistä saattavat olla pois käytöstä tai rajoitettu. Toimintoja katsotaan tietyltä alueelta oleviksi pois käytöstä/rajoitetuiksi Käyttäjälle, mikäli ko. Käyttäjä ei voi hyödyntää näitä suoranaisina. Mitään teknillisiä ja ohjelmallisia konsteja ko. rajoitusten ohittamiseksi ei saa käyttää. Tämän Sopimuksen lausekkeita eikä kohdassa 1.5 mainittuja asiakirjoja, jotka säätelevät Käyttäjän käytöstä pois olevia/rajoitettuja Ohjelmiston toimintoja, ei sovelleta niin kauan, kunnes ko. toiminnot ovat Käyttäjän käytettävissä suoranaisina. Käyttäjän toimintojen saatavuuteen kullakin alueella liittyvä tietoa Käyttäjä saa lähettämällä yhteydenottopyynnön Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle.


2 Ohjelmistoon liittyvät omistusoikeudet

2.1 Yksinoikeus Ohjelmistoon kuuluu Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle.


3 Käyttöoikeus

3.1 Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija antaa Käyttäjälle korvauksetta siirtämättömän oikeuden käyttää Ohjelmistoa kaikkien maailman maiden alueilla yksinkertaisen (ei-yksinkäyttö-) luvan ehdoilla seuraavilla tavoilla:

3.1.1 - Käyttää Ohjelmistoa suoraan käyttötarkoitukseen, mitä varten kopioida ja asentaa tämä Käyttäjän mobiililaitteeseen/-laitteisiin. Käyttäjä voi asentaa Ohjelmiston useisiin mobiililaitteisiin rajoituksetta. Ohjelmistoa asennettaessa mobiililaitteeseen kullekin kopiolle muodostuu oma numeronsa, joka automaattisesti ilmoitetaan Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle.

3.1.2 - Ajaa ja levittää Ohjelmistoa ei-kaupalliseen tarkoitukseen (korvauksetta).


4 Rajoitukset

4.1 Paitsi kun tämä sopimus sen nimenomaisesti sallii tai jos soveltuva laki sen erityisesti sallii, Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta muuttaa eikä purkaa Ohjelmistoa tai mitään sen osaa, selvittää tai yrittää selvittää sen valmistustapaa tai lähdekoodia, luoda siitä johdannaisia tai tehdä tälle muuta saadakseen tietoa Ohjelmistossa käytettävien ohjelmien toteuttamisesta, tai käyttää/antaa lupaa käyttää Ohjelmistoa muulla tavoin ilman Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kirjallista suostumusta.

4.2 Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta ilman Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kirjallista suostumusta ajaa ja levittää Ohjelmistoa kaupallisessa tarkoituksessa, mm. korvausta vastaan ja mm. ohjelmistotuotteiden kokoomateoksiin sisällytettynä.

4.3 Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta ilman Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kirjallista suostumusta levittää Ohjelmistoa muussa muodossa, kuin missä hän on vastaanottanut sen.

4.4 Ohjelmistoa on käytettävä ja levitettävä Yango Pro -nimisenä. Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta muuttaa Ohjelmiston nimeä, muuttaa ja/tai poistaa tekijänoikeushuomautusta (copyright notice) tai muuta viitettä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijaan.


5 Ohjelmiston toimintojen käyttöehdot

5.1 Tiettyjen Ohjelmiston toimintojen toteutus edellyttää toimivaa verkkoyhteyttä. Käyttäjä itse hankkii tällaisen yhteyden ja maksaa siitä verkko-operaattorin ehdoilla ja hinnoilla.

5.2 Tietyt Ohjelmiston toiminnot ovat käytettävissä ainoastaan sellaisella Käyttäjällä, joka on solminut erillisen sopimuksen Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kanssa tai kyseisiä toimintoja tuottavan tahon kanssa.

5.3 Käyttämällä Ohjelmistoa, mm. sen eri toimintoja, joista kuvauksen sisältävät ja säätelevät Kuljettajakortti -palvelun käyttöehdot, https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv, Käyttäjä hyväksyy sen, että Ohjelmiston toiminnallisuuden tuottamiseksi Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija käsittelee Käyttäjän henkilötietoja sen mukaisesti, mitä on määritelty Tietoturvapolitiikassa, https://yandex.com/legal/confidential_fi, luovuttaa/siirtää henkilötietoja mm. maan rajan yli Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan yhteistyökumppaneille jatkokäsittelyä varten Ohjelmiston toiminnallisuuden tuottamiseksi sekä Kuljettajakortti -palvelun käyttöehtojen mukaiseen tarkoitukseen ja vastaanottaa Käyttäjän henkilötiedon kolmansilta tahoilta samaan tarkoitukseen.

Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija antaa ja/tai vastaanottaa Käyttäjän henkilötiedon vain siltä osin, mikä tarvitaan em. tarkoitukseen. Käyttäjän henkilötietoa sekä muita Ohjelmiston kautta Käyttäjän lataamia ja antamia tietoja Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija käsittelee Tietoturvapolitiikan mukaisesti, ks. https://yandex.com/legal/confidential_fi.

Tämän pykälän sisältämät lausekkeet Käyttäjän henkilö- ja muiden tietojen käsittelystä koskevat Palvelun ja tämän toimintojen käyttämisen yhteydessä vastaanotettua ja lähetettyä Käyttäjän aineistoa ja tietoa.

Tässä kohdassa mainittu suostumus koskee tietoa, jonka Käyttäjä on antanut Ohjelmistossa, sekä Käyttäjän vastaanottamaa tietoa kolmansilta tahoilta, mm. sukunimeä, nimeä, isännimeä, osoitetta, varsinaisen henkilöllisyystodistuksen numeroa, ajokortin numeroa, ajoneuvon rekisteriotetta, em. asiakirjojen myöntöpäiviä, voimassaoloaikaa ja myöntäjäviranomaisen nimeä sisältäviä tietoja, petoksen ja Ohjelmiston väärinkäytöksen estämiseen tarvittavaa tietoa, mm. valokuvaa, tietoa henkilöautoilla toteutettaviin taksikuljetuksiin liittyvästä ajo-oikeudesta henkilökuljetusten ja matkatavaran kuljetusten suhteen sekä tietoa liikennesääntöjen rikkomisesta ja muista lain rikkomuksista (mm. onko rästejä/oikeuden päätöksen täytäntöönpanoa menossa, joista on tietoa julkisissa rekistereissä). Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija voi käsitellä tätä henkilötietoa sekä automatisointivälineitä käyttäen että näitä käyttämättä ja myöskin kaikilla muilla konsteilla, kuten keruu, tallennus, järjestelmään saattaminen, kokoaminen, säilytys, tarkistaminen (päivittäminen, muuttaminen, irroittaminen, käyttäminen, siirto (toimittaminen ja pääsyn antaminen), persoonattomaksi tekeminen, lukitseminen, poisto ja hävittäminen.

Sovellettavan lainsäädännön tarkoittamissa tilanteissa tässä pykälässä mainittua Käyttäjän suostumusta katsotaan kirjalliseksi, sähköisesti allekirjoitetuksi tämän Sopimuksen pykälien 1.6...1.6.5 mukaisesti ja varustetuksi tällaiseen suostumukseen tarvittavin Käyttäjän antamin osoite- ja tms. tiedoin. Suostumus on voimassa niin kauan, kuin tarvitaan toimittamaan Käyttäjälle Ohjelmiston toiminnallisuutta sekä kolmen (3) vuoden kuluessa sen jälkeen, ellei muuta (lyhennettyä tai pitempää) voimassaoloaikaa ole säädetty laissa.

5.4 Käyttäjä sanoutuu täten tiedotetuksi, ymmärtäneeksi ja hyväksyneeksi sen, että Ohjelmistoa käytettäessä, Käyttäjälle parhaan mahdollisen toiminnallisuuden tarjoamiseksi kerätään automaattisesti Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle siirrettäväksi seuraavaa teknistä tietoa: käyttäjän päätelaitteen käyttöjärjestelmä, selaimen versio ja tunniste, Ohjelmiston toimintojen käyttämiseen liittyvät tilastot, päätelaitteen sijaintitiedot sekä muuta teknistä tietoa.

5.5 Jotkin Ohjelmiston toiminnot ovat kolmansien tahojen tuottamia ja ko. toimintojen käyttäminen tapahtuu näiden kolmansien tahojen ehdoilla. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija ei tarkasta ko. kolmansien tahojen ohjelmisto- ja laitteistovälineitä, joiden avulla kyseisiä palveluita tuotetaan, eikä takaa, että nämä kolmansien tahojen palvelut toimivat virheettömästi ja katkoitta.


6 Vastuu

6.1 Ohjelmisto toimitetaan ”sellaisenaan” (as is) eikä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija takaa, että Ohjelmiston, tämän osien ja/tai toimintojen käyttö on häiriötöntä, että ohjelmisto, tämän osat ja/tai toiminnot toimivat katkoitta ja ovat virheettömiä, soveltuvat johonkin tiettyyn tarkoitukseen, vastaavat Käyttäjän vaatimuksia ja odotuksia, eikä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija myöskään anna muita kuin tässä Sopimuksessa nimenomaisesti mainittuja takuita.

6.2 Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija ei ole missään tapauksessa vastuullinen mistään suorista, epäsuorista tai välillisistä Ohjelmiston tai sen osan ja/tai toimintojen käytöstä, käyttämättömyydestä tai käytön estymisestä aiheutuvista seurauksista ja/tai vahingoista Käyttäjälle ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle, mm. mahdollisista Ohjelmiston toimintahäiriöistä tai virheistä, paisti soveltuvassa laissa nimenomaisesti määrättyjä tilanteita.

6.3 Kaikki Ohjelmiston käyttämisestä/käytön estymisestä sekä mahdollisesta Ohjelmiston aiheuttamasta lainsäädännön ja/tai kolmansien tahojen oikeuksien loukkaamisesta aiheutuvat kysymykset ja vaateet on toimitettava yhteydenottolomakkeen kautta.


Ohjelmiston päivitykset ja uudet versiot

7.1 Tämän Sopimuksen ehdot koskevat kaikkia Ohjelmistopäivityksiä/uusia versioita. Hyväksymällä Ohjelmistopäivitysten/uusien versioiden asennuksen Käyttäjä hyväksyy tämän Sopimuksen ehdot kattaviksi kyseiset päivitykset ja uudet versioihin, paitsi jos päivityksen mukana tulee erillinen käyttöoikeussopimus.


8 Käyttöoikeussopimuksen ehtojen muuttaminen

8.1 Tekijänoikeuden haltijalla on oikeus yksipuolisesti muuttaa ja luovuttaa toiselle osapuolelle tätä lisenssisopimusta. Ilmoitus käyttäjälle lisenssin muutoksista julkaistaan: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement muutokset tulevat voimaan välittömästi julkaisun jälkeen, ellei asiaankuuluvassa tiedotteessa toisin mainita.


9 Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan osoitetiedot



Töpöhäntä 1 as. 1, 20750, Turku, Suomi

Julkaisupäivä: 01.03.2025

Asiakirja on julkaistu CABS Ÿ OY:n pyynnöstä ja puolesta.

Asiakirjan edellinen versio: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Asiakirjan edellinen versio: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/04072022

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the UAE, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/31082023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the UAE, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/24082023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/06032023

Acuerdo de Licencia de Yango Pro para Dispositivos Móviles


Antes de usar el programa, lea los términos y condiciones del acuerdo de licencia a continuación. Cualquier uso del programa significa que usted acepta total e incondicionalmente los términos y condiciones de este acuerdo de licencia. Si no acepta el acuerdo de licencia en su totalidad, no podrá utilizar el programa para ningún fin.


1. Disposiciones Generales

1.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia (la "Licencia") establece los términos de uso de Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taxímetro") para dispositivos móviles (el "Programa") y se celebra entre cualquier persona que utilice el Programa (el "Usuario") y RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, siendo un organismo autorizado para otorgar los derechos de uso del Programa (el "Titular de los Derechos").

1.2. Al copiar el Programa, instalarlo en su dispositivo móvil o utilizar el Programa de cualquier forma, el Usuario expresa su consentimiento total e incondicional a todos los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia.

1.3. Solo se permite utilizar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia. Si el Usuario no acepta los términos y condiciones de la Licencia en su totalidad, el Usuario no podrá utilizar el Programa para ningún fin. Está prohibido usar el Programa en violación de (no cumplir) cualquiera de los términos y condiciones de la Licencia.

1.4. El Usuario puede usar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para fines personales no comerciales sin costo alguno. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

1.5. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

Los Términos de Uso del Servicio de Tarjeta Pro-Usuario disponible en línea en: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv;

Política de Privacidad disponible en línea en https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

El Titular de los Derechos puede modificar dichos documentos (entre otros, cualquier parte de los mismos) unilateralmente sin previo aviso. Las nuevas versiones de los documentos entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, salvo que se estipule lo contrario.

1.6. El Titular de los Derechos y el Usuario han acordado que, en lo que respecta al Programa, considerarán mutuamente los documentos electrónicos firmados con una firma electrónica básica idénticos a los documentos en papel firmados con una firma manuscrita.

1.6.1. El Programa es, entre otras cosas, un sistema de información operado por el Titular de los Derechos.

1.6.2. Para firmar un documento electrónico con una firma electrónica como y cuando lo estipulen ciertas funciones del Programa, el Usuario utilizará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos o combinados que el Titular de los Derechos generó y el Usuario recibió como mensaje al número de teléfono del Usuario especificado en el Programa. Dichos códigos representan la clave de firma electrónica.

1.6.3. El Usuario deberá respetar la confidencialidad de los códigos (claves de firma electrónica) que ha recibido.

1.6.4. El Usuario ingresará un código respectivo en un formulario especial en el Programa. Las Partes reconocen que todos los documentos electrónicos que el Usuario generará, usará y enviará al Titular de los Derechos a través de las funciones del programa en una sesión (el período de validez de un código respectivo) estarán firmados con la firma electrónica del Usuario.

1.6.5. El Usuario garantiza que sus datos personales especificados en el Programa son confiables. Sobre la base de estos datos, el Usuario determinará si un documento electrónico firmado con una firma electrónica, como se especifica anteriormente, está firmado por el Usuario.

1.7. Cuando el Usuario es un representante del Socio del Titular de los Derechos, lo dispuesto en las cláusulas 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 de esta Licencia se aplicarán en la medida en que no entren en conflicto con los acuerdos y contratos entre el Titular de los Derechos y dicho socio del Titular de los Derechos.

1.8. El Usuario autorizará al Titular de los Derechos a utilizar la información que proporcionó en el Programa mediante la inclusión de dicha información en la base de datos del Titular de los Derechos y el uso posterior de dicha base de datos por cualquier medio.

1.9. Esta Licencia y todas las relaciones asociadas con el uso del Programa estarán sujetas a las leyes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y cualquier reclamo o acción que surja de o en relación con esta Licencia o el uso del Programa se someterá y revisará ante los tribunales en la ubicación del Titular de los Derechos.

1.10. El Titular de los Derechos podrá enviar mensajes informativos a los Usuarios. Al utilizar el Programa, el Usuario también da su consentimiento para recibir mensajes publicitarios e informativos. El Usuario puede darse de baja de los mensajes publicitarios dirigiéndose al servicio de asistencia o siguiendo las instrucciones especificadas en un mensaje publicitario recibido.

1.11. Dependiendo de la región del Usuario, algunas o todas las funciones del Programa pueden ser inaccesibles o limitadas. Las funciones se consideran inaccesibles (limitadas) para el Usuario de una determinada región si dicho Usuario no puede usarlas explícitamente. Está prohibido aplicar cualquier método técnico y basado en software para eludir estas limitaciones. Las disposiciones de estos Términos y los documentos especificados en la cláusula 1.5 que rigen las funciones inaccesibles (limitadas) del Programa no se aplicarán hasta que dichas funciones sean explícitamente accesibles para el Usuario. Al Usuario se le proporcionará información sobre la accesibilidad de las funciones del programa en una determinada región previa solicitud enviada al Titular de los Derechos.


2. Derechos al Programa

2.1. El derecho exclusivo al Programa se otorga al Titular de los Derechos.


3. Licencia

3.1. El Titular de los Derechos deberá, de forma gratuita y bajo una licencia ordinaria (no exclusiva), otorgar el derecho intransferible de usar el Programa en todos los países del mundo al Usuario de las siguientes maneras:

3.1.1. Para usar el Programa según lo previsto, por lo tanto, para copiarlo e instalarlo (reproducirlo) en el/los dispositivo/s móvil/es del Usuario. El Usuario puede instalar el Programa en un número ilimitado de dispositivos móviles. Cuando se instala en dispositivos móviles, a cada copia del Programa se le asigna un número individual informado automáticamente al Titular de los Derechos.

3.1.2. Para reproducir y distribuir el Programa con fines no comerciales (sin cargo).


4. Limitaciones

4.1. Excepto cuando se use en el alcance y en las formas expresamente estipuladas por esta Licencia o las leyes aplicables, el Usuario no puede modificar, descompilar, desensamblar, descifrar y realizar cualquier otra acción con el código objeto del Programa destinado a obtener información sobre la implementación de los algoritmos usados en el Programa, crear trabajos derivados usando el Programa, y usar (permitir usar) el Programa sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.2. El Usuario no puede reproducir ni distribuir el Programa con fines comerciales (entre otros, a cambio de una tarifa), entre otros, como parte de colecciones de productos de software, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.3 El Usuario no puede distribuir el Programa de ninguna forma que no sea la recibida, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.4. El Programa se utilizará (entre otros, se distribuirá) bajo el nombre: Yango Pro. El Usuario no puede cambiar el nombre del Programa, cambiar y (o) eliminar el aviso de derechos de autor u otras referencias al Titular de los Derechos.


5. Términos de Uso de Ciertas Funciones del Programa

5.1. Algunas funciones del Programa solo se pueden realizar con acceso a Internet. El Usuario obtendrá y pagará de forma independiente por dicho acceso en los términos y tarifas de su proveedor de telecomunicaciones o Internet.

5.2. Algunas funciones del Programa solo estarán disponibles para el Usuario que ha celebrado un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos o un organismo que proporciona acceso a dichas funciones del Programa.

5.3. Cuando se utiliza el Programa, entre otras cosas, sus determinadas funciones descritas y regidas por los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), el Usuario permitirá que el Titular de los Derechos procese la información personal del Usuario tal como se define este término en la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) para asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, para transferir la información personal del Usuario a los socios del Titular de los Derechos para que puedan procesar dicha información y asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, y para los fines especificados en los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor, así como para obtener la información personal del Usuario de terceros para los mismos fines.

El Titular de los Derechos únicamente transferirá y (o) recibirá la información personal del Usuario necesaria para dichos fines. El Titular de los Derechos procesará la información personal del Usuario y otra información que el Usuario descargará y proporcionará a través del Programa según la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice). Las disposiciones de esta cláusula que tienen que ver con el procesamiento de la información personal y de otro tipo del Usuario por parte del Titular de los Derechos se aplicarán a los materiales y la información que el Usuario recibió al usar el Servicio y sus funciones. El permiso a que se refiere esta cláusula se aplicará a la información que el Usuario especificará en el Programa y el Titular de los Derechos recibirá de terceros, entre otros, el apellido, nombre, patronímico, dirección; el número del documento de identidad principal y del permiso de conducir; el certificado de registro del vehículo, información sobre cuándo (incluida la fecha de vencimiento) y por qué organismo se emitieron dichos documentos; información necesaria para prevenir el fraude en relación con el Titular de los Derechos y la forma en que se utilizará el Programa, incluidas fotografías, información sobre el derecho a conducir un vehículo para transportar pasajeros y equipaje en un taxi de pasajeros, información sobre infracciones relacionadas con el tráfico y otras infracciones de leyes (incluyendo atrasos / procedimientos de ejecución disponibles en los registros públicos). El Titular de los Derechos puede tratar dicha información personal con o sin herramientas de automatización, y por cualquier medio, entre otros, mediante la recopilación, registro, sistematización, acumulación, almacenamiento, aclaración (actualización, modificación), extracción, uso, transferencia (suministro, acceso), despersonalización, bloqueo, eliminación y destrucción. Cuando las leyes aplicables prescriban, el permiso del Usuario mencionado en esta cláusula se considerará otorgado por escrito, firmado con la firma electrónica del Usuario según las cláusulas 1.6 - 1.6.5 de esta Licencia con los detalles necesarios que el Usuario especificó según lo estipulado en la forma de permiso. Dicho permiso tendrá vigencia mientras sea necesario para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario y dentro de los 3 (tres) años siguientes, salvo que las leyes aplicables establezcan cualquier otro período (menor o mayor).

5.4. Por el presente, el Usuario se notifica, entiende y acepta que, cuando el Programa se utiliza para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario, el Titular de los Derechos recibirá automáticamente la siguiente información: el sistema operativo del dispositivo del Usuario, la versión e identificador del navegador, estadísticas de las funciones del Programa, datos de ubicación del dispositivo y cualquier otra información técnica.


6. Responsabilidad bajo la Licencia

6.1. El Programa se proporciona "tal cual". El Titular de los Derechos no ofrece ninguna garantía de que el Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones funcionen sin errores ni problemas, la idoneidad del Programa para los objetivos y expectativas específicos del Usuario, y no ofrece otras garantías que no estén expresamente establecidas en esta Licencia.

6.2. El Titular de los Derechos no será responsable de las consecuencias directas o indirectas del uso o la imposibilidad de usar el Programa y (o) cualquier daño infligido al Usuario y (o) terceros como resultado del uso, la falta o imposibilidad de uso del Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones, entre otros, debido a posibles errores o fallos en el funcionamiento del Programa, salvo lo expresamente previsto por las leyes.

6.3. Todas las preguntas y reclamos relacionados con el uso o imposibilidad de usar el Programa y el posible incumplimiento de las leyes y (o) los derechos de terceros por parte del Programa se enviarán a través del formulario de comentarios.


7. Actualizaciones / Nuevas Versiones del Programa

7.1. Esta Licencia cubre todas las futuras actualizaciones / nuevas versiones del Programa. Cuando el Usuario acepta instalar una actualización / nueva versión del Programa, él/ella acepta los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para las actualizaciones / nuevas versiones correspondientes del Programa si no existe otro acuerdo de licencia para la actualización / nueva versión del Programa.


8. Enmiendas a esta Licencia

8.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia puede ser modificado unilateralmente por el Titular de los Derechos. Los avisos de las modificaciones realizadas a esta Licencia para los Usuarios se publicarán en: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. Dichas modificaciones a los términos y condiciones de la Licencia entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, a menos que se especifique lo contrario en la publicación correspondiente.


9. Detalles del Titular de los Derechos

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Fecha: 24.08.2023

Versión anterior del documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/06032023

Accord de licence sur Yango Pro pour les appareils mobiles

Avant d’utiliser le logiciel, veuillez prendre connaissance des termes et conditions suivantes de l’accord de licence.

Toute utilisation du logiciel signifie que vous acceptez intégralement et inconditionnellement les termes et conditions de cet accord de licence.

Si vous n’acceptez pas l’accord de licence dans son intégralité, vous n’avez pas le droit d’utiliser le Logiciel à quelque fin que ce soit.

1. Dispositions Générales

1.1. Cet Accord de licence (la « Licence ») définit les conditions d’utilisation de Yango Pro (anciennement « Taximètre ») pour les appareils mobiles (le «Logiciel») et est conclu entre toute personne qui utilise le Logiciel (« l’Utilisateur ») et YANGO MAR SARL, 265, boulevard Zerktouni, 9ème étage, n°92 Casablanca (Maroc)qui est une société autorisée à accorder les droits d’utilisation du Logiciel (le « Titulaire des droits »).

1.2. En copiant le Logiciel, en l’installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Logiciel de toute autre manière, l’Utilisateur exprime son accord intégral et inconditionnel avec toutes les termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.3. Le Logiciel ne peut être utilisé que selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence. Si l’Utilisateur n’accepte pas les termes et conditions de la Licence dans leur intégralité, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas utiliser le Logiciel à quelque fin que ce soit. Il est interdit d’utiliser le Logiciel en violation (en cas de non-respect) de l’un des termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.4. L’Utilisateur peut utiliser le Logiciel selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales sans frais. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Logiciel selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

1.5. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Logiciel selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

Les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur sont disponibles en ligne sur: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

La Politique de confidentialité est disponible en ligne sur: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

Le Titulaire des droits peut modifier unilatéralement lesdits documents (entre autres, toute partie de ceux-ci) sans préavis particulier. Les nouvelles versions des documents entreront en vigueur dès leur publication, sauf disposition contraire.

1.6. Le Titulaire des droits et l’Utilisateur ont convenu par la présente qu’en ce qui concerne le Logiciel, ils considéreront mutuellement les documents électroniques signés avec une signature électronique de base comme identiques aux documents papier signés avec une signature manuscrite.

1.6.1. Le Logiciel est, entre autres, un système d’information exploité par le Titulaire des droits.

1.6.2. Pour signer un document électronique avec une signature électronique, comme cela est prévu par certaines fonctions du Logiciel, l’Utilisateur utilisera des codes numériques, alphabétiques, symboliques ou combinés générés par le Titulaire des droits et reçus par l’Utilisateur sous forme de message au numéro de téléphone de l’Utilisateur qu’il a spécifié dans le Logiciel. Ces codes représentent la clé de signature électronique.

1.6.3. L’Utilisateur s’engage à respecter la confidentialité des codes (clés de signature électronique) qu’il a reçus.

1.6.4. L’Utilisateur saisira un code respectif sous une forme spéciale dans le Logiciel. Les Parties reconnaissent que tous les documents électroniques que l’Utilisateur générera, utilisera et enverra au Titulaire des droits via les fonctions du Logiciel au cours d’une session (la période de validité d’un code respectif) seront signés avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur.

1.6.5. L’Utilisateur garantit que ses données personnelles spécifiées dans le Logiciel sont fiables. L’Utilisateur déterminera sur la base de ces données si un document électronique signé avec une signature électronique telle que spécifiée ci-dessus est signé par l’Utilisateur.

1.7. Lorsque l’Utilisateur est représentant du Partenaire du Titulaire des droits, les dispositions des clauses 1.6.1–1.6.5 de la présente Licence s’appliqueront dans la mesure où ils n’entrent pas en conflit avec les accords et les contrats conclus entre le Titulaire des droits et ce partenaire du Titulaire des droits.

1.8. L’Utilisateur autorisera le Titulaire des droits à utiliser les informations qu’il a fournies dans le Logiciel, en incluant ces informations dans la base de données du Titulaire des droits et en utilisant ultérieurement cette base de données par quelque moyen que ce soit.

1.9. Cette Licence et toutes les relations associées à l’utilisation du Logiciel seront soumises aux lois du Maroc, et toute réclamation ou action découlant de ou en relation avec cette Licence ou l’utilisation du Logiciel sera soumise et instruite par les tribunaux au siège social du Titulaire des droits.

1.10. Le Titulaire des droits peut envoyer des messages d’information aux Utilisateurs. En utilisant le Logiciel, l’Utilisateur donne également son consentement pour recevoir des messages publicitaires et informatifs. L’Utilisateur peut se désinscrire des messages publicitaires en s’adressant au service d’assistance ou en suivant les instructions spécifiées dans un message publicitaire reçu.

1.11. Selon la région de l’Utilisateur, une ou toutes les fonctions du Logiciel peuvent être inaccessibles ou limitées. Les fonctions sont réputées inaccessibles (limitées) pour l’Utilisateur d’une certaine région, si cet Utilisateur n’est pas en mesure de les utiliser explicitement. Il est interdit d’appliquer des méthodes techniques et logicielles pour contourner ces limitations. Les dispositions des présentes Conditions et les documents spécifiés à la clause 1.5 qui régissent les fonctions inaccessibles (limitées) du Logiciel, ne s’appliqueront pas jusqu’à ce que ces fonctions soient explicitement accessibles à l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut recevoir des informations sur l’accessibilité des fonctions du Logiciel dans une certaine région à la demande adressée au Titulaire des droits.

2. Droits sur le Logiciel

2.1. Le droit exclusif sur le Logiciel appartient au Titulaire des droits.

3. Licence

3.1. Le Titulaire des droits accordera gratuitement et sous licence ordinaire (non exclusive) à l’Utilisateur le droit non transférable d’utiliser le Logiciel dans tous les pays du monde de la manière suivante :

3.1.1. Utiliser le Logiciel comme prévu, c’est-à-dire le copier et l’installer (reproduire) sur l’appareil(-s) mobile(-s) de l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut installer le Logiciel sur un nombre illimité d’appareils mobiles. Lorsqu’il est installé sur des appareils mobiles, chaque copie du Logiciel se voit attribuer un numéro individuel signalé automatiquement au Titulaire des droits.

3.1.2. Reproduire et distribuer le Logiciel à des fins non commerciales (gratuitement).

4. Limitations

4.1. Sauf lorsqu’il est utilisé dans le cadre et de la manière expressément stipulée par la présente Licence ou les lois applicables, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas modifier, décompiler, désassembler, décrypter et effectuer toute autre action avec le code objet du Logiciel destiné à obtenir les informations sur la mise en œuvre des algorithmes utilisés dans le Logiciel, créer des œuvres dérivées à l’aide du Logiciel, et autrement utiliser (autoriser l’utilisation) le Logiciel sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.2. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas reproduire et distribuer le Logiciel à des fins commerciales (entre autres, contre rémunération), y compris dans le cadre de collections de produits logiciels sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.3 L’Utilisateur ne peut pas distribuer le Logiciel sous une forme autre que la forme reçue, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.4. Le Logiciel sera utilisé (entre autres, sera distribué) sous le nom : Yango Pro. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas changer le nom du Logiciel, modifier et/ou supprimer l’avis de droit d’auteur ou d’autres références au Titulaire des droits.

5. Conditions d’utilisation de certaines fonctions du Logiciel

5.1. Certaines fonctions du Logiciel ne peuvent être exécutées qu’avec un accès à Internet. L’Utilisateur obtiendra et paiera indépendamment cet accès selon les conditions et selon les tarifs de son fournisseur de télécommunications ou d’Internet.

5.2. Certaines fonctions du Logiciel ne seront disponibles que pour l’Utilisateur qui a conclu un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits ou un organisme qui donne accès à ces fonctions du Logiciel.

5.3. Lorsque le Logiciel, y compris ses certaines fonctions qui sont décrites et régies par les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), est utilisé, l’Utilisateur autorise le Titulaire des droits à traiter les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur comme cela est défini dans la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) pour garantir que les fonctions du Logiciel seront disponibles, pour transférer les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur aux partenaires du Titulaire, y compris pour effectuer un transfert transfrontalier des droits pour qu’ils traitent ultérieurement ces informations et garantissent que les fonctions du Logiciel seront disponibles, et aux fins spécifiées dans les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur, ainsi que pour obtenir les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur auprès de tiers aux mêmes fins.

Le Titulaire des droits ne transférera et/ou ne recevra que les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur qui sont nécessaires auxdites finalités. Le Titulaire des droits traitera les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur et d’autres informations que l’Utilisateur téléchargera et fournira via le Logiciel conformément à la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

Les dispositions de la présente clause relatives au traitement des informations personnelles et d’autres informations de l’Utilisateur par le Titulaire des droits s’appliqueront aux documents et informations que l’Utilisateur a reçus lors de l’utilisation du Service et de ses fonctions.

L’autorisation visée dans la présente clause s’appliquera aux informations que l’Utilisateur indiquera dans le Logiciel et que le Titulaire des droits recevra des tiers, y compris le nom, prénom, patronyme, adresse; le numéro de la pièce d’identité principale et du permis de conduire; le certificat d’immatriculation du véhicule, les informations sur la date (y compris la date d’expiration) et l’organisme qui a délivré lesdits documents; toutes informations nécessaires pour prévenir la fraude à l’encontre du Titulaire des droits et toutes informations sur la manière dont le Logiciel sera utilisé, y compris toutes photos, informations sur le droit de conduire un véhicule pour transporter des passagers et des bagages, informations sur les contraventions routières et autres violations des lois (y compris arriérés / procédures d’exécution disponibles dans les registres publics). Le Titulaire des droits peut traiter ces informations personnelles avec ou sans outils d’automatisation, et par tout moyen, entre autres, les collecter, enregistrer, systématiser, accumuler, stocker, clarifier (actualiser, modifier), extraire, utiliser, transférer (fournir, donner accès), dépersonnaliser, bloquer, supprimer et détruire.

Dans les cas où cela est prévu par la loi applicable, l’autorisation de l’Utilisateur visée dans la présente clause sera réputée être accordée par écrit, signée avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur conformément aux clauses 1.6–1.6.5 de la présente Licence avec les détails nécessaires que l’Utilisateur a spécifiés comme cela est stipulé dans une telle forme d’autorisation. Cette autorisation sera valable aussi longtemps qu’il sera nécessaire pour fournir à l’Utilisateur les fonctions du Logiciel, et pendant 3 (trois) ans par la suite, à moins que la législation en vigueur ne prévoie une autre période (plus courte ou plus longue).

5.4. L’Utilisateur est par la présente informé, comprend et accepte que lorsque l’Utilisateur utilise le Logiciel pour accéder aux fonctions du Logiciel, le Titulaire des droits recevra automatiquement les informations suivantes : système d’exploitation de l’appareil de l’Utilisateur, version et ID du navigateur, statistiques des fonctions du Logiciel, données de localisation de l’appareil et toute autre information technique.

6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence

6.1. Le Logiciel est fourni en l’état. Le Titulaire des droits ne donne aucune garantie du fonctionnement sans erreur et sans problème du Logiciel ou de ses certains composants et/ou fonctions, de la conformité du Logiciel aux objectifs et attentes spécifiques de l’Utilisateur, et ne donne aucune autre garantie qui n’est pas expressément indiquée dans cette Licence.

6.2. Le Titulaire des droits ne pourra pas être tenu responsable des conséquences directes ou indirectes de toute utilisation ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Logiciel et/ou de tout dommage infligé à l’Utilisateur et/ou à des tiers à la suite de toute utilisation, défaillance ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Logiciel ou certains de ses composants et/ou fonctions, entre autres, en raison d’éventuelles erreurs ou échecs dans le fonctionnement du Logiciel, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la loi.

6.3. Toutes les questions et réclamations liées à l’utilisation du Logiciel / à l’impossibilité d’utiliser le Logiciel et à un éventuel non-respect des lois et/ou des droits de tiers par le Logiciel doivent être transmises via le formulaire de commentaires.

7. Mises à jour / Nouvelles versions du Logiciel

7.1. Cette Licence couvre toutes les futures mises à jour / nouvelles versions du Logiciel. Lorsque l’Utilisateur accepte d’installer une mise à jour / nouvelle version du Logiciel, il accepte les termes et conditions de cette Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions respectives du Logiciel, s’il n’existe pas d’autre accord de licence pour la mise à jour / nouvelle version du Logiciel.

8. Modifications de cette Licence

8.1. Le présent Accord de licence peut être modifié unilatéralement par le Titulaire des droits. Les avis des Utilisateurs concernant les modifications apportées à cette Licence seront publiés sur: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. Lesdites modifications des termes et conditions de la Licence entreront en vigueur une fois publiées, sauf indication contraire dans la publication concernée.

9. Coordonnées du Titulaire des droits

YANGO MAR SARL (numéro d'immatriculation 569421)

Société à responsabilité limitée

265, boulevard Zerktouni, 9ème étage, n°92 Casablanca (Maroc)

Date : 01.06.2023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices

Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.

1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and YANGO MAR SARL, 265, boulevard Zerktouni, 9ème étage, n°92 Casablanca (Maroc), being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

Terms of Use of the Pro-User Card Service available online at: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Privacy Policy available online at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of Morocco, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.

2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.

3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).

4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.

5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners, including to carry out cross-border transfer for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.

7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.

8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.

9. Details of the Rightholder

YANGO MAR SARL (registration number 569421)

Limited Liability Company

265, boulevard Zerktouni, 9ème étage, n°92 Casablanca (Maroc)

Date: 01.06.2023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the Netherlands, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Governing law and dispute resolution.

9.1. The license agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

9.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this license agreement, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.


10. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/04092023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/05102022

Acordo de Licença do Yango Pro para Dispositivos Móveis


Antes de usar o programa, por favor, leia os termos e condições do acordo de licença abaixo.

Qualquer uso do programa significa que aceita total e incondicionalmente os termos e condições do presente acordo de licença.

Se não aceitar o acordo de licença na íntegra, não poderá usar o programa para qualquer efeito.


1. Disposições Gerais

1.1. Este Acordo de Licença (a "Licença") define os termos de uso do Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taximeter") para dispositivos móveis (o "Programa") e é celebrado entre qualquer pessoa que use o Programa (o "Utilizador") e RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, sendo um órgão autorizado a conceder os direitos de uso do Programa (o "Titular dos Direitos").

1.2. Ao copiar o Programa, instalá-lo no seu dispositivo móvel ou utilizar o Programa de qualquer forma, o Utilizador expressa o seu consentimento total e incondicional de todos os termos e condições da presente Licença.

1.3. O Programa só pode ser usado sob os termos e condições da presente Licença. Se o Utilizador não aceitar integralmente os termos e condições da Licença, o Utilizador não poderá usar o Programa para qualquer efeito. É proibido usar o Programa em violação (não cumprimento) de qualquer um dos termos e condições da Licença.

1.4. O Utilizador pode usar o Programa sob os termos e condições da presente Licença para efeitos pessoais não comerciais sem custo. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos por esta Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

1.5. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos pela presente Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

Termos de Uso do Serviço Cartão Pró-Usuário disponíveis online em: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Política de Privacidade disponível online em: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

O Titular dos Direitos pode alterar unilateralmente os referidos documentos (inter alia, quaisquer partes dos mesmos) sem aviso especial. As novas versões dos documentos entrarão em vigor uma vez publicadas, salvo estipulação em contrário.

1.6. O Titular dos Direitos e o Utilizador acordaram que, no que diz respeito ao Programa, considerariam mutuamente os documentos electrónicos assinados com uma assinatura electrónica básica idênticos aos documentos em papel assinados com uma assinatura manuscrita.

1.6.1. O Programa é, entre outros, um sistema de informação operado pelo Titular dos Direitos.

1.6.2. Para assinar um documento electrónico com assinatura electrónica conforme e quando estipulado por determinadas funções do Programa, o Utilizador usará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos ou combinados que o Titular dos Direitos gerou e o Utilizador recebeu como mensagem para o número de telefone que o Utilizador especificou no Programa. Esses códigos representam a chave de assinatura electrónica.

1.6.3. O Utilizador deve respeitar a confidencialidade dos códigos (chaves de assinatura electrónica) que recebeu.

1.6.4. O Utilizador inserirá um respectivo código num formulário especial no Programa. As Partes reconhecem que todos os documentos electrónicos que o Utilizador gerar, usar e enviar ao Titular dos Direitos através de funções do programa numa sessão (o período de validade de um respectivo código) serão assinados com a assinatura electrónica do Utilizador.

1.6.5. O Utilizador garante que os seus dados pessoais especificados no Programa são correctos. Com base nesses dados, o Utilizador determinará se um documento electrónico assinado com uma assinatura electrónica conforme especificado acima é assinado pelo Utilizador.

1.7. Quando o Utilizador for um representante do Parceiro do Titular dos Direitos, as disposições das cl. 1.6.1 a 1.6.5 da presente Licença serão aplicáveis ​​na medida em que não entrem em conflito com acordos e contratos entre o Titular dos Direitos e tal parceiro do Titular dos Direitos.

1.8. O Utilizador autorizará o Titular dos Direitos a usar a informação que forneceu no Programa, incluindo as informações no base de dados do Titular dos Direitos e o uso posterior de tal base de dados por qualquer meio.

1.9. A presente Licença e todas as relações associadas ao uso do Programa estarão sujeitas às leis dos os Emirados Árabes Unidos, e quaisquer reclamações ou acções decorrentes ou relacionadas com esta Licença ou ao uso do Programa deverão ser submetidas e analisadas por tribunais no local do Titular dos Direitos.

1.10. O Titular dos Direitos pode enviar mensagens informativas aos Utilizadores. Ao utilizar o Programa, o Utilizador também dá o seu consentimento para receber mensagens publicitárias e informativas. O Utilizador pode cancelar a assinatura de mensagens publicitárias consultando o help desk ou seguindo as instruções especificadas numa mensagem publicitária recebida.

1.11. Dependendo da região do Utilizador, qualquer ou todas as funções do Programa podem ser consideradas inacessíveis ou limitadas. As funções são consideradas inacessíveis (limitadas) ao Utilizador de uma determinada região, se tal Utilizador não puder usá-las explicitamente. É proibido aplicar quaisquer métodos técnicos e software para contornar essas limitações. As disposições dos presentes Termos e os documentos especificados na cl. 1.5 que rege as funções inacessíveis (limitadas) do Programa não se aplicarão até que tais funções se tornem explicitamente acessíveis ao Utilizador. O Utilizador receberá informação sobre a acessibilidade das funções do programa numa determinada região mediante solicitação enviada ao Titular dos Direitos.


1. Disposições Gerais

1.1. Este Acordo de Licença (a "Licença") define os termos de uso do Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taximeter") para dispositivos móveis (o "Programa") e é celebrado entre qualquer pessoa que use o Programa (o "Utilizador") e a Ridetech International B.V., Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, the Netherlands, sendo um órgão autorizado a conceder os direitos de uso do Programa (o "Titular dos Direitos").

1.2. Ao copiar o Programa, instalá-lo no seu dispositivo móvel ou utilizar o Programa de qualquer forma, o Utilizador expressa o seu consentimento total e incondicional de todos os termos e condições da presente Licença.

1.3. O Programa só pode ser usado sob os termos e condições da presente Licença. Se o Utilizador não aceitar integralmente os termos e condições da Licença, o Utilizador não poderá usar o Programa para qualquer efeito. É proibido usar o Programa em violação (não cumprimento) de qualquer um dos termos e condições da Licença.

1.4. O Utilizador pode usar o Programa sob os termos e condições da presente Licença para efeitos pessoais não comerciais sem custo. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos por esta Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

1.5. Só é possível usar o Programa sob termos e de formas não abrangidos pela presente Licença com base num acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos.

Termos de Uso do Gerador de Cartão de Motorista disponíveis online em: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Política de Privacidade disponível online em: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

O Titular dos Direitos pode alterar unilateralmente os referidos documentos (inter alia, quaisquer partes dos mesmos) sem aviso especial. As novas versões dos documentos entrarão em vigor uma vez publicadas, salvo estipulação em contrário.

1.6. O Titular dos Direitos e o Utilizador acordaram que, no que diz respeito ao Programa, considerariam mutuamente os documentos electrónicos assinados com uma assinatura electrónica básica idênticos aos documentos em papel assinados com uma assinatura manuscrita.

1.6.1. O Programa é, entre outros, um sistema de informação operado pelo Titular dos Direitos.

1.6.2. Para assinar um documento electrónico com assinatura electrónica conforme e quando estipulado por determinadas funções do Programa, o Utilizador usará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos ou combinados que o Titular dos Direitos gerou e o Utilizador recebeu como mensagem para o número de telefone que o Utilizador especificou no Programa. Esses códigos representam a chave de assinatura electrónica.

1.6.3. O Utilizador deve respeitar a confidencialidade dos códigos (chaves de assinatura electrónica) que recebeu.

1.6.4. O Utilizador inserirá um respectivo código num formulário especial no Programa. As Partes reconhecem que todos os documentos electrónicos que o Utilizador gerar, usar e enviar ao Titular dos Direitos através de funções do programa numa sessão (o período de validade de um respectivo código) serão assinados com a assinatura electrónica do Utilizador.

1.6.5. O Utilizador garante que os seus dados pessoais especificados no Programa são correctos. Com base nesses dados, o Utilizador determinará se um documento electrónico assinado com uma assinatura electrónica conforme especificado acima é assinado pelo Utilizador.

1.7. Quando o Utilizador for um representante do Parceiro do Titular dos Direitos, as disposições das cl. 1.6.1 a 1.6.5 da presente Licença serão aplicáveis ​​na medida em que não entrem em conflito com acordos e contratos entre o Titular dos Direitos e tal parceiro do Titular dos Direitos.

1.8. O Utilizador autorizará o Titular dos Direitos a usar a informação que forneceu no Programa, incluindo as informações no base de dados do Titular dos Direitos e o uso posterior de tal base de dados por qualquer meio.

1.9. A presente Licença e todas as relações associadas ao uso do Programa estarão sujeitas às leis dos Países Baixos, e quaisquer reclamações ou acções decorrentes ou relacionadas com esta Licença ou ao uso do Programa deverão ser submetidas e analisadas por tribunais no local do Titular dos Direitos.

1.10. O Titular dos Direitos pode enviar mensagens informativas aos Utilizadores. Ao utilizar o Programa, o Utilizador também dá o seu consentimento para receber mensagens publicitárias e informativas. O Utilizador pode cancelar a assinatura de mensagens publicitárias consultando o help desk ou seguindo as instruções especificadas numa mensagem publicitária recebida.

1.11. Dependendo da região do Utilizador, qualquer ou todas as funções do Programa podem ser consideradas inacessíveis ou limitadas. As funções são consideradas inacessíveis (limitadas) ao Utilizador de uma determinada região, se tal Utilizador não puder usá-las explicitamente. É proibido aplicar quaisquer métodos técnicos e software para contornar essas limitações. As disposições dos presentes Termos e os documentos especificados na cl. 1.5 que rege as funções inacessíveis (limitadas) do Programa não se aplicarão até que tais funções se tornem explicitamente acessíveis ao Utilizador. O Utilizador receberá informação sobre a acessibilidade das funções do programa numa determinada região mediante solicitação enviada ao Titular dos Direitos.


2. Direitos ao Programa

2.1. O direito exclusivo ao Programa é exercido pelo Titular dos Direitos.


3. Licença

3.1. O Titular dos Direitos deverá, gratuitamente e sob uma licença ordinária (não exclusiva), conceder ao Utilizador o direito intransferível de usar o Programa em todos os países do mundo das seguintes formas:

3.1.1. Para usar o Programa conforme pretendido, portanto, copiá-lo e instalá-lo (reproduzir) no(s) dispositivo(s) móvel(is) do Utilizador. O Utilizador pode instalar o Programa num número ilimitado de dispositivos móveis. Quando instalado em dispositivos móveis, cada cópia do Programa recebe um número individual comunicado automaticamente ao Titular dos Direitos.

3.1.2. Para reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins não comerciais (gratuitamente).


4. Limitações

4.1. Excepto quando utilizado no âmbito e nas formas expressamente estipuladas pela Licença ou pelas leis aplicáveis, o Utilizador não poderá modificar, descompilar, desmontar, decodificar e realizar quaisquer outras acções com o código objecto do Programa destinadas a obter informação sobre a implementação de algoritmos usados ​​no Programa, criar trabalhos derivados usando o Programa e, de outra forma, usar (permitir usar) o Programa, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.2. O Utilizador não pode reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins comerciais (inter alia, por uma taxa), entre outros, como parte de colecções de produtos de software, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.3 O Utilizador não pode distribuir o Programa de qualquer outra forma que não a recebida, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular dos Direitos.

4.4. O Programa deve ser usado (inter alia, distribuído) sob o nome: Yango Pro. O Utilizador não pode alterar o nome do Programa, alterar e/ou excluir o aviso de direitos de autores ou outras referências ao Titular dos Direitos.


5. Termos de Uso de Determinadas Funções do Programa

5.1. Algumas funções do Programa só podem ser executadas com acesso à Internet. O Utilizador obterá e pagará independentemente por tal acesso nos termos e de acordo com as tarifas do seu fornecedor de telecomunicações ou Internet.

5.2. Algumas funções do Programa estarão disponíveis apenas para o Utilizador que celebrou um acordo separado com o Titular dos Direitos ou um órgão que forneça acesso a tais funções do Programa.

5.3. Quando o Programa, inter alia, as suas determinadas funções, descritas e regidas pelos Termos de Uso do Gerador de Cartão de Motorista (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), forem usadas, o Utilizador permitirá que o Titular dos Direitos processe as informações pessoais do Utilizador de acordo com a definição deste termo na Política de Privacidade (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) para garantir que as funções do Programa estejam disponíveis, para transferir as informações pessoais do Utilizador para os parceiros do Titular dos Direitos para que estes processem posteriormente tais informações e certificarem-se de que as funções do Programa estarão disponíveis, e para os fins especificados nos Termos de Uso do Gerador de Cartão de Motorista, bem como obter informações pessoais do Utilizador de terceiros para os mesmos efeitos.

O Titular dos Direitos apenas transferirá e/ou receberá as informações pessoais do Utilizador necessárias para os referidos efeitos. O Titular dos Direitos processará as informações pessoais do Utilizador e outras informações que o Utilizador descarregará e fornecerá através do Programa de acordo com a Política de Privacidade (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

As disposições da presente cláusula relacionadas com processamento das informações pessoais e outras do Utilizador pelo Titular dos Direitos serão aplicadas aos materiais e informações que o Utilizador recebeu ao usar o Serviço e as suas funções.

A permissão mencionada na presente cláusula será aplicada às informações que o Utilizador especificar no Programa e o Titular dos Direitos receberá de terceiros, entre outros, o apelido, nome, patronímico, endereço; o número do documento de identidade principal e a carta de condução; o certificado de matrícula do veículo, informação sobre quando (incluindo a data de validade) e por que organismo os referidos documentos foram emitidos; informações necessárias para evitar fraudes em relação ao Titular dos Direitos e à forma como o Programa será usado, incluindo fotos, informações sobre o direito de conduzir um veículo para transportar passageiros e bagagem em táxi de passageiros, informações sobre infracções relacionadas com o trânsito e outras violações de leis (incluindo processos de execução/atrasos disponíveis em registos públicos). O Titular dos Direitos pode processar essas informações pessoais com ou sem ferramentas de automatização e por qualquer meio, entre outros, recolher, registar, sistematizar, acumular, armazenar, esclarecer (actualizar, modificar), extrair, usar, transferir (fornecer, aceder), despersonalizar, bloquear, excluir e destruir.

Sempre que as leis aplicáveis ​​assim determinarem, a permissão do Utilizador mencionada na presente cláusula será considerada concedida por escrito, assinada com a assinatura electrónica do Utilizador de acordo com o previsto nas cláusulas 1.6 a 1.6.5 da presente Licença com os detalhes necessários que o Utilizador especificou como estipulado em tal forma de permissão. Tal permissão será válida enquanto for necessário fornecer ao Utilizador as funções do Programa e durante os 3 (três) anos seguintes, a menos que as leis aplicáveis ​​estipulem qualquer outro período (mais curto ou mais longo).

5.4. O Utilizador, pelo presente instrumento é notificado, compreende e acorda que, quando o Programa for usado para fornecer ao Utilizador funções do Programa, o Titular dos Direitos receberá automaticamente as seguintes informações: sistema operacional do dispositivo do Utilizador, versão e ID do navegador, estatísticas das funções do Programa, dados de localização do dispositivo e qualquer outra informação técnica.


6. Responsabilidade de acordo com a Licença

6.1. O Programa é fornecido como está. O Titular dos Direitos não oferece garantias de operação sem erros e problemas do Programa ou dos seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, adequação do Programa a objectivos e expectativas específicas do Utilizador, e não fornece outras garantias, que não estejam expressamente declaradas na presente Licença.

6.2. O Titular dos Direitos não será responsabilizado por quaisquer consequências directas ou indirectas de qualquer uso ou incapacidade de usar o Programa e/ou qualquer dano infligido ao Utilizador e/ou terceiros como resultado de qualquer uso, falha ou incapacidade de usar o Programa ou os seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, entre outros, devido a possíveis erros ou falhas na operação do Programa, salvo expressa estipulação em contrário na lei.

6.3. Todas as dúvidas e reclamações relacionadas com o uso/impossibilidade de uso do Programa e possível descumprimento de leis e/ou direitos de terceiros pelo Programa deverão ser encaminhadas através do formulário de feedback.


7. Actualizações/Novas Versões do Programa

7.1. Esta Licença abrange todas as actualizações/novas versões futuras do Programa. Quando o Utilizador acorda em instalar uma actualização/nova versão do Programa, aceita os termos e condições da presente Licença para as respectivas actualizações/novas versões do Programa, caso não exista outro acordo de licença para a actualização/nova versão do programa.


8. Alterações à presente Licença

8.1. Este Acordo de Licença pode ser alterado unilateralmente pelo Titular dos Direitos. Os avisos ao utilizador sobre as alterações realizadas à presente Licença serão publicados em: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. As mencionadas alterações aos termos e condições da Licença entrarão em vigor uma vez publicadas, a menos que especificado de outra forma na respectiva publicação.


9. Lei aplicável e resolução de disputas.

9.1. O contrato de licença e quaisquer obrigações não contratuais decorrentes ou relacionadas ao contrato de licença serão regidos e interpretados de acordo com as leis da Inglaterra e do País de Gales, sem levar em conta o conflito de disposições legais.

9.2. Qualquer disputa, diferença, controvérsia ou reclamação decorrente ou relacionada a este contrato de licença, incluindo (mas não limitado a) qualquer questão relativa à sua existência, validade, interpretação, desempenho, quitação e soluções aplicáveis, será encaminhada e finalmente resolvida por arbitragem de acordo com as Regras de Arbitragem do Centro Internacional de Arbitragem de Dubai, cujas Regras são consideradas incorporadas por referência nesta cláusula. O número de árbitros será um. A sede da arbitragem será Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos. O idioma a ser utilizado na arbitragem será o inglês.


10. Dados do Titular dos Direitos

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (número de registo de licença 101640)

Empresa de responsabilidade limitada de zona franca104A, Primeiro andar, Edifício 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirado de Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos

Data: 04.09.2023

Versão anterior do documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/05102022

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the UAE, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Governing law and dispute resolution.

9.1. The license agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

9.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this license agreement, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.


10. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/06102023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/07122022

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and SENTRAL OSLO CABS AS, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the Norway, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy.

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended as well as assigned to another party by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted online. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of the Rightholder

SENTRAL OSLO CABS AS, a legal entity duly incorporated in and operating in accordance with the laws Norway identification number 932 950 502,

Address at: Haavard MarƟnsens vei 9, 0978 OSLO Norway.

Date of publication: March 1, 2025

This document has been published upon the request and on behalf of SENTRAL OSLO CABS AS.

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/01072022

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/25062021

Lisensavtale for bruk av Yango Pro applikasjonen for mobile enheter


Før du bruker programmet, vennligst les vilkårene i følgende lisensavtalen.

Enhver bruk av programmet av deg betyr din fulle og ubetingede aksept av vilkårene i denne lisensavtalen.

Hvis du ikke godtar vilkårene i lisensavtalen i sin helhet, har du ikke rett til å bruke programmet til noe formål.


1. Generelle bestemmelser

1.1. Denne lisensavtalen ("lisens") fastsetter vilkårene for bruk av programmet Yango Pro (tidligere "taksameteret") for mobile enheter ("programmet") og er mellom en person som bruker programmet ("bruker"), og selskapet SENTRAL OSLO CABS AS, av personen som er autorisert til å gi rettighetene til å bruke programmet ("opphavsrettsinnehavere").

1.2. Ved å kopiere programmet, installere det på sin mobile enhet eller bruke programmet på noen måte, uttrykker brukeren sin fulle og ubetingede aksept av alle vilkårene i denne lisensen.

1.3. Bruk av programmet er kun tillatt i henhold til vilkårene i denne lisensen. Hvis brukeren ikke aksepterer lisensvilkårene i sin helhet, har brukeren ingen rett til å bruke programmet til noe formål. Bruk av programmet i strid med (manglende oppfyllelse av) vilkårene i lisensen er forbudt.

1.4. Bruk av programmet av brukeren i henhold til vilkårene i denne lisensen for personlige ikke-kommersielle formål er gratis. Bruk av programmet på vilkår og på måter som ikke er beskrevet i denne lisensen, er bare mulig på grunnlag av en egen avtale med opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

1.5. Bruk av programmet på vilkår og på måter som ikke er beskrevet i denne lisensen, er bare mulig på grunnlag av en egen avtale med opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

Disse dokumentene (inkludert noen av delene deres) kan endres av opphavsrettsinnehaveren ensidig uten spesiell varsel. Den nye utgaven av dokumentene trer i kraft fra det øyeblikket de ble publisert, med mindre annet er bestemt i de nye utgavene av dokumentene.

1.6. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren og brukeren har herved blitt enige om at de innenfor rammen av programmet anerkjenner gjensidig elektroniske dokumenter signert med en enkel elektronisk signatur, tilsvarende papirdokumenter signert med en håndskrevet signatur.

1.6.1. Programmet er blant annet et informasjonssystem hvor operatøren er opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

1.6.2. For å signere et elektronisk dokument med en elektronisk signatur innenfor rammeverket og i tilfeller som er bestemt av visse funksjoner i programmet, bruker brukeren numeriske, alfabetiske, symbolske eller kombinerte koder generert av opphavsrettsinnehaveren og mottatt av brukeren i form av en melding til telefonnummeret som er angitt av brukeren i programmet. Slike koder er nøkkelen til den elektroniske signaturen.

1.6.3. Brukeren er forpliktet til å holde konfidensialitet med hensyn til mottatte koder (elektroniske signaturnøkler).

1.6.4. Brukeren legger inn riktig kode i et spesielt skjema i programmet. Partene erkjenner at alle elektroniske dokumenter som genereres, brukes og sendes til opphavsrettsinnehaveren av brukeren gjennom funksjonene i programmet i løpet av en økt (gyldighetsperioden for den tilsvarende koden), blir dermed signert av brukerens elektroniske signatur.

1.6.5. Brukeren garanterer at informasjonen om seg selv angitt av ham i programmet er pålitelig. Basert på den spesifiserte informasjonen, bestemmer brukeren at et elektronisk dokument signert ved hjelp av en elektronisk signatur på den måten som er angitt ovenfor, ble signert av brukeren.

1.7. I tilfeller der brukeren er en representant for opphavsrettsinnehaverens partner, avsnittene 1.6.1-1.6.5 av denne lisensen gjelder i den utstrekning det ikke strider mot avtaler og kontrakter mellom opphavsrettsinnehaveren og en slik partner til opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

1.8. Brukeren gir opphavsrettsinnehaveren rett til å bruke informasjonen som er gitt av brukeren under programmet ved å inkludere slik informasjon i opphavsrettsinnehaverens database og videre bruke en slik database på noen måte.

1.9. På denne lisensen og alle relasjoner knyttet til bruken av programmet, gjelder Norsk lov, og alle krav eller handlinger som oppstår i følge av denne lisensen eller bruken av programmet, må sendes inn og gjennomgås av retten på stedet av opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

1.10. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren har rett til å sende informasjonsmeldinger til brukere. Ved å bruke programmet godtar brukeren også å motta meldinger av reklame- og informasjonsmessig art. Brukeren har rett til å nekte å motta reklamemeldinger ved å kontakte supporttjenesten eller følge instruksjonene spesifisert i mottatt reklamemelding.

1.11. Avhengig av regionen til brukeren, kan alle eller noen av programmets funksjoner være utilgjengelige eller begrensede. Funksjoner anses å være utilgjengelige (begrensede) for brukere i en bestemt region hvis en bruker ikke kan bruke dem eksplisitt. Bruk av tekniske og programvaremetoder for å omgå disse begrensningene er forbudt. Bestemmelsene i denne lisensen og dokumentene spesifisert i punkt 1.5 som regulerer funksjonene til programmet som ikke er tilgjengelige (begrensede) for brukeren, blir ikke brukt før slike funksjoner blir eksplisitt tilgjengelige for brukeren. Informasjon om tilgjengeligheten av brukerens funksjoner i en bestemt region blir gitt til brukeren på forespørsel sendt til opphavsrettsinnehaveren.


2. Rettigheter til programmet

2.1. Eneretten til programmet tilhører opphavsrettsinnehaveren.


3. Lisens

3.1. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren gir brukeren en ikke-overførbar rett til å bruke programmet på territoriet til et land rundt om i verden gratis under vilkårene for en enkel (ikke-eksklusiv) lisens på følgende måter:

3.1.1. Bruke programmet til dets direkte funksjonelle formål, for å kopiere det og installere (reprodusere) det på brukerens mobile enhet(-er). Brukeren har rett til å installere programmet på et ubegrenset antall mobile enheter. Når den er installert på en mobil enhet, tildeles hver kopi av programmet et individuelt nummer, som automatisk rapporteres til opphavsrettsinnehaveren;

3.1.2. Reprodusere og distribuere programmet for ikke-kommersielle formål (gratis).


4. Begrensninger

4.1. Med unntak av bruk i volumene og på måtene som uttrykkelig er foreskrevet i denne lisensen eller gjeldende lov, har brukeren ingen rett til å endre, dekompilere, demontere , dekryptere og utføre andre handlinger med objektkoden til programmet for å få informasjon om implementeringen av algoritmene som er brukt i programmet, å opprette avledede arbeider ved bruk av programmet, samt å utføre (tillate til å utføre) annen bruk av programmet, uten skriftlig samtykke fra opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

4.2. Brukeren har ingen rett til å reprodusere og distribuere programmet for kommersielle formål (inkludert mot et gebyr), inkludert som en del av samlinger av programvareprodukter, uten skriftlig samtykke fra opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

4.3 Brukeren har ingen rett til å distribuere programmet i en annen form enn den han mottok det i, uten skriftlig samtykke fra opphavsrettsinnehaveren.

4.4. Programmet skal brukes (inkludert distribuert) under navnet: Yango Pro. Brukeren har ingen rett til å endre navnet på programmet, endre og (eller) fjerne opphavsrettsinnehaveren-merket eller annen indikasjon på opphavsrettsinnehaveren.


5. Vilkår for bruk av individuelle funksjoner i programmet

5.1. Funksjonene til programmet kan bare utføres hvis du har tilgang til Internett. Brukeren mottar og betaler uavhengig av hverandre på vilkårene og til taksene til sin teleoperatør eller internettilgangsleverandør.

5.2. Noen funksjoner i programmet er bare tilgjengelige for brukeren som har inngått en egen avtale med opphavsrettsinnehaveren eller en person som gir tilgang til slike funksjoner i programmet.

5.3. Når du bruker programmet, inkludert dets individuelle funksjoner, hvis beskrivelse også er inneholdt og regulert av vilkårene for bruk av tjenesten for å generere et sjåførkort, brukeren gir opphavsrettsinnehaveren samtykke til behandling av personlig informasjon om brukeren, slik dette begrepet er definert i personvernpolicyen, med det formål å tilby funksjonaliteten til programmet, for overføring av brukerens personlige informasjon av opphavsrettsinnehaveren til partnerne til opphavsrettsinnehaveren for videre behandling av slik informasjon for å tilby funksjonalitetsprogrammer og for de formål som er spesifisert i vilkårene for bruk av tjenesten for å generere et sjåførkort, samt for å motta personlig informasjon om brukeren fra tredjeparter for samme formål.

Opphavsrettsinnehaveren overfører og (eller) mottar bare den personlige informasjonen til brukeren som er nødvendig for de spesifiserte formålene. Behandlingen av brukerens personlige informasjon av opphavsrettsinnehaveren, samt annen informasjon som er lastet opp og gitt av brukeren gjennom programmet, utføres under vilkårene i personvernpolicyen.

Bestemmelsene i denne paragrafen i forbindelse med behandling av personlig og annen informasjon om brukeren av opphavsrettsinnehaveren gjelder materialet og informasjonen som mottas av brukeren i løpet av bruk av tjenesten og dens funksjoner.

Nevnte samtykke i dette avsnittet gjelder informasjonen spesifisert i brukerprogrammet og opphavsrettsinnehaveren innhentet fra tredjeparter, inkludert etternavn, fornavn, adresse; nummeret på hovedidentitetsdokumentet og dokumentet som bekrefter retten til å kjøre bil; sertifikat for registrering av kjøretøyet, informasjon om utstedelsesdatoen (og gyldighetsperioden) for disse dokumentene og den utstedende myndigheten; informasjon som er nødvendig for å forhindre falske handlinger i forhold til opphavsrettsinnehaveren og prosedyren for bruk av programmet, inkludert bild, informasjon om retten til å betjene et kjøretøy for transport av passasjerer og bagasje med passasjertaxi, informasjon om brudd på trafikkregler og andre lovbrudd (inkludert gjeld / tvangsfullbyrdelse, informasjon om hvilke er plassert i åpne registre). Slike personlige opplysninger kan behandles av opphavsrettsinnehaveren både ved bruk av automatiseringsverktøy og uten slik bruk, samt på noen måte, inkludert innsamling, innspilling, systematisering, akkumulering, lagring, avklaring (oppdatering, endring), utvinning, bruk, overføring (tilgang, innsyn), depersonalisering, blokkering, sletting og ødeleggelse.

I tilfellene som er fastsatt i gjeldende lov, vil samtykke fra brukeren som er spesifisert i denne paragrafen, bli betraktet som data skriftlig, signert av brukerens elektroniske signatur på den måte som er foreskrevet i punkt 1.6-1.6.5 i denne lisensen, med brukeren som indikerer nødvendige detaljer etablert for en slik form for samtykke. Slikt samtykke vil være gyldig i den perioden som er nødvendig for å gi brukeren funksjonaliteten til programmet, samt i 3 (tre) år etter det, med mindre en annen (kortere eller lengre) periode er fastsatt i gjeldende lovgivning.

5.4. Brukeren varsles herved og godtar at når du bruker programmet, overføres følgende informasjon automatisk til opphavsrettsinnehaveren i automatisk modus og anonymt: typen operativsystem på brukerens enhet, nettleserens versjon og identifikator, statistikk om bruk av programmets funksjoner, data om plasseringen av enheten og annen teknisk informasjon.


6. Ansvar under lisensen

6.1. Programmet tilbys på en "som den er"-basis. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren gir ingen garantier angående feilfri og uavbrutt drift av programmet eller dets individuelle komponenter og (eller) funksjoner, programmets samsvar med spesifikke mål og forventninger fra brukeren, og gir heller ingen andre garantier ikke uttrykkelig spesifisert i denne lisensen.

6.2. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren er ikke ansvarlig for noen direkte eller indirekte konsekvenser av bruk eller manglende evne til å bruke programmet og (eller) skader forårsaket til brukeren og (eller) til tredjeparter som et resultat av bruk, manglende bruk eller manglende evne til å bruke programmet eller dets individuelle komponenter og (eller) funksjoner, inkludert på grunn av mulige feil eller svikt i driften av programmet, bortsett fra tilfeller som uttrykkelig er foreskrevet i lovgivningen.

6.3. Alle spørsmål og påstander knyttet til bruk / manglende evne til å bruke programmet, samt et mulig brudd på lovgivningen fra programmet og (eller) rettighetene til tredjeparter, skal sendes gjennom tilbakemeldingsskjemaet.


7. Oppdateringer / nye versjoner av programmet

7.1. Denne lisensen gjelder for alle påfølgende oppdateringer / nye versjoner av programmet. Ved å godta installasjonen av en oppdatering / ny versjon av programmet, godtar brukeren vilkårene i denne lisensen for de tilsvarende oppdateringene / nye versjonene av programmet, med mindre oppdatering / installasjon av en ny versjon av programmet er ledsaget av en annen lisensavtale.


8. Endringer i vilkårene i denne lisensen

8.1. Denne lisensavtalen kan endres så vel som tildeles en annen part av opphavsrettsinnehaveren ensidig. Brukerens varsel om endringene i vilkårene i denne lisensen er publisert online. Disse endringene i lisensvilkårene trer i kraft fra det øyeblikket de publiseres, med mindre annet er spesifisert i den aktuelle publikasjonen.


9. Detaljer om opphavsrettsinnehaveren


932 950 502

Haavard MarƟnsens vei 9, 0978 OSLO Norway.

Publiseringsdato: 01.03.2025

Dette dokumentet er utgitt på oppdrag fra SENTRALEN OSLO TAXI AS.

Forrige versjon av dokumentet: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Forrige versjon av dokumentet: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/01072022

Forrige versjon av dokumentet: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/25062021

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the UAE, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.

2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 31.08.2023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be subject to the laws of the UAE, and any claims or actions arising out of or in connection with this License or the use of the Program shall be submitted to and reviewed by courts at the Rightholder’s location.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Governing law and dispute resolution.

9.1. The license agreement and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the license agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

9.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this license agreement, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.


10. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/24082023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/01022023

Acuerdo de Licencia de Yango Pro para Dispositivos Móviles


Antes de usar el programa, lea los términos y condiciones del acuerdo de licencia a continuación. Cualquier uso del programa significa que usted acepta total e incondicionalmente los términos y condiciones de este acuerdo de licencia. Si no acepta el acuerdo de licencia en su totalidad, no podrá utilizar el programa para ningún fin.


1. Disposiciones Generales

1.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia (la "Licencia") establece los términos de uso de Yango Pro (anteriormente "Taxímetro") para dispositivos móviles (el "Programa") y se celebra entre cualquier persona que utilice el Programa (el "Usuario") y RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, siendo un organismo autorizado para otorgar los derechos de uso del Programa (el "Titular de los Derechos").

1.2. Al copiar el Programa, instalarlo en su dispositivo móvil o utilizar el Programa de cualquier forma, el Usuario expresa su consentimiento total e incondicional a todos los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia.

1.3. Solo se permite utilizar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia. Si el Usuario no acepta los términos y condiciones de la Licencia en su totalidad, el Usuario no podrá utilizar el Programa para ningún fin. Está prohibido usar el Programa en violación de (no cumplir) cualquiera de los términos y condiciones de la Licencia.

1.4. El Usuario puede usar el Programa bajo los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para fines personales no comerciales sin costo alguno. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

1.5. Solo es posible usar el Programa bajo términos y formas no cubiertas por esta Licencia según un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos.

Los Términos de Uso del Servicio de Tarjeta Pro-Usuario disponible en línea en: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv;

Política de Privacidad disponible en línea en https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

El Titular de los Derechos puede modificar dichos documentos (entre otros, cualquier parte de los mismos) unilateralmente sin previo aviso. Las nuevas versiones de los documentos entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, salvo que se estipule lo contrario.

1.6. El Titular de los Derechos y el Usuario han acordado que, en lo que respecta al Programa, considerarán mutuamente los documentos electrónicos firmados con una firma electrónica básica idénticos a los documentos en papel firmados con una firma manuscrita.

1.6.1. El Programa es, entre otras cosas, un sistema de información operado por el Titular de los Derechos.

1.6.2. Para firmar un documento electrónico con una firma electrónica como y cuando lo estipulen ciertas funciones del Programa, el Usuario utilizará códigos numéricos, alfabéticos, simbólicos o combinados que el Titular de los Derechos generó y el Usuario recibió como mensaje al número de teléfono del Usuario especificado en el Programa. Dichos códigos representan la clave de firma electrónica.

1.6.3. El Usuario deberá respetar la confidencialidad de los códigos (claves de firma electrónica) que ha recibido.

1.6.4. El Usuario ingresará un código respectivo en un formulario especial en el Programa. Las Partes reconocen que todos los documentos electrónicos que el Usuario generará, usará y enviará al Titular de los Derechos a través de las funciones del programa en una sesión (el período de validez de un código respectivo) estarán firmados con la firma electrónica del Usuario.

1.6.5. El Usuario garantiza que sus datos personales especificados en el Programa son confiables. Sobre la base de estos datos, el Usuario determinará si un documento electrónico firmado con una firma electrónica, como se especifica anteriormente, está firmado por el Usuario.

1.7. Cuando el Usuario es un representante del Socio del Titular de los Derechos, lo dispuesto en las cláusulas 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 de esta Licencia se aplicarán en la medida en que no entren en conflicto con los acuerdos y contratos entre el Titular de los Derechos y dicho socio del Titular de los Derechos.

1.8. El Usuario autorizará al Titular de los Derechos a utilizar la información que proporcionó en el Programa mediante la inclusión de dicha información en la base de datos del Titular de los Derechos y el uso posterior de dicha base de datos por cualquier medio.

1.9. Esta Licencia y todas las relaciones asociadas con el uso del Programa estarán sujetas a las leyes de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos, y cualquier reclamo o acción que surja de o en relación con esta Licencia o el uso del Programa se someterá y revisará ante los tribunales en la ubicación del Titular de los Derechos.

1.10. El Titular de los Derechos podrá enviar mensajes informativos a los Usuarios. Al utilizar el Programa, el Usuario también da su consentimiento para recibir mensajes publicitarios e informativos. El Usuario puede darse de baja de los mensajes publicitarios dirigiéndose al servicio de asistencia o siguiendo las instrucciones especificadas en un mensaje publicitario recibido.

1.11. Dependiendo de la región del Usuario, algunas o todas las funciones del Programa pueden ser inaccesibles o limitadas. Las funciones se consideran inaccesibles (limitadas) para el Usuario de una determinada región si dicho Usuario no puede usarlas explícitamente. Está prohibido aplicar cualquier método técnico y basado en software para eludir estas limitaciones. Las disposiciones de estos Términos y los documentos especificados en la cláusula 1.5 que rigen las funciones inaccesibles (limitadas) del Programa no se aplicarán hasta que dichas funciones sean explícitamente accesibles para el Usuario. Al Usuario se le proporcionará información sobre la accesibilidad de las funciones del programa en una determinada región previa solicitud enviada al Titular de los Derechos.


2. Derechos al Programa

2.1. El derecho exclusivo al Programa se otorga al Titular de los Derechos.


3. Licencia

3.1. El Titular de los Derechos deberá, de forma gratuita y bajo una licencia ordinaria (no exclusiva), otorgar el derecho intransferible de usar el Programa en todos los países del mundo al Usuario de las siguientes maneras:

3.1.1. Para usar el Programa según lo previsto, por lo tanto, para copiarlo e instalarlo (reproducirlo) en el/los dispositivo/s móvil/es del Usuario. El Usuario puede instalar el Programa en un número ilimitado de dispositivos móviles. Cuando se instala en dispositivos móviles, a cada copia del Programa se le asigna un número individual informado automáticamente al Titular de los Derechos.

3.1.2. Para reproducir y distribuir el Programa con fines no comerciales (sin cargo).


4. Limitaciones

4.1. Excepto cuando se use en el alcance y en las formas expresamente estipuladas por esta Licencia o las leyes aplicables, el Usuario no puede modificar, descompilar, desensamblar, descifrar y realizar cualquier otra acción con el código objeto del Programa destinado a obtener información sobre la implementación de los algoritmos usados en el Programa, crear trabajos derivados usando el Programa, y usar (permitir usar) el Programa sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.2. El Usuario no puede reproducir ni distribuir el Programa con fines comerciales (entre otros, a cambio de una tarifa), entre otros, como parte de colecciones de productos de software, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.3 El Usuario no puede distribuir el Programa de ninguna forma que no sea la recibida, sin el consentimiento por escrito del Titular de los Derechos.

4.4. El Programa se utilizará (entre otros, se distribuirá) bajo el nombre: Yango Pro. El Usuario no puede cambiar el nombre del Programa, cambiar y (o) eliminar el aviso de derechos de autor u otras referencias al Titular de los Derechos.


5. Términos de Uso de Ciertas Funciones del Programa

5.1. Algunas funciones del Programa solo se pueden realizar con acceso a Internet. El Usuario obtendrá y pagará de forma independiente por dicho acceso en los términos y tarifas de su proveedor de telecomunicaciones o Internet.

5.2. Algunas funciones del Programa solo estarán disponibles para el Usuario que ha celebrado un acuerdo por separado con el Titular de los Derechos o un organismo que proporciona acceso a dichas funciones del Programa.

5.3. Cuando se utiliza el Programa, entre otras cosas, sus determinadas funciones descritas y regidas por los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), el Usuario permitirá que el Titular de los Derechos procese la información personal del Usuario tal como se define este término en la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) para asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, para transferir la información personal del Usuario a los socios del Titular de los Derechos para que puedan procesar dicha información y asegurarse de que las funciones del Programa estarán disponibles, y para los fines especificados en los Términos de Uso del Generador de Tarjetas de Conductor, así como para obtener la información personal del Usuario de terceros para los mismos fines.

El Titular de los Derechos únicamente transferirá y (o) recibirá la información personal del Usuario necesaria para dichos fines. El Titular de los Derechos procesará la información personal del Usuario y otra información que el Usuario descargará y proporcionará a través del Programa según la Política de Privacidad (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice). Las disposiciones de esta cláusula que tienen que ver con el procesamiento de la información personal y de otro tipo del Usuario por parte del Titular de los Derechos se aplicarán a los materiales y la información que el Usuario recibió al usar el Servicio y sus funciones. El permiso a que se refiere esta cláusula se aplicará a la información que el Usuario especificará en el Programa y el Titular de los Derechos recibirá de terceros, entre otros, el apellido, nombre, patronímico, dirección; el número del documento de identidad principal y del permiso de conducir; el certificado de registro del vehículo, información sobre cuándo (incluida la fecha de vencimiento) y por qué organismo se emitieron dichos documentos; información necesaria para prevenir el fraude en relación con el Titular de los Derechos y la forma en que se utilizará el Programa, incluidas fotografías, información sobre el derecho a conducir un vehículo para transportar pasajeros y equipaje en un taxi de pasajeros, información sobre infracciones relacionadas con el tráfico y otras infracciones de leyes (incluyendo atrasos / procedimientos de ejecución disponibles en los registros públicos). El Titular de los Derechos puede tratar dicha información personal con o sin herramientas de automatización, y por cualquier medio, entre otros, mediante la recopilación, registro, sistematización, acumulación, almacenamiento, aclaración (actualización, modificación), extracción, uso, transferencia (suministro, acceso), despersonalización, bloqueo, eliminación y destrucción. Cuando las leyes aplicables prescriban, el permiso del Usuario mencionado en esta cláusula se considerará otorgado por escrito, firmado con la firma electrónica del Usuario según las cláusulas 1.6 - 1.6.5 de esta Licencia con los detalles necesarios que el Usuario especificó según lo estipulado en la forma de permiso. Dicho permiso tendrá vigencia mientras sea necesario para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario y dentro de los 3 (tres) años siguientes, salvo que las leyes aplicables establezcan cualquier otro período (menor o mayor).

5.4. Por el presente, el Usuario se notifica, entiende y acepta que, cuando el Programa se utiliza para proporcionar las funciones del Programa al Usuario, el Titular de los Derechos recibirá automáticamente la siguiente información: el sistema operativo del dispositivo del Usuario, la versión e identificador del navegador, estadísticas de las funciones del Programa, datos de ubicación del dispositivo y cualquier otra información técnica.


6. Responsabilidad bajo la Licencia

6.1. El Programa se proporciona "tal cual". El Titular de los Derechos no ofrece ninguna garantía de que el Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones funcionen sin errores ni problemas, la idoneidad del Programa para los objetivos y expectativas específicos del Usuario, y no ofrece otras garantías que no estén expresamente establecidas en esta Licencia.

6.2. El Titular de los Derechos no será responsable de las consecuencias directas o indirectas del uso o la imposibilidad de usar el Programa y (o) cualquier daño infligido al Usuario y (o) terceros como resultado del uso, la falta o imposibilidad de uso del Programa o sus determinados componentes y (o) funciones, entre otros, debido a posibles errores o fallos en el funcionamiento del Programa, salvo lo expresamente previsto por las leyes.

6.3. Todas las preguntas y reclamos relacionados con el uso o imposibilidad de usar el Programa y el posible incumplimiento de las leyes y (o) los derechos de terceros por parte del Programa se enviarán a través del formulario de comentarios.


7. Actualizaciones / Nuevas Versiones del Programa

7.1. Esta Licencia cubre todas las futuras actualizaciones / nuevas versiones del Programa. Cuando el Usuario acepta instalar una actualización / nueva versión del Programa, él/ella acepta los términos y condiciones de esta Licencia para las actualizaciones / nuevas versiones correspondientes del Programa si no existe otro acuerdo de licencia para la actualización / nueva versión del Programa.


8. Enmiendas a esta Licencia

8.1. Este Acuerdo de Licencia puede ser modificado unilateralmente por el Titular de los Derechos. Los avisos de las modificaciones realizadas a esta Licencia para los Usuarios se publicarán en: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. Dichas modificaciones a los términos y condiciones de la Licencia entrarán en vigor una vez publicadas, a menos que se especifique lo contrario en la publicación correspondiente.


9. Ley aplicable y solución de controversias.

9.1. El acuerdo de licencia y cualquier obligación no contractual que surja de o en conexión con el acuerdo de licencia se regirán e interpretarán de acuerdo con las leyes de Inglaterra y Gales sin tener en cuenta las disposiciones sobre conflicto de leyes.

9.2. Cualquier disputa, diferencia, controversia o reclamo que surja de o en conexión con este acuerdo de licencia, incluyendo (pero no limitado a) cualquier pregunta relacionada con su existencia, validez, interpretación, desempeño, descarga y recursos aplicables, será remitida y finalmente resuelto mediante arbitraje conforme a las Reglas de Arbitraje del Centro de Arbitraje Internacional de Dubai, cuyas Reglas se consideran incorporadas por referencia a esta cláusula. El número de árbitros será uno. La sede del arbitraje será Dubai, Emiratos Árabes Unidos. El idioma que se utilizará en el arbitraje será el inglés.


10. Detalles del Titular de los Derechos

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Fecha: 24.08.2023

Versión anterior del documento: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/01022023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and Ridetech International B.V., the Netherlands, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands. Any disputes arising out or in connection with these Terms of Use of Yango Pro shall be decided by the competent court in Netherlands, unless mandatory conflict of laws provisions provide otherwise.

1.10. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.

8. Amendments to this License


8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of the Rightholder

Ridetech International B.V., (registration number 64591069)

Private Limited Liability Company

Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH

Schiphol, the Netherlands

Date: 21.03.2023

Mobil Cihazlara İlişkin Yango Pro Lisans Sözleşmesi


Programı kullanmadan önce, lütfen aşağıdaki lisans sözleşmesindeki hüküm ve koşulları okuyunuz.

Programın herhangi bir şekilde kullanılması, işbu lisans sözleşmesindeki hüküm ve koşulları tamamen ve koşulsuz olarak kabul ettiğiniz anlamına gelir.

Lisans sözleşmesini tam olarak kabul etmezseniz, programı hiçbir amaçla kullanamazsınız.


1. Genel Hükümler

1.1. İşbu Lisans Sözleşmesi (bundan böyle Lisans olarak anılacaktır), Yango Pro’nun mobil cihazlara ilişkin kullanım koşullarını (bundan böyle Program olarak anılacaktır) belirlemekte olup Türkiye'de Programı kullanan kişiler (bundan böyle Kullanıcı olarak anılacaktır) ile Programın kullanım haklarını vermeye yetkili kuruluş olan Ridetech International B.V. (bundan böyle Hak Sahibi olarak anılacaktır) arasında imzalanmıştır.

1.2. Kullanıcı, Programı kopyalamak, mobil cihazına yüklemek veya Programı herhangi bir şekilde kullanmak suretiyle, yürürlükteki yasalara tabi olarak Lisansın tüm hüküm ve koşullarına tam ve koşulsuz olarak rıza gösterdiğini ifade etmiş olur.

1.3. Programın yalnızca işbu Lisans hüküm ve koşulları kapsamında kullanılmasına izin verilmektedir. Kullanıcı, Lisansın hüküm ve koşullarını tam olarak kabul etmezse, Programı herhangi bir amaçla kullanamaz. Programın, Lisansın hüküm ve koşullarından herhangi biri ihlal edilecek (yerine getirilmeyecek şekilde) kullanılması yasaktır.

1.4. Program, Kullanıcı tarafından işbu Lisans hüküm ve koşulları kapsamında ticari olmayan kişisel amaçlarla ücretsiz olarak kullanılabilir. Programın bu Lisans kapsamında olmayan koşullarda ve şekillerde kullanılması ancak Hak Sahibi ile yapılacak ayrı bir anlaşmaya bağlı olarak mümkündür.

1.5. Programı kullanırken, aşağıdaki belgenin işbu Program Lisansının ayrılmaz bir parçasını oluşturduğunu kabul etmiş olursunuz:

Hak sahibi, söz konusu belgeleri (diğerlerinin yanı sıra herhangi bir bölümünü) özel bir bildirimde bulunmaksızın tek taraflı olarak değiştirebilir. Aksi belirtilmedikçe, belgelerin yeni sürümleri yayınlandıktan sonra yürürlüğe girecektir.

1.6. Hak Sahibi ve Kullanıcı, Program söz konusu olduğunda, temel bir e-imza ile imzalanmış e-belgeleri karşılıklı olarak el yazısı imzayla imzalanmış kağıt belgelerle aynı göreceklerini kabul etmişlerdir.

1.6.1. Program, diğer şeylerin yanı sıra, Hak Sahibi tarafından işletilen bir bilgi sistemidir.

1.6.2. Programın belirli işlevleri tarafından öngörüldüğü şekilde ve öngörüldüğünde e-imzalı bir e-belgeyi imzalamak için Kullanıcı, Hak Sahibinin oluşturduğu ve Kullanıcının Programda belirtilen telefon numarasına mesaj olarak aldığı sayısal, alfabetik, sembolik veya birleşik kodları kullanacaktır. Bu tür kodlar e-imza anahtarını temsil eder.

1.6.3. Kullanıcı, aldığı kodların (e-imza anahtarları) gizliliğine saygı gösterecektir.

1.6.4. Kullanıcı Programa özel bir biçimde ilgili bir kodu girecektir. Taraflar, Kullanıcının bir oturumda program işlevleri aracılığıyla oluşturacağı, kullanacağı ve Hak Sahibine göndereceği tüm e-belgelerin (ilgili bir kodun geçerlilik süresi) Kullanıcının e-imzası ile imzalanacağını kabul eder.

1.6.5. Kullanıcı, Programda belirtilen kişisel verilerinin güvenilir olduğunu garanti eder. Bu verilere dayanarak, Kullanıcı yukarıda belirtildiği gibi e-imza ile imzalanmış bir e-belgenin Kullanıcı tarafından imzalanıp imzalanmadığını belirleyecektir.

1.7. Kullanıcı, Hak Sahibinin Ortağının temsilcisi olduğunda, cl hükümleri. bu Lisansın 1.6.1 – 1.6.5'i, Hak Sahibi ile Hak Sahibinin ortağı arasındaki anlaşma ve sözleşmelerle çelişmediği sürece geçerli olacaktır.

1.8. Kullanıcı, Hak Sahibine, bu bilgileri Hak Sahibinin veritabanına dahil ederek ve bu veritabanını herhangi bir yolla daha fazla kullanarak Programda sağladığı bilgileri kullanma yetkisi verecektir.

1.9. Bu Lisans ve Programın kullanımıyla ilgili tüm ilişkiler, Hollanda yasalarına tabi olacaktır. Yango Pro’nun bu Kullanım Koşullarından kaynaklanan veya bunlarla bağlantılı herhangi bir ihtilaf, zorunlu kanunlar ihtilaf hükümleri aksini öngörmedikçe, Hollanda yetkili mahkeme tarafından karara bağlanacaktır.

1.10. Hak sahibi, Kullanıcılara bilgi mesajları gönderebilir. Programı kullanırken, Kullanıcı ayrıca reklam ve bilgilendirici mesajlar almak için onayını verir. Kullanıcı, yardım masasına başvurarak veya alınan bir reklam mesajında belirtilen talimatları izleyerek reklam mesajlarının aboneliğinden çıkabilir.

1.11. Kullanıcının bölgesine bağlı olarak, Programın herhangi bir veya tüm işlevlerine erişilemez veya sınırlı olabilir. İşlevler, söz konusu Kullanıcı bunları açıkça kullanamıyorsa, belirli bir bölgeden Kullanıcıya erişilemez (sınırlı) olarak kabul edilir. Bu sınırlamaları aşmak için herhangi bir teknik ve yazılım tabanlı yöntemin uygulanması yasaktır. Bu Şartların hükümleri ve cl'de belirtilen belgeler. 1.5 Programın erişilemeyen (sınırlı) işlevlerinin yönetilmesi, bu işlevler Kullanıcı tarafından açıkça erişilebilir hale gelene kadar geçerli olmayacaktır. Kullanıcıya, Hak Sahibine gönderilen talep üzerine belirli bir bölgedeki program işlevlerinin erişilebilirliği hakkında bilgi verilecektir.


2. Programa İlişkin Haklar

2.1. Programın münhasır hakkı Hak Sahibine aittir.


3. Lisans

3.1. Hak Sahibi, Kullanıcıya, ücretsiz olarak ve normal (münhasır olmayan) bir lisans kapsamında, Programı dünyanın tüm ülkelerinde aşağıdaki şekillerde kullanması için devredilemez bir hak verecektir:

3.1.1. Programı amaçlandığı şekilde kullanmak, bu nedenle Kullanıcının mobil cihazına/cihazlarına kopyalayıp yüklemek (çoğaltmak). Kullanıcı Programı sınırsız sayıda mobil cihaza yükleyebilir;

3.1.2. Programı ticari olmayan amaçlarla (ücretsiz olarak) çoğaltıp dağıtmak.

3.2. Program, şu isimle kullanılacaktır (diğerlerinin yanı sıra dağıtılacaktır): Yango Pro. Kullanıcı, Program'ın adını, telif hakkı bildirimini veya Hak Sahibi'ne yapılan diğer atıfları değiştiremez ve/veya silemez.


4. Sınırlamalar

4.1. İşbu Lisans ile açıkça belirtilen kapsam ve şekillerde kullanılmadığı sürece, Kullanıcı, Hak Sahibinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, Programda kullanılan algoritmaların uygulanması hakkında bilgi edinmek amacıyla Programın nesne kodunu ve kaynak kodunu değiştiremez, kaynak koda dönüştüremez, parçalarına ayıramaz, şifresini çözemez ve başka herhangi bir işlem gerçekleştiremez, Programı kullanarak türev çalışmalar oluşturamaz ve Programı ve herhangi bir bileşenini, haritaları ve Program tarafından Kullanıcının mobil cihazında depolanan diğer görüntü ve verileri başka bir şekilde kullanamaz (kullanılmasına izin veremez).

4.2. Kullanıcı, Hak Sahibinin yazılı izni olmaksızın Programı ticari amaçlarla (diğerlerinin yanı sıra, bir ücret karşılığında), diğerlerinin yanı sıra, yazılım ürünü koleksiyonlarının bir parçası olarak çoğaltamaz ve dağıtamaz.

4.3. Kullanıcı, Hak Sahibinin yazılı izni olmaksızın, Programı aldığı biçimden başka bir biçimde dağıtamaz.

4.4. Program, Yango Pro adı altında kullanılacaktır (diğerlerinin yanı sıra dağıtılacaktır). Kullanıcı, Programın adını değiştiremez, telif hakkı bildirimini veya Hak Sahibine yapılan diğer referansları değiştiremez ve / veya silemez.


5. Programın Belirli İşlevlerinin Kullanım Şartları

5.1. Programın bazı işlevleri yalnızca İnternet mevcut olduğunda gerçekleştirilebilir. Kullanıcı, kendi iletişim veya internet sağlayıcısının şartları ve tarifeleri uyarınca söz konusu erişimi bağımsız olarak elde edecek ve bunun için ödeme yapacaktır.

5.2. Programın bazı işlevleri, yalnızca Hak Sahibiyle veya Programın bu tür işlevlerine erişim sağlayan bir kurumla ayrı bir sözleşme imzalamış olan Kullanıcı tarafından kullanılabilir.

5.3. Program, diğerlerinin yanı sıra, Driver Card Generator Kullanım Koşullarında (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), açıklanan ve bu Koşullar tarafından yönetilen belirli işlevleri kullanıldığında, Kullanıcı, Hak Sahibinin bunları işlemesine izin verecektir. Programın işlevlerinin kullanılabilir olmasını sağlamak, Kullanıcının kişisel bilgilerini Hak Sahibinin ortaklarına onlar için aktarmak için Gizlilik Politikasında (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), tanımlanan bu terimle Kullanıcının kişisel bilgileri bu tür bilgileri daha fazla işlemek ve Programın işlevlerinin kullanılabilir olmasını sağlamak ve Driver Card Generator Kullanım Koşullarında belirtilen amaçlar için ve aynı amaçlarla Kullanıcının kişisel bilgilerini üçüncü kişilerden almak.

Hak Sahibi, Kullanıcının yalnızca söz konusu amaçlar için gerekli olan kişisel bilgilerini aktaracak ve/veya alacaktır. Hak Sahibi, Kullanıcının kişisel bilgilerini ve Kullanıcının indireceği ve Program aracılığıyla sağlayacağı diğer bilgileri Gizlilik Politikasına (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) göre işleyecektir.

Kullanıcının kişisel ve diğer bilgilerinin Hak Sahibi tarafından işlenmesiyle ilgili olan bu maddenin hükümleri, Kullanıcının Hizmeti ve işlevlerini kullanırken aldığı materyaller ve bilgiler için geçerli olacaktır.

Bu maddede atıfta bulunulan izin, Kullanıcının Programda belirteceği ve Hak Sahibinin üçüncü kişilerden alacağı, diğerlerinin yanı sıra soyadı, ad, soyadı, adres; asıl kimlik belgesi ve ehliyet numarası; araç tescil belgesi, söz konusu belgelerin ne zaman (son kullanma tarihi dahil) ve hangi kurum tarafından düzenlendiği bilgisi; fotoğraflar, yolcu ve bagaj taşımak için bir yolcu taksisi ile araç kullanma hakkına ilişkin bilgiler, trafikle ilgili suçlar ve diğer ihlallere ilişkin bilgiler dahil olmak üzere Hak Sahibi ile ilgili dolandırıcılığı önlemek için gereken bilgiler ve Programın kullanım şekli kanunlar (kamu kayıtlarında bulunan borçlar / icra kovuşturmaları dahil). Hak Sahibi, bu tür kişisel bilgileri otomasyon araçları olsun veya olmasın ve diğerlerinin yanı sıra toplayarak, kaydederek, sistemleştirerek, biriktirerek, depolayarak, açıklayarak (güncelleyerek, değiştirerek), ayıklayarak, kullanarak, aktararak (sağlayarak, erişerek), kişiliksizleştirme, engelleme, silme ve yok etme amacıyla işleyebilir.

Yürürlükteki yasaların öngördüğü durumlarda, bu maddede atıfta bulunulan Kullanıcı izni, yazılı olarak, bu Lisansın 1.6 - 1.6.5. izin şekli. Söz konusu izin, Kullanıcıya Programın işlevlerini sağlamak için gerekli olduğu sürece ve yürürlükteki yasalar başka bir (daha kısa veya daha uzun) süre öngörmediği sürece, 3 (üç) yıl sonra geçerli olacaktır.

5.4. İşbu vesile ile Kullanıcıya, Program Kullanıcıya Programın işlevlerini sağlamak için kullanıldığında, Hak Sahibinin otomatik olarak aşağıdaki bilgileri alacağı konusunda bilgilendirilir, bunu anlar ve kabul eder: Kullanıcının cihazının işletim sistemi, tarayıcı sürümü ve kimliği, Program işlevleri istatistikleri, cihaz konum verileri ve diğer teknik bilgiler.


6. Lisans Kapsamındaki Sorumluluk

6.1. Program “olduğu gibi” sağlanmaktadır. Hak Sahibi, Programın veya belirli bileşenlerinin ve/veya işlevlerinin hatasız ve sorunsuz çalışacağına, Programın Kullanıcının belirli hedeflerine uygunluğuna dair hiçbir garanti vermez, Verilerin güvenilirliğini, doğruluğunu, eksiksizliğini ve güncelliğini garanti etmez ve işbu Lisans'ta açıkça belirtilmeyen başka hiçbir garanti vermez.

6.2. Hak Sahibi, Programın (Veriler de dahil olmak üzere) herhangi bir şekilde kullanılmasının veya kullanılamamasının doğrudan veya dolaylı sonuçlarından ve/veya Programın (Veriler de dahil olmak üzere) veya belirli bileşenlerinin ve/veya işlevlerinin herhangi bir şekilde kullanılması veya kullanılamaması sonucunda Kullanıcı ve/veya üçüncü taraflarca maruz kalınan zararlardan, diğerlerinin yanı sıra, yasaların açıkça öngördüğü durumlar haricinde, sorumlu tutulamaz.

6.3. Programın kullanılması / kullanılamaması ve Program tarafından yasaların ve/veya üçüncü kişi haklarının olası ihlali ile ilgili tüm soru ve iddialar geri bildirim formu aracılığıyla iletilecektir.


7. Program’ın Güncellemeleri / Yeni Sürümleri

7.1. İşbu Lisans, Program’ın gelecekteki tüm güncellemelerini / yeni sürümlerini kapsamaktadır. Kullanıcı, Program’ın güncellemesini / yeni sürümünü yüklemeyi kabul ederek, Program’ın güncellemesine / yeni sürümüne ilişkin başka bir lisans sözleşmesi yoksa, Program’ın ilgili güncellemeleri / yeni sürümleri için işbu Lisansın hüküm ve koşullarını kabul eder.


8. Lisansta Yapılacak Değişiklikler

8.1. İşbu lisans sözleşmesinde Hak Sahibi tarafından değişiklik yapılabilir. Lisans sözleşmesinin hüküm ve koşullarında yapılan söz konusu değişiklikler, ilgili yayında aksi belirtilmedikçe, https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement adresinde yayınlandıkları tarihten itibaren yürürlüğe girecektir.


9. Ridetech International B.V.'ye İlişkin Bilgiler

Ridetech International B.V., (registration number 64591069)

Private Limited Liability Company

Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH

Schiphol, the Netherlands

Date: 21.03.2023

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices




1. General Provisions

1.1. This license agreement (License) sets forth the terms and conditions of your (User), as individual, use of the mobile device applications (Program) published by the Company (as defined below) in connection with the provision by the Company of a ride-hailing service (Service) in the United Arab Emirates. Your access to, and/or use of, the Program constitutes your agreement to be bound by this License, which establishes a contractual relationship between you and the relevant Company. If you do not agree to this License, you may not access or use the Program.

In this License, the “Company” shall mean YANGO GCC ELECTRONIC TRANSPORT SERVICES L.L.C, being a company authorized to grant the rights to use the Program in the United Arab Emirates in connection with the Service provided in the United Arab Emirates.

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

Terms of Use of the Pro-User Card Service available online at: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Privacy Notice available online at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice is an integral part of this License.

The Company may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Company and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned, they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Company.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic, or combined codes the Company generated, and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect the confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User shall enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Company via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Company's partner (transportation provider in the sphere of luxury cars or taxi, whichever is relevant), provisions of ss. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Company and such partner of the Company.

1.8. The User will authorize the Company to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Company's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.10. The Company may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Company.


2. Rights to the Program

The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Company.

3. License

3.1. The Company shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Company.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Company’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Company’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Company’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Company.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Company or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Company will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Company provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Company shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

7.1. This License and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

7.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with the License, including (but not limited to) any question regarding their existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Dubai International Financial Centre.


8. Amendment, Restatement And Termination

8.1. This License may be amended or restated by the Company at any time, provided the User has been notified by the Company through the Program at least five (5) business days before the amendment or restatement should take place (Notification Period). Subject to the provision of this clause 8.1, the License shall become effective upon publication at https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. If the User continues to use the Program any time after the Notification Period, the User shall be deemed as bound by the relevant amended or restated version of the License.

8.2. The Company may terminate the License at its convenience any time, provided the User has been notified by the Company through the Program at least five (5) business days before the proposed termination date.


9. Details of the Company

Yango GCC Electronic Transport Services LLC

Dubai World Trade Center Company - Bur Dubai - Trade Center 2 - office no. FLR06-06.07-3, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Subject of business activity: Passenger transport service by calling, electronic media or smart applications (License No. 1064033)

e-mail: support@yango.com

website: yango.com


Date of publication: 04.12.2023

Date of entrance into force: 04.12.2023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/13112023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/08092022

اتفاقية ترخيص برنامج "Yango Pro" للأجهزة المحمولة

يرجى قراءة الشروط والأحكام المنصوص عليها في اتفاقية الترخيص أدناه قبل استخدام البرنامج.

أي استخدام للبرنامج يعني موافقتك موافقة كاملة وغير مشروطة على شروط وأحكام اتفاقية الترخيص الماثلة.

في حالة رفضك الموافقة على اتفاقية الترخيص بالكامل، فلا يجوز لك استخدام البرنامج لأي غرض.

1. أحكام عامة

1.1. تحدد اتفاقية الترخيص هذه (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم - "الترخيص") شروط استخدام تطبيق "Yango" للأجهزة المحمولة (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم - "البرنامج") ويتم توقيعها مع أي شخص يستخدم البرنامج (المشار إليه فيما يلي باسم - "المستخدم")

(i) في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، دبي وشركة "Yango GCC Electronic Transport Services LLC"، كونها هيئة مرخصة لمنح حقوق استخدام البرنامج في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، دبي (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم - "صاحب الحقوق").

(ii) في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، أبوظبي وفرع أبوظبي لشركة "Yango GCC Electronic Transport Services LLC"، كونها هيئة مرخصة لمنح حقوق استخدام البرنامج في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، أبوظبي (المشار إليها فيما يلي باسم - "صاحب الحقوق").

1.2. يُعد نسخ المستخدم للبرنامج أو تثبيته على جهازه المحمول أو استخدامه للبرنامج بأي طريقة كانت، بمثابة موافقة كاملة وغير مشروطة على جميع الشروط والأحكام المنصوص عليها في الترخيص، مع مراعاة القوانين المعمول بها.

1.3. لا يُسمح باستخدام البرنامج إلا بموجب شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص. وفي حالة رفض المستخدم شروط وأحكام الترخيص بالكامل، فلا يجوز للمستخدم استخدام البرنامج لأي غرض من الأغراض. ويحظر استخدام البرنامج بما يخالف (على نحو لا يستوفي) أي من شروط وأحكام الترخيص.

1.4. يجوز للمستخدم استخدام البرنامج بموجب شروط وأحكام الترخيص الماثل للأغراض الشخصية غير التجارية مجانًا دون أي رسوم. ويمنع استخدام البرنامج وفق شروط وبطرق لا يغطيها هذا الترخيص إلا بموجب اتفاقية منفصلة يتم إبرامها مع صاحب الحقوق.

1.5. إشعار الخصوصية منشور على الإنترنت على: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice ويشكل جزءًا لا يتجزأ من هذا الترخيص.

يجوز لصاحب الحقوق تعديل الوثائق المذكورة من جانب واحد (أو أي جزء منها، من جملة أمور أخرى) دون توجيه أي إشعار خاص. وتدخل النسخ الجديدة من المستندات حيز النفاذ بمجرد نشرها، ما لم تنص النسخة الجديدة نفسها على خلاف ذلك.

1.6. يوافق صاحب الحقوق والمستخدم بموجب هذه الوثيقة، على أنه فيما يتعلق بالبرنامج، على أن الطرفان سينظران في المستندات الإلكترونية الموقعة بتوقيع إلكتروني أساسي مطابق للمستندات الورقية الموقعة بتوقيع مكتوب بخط اليد.

1.6.1. يعتبر البرنامج، من بين أمور أخرى، نظام معلومات يديره صاحب الحقوق.

1.6.2. لتوقيع مستند إلكتروني بتوقيع إلكتروني، كما هو منصوص عليه في وظائف معينة من البرنامج، سيستخدم المستخدم رموزًا رقمية أو أبجدية أو رمزية أو مركبة تم إنشاؤها من قبل صاحب الحقوق ويتلقاها المستخدم في شكل رسالة إلى رقم الهاتف الذي حدده المستخدم في البرنامج. وتمثل هذه الرموز مفتاح التوقيع الإلكتروني.

1.6.3. يلتزم المستخدم بالحفاظ على سرية الرموز (مفاتيح التوقيع الإلكتروني) التي تلقاها.

1.6.4. يلتزم المستخدم بإدخال الرمز ذي الصلة في نموذج خاص في البرنامج. ويقر الطرفان بأن جميع المستندات الإلكترونية التي سيقوم المستخدم بإنشائها واستخدامها وإرسالها إلى صاحب الحقوق باستخدام وظائف البرنامج أثناء الجلسة (فترة صلاحية الرمز المعني) ستوقع بالتوقيع الإلكتروني للمستخدم.

1.6.5. يضمن المستخدم دقة بياناته الشخصية المحددة في البرنامج وموثوقيتها. وبناءً على هذه البيانات، سيحدد المستخدم ما إذا كان المستند الإلكتروني الموقع بتوقيع إلكتروني، كما هو محدد أعلاه قد تم توقيعه من قبل المستخدم.

1.7. عندما يكون المستخدم ممثلًا لشريك صاحب الحقوق (مقدم خدمات النقل في مجال السيارات الفاخرة أو سيارات الأجرة، أيهما كان ذا صلة)، ستطبق أحكام البنود 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 من هذا الترخيص إلى الحد الذي لا تتعارض فيه مع الاتفاقيات والعقود المبرمة بين صاحب الحقوق وشريك صاحب الحقوق.

1.8. سيفوض المستخدم صاحب الحقوق باستخدام المعلومات التي قدمها في البرنامج من خلال تضمين هذه المعلومات في قاعدة بيانات صاحب الحقوق ومواصلة استخدام قاعدة البيانات هذه بأي وسيلة.


يخضع هذا الترخيص وجميع العلاقات الناشئة عن استخدام البرنامج لقوانين دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة، كما هو مطبق في الإمارة المعنية التي يتم تقديم البرنامج فيها. ويتم الفصل في أي نزاعات تنشأ عن شروط استخدام "Yango" أو تتعلق بها:

(i) في دبي من قبل المحاكم المختصة في محاكم مركز دبي المالي العالمي (بما في ذلك محكمة الدعاوى الصغيرة المتعلقة بالمطالبات).

(ii)في أبوظبي من قبل محكمة التحكيم الدولية في أبو ظبي؛

1.10. يجوز لصاحب الحقوق إرسال رسائل معلومات إلى المستخدمين. وعند استخدام البرنامج، يمنح المستخدم أيضًا موافقته على تلقي رسائل إعلانية وإعلامية. ويجوز للمستخدم إلغاء الاشتراك في الرسائل الإعلانية عن طريق الاتصال بفريق دعم العملاء أو اتباع الإرشادات الواردة في الرسائل الإعلانية المستلمة.

1.11. قد تكون أي من وظائف البرنامج أو جميعها غير قابلة للوصول أو محدودة الوصول اعتمادًا على منطقة المستخدم. كما تعتبر الوظائف غير متاحة (المحدودة) للمستخدم من منطقة معينة، إن كان هذا المستخدم غير قادر على استخدامها بشكل مُعلن وصريح. ويحظر تطبيق استخدام أي أساليب تقنية وبرمجية للتحايل على تلك القيود. وتسري الأحكام المنصوص عليها في هذه الشروط والمستندات المحددة في البند 1.5 والتي تنظم وظائف البرنامج التي يتعذر الوصول إليها (المحدودة) بالنسبة للمستخدم حتى تصبح هذه الوظائف متاحة للمستخدم بشكل مُعلن وصريح. وسيتم تزويد المستخدم بمعلومات حول توفر وظائف البرنامج في منطقة معينة بناءً على طلب يتم إرساله إلى صاحب الحقوق.

2. حقوق البرنامج

2.1. الحق الحصري في البرنامج منوط بصاحب الحقوق.

3. الترخيص

3.1. يمنح صاحب الحقوق، مجانًا وبموجب ترخيص عادي (غير حصري)، للمستخدم حقًا غير قابل للنقل لاستخدام البرنامج في جميع دول العالم بالطرق التالية:

3.1.1. استخدام البرنامج على النحو المنشود، وبالخصوص نسخه وتثبيته (إعادة إنتاجه) على جهاز / أجهزة المستخدم المحمولة. ويجوز للمستخدم تثبيت البرنامج على عدد غير محدود من الأجهزة المحمولة. وعند التثبيت على الأجهزة المحمولة، سيتم تعيين رقم فريد لكل نسخة من البرنامج، يتم إبلاغ صاحب الحقوق به تلقائيًا.

3.1.2. إعادة نسخ البرنامج وتوزيعه لأغراض غير تجارية (مجانًا).

4. القيود

4.1. باستثناء الاستخدام ضمن النطاق وبالأساليب المنصوص عليها صراحةً في هذا الترخيص أو القوانين المعمول بها، لا يجوز للمستخدم تعديل أو فك تجميع أو فك تركيب أو فك تشفير أو إجراء أي تصرفات أخرى فيما يتعلق برمز الآلة أو رمز مصدر البرنامج بقصد الحصول على معلومات عن طريقة تطبيق الخوارزميات المستخدمة في البرنامج، وإنشاء أعمال مشتقة باستخدام البرنامج، واستخدام (السماح باستخدام) البرنامج دون الحصول على موافقة كتابية من صاحب الحقوق.

4.2. لا يجوز للمستخدم إعادة نسخ البرنامج وتوزيعه لأغراض تجارية (مقابل رسوم، من بين جملة أمور أخرى) وذلك، من بين أمور أخرى، كجزء من مجموعة المنتجات البرمجية، دون الحصول على موافقة كتابية من صاحب الحقوق.

4.3 لا يجوز للمستخدم توزيع البرنامج بأي شكل بخلاف الشكل الذي استلمه عليه، دون الحصول على موافقة كتابية من صاحب الحقوق.

4.4. يجب استخدام البرنامج (توزيعه، في جملة أمور أخرى) تحت اسم: "Yango Pro". ولا يجوز للمستخدم تغيير اسم البرنامج أو إشعار حقوق النشر أو حذفها، علاوةً على أي إشارات أخرى تخص صاحب الحقوق أو أي مما ذكر.

5. شروط استخدام وظائف معينة من البرنامج

5.1. لا يمكن تنفيذ بعض وظائف البرنامج إلا عند توافر شبكة الإنترنت. ويتعين على المستخدم الحصول على خدمة الوصول إلى شبكة الإنترنت ودفع ثمنها بصورة مستقلة بموجب الشروط ووفقًا للتعريفات التي يحددها مقدم خدمة الاتصالات أو الإنترنت التابع له.

5.2. ستكون بعض وظائف البرنامج متاحة فقط للمستخدم الذي أبرم اتفاقية منفصلة مع صاحب الحقوق أو الهيئة التي توفر الوصول إلى وظائف البرنامج هذه.

5.3. سيخطر المستخدم بموجب هذا، ويفهم ويقر على أنه عند استخدام البرنامج لتزويد المستخدم بوظائف البرنامج، سيتلقى صاحب الحقوق تلقائيًا المعلومات التالية: نظام تشغيل جهاز المستخدم، وإصدار المتصفح والمعرّف، وإحصائيات وظائف البرنامج وبيانات موقع الجهاز وأي معلومات فنية أخرى.

6. المسؤولية بموجب الترخيص

6.1. يُقدم البرنامج "على حالته". ولا يُقدم صاحب الحقوق أي ضمانات بشأن التشغيل السليم للبرنامج أو مكوناته أو وظائفه أو جميع ما ذكر بدون وقوع أخطاء أو عيوب، أو ملائمة البرنامج لأغراض محددة للمستخدم، ولا يقدم كذلك أي ضمانات أخرى غير منصوص عليها صراحةً في هذا الترخيص.

6.2. لا يتحمل صاحب الحقوق مسؤولية أي عواقب مباشرة أو غير مباشرة تترتب على أي استخدام أو العجز عن استخدام البرنامج أو أي خسائر يتكبدها المستخدم أو الغير كنتيجة لأي استخدام أو الفشل أو العجز عن استخدام البرنامج أو مكوناته أو وظائف معينة، من جملة أمور أخرى، بسبب أخطاء محتملة أو فشل في تشغيل البرنامج، باستثناء ما تنص عليه القوانين صراحةً.

6.3. ترسل جميع المشكلات والمطالبات المتعلقة باستخدام البرنامج أو العجز عن استخدامه، أو البيانات والانتهاكات المحتملة للقوانين أو حقوق الغير أو كليهما من جانب البرنامج أو البيانات من خلال نموذج الملاحظات والتعليقات.

7. التحديثات والإصدارات الجديدة من البرنامج

7.1. يغطي هذا الترخيص جميع التحديثات المستقبلية / الإصدارات الجديدة للبرنامج. وتعتبر موافقة المستخدم على تثبيت أي تحديث/إصدار جديد من البرنامج بمثابة موافقة من المستخدم على شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص فيما يرتبط بالتحديثات والإصدارات الجديدة من البرنامج ذات الصلة، حال عدم وجود أي اتفاقيات ترخيص أخرى بشأن التحديثات والإصدارات الجديدة من البرنامج.

8. التعديلات على هذا الترخيص

8.1. يجوز تعديل اتفاقية الترخيص هذه من قبل صاحب الحقوق ومن جانب واحد. وينشر إشعار المستخدم بالتعديلات الطارئة على شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص على الرابط: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. وتدخل التعديلات المذكورة على شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص حيز النفاذ من تاريخ نشرها، إلا إذا نص المنشور ذو الصلة على خلاف ذلك.

9. تفاصيل صاحب الحقوق

Yango GCC Electronic Transport Services LLC (صاحب الحقوق في إمارة دبي)

الإمارات العربية المتحدة، دبي، السوق الكبير، محمد سعد عبد الله الشريف، مكتب رقم M10

موضوع النشاط التجاري: خدمة نقل الركاب من خلال الاتصال أو الوسائط الإلكترونية أو التطبيقات الذكية (ترخيص رقم 1064033)

Yango GCC Electronic Transport Services LLC - فرع أبوظبي (صاحب الحقوق في إمارة أبوظبي)

المصفح 10، مبنى حكومة أبوظبي، أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة

موضوع النشاط التجاري: خدمة نقل الركاب عبر الخدمات الإلكترونية (ترخيص رقم 1064033)

البريد الالكتروني: support@yango.com

الموقع الإلكتروني: yango.com

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means related to the purpose for which it was collected.

1.9. This License, any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with this License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

1.10. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this thisddc License, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.

1.11. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.12. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).

4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.

5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program


5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated in such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The Rightholder, in agreement with the transportation services company (“Yango Partner”) may enable activity points (the “Activity Points”). The Activity Points are part of the services rendered to the Yango Partner with the objective to enhance the User’s performance. Activity Points will serve as an indicator of performance, order requests being rejected or accepted, fraud, and compliance with the Yango Partner’s guidelines. Depending on the country, Activity Points may be applied differently. For example, per order accepted, you may be granted “X“ Activity Points, per order rejected, you may be deducted “Y“ Activity Points.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of the Rightholder

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail: support@yango.com

Date of publication: 14.05.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/19022024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/31082023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/05032022

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices


Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.

Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.

If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.


1. General Provisions

1.1. This License Agreement (the "License") sets terms of use for Yango Pro (previously “Taximeter”) for mobile devices (the "Program") and is concluded between any person using the Program (the "User") and RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (the "Rightholder").

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

The Rightholder may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Rightholder and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Rightholder.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic or combined codes the Rightholder generated and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User will enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Rightholder via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Rightholder's Partner, provisions of cl. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Rightholder and such partner of the Rightholder.

1.8. The User will authorize the Rightholder to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Rightholder's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. This License, any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with this License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

1.10. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this thisddc License, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Arbitration Rules of the Dubai International Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.

1.11. The Rightholder may send information messages to Users. When using the Program, the User also gives his/her consent to receive advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.12. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Rightholder.


2. Rights to the Program

2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.


3. License

3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Rightholder.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Rightholder.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Rightholder or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. When the Program, inter alia, its certain functions, described in and governed by the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), is used, the User will permit the Rightholder to process the User's personal information as this term is defined in the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) to make sure functions of the Program will be available, to transfer the User's personal information to the Rightholder's partners for them to further process such information and make sure functions of the Program will be available, and for the purposes specified in the Terms of Use of the Driver Card Generator as well as to obtain the User's personal information from third parties for the same purposes.

The Rightholder will only transfer and/or receive the User's personal information needed for the said purposes. The Rightholder's will process the User's personal information and other information the User will download and provide through the Program as per the Privacy Policy (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

The provisions of this clause having to do with the processing of the User's personal and other information by the Rightholder will apply to materials and information the User received in using the Service and its functions.

The permit referred to in this clause will apply to information the User will specify in the Program and the Rightholder will receive from third parties, inter alia, the last name, first name, patronymic, address; the number of the main identity document and the driving license; the vehicle registration certificate, information on when (including date of expiry) and by what body the said documents were issued; information needed to prevent fraud in relation to the Rightholder and the way the Program will be used, including photos, information on the right to drive a vehicle to transport passengers and luggage by a passenger taxi, information on traffic-related offenses and other breaches of laws (including arrears / enforcement proceedings available in public registries). The Rightholder may process such personal information with or without automation tools, and by any means, inter alia, by collecting, recording, systemizing, accumulating, storing, clarifying (updating, modifying), extracting, using, transferring (providing, accessing), depersonalizing, blocking, deleting, and destructing.

Where the applicable laws prescribe, the User's permit referred to in this clause will be deemed to be granted in writing, signed with the User's e-signature as per clauses 1.6 - 1.6.5 of this License with necessary details the User specified as stipulated such form of permit. Such permit will be valid while it is necessary to provide the User with functions of the Program and within 3 (three) years after, unless the applicable laws stipulate any other (shorter or longer) period.

5.4. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Rightholder will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

5.5. The User confirms that he has been duly notified when uploading, understands and agrees that if the User uploads User's photo in the User profile in the Program, such a photo will be available for viewing to users of the Yango Service (https://yango.com/legal/yango_termsofuse ) as described in the Privacy Notice of the Program (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice). The User understands that in some cases, some functions of the Program may not be available to the User if the User has not uploaded the User's photo referred to in this paragraph.


6. Liability under the License

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Rightholder will not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Updates / New Versions of the Program

7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. When the User agrees to install an update / new version of the Program, he/she accepts the terms and conditions of this License for respective updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.


8. Amendments to this License

8.1. This License Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notices of amendments made to this License will be posted at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the License will come into effect once published, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.


9. Details of RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (License number: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

Date: 19.02.2024

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11092023

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11072021

Previous version of the document: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/25062021

Accord de licence sur Yango Pro pour les appareils mobiles


Avant d’utiliser le programme, veuillez prendre connaissance des termes et conditions suivantes de l’accord de licence.

Toute utilisation du programme signifie que vous acceptez intégralement et inconditionnellement les termes et conditions de cet accord de licence.

Si vous n’acceptez pas l’accord de licence dans son intégralité, vous n’avez pas le droit d’utiliser le programme à quelque fin que ce soit.


1. Dispositions Générales

1.1. Cet Accord de licence (la « Licence ») définit les conditions d’utilisation de Yango Pro (anciennement « Taximètre ») pour les appareils mobiles (le «Programme») et est conclu entre toute personne qui utilise le Programme (« l’Utilisateur ») et RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC, qui est un organisme autorisé à accorder les droits d’utilisation du Programme (le « Titulaire des droits »).

1.2. En copiant le Programme, en l’installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Programme de toute autre manière, l’Utilisateur exprime son accord intégral et inconditionnel avec toutes les termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.3. Le Programme ne peut être utilisé que selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence. Si l’Utilisateur n’accepte pas les termes et conditions de la Licence dans leur intégralité, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas utiliser le Programme à quelque fin que ce soit. Il est interdit d’utiliser le Programme en violation (en cas de non-respect) de l’un des termes et conditions de la Licence.

1.4. L’Utilisateur peut utiliser le Programme selon les termes et conditions de cette Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales sans frais. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

1.5. Il n’est possible d’utiliser le Programme selon les conditions et d’une manière hors cadre de la présente Licence que sur la base d’un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits.

Les Conditions d’Utilisation du Service de la Carte de Pro-Utilisateur sont disponibles en ligne via: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv.

La Politique de confidentialité est disponible en ligne sur : https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

Le Titulaire des droits peut modifier unilatéralement lesdits documents (entre autres, toute partie de ceux-ci) sans préavis particulier. Les nouvelles versions des documents entreront en vigueur dès leur publication, sauf disposition contraire.

1.6. Le Titulaire des droits et l’Utilisateur ont convenu par la présente qu’en ce qui concerne le Programme, ils considéreront mutuellement les documents électroniques signés avec une signature électronique de base comme identiques aux documents papier signés avec une signature manuscrite.

1.6.1. Le Programme est, entre autres, un système d’information exploité par le Titulaire des droits.

1.6.2. Pour signer un document électronique avec une signature électronique, comme cela est prévu par certaines fonctions du Programme, l’Utilisateur utilisera des codes numériques, alphabétiques, symboliques ou combinés générés par le Titulaire des droits et reçus par l’Utilisateur sous forme de message au numéro de téléphone de l’Utilisateur qu’il a spécifié dans le Programme. Ces codes représentent la clé de signature électronique.

1.6.3. L’Utilisateur s’engage à respecter la confidentialité des codes (clés de signature électronique) qu’il a reçus.

1.6.4. L’Utilisateur saisira un code respectif sous une forme spéciale dans le Programme. Les Parties reconnaissent que tous les documents électroniques que l’Utilisateur générera, utilisera et enverra au Titulaire des droits via les fonctions du programme au cours d’une session (la période de validité d’un code respectif) seront signés avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur.

1.6.5. L’Utilisateur garantit que ses données personnelles spécifiées dans le Programme sont fiables. L’Utilisateur déterminera sur la base de ces données si un document électronique signé avec une signature électronique telle que spécifiée ci-dessus est signé par l’Utilisateur.

1.7. Lorsque l’Utilisateur est représentant du Partenaire du Titulaire des droits, les dispositions des clauses 1.6.1–1.6.5 de la présente Licence s’appliqueront dans la mesure où ils n’entrent pas en conflit avec les accords et les contrats conclus entre le Titulaire des droits et ce partenaire du Titulaire des droits.

1.8. L’Utilisateur autorisera le Titulaire des droits à utiliser les informations qu’il a fournies dans le Programme, en incluant ces informations dans la base de données du Titulaire des droits et en utilisant ultérieurement cette base de données par quelque moyen que ce soit.

1.9. Cette Licence, toute obligation non contractuelle découlant de cette Licence ou en rapport avec celle-ci et toutes les relations associées à l’utilisation du Programme sont régies et interprétées conformément aux lois de l'Angleterre et du Pays de Galles, sans tenir compte des dispositions relatives aux conflits de lois.

1.10. Tout litige, différend, contentieux ou réclamation découlant de ou en rapport avec la présente Licence, y compris (mais sans s'y limiter) toute question concernant son existence, sa validité, son interprétation, son exécution, sa décharge et les recours applicables, sera soumis et définitivement résolu par arbitrage en vertu du Règlement d'arbitrage du Centre d'arbitrage international de Dubaï, lequel Règlement est réputé être incorporé par référence dans la présente clause. Le nombre d'arbitres est fixé à un. Le siège de l'arbitrage sera Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis. La langue utilisée dans l'arbitrage est l'anglais.

1.11. Le Titulaire des droits peut envoyer des messages d’information aux Utilisateurs. En utilisant le Programme, l’Utilisateur donne également son consentement pour recevoir des messages publicitaires et informatifs. L’Utilisateur peut se désinscrire des messages publicitaires en s’adressant au service d’assistance ou en suivant les instructions spécifiées dans un message publicitaire reçu.

1.12. Selon la région de l’Utilisateur, une ou toutes les fonctions du Programme peuvent être inaccessibles ou limitées. Les fonctions sont réputées inaccessibles (limitées) pour l’Utilisateur d’une certaine région, si cet Utilisateur n’est pas en mesure de les utiliser explicitement. Il est interdit d’appliquer des méthodes techniques et logicielles pour contourner ces limitations. Les dispositions des présentes Conditions et les documents spécifiés à la clause 1.5 qui régissent les fonctions inaccessibles (limitées) du Programme, ne s’appliqueront pas jusqu’à ce que ces fonctions soient explicitement accessibles à l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut recevoir des informations sur l’accessibilité des fonctions du programme dans une certaine région à la demande adressée au Titulaire des droits.


2. Droits sur le Programme

2.1. Le droit exclusif sur le Programme appartient au Titulaire des droits.


3. Licence

3.1. Le Titulaire des droits accordera gratuitement et sous licence ordinaire (non exclusive) à l’Utilisateur le droit non transférable d’utiliser le Programme dans tous les pays du monde de la manière suivante :

3.1.1. Utiliser le Programme comme prévu, c’est-à-dire le copier et l’installer (reproduire) sur l’appareil(-s) mobile(-s) de l’Utilisateur. L’Utilisateur peut installer le Programme sur un nombre illimité d’appareils mobiles. Lorsqu’il est installé sur des appareils mobiles, chaque copie du Programme se voit attribuer un numéro individuel signalé automatiquement au Titulaire des droits.

3.1.2. Reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins non commerciales (gratuitement).


4. Limitations

4.1. Sauf lorsqu’il est utilisé dans le cadre et de la manière expressément stipulée par la présente Licence ou les lois applicables, l’Utilisateur ne peut pas modifier, décompiler, désassembler, décrypter et effectuer toute autre action avec le code objet du Programme destiné à obtenir les informations sur la mise en œuvre des algorithmes utilisés dans le Programme, créer des œuvres dérivées à l’aide du Programme, et autrement utiliser (autoriser l’utilisation) le Programme sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.2. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas reproduire et distribuer le Programme à des fins commerciales (entre autres, contre rémunération), y compris dans le cadre de collections de produits logiciels sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.3 L’Utilisateur ne peut pas distribuer le Programme sous une forme autre que la forme reçue, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.

4.4. Le Programme sera utilisé (entre autres, sera distribué) sous le nom : Yango Pro. L’Utilisateur ne peut pas changer le nom du Programme, modifier et/ou supprimer l’avis de droit d’auteur ou d’autres références au Titulaire des droits.


5. Conditions d’utilisation de certaines fonctions du Programme

5.1. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne peuvent être exécutées qu’avec un accès à Internet. L’Utilisateur obtiendra et paiera indépendamment cet accès selon les conditions et selon les tarifs de son fournisseur de télécommunications ou d’Internet.

5.2. Certaines fonctions du Programme ne seront disponibles que pour l’Utilisateur qui a conclu un accord séparé avec le Titulaire des droits ou un organisme qui donne accès à ces fonctions du Programme.

5.3. Lorsque le Programme, y compris ses certaines fonctions qui sont décrites et régies par les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), est utilisé, l’Utilisateur autorise le Titulaire des droits à traiter les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur comme cela est défini dans la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice) pour garantir que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, pour transférer les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur aux partenaires du Titulaire des droits pour qu’ils traitent ultérieurement ces informations et garantissent que les fonctions du Programme seront disponibles, et aux fins spécifiées dans les Conditions d’utilisation du Générateur de Carte de Conducteur, ainsi que pour obtenir les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur auprès de tiers aux mêmes fins.

Le Titulaire des droits ne transférera et/ou ne recevra que les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur qui sont nécessaires auxdites finalités. Le Titulaire des droits traitera les informations personnelles de l’Utilisateur et d’autres informations que l’Utilisateur téléchargera et fournira via le Programme conformément à la Politique de confidentialité (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

Les dispositions de la présente clause relatives au traitement des informations personnelles et d’autres informations de l’Utilisateur par le Titulaire des droits s’appliqueront aux documents et informations que l’Utilisateur a reçus lors de l’utilisation du Service et de ses fonctions.

L’autorisation visée dans la présente clause s’appliquera aux informations que l’Utilisateur indiquera dans le Programme et que le Titulaire des droits recevra de tiers, y compris le nom, prénom, patronyme, adresse; le numéro de la pièce d’identité principale et du permis de conduire; le certificat d’immatriculation du véhicule, les informations sur la date (y compris la date d’expiration) et l’organisme qui a délivré lesdits documents; toutes informations nécessaires pour prévenir la fraude à l’encontre du Titulaire des droits et toutes informations sur la manière dont le Programme sera utilisé, y compris toutes photos, informations sur le droit de conduire un véhicule pour transporter des passagers et des bagages, informations sur les contraventions routières et autres violations des lois (y compris arriérés / procédures d’exécution disponibles dans les registres publics). Le Titulaire des droits peut traiter ces informations personnelles avec ou sans outils d’automatisation, et par tout moyen, entre autres, les collecter, enregistrer, systématiser, accumuler, stocker, clarifier (actualiser, modifier), extraire, utiliser, transférer (fournir, donner accès), dépersonnaliser, bloquer, supprimer et détruire.

Dans les cas où cela est prévu par la loi applicable, l’autorisation de l’Utilisateur visée dans la présente clause sera réputée être accordée par écrit, signée avec la signature électronique de l’Utilisateur conformément aux clauses 1.6–1.6.5 de la présente Licence avec les détails nécessaires que l’Utilisateur a spécifiés comme cela est stipulé dans une telle forme d’autorisation. Cette autorisation sera valable aussi longtemps qu’il sera nécessaire pour fournir à l’Utilisateur les fonctions du Programme, et pendant 3 (trois) ans par la suite, à moins que la législation en vigueur ne prévoie une autre période (plus courte ou plus longue).

5.4. L’Utilisateur est par la présente informé, comprend et accepte que lorsque l’Utilisateur utilise le Programme pour accéder aux fonctions du Programme, le Titulaire des droits recevra automatiquement les informations suivantes : système d’exploitation de l’appareil de l’Utilisateur, version et ID du navigateur, statistiques des fonctions du Programme, données de localisation de l’appareil et toute autre information technique.


6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence

6.1. Le Programme est fourni en l’état. Le Titulaire des droits ne donne aucune garantie du fonctionnement sans erreur et sans problème du Programme ou de ses certains composants et/ou fonctions, de la conformité du Programme aux objectifs et attentes spécifiques de l’Utilisateur, et ne donne aucune autre garantie qui n’est pas expressément indiquée dans cette Licence.

6.2. Le Titulaire des droits ne pourra pas être tenu responsable des conséquences directes ou indirectes de toute utilisation ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et/ou de tout dommage infligé à l’Utilisateur et/ou à des tiers à la suite de toute utilisation, défaillance ou impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme ou certains de ses composants et/ou fonctions, entre autres, en raison d’éventuelles erreurs ou échecs dans le fonctionnement du Programme, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la loi.

6.3. Toutes les questions et réclamations liées à l’utilisation du Programme / à l’impossibilité d’utiliser le Programme et à un éventuel non-respect des lois et/ou des droits de tiers par le Programme doivent être transmises via le formulaire de commentaires.


7. Mises à jour / Nouvelles versions du Programme

7.1. Cette Licence couvre toutes les futures mises à jour / nouvelles versions du Programme. Lorsque l’Utilisateur accepte d’installer une mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme, il accepte les termes et conditions de cette Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions respectives du Programme, s’il n’existe pas d’autre accord de licence pour la mise à jour / nouvelle version du Programme.


8. Modifications de cette Licence

8.1. Le présent Accord de licence peut être modifié unilatéralement par le Titulaire des droits. Les avis des Utilisateurs concernant les modifications apportées à cette Licence seront publiés sur : https://yandex.com/legal/yango_partner_demo/. Lesdites modifications des termes et conditions de la Licence entreront en vigueur une fois publiées, sauf indication contraire dans la publication concernée.


9. Coordonnées de RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC

RideTechnology Global FZ-LLC (numéro de license: 101640)

Free Zone Limited Liability Company (FZ-LLC)

104A, First floor, Bld. 12, Dubai Internet City, Emirate of Dubai, the UAE

e-mail : support@yango.com

Date : 19.02.2024

La version precedente du document : https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11092023

La version precedente du document : https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/20072022

La version precedente du document : https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/11072022

La version precedente du document : https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/28102021

License Agreement for Yango Pro for Mobile Devices




1. General Provisions

1.1. This license agreement (License) sets forth the terms and conditions of your (User), as individual, use of the mobile device applications (Program) published by the Company (as defined below) in connection with the provision by the Company of a ride-hailing service (Service) in the Qatar. Your access to, and/or use of, the Program constitutes your agreement to be bound by this License, which establishes a contractual relationship between you and the relevant Company. If you do not agree to this License, you may not access or use the Program.

In this License, the “Company” shall mean YANGO TRANSPORT SERVICES W.L.L., being a company authorized to grant the rights to use the Program in Qatar in connection with the Service provided in Qatar.

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost.

1.5. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.

Terms of Use of the Pro-User Card Service available online at: https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv,

Company processes personal data of the users for the purposes of performance of this License as set forth by Privacy Notice available online at: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

The Company may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Company and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned, they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Company.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic, or combined codes the Company generated, and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect the confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User shall enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Company via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Company's partner (transportation provider in the sphere of luxury cars or taxi, whichever is relevant), provisions of ss. 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Company and such partner of the Company.

1.8. The User will authorize the Company to use information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Company's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.10. The Company may send information messages to Users. The Company may obtain the User’s prior consent before sending the User advertising and informative messages. The User may unsubscribe from advertising messages by addressing the help desk or following instructions specified in an advertising message received.

1.11. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Company.


2. Rights to the Program

The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Company.


3. License

3.1. The Company shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Company.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).


4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Company’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Company’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Company’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Company.


5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Company or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Company will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.


6. Liability

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Company provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Company shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.


7. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

7.1. This License and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Qatar without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

7.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with the License, including (but not limited to) any question regarding their existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be subject to arbitration seated in Doha under QICCA Rules by a sole arbitrator with English being the language of the arbitration.


8. Amendment, Restatement And Termination

8.1. This License may be amended or restated by the Company at any time, provided the User has been notified by the Company through the Program at least five (5) business days before the amendment or restatement should take place (Notification Period). Subject to the provision of this clause 8.1, the License shall become effective upon publication at https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. If the User continues to use the Program any time after the Notification Period, the User shall be deemed as bound by the relevant amended or restated version of the License.

8.2. The Company may terminate the License at its convenience any time, provided the User has been notified by the Company through the Program at least five (5) business days before the proposed termination date.


9. Details of the Company


Address: 63 Airport Road, 1st Floor, Umm Ghuwailina Zone, Office Number 126 (Regus - Doha, Jaidah Square), Doha, Qatar

Registration number: 194434

Subject to business activity: land transport services using electronic applications.

e-mail: support@yango.com

website: yango.com


Date of publication: 12.02.2024

Date of entrance into force: 12.02.2024

اتفاقية ترخيص يانغو برو للأجهزة المحمولة

يرجى قراءة اتفاقية الترخيص هذه بعناية قبل الوصول إلى خدمات يانغو برو أو استخدامها.

1. أحكام عامة

1.1. تحدد اتفاقية الترخيص هذه (الترخيص) الشروط والأحكام التي تحكم استخدامك الفردي (المستخدم) لتطبيقات الجهاز المحمول (البرنامج) التي نشرتها الشركة (كما هو محدد أدناه) فيما يتعلق بتقديم الشركة لخدمة طلبات نقل الركاب (الخدمة) في دولة قطر. ويشكل وصولك إلى البرنامج أو استخدامه أو كلياهما موافقتك على الالتزام بهذا الترخيص، والذي ينشئ علاقة تعاقدية بينك وبين الشركة ذات الصلة. وفي حالة رفضك الموافقة على اتفاقية الترخيص هذه، فلا يجوز لك الوصول إلى البرنامج أو استخدامه.

في هذه الترخيص، يُقصد بكلمة "الشركة" على أنها شركة .YANGO TRANSPORT SERVICES W.L.L وهي شركة مُرخصة لمنح حقوق استخدام البرنامج في دولة قطر فيما يتعلق بالخدمة المقدمة في دولة قطر.

1.2. يُعد نسخ المستخدم للبرنامج أو تثبيته على جهازه المحمول أو استخدامه للبرنامج بأي طريقة كانت، بمثابة موافقة كاملة وغير مشروطة على جميع الشروط والأحكام المنصوص عليها في الترخيص، مع مراعاة القوانين المعمول بها.

1.3. لا يُسمح باستخدام البرنامج إلا بموجب شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص. وفي حالة رفض المستخدم شروط وأحكام الترخيص بالكامل، فلا يجوز للمستخدم استخدام البرنامج لأي غرض من الأغراض. ويحظر استخدام البرنامج بما يخالف (على نحو لا يستوفي) أي من شروط وأحكام الترخيص.

1.4. يجوز للمستخدم استخدام البرنامج بموجب شروط وأحكام الترخيص الماثل للأغراض الشخصية غير التجارية مجانًا دون أي رسوم. ويمنع استخدام البرنامج وفق شروط وبطرق لا يغطيها هذا الترخيص إلا بموجب اتفاقية منفصلة يتم إبرامها مع الشركة.

1.5. تقوم الشركة بمعالجة البيانات الشخصية للمستخدمين لأغراض أداء هذا الترخيص على النحو المنصوص عليه في إشعار الخصوصية المتاح عبر الإنترنت على: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice.

يجوز للشركة تعديل الوثائق المذكورة من جانب واحد (أو أي جزء منها، من جملة أمور أخرى) دون توجيه أي إشعار خاص. وتدخل النسخ الجديدة من المستندات حيز النفاذ بمجرد نشرها، ما لم تنص النسخة الجديدة نفسها على خلاف ذلك.

1.6. توافق الشركة والمستخدم بموجب هذه الوثيقة، على أنه فيما يتعلق بالبرنامج، على أن الطرفان سينظران في المستندات الإلكترونية الموقعة بتوقيع إلكتروني أساسي مطابق للمستندات الورقية الموقعة بتوقيع مكتوب بخط اليد.

1.6.1. يعتبر البرنامج، من بين أمور أخرى، نظام معلومات تديره الشركة.

1.6.2. لتوقيع مستند إلكتروني بتوقيع إلكتروني، كما هو منصوص عليه في وظائف معينة من البرنامج، سيستخدم المستخدم رموزًا رقمية أو أبجدية أو رمزية أو مركبة تم إنشاؤها من قبل الشركة ويتلقاها المستخدم في شكل رسالة إلى رقم الهاتف الذي حدده المستخدم في البرنامج. وتمثل هذه الرموز مفتاح التوقيع الإلكتروني.

1.6.3. يلتزم المستخدم بالحفاظ على سرية الرموز (مفاتيح التوقيع الإلكتروني) التي تلقاها.

1.6.4. يلتزم المستخدم بإدخال الرمز ذي الصلة في نموذج خاص في البرنامج. ويقر الطرفان بأن جميع المستندات الإلكترونية التي سيقوم المستخدم بإنشائها واستخدامها وإرسالها إلى الشركة باستخدام وظائف البرنامج أثناء الجلسة (فترة صلاحية الرمز المعني) ستوقع بالتوقيع الإلكتروني للمستخدم.

1.6.5. يضمن المستخدم دقة بياناته الشخصية المحددة في البرنامج وموثوقيتها. وبناءً على هذه البيانات، سيحدد المستخدم ما إذا كان المستند الإلكتروني الموقع بتوقيع إلكتروني، كما هو محدد أعلاه قد تم توقيعه من قبل المستخدم.

1.7. عندما يكون المستخدم ممثلًا لشريك الشركة (مقدم خدمات النقل في مجال السيارات الفاخرة أو سيارات الأجرة، أيهما كان ذا صلة)، ستطبق أحكام البنود 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 من هذا الترخيص إلى الحد الذي لا تتعارض فيه مع الاتفاقيات والعقود المبرمة بين الشركة وشريك الشركة.

1.8. سيفوض المستخدم الشركة باستخدام المعلومات التي قدمها في البرنامج من خلال تضمين هذه المعلومات في قاعدة بيانات الشركة ومواصلة استخدام قاعدة البيانات هذه بأي وسيلة.

1.9. يجوز للشركة إرسال رسائل معلومات إلى المستخدمين. وعند استخدام البرنامج، يمنح المستخدم أيضًا موافقته على تلقي رسائل إعلانية وإعلامية. ويجوز للمستخدم إلغاء الاشتراك في الرسائل الإعلانية عن طريق الاتصال بفريق دعم العملاء أو اتباع الإرشادات الواردة في الرسائل الإعلانية المستلمة.

1.10. يجوز للشركة إرسال رسائل معلوماتية للمستخدمين. ويجوز للشركة الحصول على موافقة مسبقة من المستخدم قبل إرسال رسائل إعلانية وإعلامية للمستخدم. يجوز للمستخدم إلغاء الاشتراك في الرسائل الإعلانية عن طريق مراسلة مكتب المساعدة أو اتباع التعليمات المحددة في الرسالة الإعلانية المستلمة.

2. حقوق البرنامج

الحق الحصري في البرنامج مملوك للشركة.

3. الترخيص

3.1. تمنح الشركة، مجانًا وبموجب ترخيص عادي (غير حصري)، للمستخدم حقًا غير قابل للنقل لاستخدام البرنامج في جميع دول العالم بالطرق التالية:

3.1.1. استخدام البرنامج على النحو المنشود، وبالخصوص نسخه وتثبيته (إعادة إنتاجه) على جهاز / أجهزة المستخدم المحمولة. ويجوز للمستخدم تثبيت البرنامج على عدد غير محدود من الأجهزة المحمولة. وعند التثبيت على الأجهزة المحمولة، سيتم تعيين رقم فريد لكل نسخة من البرنامج، يتم إبلاغ الشركة به تلقائيًا.

3.1.2. إعادة نسخ البرنامج وتوزيعه لأغراض غير تجارية (مجانًا).

4. القيود

4.1. باستثناء الاستخدام ضمن النطاق وبالأساليب المنصوص عليها صراحةً في هذا الترخيص أو القوانين المعمول بها، لا يجوز للمستخدم تعديل أو فك تجميع أو فك تركيب أو فك تشفير أو إجراء أي تصرفات أخرى فيما يتعلق برمز الآلة أو رمز مصدر البرنامج بقصد الحصول على معلومات عن طريقة تطبيق الخوارزميات المستخدمة في البرنامج، وإنشاء أعمال مشتقة باستخدام البرنامج، واستخدام (السماح باستخدام) البرنامج دون الحصول على موافقة كتابية من الشركة.

4.2. لا يجوز للمستخدم إعادة نسخ البرنامج وتوزيعه لأغراض تجارية (مقابل رسوم، من بين جملة أمور أخرى) وذلك، من بين أمور أخرى، كجزء من مجموعة المنتجات البرمجية، دون الحصول على موافقة كتابية من الشركة.

4.3 لا يجوز للمستخدم توزيع البرنامج بأي شكل بخلاف الشكل الذي استلمه عليه، دون الحصول على موافقة كتابية من الشركة.

4.4. سيُستخدم البرنامج (بما في ذلك توزيعه في جملة أمور أخرى) تحت اسم: يانغو برو. ولا يجوز للمستخدم تغيير اسم البرنامج أو إشعار حقوق النشر أو حذفها، علاوةً على أي إشارات أخرى تخص الشركة أو أي مما ذكر.

5. شروط استخدام وظائف معينة من البرنامج

5.1. لا يمكن تنفيذ بعض وظائف البرنامج إلا عند توافر شبكة الإنترنت. ويتعين على المستخدم الحصول على خدمة الوصول إلى شبكة الإنترنت ودفع ثمنها بصورة مستقلة بموجب الشروط ووفقًا للتعريفات التي يحددها مقدم خدمة الاتصالات أو الإنترنت التابع له.

5.2. ستكون بعض وظائف البرنامج متاحة فقط للمستخدم الذي أبرم اتفاقية منفصلة مع الشركة أو الهيئة التي توفر الوصول إلى وظائف البرنامج هذه.

5.3. سيخطر المستخدم بموجب هذا، ويفهم ويقر على أنه عند استخدام البرنامج لتزويد المستخدم بوظائف البرنامج، ستتلقى الشركة تلقائيًا المعلومات التالية: نظام تشغيل جهاز المستخدم، وإصدار المتصفح والمعرّف، وإحصائيات وظائف البرنامج وبيانات موقع الجهاز وأي معلومات فنية أخرى.

6. المسؤولية

6.1. يُقدَم البرنامج كما هو عليه. ولا تُقدم الشركة أي ضمانات بشأن التشغيل السليم للبرنامج أو مكوناته أو وظائفه أو جميع ما ذكر بدون وقوع أخطاء أو عيوب، أو ملائمة البرنامج لأغراض محددة للمستخدم، ولا تقدم كذلك أي ضمانات أخرى غير منصوص عليها صراحةً في هذا الترخيص.

6.2. لا تتحمل الشركة مسؤولية أي عواقب مباشرة أو غير مباشرة تترتب على أي استخدام أو العجز عن استخدام البرنامج أو أي خسائر يتكبدها المستخدم أو الغير كنتيجة لأي استخدام أو الفشل أو العجز عن استخدام البرنامج أو مكوناته أو وظائف معينة، بما في ذلك، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، بسبب أخطاء محتملة أو فشل في تشغيل البرنامج، باستثناء ما تنص عليه القوانين صراحةً.

6.3. ترسل جميع الأسئلة والمطالبات المتعلقة باستخدام البرنامج أو العجز عن استخدامه، أو البيانات والانتهاكات المحتملة للقوانين أو حقوق الغير أو كليهما من جانب البرنامج أو البيانات من خلال نموذج الملاحظات والتعليقات.

7. القانون المطبق وتسوية المنازعات

7.1. يخضع هذا الترخيص وأي التزامات غير تعاقدية الناشئة عن الترخيص أو فيما يتعلق به ويفسر وفقا لقوانين دولة قطر بغض النظر عن تعارض أحكام القانون.

7.2. يخضع أي نزاع أو اختلاف أو جدال أو مطالبة تنشأ عن الترخيص أو فيما يتعلق به، بما في ذلك (على سبيل المثال لا الحصر) أي مسألة تتعلق بوجودها أو صحتها أو تفسيرها أو أدائها أو إنهاءها وسبل الانتصاف المعمول بها، للتحكيم أمام مُحكم وحيد في الدوحة وفقًا لقواعد مركز قطر الدولي للتحكيم (QICCA) على أن تكون اللغة الإنجليزية هي لغة التحكيم.

8. التعديل وإعادة البيان والإنهاء

8.1. يجوز للشركة تعديل هذا الترخيص أو إعادة صياغته متى شاءت، شريطة إخطار الشركة للمستخدم من خلال البرنامج قبل خمسة (5) أيام عمل على الأقل من إجراء التعديل أو إعادة الصياغة (فترة الإخطار). مع مراعاة أحكام هذا البند 8.1، يصبح الترخيص نافذًا عند نشره على الرابط https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. في حال استمرار المستخدم باستخدام البرنامج في أي وقت بعد فترة الإخطار، يُعتبر المستخدم ملزمًا بالنسخة المعدلة أو المعاد صياغتها من الترخيص.

8.2. يجوز للشركة إنهاء الترخيص وفقًا لتقديرها الخاص وفي أي وقت، شريطة إخطار الشركة للمستخدم من خلال البرنامج قبل خمسة (5) أيام عمل على الأقل من تاريخ الإنهاء المقترح.

9. تفاصيل الشركة


العنوان: 63 طريق المطار، الطابق الأول، منطقة أم غويلينة، رقم المكتب 126 (ريجوس - الدوحة، ساحة الجيدة)، الدوحة، قطر

رقم التسجيل: 194434

تخضع لنشاط الأعمال: خدمات النقل البري باستخدام التطبيقات الإلكترونية.

البريد الإلكتروني: support@yango.com

الموقع الإلكتروني: yango.com


تاريخ النشر: 12/02/2024

تاريخ الدخول حيز التنفيذ: 12/.02/2024

הסכם רישיון עבור Yango Pro עבור התקנים ניידים


לפני השימוש בתוכנה, קרא את התנאים וההגבלות של הסכם הרישיון שלהלן.

כל שימוש בתוכנה פירושו שאתה מקבל באופן מלא וללא תנאי את התנאים וההגבלות של הסכם רישיון זה.

אם אינך מקבל את הסכם הרישיון במלואו, אינך רשאי להשתמש בתוכנה לכל מטרה שהיא.


1. הוראות כלליות

1.1. הסכם רישיון זה (להלן: «הרישיון») קובע תנאי שימוש עבור Yango Pro עבור התקנים ניידים (להלן: «התוכנה») והוא נעשה בין כל אדם המשתמש בתוכנה (להלן: «המשתמש») ויאנגו דלי ישראל בע"מ, הוא גוף המוסמך להעניק את זכויות השימוש בתוכנה (להלן: «בעל הזכויות»).

1.2. על ידי העתקת התוכנה, התקנתה בהתקן הנייד או שימוש בתוכנה בכל דרך שהיא, המשתמש מביע את הסכמתו המלאה והבלתי מותנית לכל התנאים וההגבלות של רישיון זה.

1.3. התוכנה מותרת לשימוש בתנאים ובהגבלות של רישיון זה בלבד. אם המשתמש אינו מקבל את התנאים וההגבלות של הרישיון במלואו, המשתמש אינו רשאי להשתמש בתוכנה לכל מטרה שהיא. אין להשתמש בתוכנה תוך הפרה (אי מילוי) של כל תנאי והגבלה של הרישיון.

1.4. המשתמש רשאי להשתמש בתוכנה על פי תנאי רישיון זה למטרות אישיות לא מסחריות ללא תמורה. ניתן להשתמש בתוכנה בתנאים ובדרכים שאינן מכוסות ברישיון זה רק על בסיס הסכם נפרד עם בעל הזכויות.

1.5. בעת השימוש בתוכנה, המשתמש מסכים שהמסמכים הבאים, אשר התנאים שלהם חלים באופן מלא על השימוש בתוכנה, מהווים חלק בלתי נפרד מרישיון זה:

בעל הזכות רשאי לתקן את המסמכים האמורים באופן חד צדדי (בין היתר, כל חלק מהם) ללא הודעה מיוחדת על כך. הגרסאות חדשות של המסמכים ייכנסו לתוקף לאחר פרסומן, אלא אם כן נקבע אחרת.

1.6. בעל הזכויות והמשתמש מסכימים בזאת, כי כל עוד הדבר נוגע בתוכנה שניהם יחתמו על המסמכים האלקטרוניים חתומים בחתימה אלקטרונית בסיסית זהה למסמכי נייר חתומים בחתימת יד.

1.6.1. התוכנה מהווה, בין היתר, מערכת מידע שמופעלת על ידי בעל הזכויות.

1.6.2. כדי לחתום על מסמך אלקטרוני עם חתימה אלקטרונית, באופן ובזמן שיקבע על ידי פונקציות מסוימות של התוכנה, המשתמש ישתמש בקודים מספריים, אלפבתיים, סמליים או משולבים, שאותם יצר בעל הזכויות, והמשתמש קיבל באמצעות הודעה למספר הטלפון שלושאותו הוא ציין בתוכנה. קודים אלו מהווים את מפתח החתימה האלקטרונית.

1.6.3. על המשתמש לכבד את סודיות הקודים (מפתחות החתימה האלקטרוניים) שהוא או היא קיבל/ה.

1.6.4. המשתמש יזין את הקוד המתאים בטופס המיועד לכך בתוכנה. הצדדים מכירים בכך שכל המסמכים האלקטרוניים שהמשתמש ינפיק, ישתמש ויישלח לבעל הזכויות באמצעות פונקציות התוכנה במשך זמן הפעילות (התקופה בה הקוד המתאים הוא תק) ייחתמו בצורה כזאת עם חתימתו האלקטרונית של המשתמש.

1.6.5. המשתמש מתחייב לכך כי הנתונים האישיים שלו/שלה המפורטים בתוכנה הינם אמינים. בהתבסס על הנתונים האלו, המשתמש יקבע אם מסמך אלקטרוני שנחתם באמצעות חתימה אלקטרונית, כמפורט לעיל, אכן חתום על ידי המשתמש עצמו.

1.7. כאשר המשתמש הוא נציגו של שותף בעל הזכויות, ההוראות בסעיפים 1.6.1 — 1.6.5 ברישיון זה יחולו, במידה ואינם סותרים את האמור בהסכמים ובחוזים שנעשו בין בעל הזכויות לבין אותו שותף של בעל הזכויות.

1.8. המשתמש יאשר לבעל הזכויות להשתמש במידע שהוא סיפק בתוכנה, על ידי הכללת מידע זה במאגר הנתונים של בעל הזכויות ושימוש נוסף בו במאגר נתונים זה בכל דרך שהיא.

1.9. רישיון זה וכל היחסים הקשורים לשימוש בתוכנה יהיו כפופים למשפט ההולנדי, וכל תביעה או פעולה הנובעת מ- או קשורה לרישיון זה או בשימוש בתוכנה תוגש ל- ותיבחן על ידי בתי המשפט במיקומו של בעל הזכויות.

1.10. בעל הזכויות עשוי לשלוח הודעות מידע למשתמשים. בעת השימוש בתוכנה, המשתמש מסכים לקבל הודעות פרסומיות ואינפורמטיביות. המשתמש רשאי לבטל את ההרשמה להודעות פרסום אלו על ידי פנייה לדלפק התמיכה או להנחיות המפורטות בהודעת הפרסום שהתקבלה.

1.11. בהתאם לאזור המשתמש, חלק או כל הפונקציות של התוכנה עשויות לא להיות מוגבלות או לא זמינות. הפונקציות נחשבות כלא זמינות (מוגבלות) למשתמש מאזור מסוים, אם משתמש כזה אינו יכול להשתמש בהן במפורש. אין להשתמש בשיטות טכניות ושיטות מבוססות תוכנה כדי לעקוף מגבלות אלו. ההוראות של תנאים אלו והמסמכים המפורטים בסעיף 1.5 מסדירות פונקציות לא זמינות (מוגבלות) של התוכנה לא יחולו עד שהפונקציות יהיו זמינות למשתמש באופן מפורש. מידע לגבי זמינות פונקציות תוכנה באזור מסוים יסופק למשתמש על פי בקשתו שתשלח לבעל הזכויות.


2. זכויות לתוכנה

2.1. הזכות הבלעדית לתוכנה מוקנית לבעל הזכויות.


3. רישיון

3.1. בעל הזכויות יעניק למשתמש, ללא צורך בתשלום וברישיון רגיל (לא בלעדי), את הזכות הבלתי ניתנת להעברה לשימוש בתוכנה בכל מדינות העולם בדרכים הבאות:

3.1.1. להשתמש בתוכנה למטרות להן היא תוכננה, ולשם כך להעתיק ולהתקין (לשכפל) אותו במכשיר(ים) הנייד(ים) של המשתמש. המשתמש רשאי להתקין את התוכנה על מספר בלתי מוגבל של מכשירים ניידים. בעת התקנתה על התקנים ניידים, כל עותק התוכנה מוקצה מספר אישי שמדווח אוטומטית לבעל הזכויות.

3.1.2. לשכפל ולהפיץ את התוכנה למטרות לא מסחריות (ללא תשלום).


4. מגבלות

4.1. למעט כאשר נעשה שימוש בתוכנה בהיקף ובדרכים המפורטות במפורש ברישיון זה או בחוקים החלים עליו, המשתמש אינו רשאי לשנות, לבצע דקומפילציה, לפרק, לפענח ולבצע פעולות אחרות עם קוד האובייקט של התוכנה שמטרתן לקבל מידע על יישום האלגוריתמים של התוכנה, ליצור עבודות מעתק באמצעות התוכנה, וכן להשתמש (לאפשר להשתמש) בתוכנה, ללא הסכמתו של בעל הזכויות בכתב.

4.2. המשתמש אינו רשאי לשכפל ולהפיץ את התוכנה למטרות מסחריות (בין היתר, בתשלום), בין היתר, כחלק מאוסף מוצרי תוכנה, ללא הסכמתו של בעל הזכויות בכתב.

4.3. המשתמש אינו רשאי להפיץ את התוכנה בכל צורה שהיא מלבד הצורה בה היא התקבלה, ללא הסכמתו של בעל הזכויות בכתב.

4.4. התוכנה תשמש (בין היתר, תופץ) תחת השם: Taximeter המשתמש אינו רשאי לשנות את שם התוכנה, לשנות ו / או למחוק את הצהרת זכויות היוצרים או הפניות אחרות לבעל הזכויות..


5. תנאי השימוש בפונקציות מסוימות של התוכנה

5.1. פונקציות מסוימות של התוכנהיהיו זמינות עם גישה לאינטרנט בלבד. על המשתמש לקבל ולשלם באופן עצמאי עבור גישה כזו תחת התנאים ועל פי התעריפים של הטלקום או ספק האינטרנט שלו/שלה.

5.2. פונקציות מסוימות של התוכנה יהיו זמינות רק עבור המשתמש שביצע הסכם נפרד עם בעל הזכויות או גוף המספק גישה לפונקציות של התוכנה.

5.3. כאשר נעשה שימוש בתוכנה, בין היתר, בפונקציות המסוימות שלה, המתוארות והנשלטות בהתאם לתנאי השימוש של יוצר כרטיס הנהג (https://yango.com/legal/drivers_termsofuse_bv), המשתמש יאפשר לבעל הזכויות לעבד את הפרטים האישיים שלו כפי שתנאי זה מוגדר במדיניות הפרטיות (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice), בכדי לוודא שפונקציות התוכנה יהיו זמינות, בכדי להעביר את המידע האישי של המשתמש לשותפי בעל הזכויות לצורך עיבוד נוסף של מידע זה, ולוודא שפונקציות התוכנה יהיו זמינות, וכן למטרות המפורטות בתנאי השימוש של יוצר כרטיס הנהג, וכן כדי לקבל את המידע האישי של המשתמש מצדדים שלישיים לאותן המטרות..

בעל הזכויות יעביר ו / או יקבל את המידע האישי של המשתמש, הנדרש למטרות האמורות. בעל הזכויות יעבד את הפרטים האישיים של המשתמש והמידע הנוסף שהמשתמש יוריד ויספק באמצעות התוכנה בהתאם למדיניות הפרטיות (https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice).

הוראות סעיף זה, הנוגעות לעיבוד הפרטים והמידע האישי של המשתמש על ידי בעל הזכויות, יחולו על החומרים והמידע שהמשתמש קיבל באמצעות השירות והפונקציות שלו.

ההיתר הנזכר בסעיף זה יחול על מידע שיצוין על ידי המשתמש בתוכנה ומידע שבעל הזכויות יקבל מצדדים שלישיים, בין היתר, שם המשפחה, השם הפרטי, הכתובת; מספר תעודת הזהות ורישיון הנהיגה; אגרת רישום הרכב,מידע בנוגע ללתאריך ההנפקתו (כולל תאריך פקיעתו) ולגוף שעל ידו המסמכים הונפקו; מידע הנדרש למניעת מרמה ביחס לבעל הזכויות, וכן ביחס לאופן השימוש בתוכנה, כולל תמונות, מידע על הזכות לנהוג ברכב להובלת נוסעים ומטען במונית נוסעים, מידע על עבירות הקשורות לתנועה והפרות חוק אחרות (לרבות פיגורים / הליכי אכיפה הזמינים ברשומות ציבוריות). בעל הזכויות רשאי לעבד מידע אישי זה עם או בלי השימוש בכלי אוטומציה, ובאמצעים כלשהם אחרים, בין היתר, על ידי איסוף, הקלטה, יצירת מערכת, אגירה, אחסון, הבהרה (עדכון, שינוי), חילוץ, שימוש, העברה (הספקה, גישה) ביטול מאפיינים אישיים, חסימה, מחיקה והרסה.

כאשר יחולו החוקים המתאימים, ייחשב היתר המשתמש הנזכר בסעיף זה כהיתר המותנה בכתב, חתום באמצעות החתימה האלקטרונית של המשתמש לפי הסעיפים 1.6 — 1.6.5 של רישיון זה, לפי הפרטים הנדרשים שסופקו על ידי המשתמש כאמור בצורת היתר זה. היתר זה יהיה תקף כל עוד יהיה צורך לספק למשתמש את פונקציות התוכנה ובמהלך 3 (שלוש) שנים לאחר מכן, אלא אם כן תקבע תקופה אחרת (קצרה או ארוכה יותר) כלשהיא בהתאם לחוקים המתאימים.

5.4. המשתמש מצהיר, מבין ומסכים בזאת כי כאשר הוא משתמש בתוכנה, בעל הזכויות יקבל באופן אוטומטי את המידע הבא, בכדי לספק למשתמש את פונקציות התוכנה: מערכת ההפעלה של המשתמש, גרסת הדפדפן והמזהה, נתונים סטטיסטיים של פונקציות התוכנה, נתוני מיקום המכשיר וכל מידע טכני אחר.


6. אחריות על פי הרישיון

6.1. התוכנה מסופקת כפי שהיא. בעל הזכויות אינו מבטיח פעולה נטולת שגיאות ובעיות של התוכנה או מרכיביה ו / או תפקודיה, את התאמה התוכנה למטרות ולציפיות המסוימות של המשתמש, ואינו מבטיח שום דבר אחר, שאינו מצויין במפורש ברישיון זה.

6.2. בעל הזכויות לא יישא באחריות על כל תוצאה ישירה או עקיפה של שימוש כלשהו או אי היכולת להשתמש בתוכנה ו / או כל נזק שייגרם למשתמש ו / או לצדדים שלישיים כתוצאה משימוש, כישלון או אי יכולת להשתמש בתוכנה או רכיביה ו / או בפונקציות במסוימות שלה, בין היתר, על טעויות או כשלים אפשריים בהפעלת התוכנה, למעט מה שנקבע במפורש על ידי החוקים.

6.3. יש להעביר את כל השאלות והתביעות הקשורות לשימוש / אי האפשרות להשתמש בתוכנה וכמו כן להתעלמות אפשרית מהחוקים ו / או הזכויות של צד שלישי על ידי התוכנה, באמצעות טופס המשוב בכתובת.


7. עדכונים / גרסאות חדשות של התוכנה

7.1. רישיון זה מכסה את כל העדכונים העתידיים / הגרסאות החדשות של התוכנה. עם הסכמתו של המשתמש להתקין עדכון / גרסה חדשה של התוכנה, המשתמש מקבל את התנאים וההגבלות של רישיון זה בעדכונים המתאימים / גרסאות חדשות של התוכנה, אלא אם יש הסכם רישיון אחר עבור העדכון / הגרסה החדשה של התוכנה.


8. תיקונים ברישיון זה

8.1. הסכם רישיון זה עשוי להיות מתוקן באופן חד צדדי על ידי בעל הזכויות. הודעות למשתמש בנוגע לתיקונים שנעשו ברישיון זה יפורסמו בכתובת: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/#index__israel_he. התיקונים האמורים לתנאי הרישיון ייכנסו לתוקף לאחר פרסומם, אלא אם כן צוין אחרת בפרסום הרלוונטי.


9. פרטי בעל הזכויות

יאנגו דלי ישראל בע"מ, ח"פ 515926285

מנחם בגין 148, תל אביב

תאריך פרסום: 20.07.2022

הגרסה הקודמת של המסמך: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/29032022

הגרסה הקודמת של המסמך: https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement/23122021



1. General Provisions

1.1. This license agreement for Yango pro for mobile devices (License) sets forth the terms and conditions of your (User), as individual, use of the mobile device applications (Program) published by the Company (as defined below) in connection with the provision by the Company of a ride-hailing and/or delivery informational services (Service) in the Sultanate of Oman through Yango mobile application. Your access to, and/or use of, the Program constitutes your agreement to be bound by this License, which establishes a contractual relationship between you and the Company. If you do not agree to this License, you may not access or use the Program.

In this License, the “Company” shall mean CLOUD WORLD TRADING LLC, a limited liability company duly registered under the laws of the Sultanate of Oman at North Aludhaybah, Bousher, Muscat, the Sultanate of Oman, being a company authorized to grant the rights to use the Program in the Sultanate of Oman in connection with the Service provided in the Sultanate of Oman.

1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on his/her mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses his/her full and unconditional consent to all the terms and conditions of this License.

1.3. The Program is only permitted to be used under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. The Program is prohibited to be used in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.

1.4. The User may use the Program under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes at no cost. The use of the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License is possible only under a separate agreement with the Company.

1.5. The Company processes the personal data of the Users for the purposes of provision of the Service as set forth in the privacy notice available online at https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice (Privacy Notice).

The Company may unilaterally amend the said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) with no special notice. New versions of the documents will come into effect once published, unless they stipulate otherwise.

1.6. The Company and the User hereby agreed that as far as the Program was concerned, they would mutually deem e-documents signed with a basic e-signature identical to paper documents signed with a handwritten signature.

1.6.1. The Program is, among other things, an information system operated by the Company.

1.6.2. To sign an e-document with an e-signature as and when stipulated by certain functions of the Program, the User will use numerical, alphabetic, symbolic, or combined codes the Company generated, and the User received as a message to the phone number the User specified in the Program. Such codes represent the e-signature key.

1.6.3. The User shall respect the confidentiality of codes (e-signature keys) he or she received.

1.6.4. The User shall enter a respective code in a special form in the Program. The Parties acknowledge that all e-documents the User will generate, use and send to the Company via program functions in a session (the period of validity of a respective code) will be signed so with the User's e-signature.

1.6.5. The User warrants that his/her personal data specified in the Program are reliable. Based on these data, the User will determine whether an e-document signed with an e-signature as specified above is signed by the User.

1.7. When the User is a representative of the Company's partner (transportation and/or delivery service provider), provisions of clauses 1.6.1 – 1.6.5 of this License will apply insofar as they do not conflict with agreements and contracts between the Company and such partner of the Company.

1.8. The User is aware that in order to provide the Service the Company will collect and process information he/she provided in the Program by including such information in the Company's database and further use of such database by any means.

1.9. Depending on the User’s region, any or all functions of the Program can be inaccessible or limited. Functions are deemed to be inaccessible (limited) to the User from a certain region, if such User is unable to use them explicitly. It is prohibited to apply any technical and software-based methods to circumvent these limitations. Provisions of these Terms and the documents specified in cl. 1.5 governing inaccessible (limited) functions of the Program will not apply until such functions become explicitly accessible to the User. The User will be provided information on program functions accessibility in a certain region upon request sent to the Company.

2. Rights to the Program

The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Company.

3. License

3.1. The Company shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:

3.1.1. To use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User's mobile device(-s). The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices. When installed on mobile devices, each copy of the Program is assigned an individual number automatically reported to the Company.

3.1.2. To reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).

4. Limitations

4.1. Except when used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License or applicable laws, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt, and perform any other actions with the object code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program, and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program, without the Company’s written consent.

4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Company’s written consent.

4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Company’s written consent.

4.4. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango Pro. The User may not change the name of the Program, change and/or delete the copyright notice or other references to the Company.

5. Terms of Use of Certain Functions of the Program

5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with access to the Internet. The User will independently obtain and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its telecom or Internet provider.

5.2. Some functions of the Program will only be available to the User who has concluded a separate agreement with the Company or a body providing access to such functions of the Program.

5.3. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that, when the Program is used to provide the User with functions of the Program, the Company will automatically receive the following information: the User's device operating system, browser version and ID, Program functions statistics, device location data, and any other technical information.

6. Liability

6.1. The Program is provided as is. The Company provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals and expectations of the User, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.

6.2. The Company shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program and/or any damage inflicted on the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure or inability to use the Program or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in the operation of the Program, except as expressly stipulated by the laws.

6.3. All questions and claims related to the use of / impossibility to use the Program and possible disregard of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program shall be forwarded via the feedback form.

7. Personal data

We process your personal data for the purpose of provision of the Service. We need to process your data to let you use the Service and order transportation services for our mobile application, provide them support, control the quality and improving the Service. To learn more please consult to our Privacy Notice.

8. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

8.1. This License and any non-contractual obligations arising out of or in connection with the License shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales without regard to the conflict of law provisions.

8.2. Any dispute, difference, controversy or claim arising out of or in connection with this License, including (but not limited to) any question regarding its existence, validity, interpretation, performance, discharge and applicable remedies, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration under the Rules of Oman Commercial Arbitration Centre, which Rules are deemed to be incorporated by reference into this clause. The number of arbitrators shall be one. The seat of arbitration shall be Muscat, Oman. The language to be used in the arbitration shall be English.

9. Amendment, Restatement and Termination

9.1. This License may be amended or restated by the Company at any time. Subject to the provision of this clause 9.1, the License shall become effective upon publication at https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement. If the User continues to use the Program any time after the amendment or restatement of the License, the User shall be deemed as bound by the relevant amended or restated version of the License.

9.2. The Company may terminate the License at its convenience any time, provided the User has been notified by the Company through the Program at least five (5) business days before the proposed termination date.

10. Details of the Company


address: North Aludhaybah / Bousher / Muscat / the Sultanate of Oman

licensed activity: CR number 1283069


Effective date: 1 September 2024

اتفاقية ترخيص شركة يانغو برو للأجهزة المحمولة

الرجاء قراءة اتفاقية الترخيص بعناية قبل الدخول إلى تطبيق يانغو برو أو استخدامه.

1. الأحكام العامة

1.1. تحدد اتفاقية الترخيص لـ Yango Pro للأجهزة المحمولة (الترخيص) شروط وأحكام (المستخدم)، بصفته فردًا، عند استخدام تطبيق الأجهزة المحمولة (البرنامج) الذي أصدرته الشركة (الوارد تعريفها أدناه) لتوفير خدمة نقل الركاب و/أو خدمات المعلومات المتعلقة بالتوصيل (الخدمة) في سلطنة عمان من خلال تطبيق يانغو للهاتف المحمول. يُعدًُ دخولك إلى البرنامج واستخدامه موافقة منك على الالتزام بهذا الترخيص، وينشئ ذلك علاقة تعاقدية بينك وبين الشركة. إذا لم توافق على هذا الترخيص، لن يُسمَح لك بالدخول إلى هذا البرنامج أو استخدامه.

في هذا الترخيص، تعني كلمة "الشركة" شركة عالم السحاب للتجارة ش.م.م.، وهي شركة ذات مسؤولية محدودة مسجلة حسب الأصول بموجب قوانين سلطنة عمان في العذيبة الشمالية، بوشر، مسقط، سلطنة عمان، ومرخص لها بمنح حقوق استخدام البرنامج في سلطنة عمان لتقديم الخدمة فيها.

1.2. إذا نسخ المستخدم البرنامج أو ثبته على جهازه النقال أو استخدامه بأي شكل من الأشكال، فهو وقتئذ يعبر عن موافقته الكاملة وغير المشروطة على جميع شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص.

1.3. لا يجوز استخدام البرنامج إلا بما يتوافق مع شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص. إذا لم يقبل المستخدم شروط وأحكام الترخيص كاملةً، فإنه لا يحق له استخدام البرنامج لأي غرض من الأغراض. يُحظر استخدام البرنامج على نحوٍ ينتهك (لا يستوفي) شروط وأحكام الترخيص.

1.4. يجوز للمستخدم أن يستخدم البرنامج وفقًا لشروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص لأغراض شخصية غير تجارية مجانًا. لا يمكن استخدام البرنامج وفقًا لشروط وبطرق غير واردة في هذا الترخيص إلا بموجب اتفاقية منفصلة مع الشركة.

1.5. تعالج الشركة البيانات الشخصية للمستخدمين لأغراض توفير الخدمة على النحو المنصوص عليه في إشعار الخصوصية المتاح عبر الإنترنت على https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_privacy_notice (إشعار الخصوصية).

يجوز للشركة تعديل الوثائق المذكورة (أوأي جزء منها) بإرادتها المنفردة دون إشعار خاص. وتدخل الإصدارات الجديدة من الوثائق حيز التنفيذ بمجرد نشرها، ما لم تنص على خلاف ذلك.

1.6. اتفق كلٌّ من الشركة والمستخدم بموجب هذا الترخيص اتفاقًا متبادلًا على اعتبار الوثائق الإلكترونية الموقعة بتوقيع إلكتروني عادي مطابقةً للوثائق الورقية الموقعة بخط اليد، وذلك فيما يتعلق بالبرنامج.

1.6.1. يعد البرنامج، من ضمن أمور أخرى، نظام معلومات تديره الشركة.

1.6.2. لتوقيع وثيقة إلكترونية بتوقيع إلكتروني عندما تنص وظائف معينة في البرنامج على ذلك، يستعمل المستخدم رموزًا رقمية أو أبجدية أو رمزية أو مختلطة تنشئها الشركة ويتلقاها المستخدم كرسالة على رقم هاتفه المحدد في البرنامج. تمثل هذه الرموز مفتاح التوقيع الإلكتروني.

1.6.3. يجب على المستخدم احترام سرية الرموز (مفاتيح التوقيع الإلكتروني) التي يتلقاها.

1.6.4. يجب على المستخدم إدخال الرمز الخاص به في نموذج خاص في البرنامج. يقر الطرفان بأن جميع الوثائق الإلكترونية التي سيقوم المستخدم بإنشائها واستخدامها وإرسالها إلى الشركة عبر وظائف البرنامج في الجلسة (فترة صلاحية الرمز المعني) ستُوقَّع باستخدام التوقيع الإلكتروني للمستخدم.

1.6.5. يقر المستخدم بأن بياناته الشخصية المذكورة في البرنامج صحيحة. بناءً على هذه البيانات، سيتحقق المستخدم ما إذا كانت الوثائق الإلكترونية الموقعة إلكترونيًّا طبقًا لما ورد أعلاه تحمل فعلًا توقيع المستخدم.

1.7. إذا كان المستخدم ممثلًا لشريك الشركة (مزود خدمة النقل و/أو خدمات التوصيل )، فيجب حينئذٍ تطبيق أحكام البنود 1.6.1 - 1.6.5 من هذا الترخيص ما لم تتعارض مع الاتفاقيات والعقود المبرمة بين الشركة وشريك الشركة.

1.8. يدرك المستخدم أنه من أجل تقديم الخدمة، ستقوم الشركة بجمع ومعالجة المعلومات التي قدمها في البرنامج من خلال تضمين هذه المعلومات في قاعدة بيانات الشركة واستخدام قاعدة البيانات هذه بأي وسيلة.

1.9. بناءً على منطقة المستخدم، قد تكون بعض وظائف البرنامج أو جميعها غير متاحة أو محدودة. تعتبر الوظائف غير متاحة (محدودة) للمستخدم في منطقة معينة، إذا كان هذا المستخدم غير قادر على استخدامها بشكل صريح. ويحظر تطبيق أي أساليب فنية أو برمجية للتحايل على هذه القيود. ولا تطبَّق شروط وأحكام هذا الترخيص والوثائق المحددة في البند 1.5 التي تنظِّم الوظائف غير المتاحة (المحدودة) في البرنامج حتى تصبح هذه الوظائف في متناول المستخدم بشكل واضح. يُزوَّد المستخدم بمعلومات حول إمكانية إتاحة وظائف البرنامج في منطقة معينة عند إرساله طلبًا إلى الشركة.

2. حقوق البرنامج

تمتلك الشركة حصريًّا حقوق البرنامج.

3. الترخيص

3.1. تمنح الشركة، مجانًا وبموجب ترخيص عادي (غير حصري)، للمستخدم الحق غير القابل للنقل في استخدام البرنامج في جميع دول العالم بالطرق التالية:

3.1.1. لاستخدام البرنامج على النحو المقصود، يجب نسخه وتثبيته (إعادة إنتاجه) على الجهاز المحمول للمستخدم أو على عدة أجهزة. يجوز للمستخدم تثبيت البرنامج على عدد غير محدود من الأجهزة الهاتف النقال. عند تثبيت البرنامج على الأجهزة المحمولة، يُخصَّص رقم فردي لكل نسخة من البرنامج ويُبلَّغ للشركة تلقائيًا.

3.1.2. نسخ البرنامج وتوزيعه لأغراض غير تجارية (مجانًا).

4. القيود

4.1. باستثناء حالات استخدام البرنامج ضمن النطاق وبالطرق المنصوص عليها صراحةً في هذا الترخيص أو القوانين المعمول بها، لا يجوز للمستخدم تعديل الكود الشيئي للبرنامج أو إلغاء ترجمته أو فك تشفيره أو تنفيذ أي إجراءات أخرى عليه بهدف الحصول على معلومات حول تنفيذ الخوارزميات المستخدمة في البرنامج أو إنشاء أعمال مشتقة باستخدام البرنامج أواستخدام (السماح باستخدام) البرنامج بطرق أخرى دون موافقة خطية من الشركة.

4.2. لا يجوز للمستخدم نسخ البرنامج وتوزيعه لأغراض تجارية (من ضمن أمور أخرى، مقابل رسوم)، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، كجزء من مجموعات منتجات البرمجيات، دون موافقة خطية من الشركة.

4.3 لا يجوز للمستخدم توزيع البرنامج بأي شكل آخر يخالف النموذج الذي تم استلامه دون موافقة خطية من الشركة.

4.4. يجب استخدام البرنامج (وتوزيعه) تحت اسم: يانغو برو. لا يجوز للمستخدم تغيير اسم البرنامج ولا تغيير أو حذف إشعار حقوق الطبع والنشر ولا أي إشارات أخرى إلى الشركة.

5. شروط استخدام وظائف معينة في البرنامج

5.1. لا يمكن تنفيذ بعض وظائف البرنامج إلا عند الاتصال بالإنترنت. يتصل المستخدم بالإنترنت ويدفع تكلفة الاتصال بشكل مستقل وفقًا للرسوم والشروط التي حددها مزود الاتصالات أو الإنترنت لديه.

5.2. بعض وظائف البرنامج لا تكون متاحة إلا للمستخدم الذي أبرم اتفاقية منفصلة مع الشركة أو مع هيئة توفر الوصول إلى هذه الوظائف.

5.3. يُخطَر المستخدم - بموجب هذا الترخيص- ويفهم ويوافق على أنه عند استخدامه للبرنامج لتوفير وظائفه ستتلقى الشركة تلقائيًا المعلومات التالية: نظام تشغيل جهاز المستخدم، وإصدار المتصفح ورمزه التعريفي، وإحصائيات وظائف البرنامج، بيانات موقع الجهاز، وأي معلومات فنية أخرى.

6. المسؤولية القانونية

6.1. يُوفَّر هذا البرنامج في حالته الراهنة. لا تقدم الشركة أي ضمانات بشأن تشغيل البرنامج أو بعض مكوناته أو وظائفه بدون أخطاء ولا مشاكل، ولا تقدم أي ضمانات بشأن ملاءمة البرنامج لأهداف وتوقعات محددة للمستخدم، ولا تقدم أي ضمانات أخرى غير منصوص عليها صراحة في هذا الترخيص.

6.2. لا تتحمَّل الشركة مسؤولية أي عواقب مباشرة أو غير مباشرة قد تنشأ عن استخدام البرنامج أو عدم القدرة على استخدام البرنامج ولا مسؤولية أي ضرر قد يلحق بالمستخدم أو بالغير نتيجة استخدام البرنامج أو مكوناته أو وظائفه المحددة أو الإخفاق في استخدامهم أو عدم القدرة على استخدامهم بسبب جملة من الأمور منها الأخطاء أو الإخفاقات المحتملة في تشغيل البرنامج، باستثناء ما هو منصوص عليه صراحةً في القوانين.

6.3. يجب إرسال جميع الأسئلة والمطالبات المتعلقة باستخدام البرنامج أو عدم القدرة على استخدامه أواحتمال مخالفته للقوانين وحقوق الغير عبر نموذج التعليقات.

7. البيانات الشخصية

نعالج بياناتك الشخصية لغرض توفير الخدمة. نحتاج إلى معالجة بياناتك حتى يتسنى لك استخدام الخدمة وطلب خدمات النقل من تطبيق الهاتف المحمول وتقديم الدعم لهذه الخدمات والتحكم في الجودة وتحسين الخدمة. لمعرفة المزيد، يرجى الرجوع إلى إشعار الخصوصية.

8. القانون النافذ وحل النزاعات

8.1. يخضع هذا الترخيص والالتزامات غير التعاقدية الناشئة عنه أو المتعلقة به لقوانين إنجلترا وويلز ويُفسَّر وفقًا لها دون مراعاة لأحكام تضارب القوانين.

8.2. يُحال أي نزاع أو اختلاف أو جدل أو مطالبة تنشأ عن هذا الترخيص أو فيما يتعلق به، بما في ذلك (على سبيل المثال لا الحصر) المسائل ذات الصلة بوجوده وصحته وتفسيره وأدائه وإبراء ذمته وسبل الانتصاف المعمول بها، إلى التحكيم بموجب قواعد مركز عمان للتحكيم التجاري للفصل النهائي. وتُعدُّ قواعد مدمجة بالإحالة في هذا البند. ويكون عدد المحكمين واحدًا، ويكون مقر التحكيم في مسقط، عمان، وتكون اللغة المستخدمة في التحكيم هي اللغة الإنجليزية.

9. التعديل وإعادة الصياغة والإنهاء

9.1. يجوز للشركة تعديل هذا الترخيص أو إعادة صياغته في أي وقت. مع مراعاة أحكام البند 9.1، يسري هذا الترخيص فور نشره على https://yango.com/legal/yangopro_mobile_agreement . إذا استمر المستخدم في استخدام البرنامج في أي وقت بعد تعديل الترخيص أو إعادة صياغته، فإنه سيُعدُّ حينئذٍ ملزمًا بنسخة الترخيص المعدلة أو المعاد صياغتها.

9.2. يحق للشركة إنهاء الترخيص وفقًا لتقديرها في أي وقت، بشرط أن تخطر المستخدم من خلال البرنامج قبل خمسة (5) أيام عمل على الأقل من تاريخ الإنهاء المقترح.

10. تفاصيل الشركة

عالم السحاب للتجارة ش.م.م.

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النشاط المرخص: سجل تجاري رقم 1283069


تاريخ السريان: 1 سبتمبر 2024