License Agreement of Yango for Mobile Devices
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License Agreement of Yango for Mobile Devices
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in Angola (hereinafter referred to as the User) and MLU Europe B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License, subject to applicable laws.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
- Terms of Use of Yango available at
- Privacy Policy available at
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder after prior notice of the proposed new version. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the vehicle, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the vehicle by the Right Holder's partners - transportation provider or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by the Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year, unless the User sends the Notice on deletion of such data to the Rightholder prior to the expiration of this term. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
5.10. The User can withdraw from this License agreement at any time by deletingthe Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
6.5. Any disputes arising out or in connection with these Terms of Use of Yango shall be decided by the competent court in The Netherlands, unless mandatory conflict of laws’ provisions provide otherwise.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be amended by the Rightholder. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication at , unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of MLU Europe B.V.
MLU Europe B.V. (registration number 74474103)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202402740
fax.: +31(0)202402741
Date of publication: 20.07.2022
Previous version of the document:
Contrato de Licença de Utilização de Yango para Dispositivos Móveis
Antes de usar o programa, leia os termos e condições do contrato de licença abaixo.
Qualquer uso do programa significa que você aceita integral e incondicionalmente os termos e condições deste contrato de licença.
A recusa dos termos deste contrato de licença na íntegra, impede a utilização do programa independentemente da sua finalidade.
1. Disposições Gerais
1.1. Este Contrato de Licença (doravante denominado Licença) estabelece os termos de uso do Yango para dispositivos móveis (doravante denominado Programa) e é assinado entr qualquer pessoa que utilize o Programa em Angola (doravante referido como Usuário) e a MLU Europe B.V. , sendo um órgão autorizado a conceder os direitos de uso do Programa (doravante denominado “Titular do Direito”).
1.2. Ao baixar o Programa, instalá-lo em seu dispositivo móvel ou utilizar o Programa de qualquer forma, o Usuário expressa seu consentimento total e incondicional a todos os termos e condições da Licença, sujeitos às leis aplicáveis.
1.3. É permitido utilizar o Programa somente nos termos e condições desta Licença. Caso o Usuário não aceite os termos e condições da Licença na íntegra, o Usuário não poderá utilizar o Programa independentemente da sua finalidade. É proibido o uso do Programa em violação ou incumprimento qualquer um dos termos e condições da Licença.
1.4. O Programa pode ser utilizado gratuitamente pelo Usuário nos termos e condições desta Licença para fins pessoais e não comerciais. A utilização do Programa para fins não previstos nesta Licença só é permitida por via de um acordo de Utilização separado.
1.5. Ao utilizar o Programa, você concorda que o documento a seguir constitui parte integrante desta Licença para o Programa:
- Termos de Uso de Yango disponíveis em
- Política de Privacidade disponível em
Os referidos documentos (entre outros, quaisquer partes dela) podem ser alterados pelo titular do direito após aviso prévio da nova versão proposta. Novas versões dos documentos entrarão em vigor após sua publicação, salvo estipulação em contrário pela própria versão.
1.6. O Utilizador autorizado pode fornecer ao Usuário uma tradução desta Licença do inglês para outros idiomas. No entanto, no caso de um conflito entre a Licença em Inglês e sua tradução, apenas a versão em inglês será juridicamente válida.
2. Direitos sobre Programa
2.1. O direito exclusivo sobre o Programa recai sobre o Titular do Direito.
3. Licença
3.1. O Titular do Direito, gratuitamente e sob uma licença ordinária (não exclusiva), concederá ao Usuário o direito intransferível de usar o Programa em todos os países do mundo das seguintes formas:
3.1.1. para usar o Programa conforme o planeado, para que copie e instale (reproduza) no dispositivo/s móvel do Usuário. O Usuário pode instalar o Programa em um número ilimitado de dispositivos móveis;
3.1.2. para reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins não comerciais (gratuitos).
3.2. O Programa deve ser utilizado (entre outros, a ser distribuído) sob o nome: Yango. O Usuário não pode alterar e/ou excluir o nome do Programa, o aviso de direitos autorais ou quaisquer outras referências ao Titular.
4. Limitações
4.1. Exceto conforme utilizado no escopo e nos modos expressamente estipulados por esta Licença, o Usuário não pode modificar, decompilar, desmontar, desencriptar e executar quaisquer outras acções com o código de objeto e código fonte do Programa destinados a obter informações sobre a implementação de algoritmos utilizados no Programa, criar trabalhos derivados utilizando o Programa e usar de outra forma (permitir o uso) do Programa e quaisquer componentes do mesmo, mapas e outras imagens e dados armazenados pelo Programa no dispositivo móvel do Usuário, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular do Direito.
4.2. O Usuário não pode reproduzir e distribuir o Programa para fins comerciais (entre outros, por uma taxa), como parte das colecções de produtos de software, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular do Direito.
4.3 O Usuário não poderá distribuir o Programa de qualquer forma que não seja o formulário recebido, sem o consentimento por escrito do Titular do Direito.
5. Disposições Especiais
5.1. Algumas funções do Programa só podem ser realizadas com a Internet disponível. O Usuário deve, de modo independente, obter e pagar pelo acesso nos termos e pelas tarifas de sua comunicação ou provedor de Internet.
5.2. O Programa permite ao Usuário colocar informações sobre a potencial demanda do Usuário por serviços envolvendo o transporte de passageiros e bagagem, observar através de ofertas de organizações prestadoras de serviços no referido campo e procurar tais ofertas utilizando parâmetros estabelecidos pelo Usuário.
5.3. As informações disponíveis ao Usuário dentro do Programa (doravante denominadas Dados) são fornecidas pelos parceiros do Titular do Direito. Para obter mais detalhes sobre os serviços oferecidos (incluindo as informações sobre a disponibilidade de hotspot Wi-Fi dentro do veículo, realizando gravação de foto/vídeo dentro do veículo pelos parceiros do Titular Direito - provedor de transporte ou outras informações), o Usuário pode dirigir-se aos parceiros do Titular do Direito ou fornecer suas informações de contato através das funções do Programa, que podem ser usados pelos parceiros do Titular do Direito para entrar em contacto com o Usuário por conta própria e fornecê-lo as informações sobre os serviços oferecidos.
5.4. O Titular do Direito não será responsabilizado pelo conteúdo e/ou relevância das informações fornecidas pelos parceiros, incluindo informações sobre o custo dos serviços dos parceiros e sobre sua disponibilidade no momento.
5.5. O Usuário deverá, independentemente (sem a participação do Titular do Direito) discutir com os parceiros a aquisição de serviços de acordo com as regras dos parceiros sobre a prestação de serviços. O Titular do Direito não será responsabilizado por transacções financeiras e quaisquer outras efectuadas pelo Usuário e parceiros e por quaisquer consequências da aquisição dos serviços dos parceiros pelo Usuário.
5.6. O Usuário concorda que o Titular pode processar as informações pessoais do Usuário (incluindo dados pessoais), transferir os dados pessoais do Usuário para os parceiros do Titular e que os parceiros do Titular podem processar informações pessoais para fornecer serviços ao Usuário dentro do Programa. Quando o Usuário utiliza o Programa, as suas informações pessoais são transferidas para serem processadas nos termos e para os fins determinados na Política de Privacidade disponível em:
5.7. O Usuário é notificado, entende e concorda que o Programa pode coletar dados estatísticos anonimizados sobre o uso do Programa e transferir automaticamente esses dados para o Titular do Direito.
5.8. O Programa será cadastrado e utilizado aplicando o número de telemóvel do Usuário. Quando o Usuário exclui o Programa da memória do dispositivo móvel do Usuário, as informações pessoais do Usuário obtidas pelo Titular do Direito durante a autorização no Programa utilizando o número de telemóvel do Usuário e a aplicação do Programa serão salvas no Serviço por 1 (um) ano, a menos que o Usuário envie o Aviso de exclusão desses dados ao Titular antes do vencimento deste termo. Se o Programa for reinstalado no dispositivo e registrado usando o mesmo número de telemóvel identificado, as informações pessoais do Usuário fornecidas com o uso do referido número de telemóvel serão restauradas na íntegra.
5.9. Para melhores esclarecimentos, o Titular do Direito não presta serviços envolvendo o transporte de passageiros e serviços de bagagem e apoio ao cliente.
5.10. OUsuário pode retirar-se deste contrato de Licença a qualquer momento excluindo o Programa da memória do dispositivo móvel do Usuário.
6. Responsabilidade sob a Licença
6.1. O Programa é fornecido "em versão actual". O Titular do Direito não oferece garantias de funcionamento sem erros e problemas do Programa ou de seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, adequação do Programa para objetivos específicos do Usuário, não garante a confiabilidade, precisão, completude e pontualidade dos Dados, e não fornece outras garantias, que não estão expressamente indicadas nesta Licença.
6.2. O Titular do Direito não será responsabilizado por quaisquer consequências diretas ou indiretas de qualquer uso ou incapacidade de uso do Programa (incluindo os Dados) e/ou quaisquer perdas incorridas pelo Usuário e/ou terceiros em decorrência de qualquer uso, falha ou incapacidade de uso do Programa (incluindo os Dados) ou de seus determinados componentes e/ou funções, entre outros, devido a possíveis erros ou falhas em sua operação, exceto conforme expressamente estipulado por leis.
6.3. Todas as questões e reclamações relacionadas ao uso/incapacidade de uso do Programa ou dos Dados e possíveis violações das leis e/ou direitos de terceiros pelo Programa ou pelos Dados serão enviadas através do formulário de feedback para
6.4. Esta Licença e todas as relações associadas ao uso do Programa serão regidas por leis dos Países Baixos.
6.5. Quaisquer disputas decorrentes ou relacionadas a estes Termos de Uso de Yango serão decididas pelo tribunal competente dos Países Baixos, a menos que cláusula de resolução de conflitos estabeleça o contrário.
7. Atualizações / Novas Versões do Programa
7.1. Esta Licença abrange todas as atualizações futuras/ novas versões do Programa. Ao concordar em instalar uma atualização/nova versão do Programa, o Usuário aceita os termos e condições desta Licença para atualizações relevantes/novas versões do Programa, caso não haja outro contrato de licença para a atualização/nova versão do Programa.
8. Alterações nesta Licença
8.1. Este contrato de licença pode ser alterado pelo titular do Direito. As referidas alterações nos termos e condições do contrato de licença entrarão em vigor a partir da data de sua publicação em, a menos que especificadas de outra forma na publicação relevante.
9. Detalhes do MLU Europe B.V.
MLU Europe B.V. (número de inscrição 74474103)
Empresa privada de responsabilidade limitada
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BG Schiphol, Países Baixos
telefone: +31(0)202402740
fax.: +31(0)202402741
Data de publicação: 20.07.2022
Versão anterior do documento:
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in the Republic of Azerbaijan (hereinafter referred to as the User) and Uber ML B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
Terms of Use of Yango available at
Privacy Policy available at
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the taxi, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the taxi by the Right Holder's partners or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by the Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of Uber ML B.V.
Uber ML B.V. (registration number 69453632)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202402740
fax.: +31(0)202402741
Date of publication: July 20, 2022
Previous version of the document:
Mobil Cihazlar üçün Yango proqramının istifadəsi haqqında Lisenziya Müqaviləsi
Proqramı istifadə etməzdən əvvəl aşağıdakı lisenziya müqaviləsinin şərtlərini lütfən oxuyun.
Proqramdan sizin tərəfinizdən istənilən istifadə bu lisenziya müqaviləsinin şərtlərini tam və qeyd-şərtsiz qəbul etdiyiniz deməkdir.
Lisenziya müqaviləsinin şərtlərini tam qəbul etməsəniz, proqramı heç bir məqsəd üçün istifadə edə biliməzsiniz.
1. Ümumi müddəalar
1.1. Bu Lisenziya Müqaviləsi (bundan sonra “Lisenziya”) Mobil cihazlar üçün Yango Proqramından (bundan sonra “Proqram”) istifadə şərtlərini müəyyən edir və Azərbaycan Respublikasında Proqramdan istifadə edən hər hansı şəxs (bundan sonra “İstifadəçi”) “İstifadəçi” kimi istinad edilir) və Proqramdan istifadə hüquqlarını verməyə vəkil edilmiş bir təşkilat “MLU Europe B.V.” (bundan sonra “Hüquq Sahibi”) arasında bağlanır.
1.2. Proqramı sürətini çıxarmaqla, onu mobil cihazına quraşdırmaqla və ya Proqramdan hər hansı şəkildə istifadə etməklə İstifadəçi Lisenziyanın bütün şərtlərini tam və qeyd-şərtsiz qəbul etdiyini bildirir.
1.3. Proqramın istifadəsinə yalnız bu Lisenziyanın şərtlərinə əsasən icazə verilir. İstifadəçi Lisenziyanın şərtlərini tam şəkildə qəbul etmədikdə, İstifadəçinin Proqramdan hər hansı məqsədlə istifadə etmək hüququ yoxdur. Proqramın Lisenziyanın şərtlərindən hər hansı birini pozmaqla (yerinə yetirməməklə) istifadə etmək qadağandır.
1.4. Bu Lisenziyanın şərtlərinə uyğun olaraq İstifadəçi tərəfindən Proqramın şəxsi qeyri-kommersiya məqsədləri üçün istifadəsi pulsuzdur. Proqramdan bu Lisenziyada nəzərdə tutulmayan şərtlərlə və üsullarla istifadə yalnız Hüquq Sahibi ilə ayrıca müqavilə əsasında mümkündür.
1.5. Proqramdan istifadə etməklə siz, aşağıdakı sənədlər bu Proqram Lisenziyasının tərkib hissəsi olduğuna razılaşırsınız:
Aşağıdakı linkdə mövcud Yango proqramından istifadə şərtləri:
Məxfilik Siyasəti: linkində mövcud.
Göstərilən sənədlər (onların hər hansı bir hissəsi daxil olmaqla) Hüquq Sahibi tərəfindən heç bir xüsusi xəbərdarlıq edilmədən dəyişdirilə bilər. Sənədlərin yeni redaksiyaları, sənədin özündə başqa hal nəzərdə tutulmayıbsa, dərc edildiyi andan qüvvəyə minir.
1.6. Hüquq Sahibi İstifadəçiyə bu Lisenziyanın ingilis dilindən digər dillərə tərcüməsini təqdim edə bilər. Lakin, ingilis dillindəki Lisenziya ilə onun tərcüməsi arasında ziddiyyət yaranarsa, Lisenziyanın yalnız ingilis dili versiyası məcburi hüquqi qüvvəyə malikdir.
2. Proqrama olan hüquqlar
2.1. Proqramın müstəsna hüququ Hüquq Sahibinə aiddir.
3. Lisenziya
3.1. Hüquq Sahibi, sadə (qeyri-eksklüziv) lisenziyanın şərtlərinə əsasən, İstifadəçiyə Proqramdan aşağıdakı üsullarla bütün dünya ölkələrinin ərazisində istifadə etmək üçün təhvil verilməyən hüquq verir:
3.1.1. Proqramdan təyinatı üzrə istifadə etmək, bu məqsədilə İstifadəçinin mobil cihaz(lar)ına kopyalamaq və quraşdırmaq (işlətmək). İstifadəçi Proqramı məhdudiyyətsiz sayda mobil cihazlarda quraşdırmaq hüququna malikdir;
3.1.2. Proqramı qeyri-kommersiya məqsədləri üçün çoxaltmaq və paylaşmaq (pulsuz).
3.2. Proqram Yango adı altında istifadə edilməli (o cümlədən paylanmalı). İstifadəçinin Proqramın adını, müəllif hüquqlarının qorunması nişanını və ya Hüquq Sahibinin digər əlamətlərini dəyişdirmək və (və ya) silmək hüququ yoxdur.
4. Məhdudiyyətlər
4.1. Bu Lisenziya açıq şəkildə nəzərdə tutulmuş həcmdə və üsullarda istifadə istisna olmaqla, İstifadəçinin Hüquq sahibinin yazılı razılığı olmadan Proqramda istifadə olunan alqoritmlərin həyata keçirilməsi haqqında məlumat əldə etmək məqsədi ilə Proqramın obyekt kodunu dəyişdirmək, dekompilyasiya etmək, disassemblyasiya etmək, deşifrləmək və digər hərəkətləri etmək, Proqramdan istifadə edərək törəmə əsərlər yaratmaq, həmçinin İstifadəçinin mobil cihazında Proqramın saxlaya biləcəyi Proqramın, hər hansı Proqram komponentlərinin, xəritələr və digər şəkillər və digər məlumatların digər istifadəsini həyata keçirmək (keçirməyə icazə vermək) hüququ yoxdur.
4.2. İstifadəçinin Hüquq Sahibinin yazılı razılığı olmadan Proqramı kommersiya məqsədləri üçün (o cümlədən ödənişli), o cümlədən proqram məhsulları məcmuələrinin bir hissəsi kimi çoxaltmaq və yaymaq hüququ yoxdur.
4.3 İstifadəçinin Hüquq Sahibinin yazılı razılığı olmadan Proqramı aldığı formadan başqa formada yaymaq hüququ yoxdur.
5. Xüsusi müddəalar
5.1. Proqramın bəzi funksiyalarının yerinə yetirilməsi yalnız İnternetə çıxış olduqda mümkündür. İstifadəçi öz rabitə operatorunun və ya İnternet provayderinin şərtləri və tarifləri əsasında bu cür daxil olmağı müstəqil olaraq alır və ödəyir.
5.2. Proqram İstifadəçiyə sərnişin və baqaj daşıma xidmətlərinə İstifadəçinin potensial tələbatı barədə məlumat yerləşdirməyə, habelə bu sahədə xidmət göstərən təşkilatların təklifləri barədə məlumat ilə tanış olmaq və İstifadəçinin daxil etdiyi parametrlər üzrə belə təklifləri axtarmaq imkanı verir.
5.3. Proqram çərçivəsində İstifadəçi üçün mövcud olan məlumatlar (bundan sonra “Məlumatlar”) Hüquq Sahibinin partnyorları tərəfindən təmin edilir. Təklif olunan xidmətlər haqqında daha ətraflı məlumat almaq üçün (o cümlədən taksi avtomobilində Wi-Fi giriş nöqtəsinin mövcudluğu, Hüquq Sahibinin partnyorları tərəfindən taksi avtomobilində foto / video çəkiliş və ya digər mövcudluğu) İstifadəçi Hüquq Sahibinin partnyorlarına müraciət edə bilər və ya Hüquq Sahibinin partnyorları tərəfindən İstifadəçi ilə müstəqil əlaqə yaratmaq və ona təklif olunan xidmətlər haqqında məlumat vermək üçün istifadə edilə bilən Proqramın funksional imkanlarından istifadə edərək öz əlaqə məlumatlarını təqdim edə bilər.
5.4. Hüquq Sahibi partnyorlar tərəfindən təqdim olunan məlumatların məzmununa və (və ya) aktuallığına, o cümlədən partnyor xidmətlərinin dəyəri, habelə onların indiki zamanda mövcudluğu haqqında məlumatlara görə məsuliyyət daşımır.
5.5. İstifadəçinin xidmətlərin əldə edilməsi məsələləri üzrə partnyorlarla qarşılıqlı əlaqəsi İstifadəçi tərəfindən xidmətlərin göstərilməsi üçün partnyorlar tərəfindən qəbul edilmiş qaydalara uyğun olaraq müstəqil şəkildə (Hüquq Sahibinin iştirakı olmadan) həyata keçirilir. Hüquq Sahibi İstifadəçi və partnyorlar tərəfindən həyata keçirilən maliyyə və hər hansı digər əməliyyatlara, habelə İstifadəçi tərəfindən partnyor xidmətlərinin əldə edilməsinin nəticələrinə görə məsuliyyət daşımır.
5.6. İstifadəçi, Hüquq Sahibi İstifadəçinin şəxsi məlumatlarını (o cümlədən şəxsi rəqəmlərini) emal edə biləcəyinə, İstifadəçinin şəxsi məlumatlarını Hüquq Sahibinin partnyorlarına ötürə biləcəyinə və habelə Hüquq Sahibinin partnyorları Proqram çərçivəsində İstifadəçiyə xidmət göstərmək məqsədi ilə şəxsi məlumatları emal edə biləcəyinə razılaşır. İstifadəçi Proqramdan istifadə etdikdə onun şəxsi məlumatları Linkində mövcud Məxfilik Siyasətində müəyyən edilən şərtlərlə və məqsədlərlə emal üçün ötürülür.
5.7. Bununla İstifadəçi bununla xəbərdar edilir, başa düşür və razılaşır ki, Proqram Proqramın istifadəsi ilə bağlı sahibi göstərilməmiş statistik məlumatları toplaya və bu məlumatları avtomatik olaraq Hüquq Sahibinə ötürə bilər.
5.8. Qeydiyyatdan keçmək və Proqramdan istifadə etmək üçün İstifadəçinin mobil telefon nömrəsi göstərilməli. İstifadəçi Proqramı İstifadəçinin mobil cihazının yaddaşından sildikdə, İstifadəçinin mobil telefon nömrəsindən və Proqramın tətbiqindən istifadə etməklə Proqramda avtorizasiya zamanı Hüquq Sahibi tərəfindən alınan İstifadəçinin şəxsi məlumatları Servisdə 1(bir) il müddət ərzində saxlanılır. Proqram cihazda yenidən quraşdırıldıqda və identifikator kimi eyni mobil telefon nömrəsindən istifadə etməklə qeydiyyata alındıqda, İstifadəçinin göstərilən mobil telefon nömrəsindən istifadə etməklə təqdim edilmiş şəxsi məlumatları tam bərpa olunacaq.
5.9. Şübhə doğurmamaq üçün Hüquq Sahibi sərnişinlərin və baqajın daşınması və arayış xidmətləri göstərmir.
6. Lisenziyaya görə məsuliyyət
6.1. Proqram “olduğu kimi” şərtləri ilə təqdim olunur. Hüquq Sahibi Proqramın və ya onun ayrı-ayrı komponentlərinin və (və ya) funksiyalarının səhvsiz və fasiləsiz işləməsi, Proqramın İstifadəçinin müəyyən məqsədlərinə uyğunluğu ilə bağlı heç bir zəmanət vermir, Məlumatların etibarlılığı, dəqiqliyi, tamlığı və vaxtında olacağına zəmanət vermir, həmçinin bu Lisenziyada açıq şəkildə göstərilməyən hər hansı digər təminat vermir.
6.2. Hüquq Sahibi Proqramdan hər hansı istifadənin və ya istifadə edə bilməməyin (Məlumatlar daxil olmaqla) birbaşa və ya dolayı nəticələrinə görə və (və ya) İstifadəçiyə və (və ya) üçüncü şəxslərə Proqramdan (Məlumatlar daxil olmaqla) və ya onun ayrı-ayrı komponentlərindən və (və ya) funksiyalarından hər hansı istifadə, istifadə etməmək və ya istifadə edə bilməmək nəticəsində dəymiş zərərə görə və ya, o cümlədən qanunla açıq şəkildə nəzərdə tutulmuş hallar istisna olmaqla, Proqramın işində mümkün səhvlər və ya uğursuzluğa görə məsuliyyət daşımır.
6.3. Proqramın və ya Məlumatların istifadəsi / istifadə edə bilməməsi, habelə Proqram və ya Məlumatların qanun və (və ya) üçüncü şəxslərin hüquqlarını mümkün pozması ilə bağlı bütün suallar və iddialar geri əlaqə forması vasitəsilə aşağıdakı ünvana göndərilməli:
6.4. Bu Lisenziya və Proqramın istifadəsi ilə bağlı bütün münasibətlər Hollandiya qanunları ilə tənzimlənir.
7. Proqramın yeniləmələri / yeni versiyaları
7.1. Bu Lisenziya Proqramın bütün gələcək yeniləmələrinə / yeni versiyalarına şamil edilir. Proqramın yenilənməsini / yeni versiyasını quraşdırmağa razılıq verməklə, Proqramın yenilənməsi / yeni versiyası fərqli Lisenziya Müqaviləsi ilə müşayiət olunmazsa, İstifadəçi Proqramın müvafiq yeniləmələri / yeni versiyaları üçün bu Lisenziyanın şərtlərini qəbul edir.
8. Bu Lisenziya şərtlərinin dəyişdirilməsi
8.1. Bu lisenziya müqaviləsi Hüquq Sahibi tərəfindən birtərəfli qaydada dəyişdirilə bilər. İstifadəçinin bu Lisenziyanın şərtlərinə edilmiş dəyişikliklər barədə bildirişi ünvanında yerləşdirilib. Lisenziya müqaviləsinin şərtlərinə edilən bu dəyişikliklər, müvafiq nəşrdə başqa hal nəzərdə tutulmayıbsa, dərc edildiyi gündən qüvvəyə minir.
9. “MLU Europe B.V.”-nin rekvizitləri.
“MLU Europe B.V.” (qeydiyyat nömrəsi: 74474103)
Şəxsi Məhdud Məsuliyyətli Şirkət
Schiphol Bulvarı 291, 1118 BG Schiphol, Hollandiya
Tel.: +31(0)202402740
Faks: +31(0)202402741
Nəşr edilmə tarixi: 20.07.2022
PSənədin əvvəlki versiyası:
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in Cameroon (hereinafter referred to as the User) and MLU Europe B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License, subject to applicable laws.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
- Terms of Use of Yango available at
- Privacy Policy available at
- Terms of Use of Yango Delivery available at link
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the vehicle, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the vehicle by the Right Holder's partners-transportation provider or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
6.5. Any disputes arising out or in connection with these Terms of Use of Yango shall be decided by the competent court in The Netherlands, unless mandatory conflict of laws provisions provide otherwise.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of MLU Europe B.V.
MLU Europe B.V. (registration number 74474103)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202402740
fax.: +31(0)202402741
Date of publication: 20.07.2022
Previous version of the document:
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in Cote d’Ivoire, (hereinafter referred to as the User) and Ridetech International B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
- Terms of Use of Yango available at
- Privacy Policy available at
- Terms of Use of Yango Delivery available at link
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the taxi, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the taxi by the Right Holder's partners or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by the Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of the Rightholder
Ridetech International B.V., (registration number 64591069)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 165, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202066970 / +31(0)202066971 / +31(0)623505401
fax.: +31(0)204466372
Date of publication: July 20, 2022
Previous version of the document:
Convention de licence relative à l'usage du logicielle Yango pour les appareils mobiles
Avant d'utiliser le logiciel, veuillez prendre connaissance des dispositions de la convention de licence ci-après.
Tout usage par vous du logiciel vaut l'acceptation pure et simple des conditions de la présente convention de licence.
Si vous n'acceptez pas les conditions de la convention de licence dans leur intégrité vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le logiciel dans quelque but que ce soit.
1. Dispositions générales
1.1. La présente Convention de licence (ci-après — Licence) définit les conditions de l'usage du logiciel Yango pour les appareils mobiles (ci-après — Logiciel) et est conclue entre toute personne utilisant le Logiciel en Côte d'Ivoire (ci-après — Utilisateur) et Ridetech International B.V., une entité habilitée à octroyer les droits d'usage du Logiciel (ci-après — Détenteur de droits).
1.2. En copiant le Logiciel, en l'installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Logiciel de quelque manière que ce soit, l'Utilisateur exprime son accord pur et simple avec toutes les conditions de la Licence.
1.3. L'usage du Logiciel n'est autorisé que dans les conditions de la présente Licence. Si l'utilisateur n'accepte pas les conditions de la Licence dans leur intégrité il ne peut pas utiliser le logiciel dans quelque but que ce soit. L'usage du Logiciel avec violation (non-respect) d'une quelconque condition de la Licence est interdit.
1.4. L'usage du Logiciel par l'Utilisateur dans les conditions de la présente Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales est fait à titre gratuit. L'usage du Logiciel dans les conditions et de la façon non prévues par la présente Licence n'est possible qu'en vertu d'une convention spéciale avec le Détenteur de droits.
1.5. En utilisant le Logiciel, vous acceptez que le document suivant fait partie intégrante de la Licence relative au Logiciel :
- Conditions d'usage du service Yango publiées à l'adresse
- Politique de la confidentialité publiée sur le réseau Internet à l'adresse
- Conditions d'usage du service Yango Delivery disponibles sur le lien
Les documents susmentionnés (y compris toutes leurs parties) peuvent être modifiés par le Détenteur de droits sans aucune notification spéciale. La nouvelle version des documents entre en vigueur au moment de sa publication, sauf dispositions contraires prévues par ladite version elle-même.
1.6. Le Détenteur de droits peut fournir à l'Utilisateur la traduction de la présente Licence de l'anglais vers d'autres langues. Pourtant, dans le cas de divergences entre les conditions de la Licence en langue anglaise et son traduction, c'est la version de la Licence en langue anglaise qui prévaut.
2. Droits au Logiciel
2.1. Le droit exclusif au Logiciel appartient au Détenteur de droits.
3. Licence
3.1. Le Détenteur de droits octroie à l'Utilisateur le droit intransmissible d'utiliser le Logiciel à titre gratuit dans les conditions d'une licence simple (non-exclusive) sur le territoire de tous les pays de façon suivante :
3.1.1. Utiliser le Logiciel conformément à son usage fonctionnel prévu et pour cela le copier et l'installer (le lancer) sur un ou plusieurs appareils mobiles de l'Utilisateur. L'Utilisateur a le droit d'installer le Logiciel sur un nombre illimité d'appareils mobiles.
3.1.2. Lancer et distribuer le Logiciel à des fins non commerciales (à titre gratuit).
3.2. Le Logiciel doit être utilisé (et distribué) sous le nom : Yango. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de modifier et/ou de supprimer le nom du Logiciel, le signe du droit d'auteur (copyright notice) ou les autres indications du Détenteur de droits.
4. Limitations
4.1. Sauf l'usage conforme à l'étendu et à la façon directement prévues par la présente Licence, l'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de modifier, de décompiler, de désassembler, de déchiffrer ou d'effectuer d'autres opérations avec le code objet et le texte de source du Logiciel qui ont pour but l'obtention des informations relatives à la réalisation des algorithmes utilisés dans le Logiciel, de créer les produits dérivés avec l'utilisation du Logiciel, ainsi que de faire (autoriser de faire) un autre usage du Logiciel, de tous composants du Logiciel stockés par le Logiciel sur l'appareil mobile de l'Utilisateur, des données cartographiques, des autres images et données, sans accord écrit du Détenteur de droits.
4.2. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de lancer et de distribuer le Logiciel à des fins commerciales (y compris à titre onéreux), y compris dans un Recueil de logiciels, sans accord écrit du Détenteur de droits.
4.3. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de distribuer le Logiciel sous une forme différente de celle qu'il l'a reçu, sans accord écrit du Détenteur de droits.
5. Conditions particulières
5.1. L'usage de certaines fonctionnalités du Logiciel n'est possible qu'avec l'accès au réseau Internet. L'Utilisateur fait son affaire personnelle de l'obtention et du paiement d'un tel accès dans les conditions et selon les tarifs de son opérateur de télécommunications ou de son fournisseur d'accès à Internet.
5.2. Le Logiciel donne à l'Utilisateur la possibilité de publier l'information relative à la demande potentielle de l'Utilisateur de service de transport des passagers et du bagage, ainsi que la possibilité de prendre connaissance des informations relatives aux offres des organisations qui fournissent des services dans le domaine susmentionné et de rechercher de telles offres selon les critères fixés par l'Utilisateur.
5.3. Les informations accessibles à l'Utilisateur dans le cadre du Logiciel (ci-après — Données) sont fournies par les partenaires du Détenteur de droits. Pour les informations détaillées relatives aux services fournis (y compris les informations relatives à la possibilité de connexion par wi-fi dans la voiture, à la réalisation par le partenaire du détenteur de droits de la vidéoprotection dans la voiture et autres informations) l'Utilisateur peut soit s'adresser aux partenaires du Détenteur de droits, soit fournir ses cordonnées via une fonctionnalité du Logiciel pour que les partenaires du Détenteur de droits puissent eux-mêmes contacter l'Utilisateur et lui fournir les informations relatives aux services offerts.
5.4. Le Détenteur de droits n'engage pas la responsabilité pour le contenu et/ou pour l'actualité des informations fournies par les partenaires, y compris pour les informations relatives aux prix des services des partenaires, ainsi que à leur disponibilité à un moment donné.
5.5. L'interaction de l'Utilisateur avec les partenaires concernant l'acquisition des services est effectuée par l'Utilisateur lui-même (sans participation du Détenteur de droits), conformément aux règles de la prestation des services définies par les partenaires. Le Détenteur de droits n'engage pas la responsabilité pour les opérations financières et pour toutes autres opérations effectué par l'Utilisateur et par les partenaires, ainsi que pour toutes les conséquences de l'acquisition des services des partenaires par l'Utilisateur.
5.6. L'Utilisateur donne son accord Détenteur de droits pour le traitement des informations personnelles (y compris des données personnelles) de l'Utilisateur par le Détenteur de droits, pour le transfert des données personnelles de l'Utilisateur par le Détenteur de droits aux partenaires du Détenteur de droits, ainsi que pour le traitement des informations personnelles par les partenaires du Détenteur de droits dans le but de la prestation des services à l'Utilisateur dans le cadre du Logiciel. Lors de l'usage du Logiciel par l'Utilisateur, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur est transmise pour le traitement dans les conditions et dans les buts définis dans la Politique de confidentialité qui est accessible depuis l'adresse suivante:
5.7. L'Utilisateur est expressément avisé, il comprend et accepte que le Logiciel peut collecter les données statistiques anonymisées relatives à l'usage du Logiciel et les transmettre au Détenteur de droits en mode automatique.
5.8. L'enregistrement et l'usage du Logiciel sont effectués avec l'utilisation du numéro mobile de l'Utilisateur. Dans le cas de la suppression du Logiciel de la mémoire de l'appareil de l'Utilisateur, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur reçues par le Détenteur de droits lors de l'autorisation dans le Logiciel avec utilisation du numéro mobile de l'Utilisateur et lors de l'usage du Logiciel, sont conservées dans le cadre du service Yango pendant un (1) an. Dans le cas où le Logiciel est réinstallé sur l'appareil et dans le cas où l'enregistrement est effectué avec l'utilisation du même numéro mobile, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur qui ont été fournies avec l'utilisation du numéro mobile susmentionné sont reconstituées dans leur intégrité.
5.9. Pour éviter tout doute, Le Détenteur de droits ne fournit pas de services de transport des passagers et des bagages, ainsi que des services de dispatching et d'information.
6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence
6.1. Le Logiciel est mis à disposition dans les conditions « tel quel » (as is). Le Détenteur de droits ne donne aucune garantit en ce qui concerne le fonctionnement correcte et régulière du Logiciel ou de ses divers composants et/ou fonctionnalités, la conformité du Logiciel aux objectifs concret de l'Utilisateur, il ne garantit pas la fiabilité, l'exactitude, l'intégralité et l'opportunité des Données, ainsi que ne donne aucune autre garantie sauf celles qui sont expressément définies dans la présente Licence.
6.2. Le Détenteur de droits n'engage pas la responsabilité pour toutes conséquences directe ou indirectes de tout usage ou de toute impossibilité de l'usage du Logiciel (y compris des Données) et/ou pour les dommages de l'Utilisateur et/ou des tiers résultant de l'usage, du non-usage ou de l'impossibilité de l'usage de Logiciel (y compris de Données) ou de ses divers composants et/ou fonctionnalités, y compris à cause des erreurs possibles ou des défauts de fonctionnement, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la législation.
6.3. Toutes les questions et les réclamations liées à l'utilisation / à l'impossibilité de l'utilisation du Logiciel ou des Données, ainsi qu'à la violation par le Logiciel ou par les Données de la législation et/ou des droits des tiers doivent être adressées via le formulaire de contact à l'adresse
6.4. La présente Licence et toutes les relations liées à l'usage du Logiciel sont régies par la législation des Pays-Bas.
7. Mise à jour / nouvelles versions du Logiciel
7.1. La présente Licence s'applique à toutes les mises à jours ultérieures / nouvelles versions du Logiciel. En acceptant l'installation d'une mise à jour / d'une nouvelle version du Programme, l'Utilisateur accepte les conditions de la présente Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions correspondantes du Logiciel sauf si la mise à jour / l'installation de la nouvelle version du Logiciel est régie par la convention de licence spéciale.
8. Modification des conditions de la présente Licence
8.1. Le Détenteur du droit peut modifier unilatéralement la présente convention de licence. La notification à l'Utilisateur des modifications apportées dans les conditions de la présente Licences est publiée sur la page suivante: Les modifications susmentionnées des conditions de la convention de licence entrent en vigueur à la date de leur publication, sauf si la publication correspondante en dispose autrement.
9. Coordonnées du Détenteur de droits
Ridetech International B.V., (numéro d'enregistrement 64591069)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 165, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands (Pays-Bas)
tél. : +31(0)202066970 / +31(0)202066971 / +31(0)623505401
fax : +31(0)204466372
e-mail :
Date de publication: 20.07.2022
Version précédente du document:
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program, with the exception of persons in the territory of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the User) and MLU Africa B.V, being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
- Terms of Use of Yango available at
- Privacy Policy available at
- Terms of Use of Yango Delivery available at link
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the vehicle, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the vehicle by the Right Holder's partners or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by MLU Africa during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, MLU Africa does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of MLU Africa
MLU Africa B.V. (RSIN: NL859916121B01)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202402740
fax: +31(0)202402741
Date of publication: 20.07.22
Previous version of the document:
Previous version of the document:
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in Finland (hereinafter referred to as the User) and Ridetech International B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the taxi, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the taxi by the Right Holder's partners or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by the Yandex.Taxi during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended as well as assigned to the third party by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of the Rightholder
Ridetech International B.V., (registration number 64591069)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 165, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202066970 / +31(0)202066971 / +31(0)623505401
fax.: +31(0)204466372
Date of publication: July 20, 2022
Previous version of the document:
Mobiililaitteille suunnitellun Yango -ohjelmiston käyttöoikeussopimus
Lue tämä sopimus huolellisesti ennen ohjelmiston käyttöä.
Käyttämällä ohjelmistoa hyväksyt tämän sopimuksen ehdot täydessä laajuudessa.
Ellet hyväksy tämän sopimuksen ehtoja, sinulla ei ole oikeutta käyttää ohjelmistoa mihinkään tarkoitukseen.
1. Yleistä
1.1. Tämä käyttöoikeussopimus (jäljempänä Sopimus) asettaa mobiililaitteille kehitetyn Yango -ohjelmiston (jäljempänä Ohjelmisto) käyttöehdot ja on solmittu jokaisen Ohjelmistoa käyttävän henkilön Suomessa (jäljempänä Käyttäjä) ja Ohjelmiston käyttöoikeuksien myöntäjä Ridetech International B.V.:n välillä (jäljempänä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija).
1.2. Kopioimalla Ohjelmiston, asentamalla sen mobiililaitteeseesi tai jollakin tavalla käyttämällä Ohjelmistoa Käyttäjä myöntää olevansa täysin hyväksynyt kaikki tämän Sopimuksen ehdot kokonaan.
1.3. Ohjelmiston käyttäminen on sallittu ainoastaan tämän Sopimuksen ehtojen mukaisena. Mikäli Käyttäjä ei hyväksy tämän Sopimuksen ehtoja kokonaan, hän ei saa käyttää Ohjelmistoa mihinkään tarkoitukseen. Ohjelmiston käyttäminen on kielletty jonkin sopimusehdoista ollessa laiminlyöty/jätetty täyttämättä.
1.4. Tämän Sopimuksen ehtojen mukaisena Ohjelmiston käyttö yksityistarkoituksiin tapahtuu korvauksetta. Ohjelmiston käyttö muilla kuin tässä Sopimuksessa mainituilla ehdoin ja tavoin on mahdollista ainoastaan erillisellä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kanssa solmittavalla sopimuksella.
1.5. Käyttämällä Ohjelmistoa hyväksyt sen, että seuraava asiakirja on erottamaton osa tätä Sopimusta:
Em. asiakirjoja (mm. mitä tahansa näiden osia) voi Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija muuttaa ilman mitään erillistä ilmoitusta ja päivitetty versio asiakirjoista astuu voimaan, kun ne on julkaistu, ellei muuta ole itse päivityksessä takoitettu.
1.6. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija voi toimittaa Käyttäjälle tästä Sopimuksesta käännöksen englannin kielestä muihin kieliin, kutenkin englanninkielisten Sopimusehtojen ollessa ristiriidassa käännöksen kanssa pätee ainoastaan englanninkielinen versio.
2. Ohjelmistoon liittyvät omistusoikeudet
2.1. Yksinoikeus Ohjelmistoon kuuluu Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle.
3. Käyttöoikeus
3.1. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija antaa Käyttäjälle korvauksetta siirtämättömän oikeuden käytttää Ohjelmistoa kaikkien maailman maiden alueilla yksinkertaisen (ei-yksinkäyttö-) luvan ehdoilla seuraavilla tavoilla:
3.1.1. - Käyttää Ohjelmistoa suoraan käyttötarkoitukseen, mitä varten kopioida ja asentaa tämä Käyttäjän mobiililaitteeseen/-laitteisiin. Käyttäjä voi asentaa Ohjelmiston useisiin mobiililaitteisiin rajoituksetta. Käyttäjä voi asentaa Ohjelmiston useisiin mobiililaitteisiin rajoituksetta.
3.1.2. - Ajaa ja levittää Ohjelmistoa ei-kaupalliseen tarkoitukseen (korvauksetta).
3.2. Ohjelmistoa on käytettävä ja levitettävä Yango -nimisenä. Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta muuttaa ja/tai poistaa Ohjelmiston nimeä, tekijänoikeushuomautusta (copyright notice) tai muita viitteitä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijaan.
4. Rajoitukset
4.1. Paitsi kun tämä sopimus sen nimenomaisesti sallii, Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta muuttaa eikä purkaa Ohjelmistoa tai mitään sen osaa, selvittää tai yrittää selvittää sen valmistustapaa, lähdekoodia ja lähdetekstiä, luoda siitä johdannaisia tai tehdä tälle muuta saadakseen tietoa Ohjelmistossa käytettävien ohjelmien toteuttamisesta tai muulla tavoin käyttää/antaa lupaa käyttää Ohjelmistoa, Ohjelmiston osaa, Ohjelmiston mobiililaitteeseen tallentamaa kartta-aineistoa sekä muita kuvia ja tietoja ilman Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kirjallista suostumusta.
4.2. Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta ilman Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kirjallista suostumusta ajaa ja levittää Ohjelmistoa kaupallisessa tarkotuksessa, mm. korvausta vastaan ja mm. ohjelmistotuotteiden kokoomateoksiin sisällytettynä.
4.3. Käyttäjällä ei ole oikeutta ilman Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan kirjallista suostumusta levittää Ohjelmistoa muussa muodossa, kuin missä hän on vaastaanottanut sen.
5. Erityisehdot
5.1. Tiettyjen Ohjelmiston toimintojen toteutus edellyttää toimivaa verkkoyhteyttä. Käyttäjä itse hankkii tällaisen yhteyden ja maksaa siitä verkko-operaattorin ehdoilla ja hinnoilla.
5.2. Palvelu antaa Käyttäjälle maksuttoman mahdollisuuden jättää tieto mahdollisesta taksimatkatarpeestaan sekä mahdollisuuden tutustua tietoon ko. alan palveluntarjoajien tarjouksista sekä etsiä ko. tarjouksia Käyttäjän säätämillä hakuehdoilla.
5.3. Tieto, joka on Käyttäjän saatavissa Ohjelmiston puitteissa (jäljempänä Tieto), on Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan toimittamaa tietoa. Saadakseen tarkempaa tietoa tarjottavista palveluista (mukaan lukien tieto wi-fi -yhteyden saatavuudesta auton matkustamossa ja onko matkustamossa valokuvausta/videovalvontaa Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan yhteistyökumppanin toimesta) Käyttäjä voi ottaa yhteyttä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan yhteistyökumppaneihin tai ohjelmiston toiminnallisuutta hyödyntäen antaa omat yhteystietonsa, joilla yhteistyökumppanit pystyvät itse ottamaan yhteyttä Käyttäjään ja toimittamaan hänelle tietoa tarjottavista palveluista.
5.4. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija ei ole vastuussa yhteistyökumppaneiden toimittaman tiedon sisällöstä ja/tai ajantasaisuudesta, mukaan lukien kumppaneiden hintatieto sekä palveluiden kulloinen saatavuus.
5.5. Käyttäjä itse hoitaa vuorovaikutuksen yhteistyökumppaneiden kanssa palveluiden hankkimiseksi, ilman Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan osallistumista, yhteistyökumppaneiden omien käytäntöjen mukaisesti. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija ei ole vastuussa varainhoito- ja mistään muista toiminnoista, joita Käyttäjä ja yhteistyökumppanit toteuttavat, eikä mistään seurauksista Käyttäjän tekemästä yhteistyökumppaneiden palvelujen hankkinasta.
5.6. Käyttäjä antaa Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle suostumuksen Käyttäjän henkilötietojen käsittelyyn, luovutukseen/siirtoon Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan yhteistyökumppaneille sekä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan yhteistyökumppaneiden toimesta tapahtuvaan käsittelyyn Ohjelmiston sisältämien palveluiden tuottamiseksi. Käyttäjän käyttäessään Ohjelmistoa hänen henkilötietonsa siirretään käsiteltäväksi Tietoturvapolitiikassa määrättyjen ehtojen ja tarkoitusten mukaisesti, ks. osoitteesta
5.7. Käyttäjä sanoutuu täten tiedotetuksi, ymmärtäneeksi ja hyväksyneeksi sen, että Ohjelmisto voi kerätä nimettömiä tilastotietoja Ohjelmiston käytöstä sekä automaattisesti lähettää näitä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle.
5.8. Ohjelmiston rekisteröinti ja käyttäminen tehdään Käyttäjän puhelinnumeroa käyttäen. Mikäli Käyttäjä poistaa Ohjelmiston mobiililaitteen muistista, Käyttäjän puhelinnumerolla suoritettavan kirjautumisen ja Ohjelmiston käytön yhteydessä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijalle tullut Käyttäjän henkilötieto säilyy Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan -palvelussa yhden (1) vuoden ajan. Mikäli Ohjelmisto asennetaan laitteeseen uudelleen ja rekisteröidään tunnistautumiseen käytettävällä samalla puhelinnumerolla, tällä numerolla aikanaan annettu Käyttäjän henkilötieto palautuu entiselleen täydessä määrin.
5.9. Epäilysten välttämiseksi: Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija ei tuota henkilökuljetuspalveluita, ei tee matkatavaran kuljetuksia eikä toimi taksikeskuksena.
6. Vastuu
6.1. Ohjelmisto toimitetaan ”sellaisenaan” (as is) eikä Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija takaa, että Ohjelmiston, tämän osien ja/tai toimintojen käyttö on häiriötöntä, että ohjelmisto, tämän osat ja/tai toiminnot toimivat katkoitta ja ovat virheettömiä, soveltuvat johonkin tiettyyn tarkoitukseen, vastaavat Käyttäjän vaatimuksia ja odotuksia. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija sanoutuu täten irti kaikista Tietoon liittyvistä takuista mm. Tiedon luotettavuuteen, tarkkuuteen, kattavuuteen ja ajantasaisuuteen liittyvät takuut eikä anna muita kuin tässä Sopimuksessa nimenomaisesti mainittuja takuita.
6.2. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltija ei ole missään tapauksessa vastuullinen mistään suorista, epäsuorista tai välillisistä Ohjelmiston (mukaan lukien Tiedot) tai sen osan ja/tai toimintojen käytöstä, käyttämättömyydestä tai käytön estymisestä aiheutuvista seurauksista ja/tai vahingoista Käyttäjälle ja/tai kolmannelle osapuolelle, mm. mahdollisista Ohjelmiston (mukaan lukien Tiedot) toimintahäiriöistä tai virheistä, paisti soveltuvassa laissa nimenomaisesti määrättyjä tilanteita.
6.3. Kaikki Ohjelmiston tai Tiedon käyttämisestä/käytön estymisestä sekä mahdollisesta Ohjelmiston tai Tiedon aiheuttamasta lainsäädännön ja/tai kolmansien tahojen oikeuksien loukkaamisesta aiheutuvat kysymykset ja vaateet on toimitettava osoitteessa olevan yhteydenottolomakkeen kautta.
6.4. Tähän Käyttöoikeussopimukseen ja kaikkiin Ohjelmiston käytöstä aiheutuviin suhteisiin sovelletaan Alankomaiden lakia.
7. Ohjelmiston päivitykset ja uudet versiot
7.1. Tämän Sopimuksen ehdot koskevat kaikkia Ohjelmistopäivityksä/uusia versioita. Hyväksymällä Ohjelmistopäivitysten/uusien versioiden asennuksen Käyttäjä hyväksyy tämän Sopimuksen ehdot kattaviksi kyseiset päivtykset ja uudet versioihin, paitsi jos päivityksen mukana tulee erillinen käyttöoikeussopimus.
8. Käyttöoikeussopimuksen ehtojen muuttaminene
8.1. Tekijänoikeuden haltijalla on oikeus yksipuolisesti muuttaa tätä lisenssisopimusta sekä siirtää se toiselle osapuolelle. Ilmoitus käyttäjälle lisenssisopimuksen muutoksista julkaistaan: lisenssi tulee voimaan julkaisupäivänä, ellei asianomaisessa ilmoituksessa toisin mainita.
9. Tekijänoikeuksien Haltijan osoitetiedot
Ridetech International B.V., y-tunnus 64591069
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 165, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands
puh. +31(0)202066970 / +31(0)202066971 / +31(0)623505401
faksi +31(0)204466372
Julkaisupäivä: 20.07.2022
Asiakirjan edellinen versio:
License Agreement of Yango for Mobile Devices
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in Norway (hereinafter referred to as the User) and Ridetech International B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the taxi, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the taxi by the Right Holder's partners or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by the Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended as well as assigned to another party by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of the Rightholder
Ridetech International B.V., (registration number 64591069)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202402740
fax.: +31(0)202402741
Date of publication: 20 July 2022
Previous version of the document:
Lisensavtale for å bruke Yango-appen for mobile enheter
Før du bruker programmet, vennligst les vilkårene i følgende lisensavtalen.
Enhver bruk av programmet av deg betyr din fulle og ubetingede aksept av vilkårene i denne lisensavtalen.
Hvis du ikke godtar vilkårene i lisensavtalen i sin helhet, har du ikke rett til å bruke programmet til noe formål.
1. Generelle bestemmelser
1.1. Denne lisensavtalen (heretter kalt "lisensen") definerer vilkårene for bruk av Yango for mobile enheter (heretter kalt "programmet") og avsluttes med en hvilken som helst person som bruker programmet, med unntak for personer i Norge (heretter kalt "brukeren") og " Ridetech International B.V.", som er en organisasjon som er ansvarlig for å gi rettigheter til å bruke programmet (heretter kalt "opphavsrettsinnehaveren").
1.2. Ved å kopiere programmet, installere det på din mobile enhet eller bruke programmet på noen måte, uttrykker brukeren sin fulle og ubetingede aksept av alle vilkårene i lisensen.
1.3. Bruk av programmet er kun tillatt i henhold til vilkårene i denne lisensen. Hvis brukeren ikke aksepterer lisensvilkårene i sin helhet, har brukeren ingen rett til å bruke programmet til noe formål. Bruk av programmet i strid med (manglende oppfyllelse) av vilkårene i lisensen er forbudt.
1.4. Bruk av programmet av brukeren i henhold til vilkårene i denne lisensen for personlige ikke-kommersielle formål er gratis. Bruk av programmet på vilkår og på måter som ikke er beskrevet i denne lisensen, er bare mulig på grunnlag av en egen avtale med opphavsrettsinnehaveren.
1.5. Ved å bruke programmet godtar du at følgende dokumenter utgjør en integrert del av denne lisensen til programmet:
Disse dokumentene (inkludert noen av delene deres) kan endres av opphavsrettsinnehaveren uten spesiell varsel. Nye utgaver av dokumenter trer i kraft fra det øyeblikket de ble publisert, med mindre annet er angitt i utgaven av selve dokumentet.
1.6. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren kan gi brukeren en oversettelse av denne lisensen fra engelsk til andre språk. Imidlertid, i tilfelle av en konflikt mellom den engelskspråklige lisensen og dens oversettelse, er bare den engelskspråklige versjonen av lisensen juridisk bindende.
2. Rettigheter til programmet
2.1. Eneretten til programmet tilhører opphavsrettsinnehaveren.
3. Lisens
3.1. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren gir brukeren en ikke-overførbar rett til å bruke programmet på territoriet til land over hele verden gratis under vilkårene for en enkel (ikke-eksklusiv) lisens på følgende måter:
3.1.1. Bruk av programmet til det tiltenkte formålet, for å kopiere det og installere (reprodusere) det på brukerens mobile enhet(-er). Brukeren har rett til å installere programmet på et ubegrenset antall mobile enheter;
3.1.2. Reprodusere og distribuere programmet for ikke-kommersielle formål (gratis).
3.2. Programmet må brukes (inkludert distribuert) under navnet: Yango. Brukeren har ikke rett til å endre og (eller) slette navnet på programmet, opphavsrettsinnehaveren-merket eller andre indikasjoner på opphavsrettsinnehaveren.
4. Begrensninger
4.1. Med unntak av bruk i volumene og på måtene som uttrykkelig er foreskrevet i denne lisensen, har ikke brukeren rett til å endre, dekompilere, demontere, dekryptere og utføre andre handlinger med objektkoden til programmet for å få informasjon om implementeringen av algoritmene som brukes i programmet, lager avledede arbeider ved hjelp av programmer, samt å utføre (autorisere) annen bruk av programmet, eventuelle komponenter i programmet, kart og andre bilder og andre data som er lagret av programmet på brukerens mobile enhet, uten skriftlig samtykke fra opphavsrettsinnehaveren.
4.2. Brukeren har ingen rett til å reprodusere og distribuere programmet for kommersielle formål (inkludert mot et gebyr), inkludert som en del av samlinger av programvareprodukter, uten skriftlig samtykke fra opphavsrettsinnehaveren.
4.3 Brukeren har ingen rett til å distribuere programmet i en annen form enn den han mottok det i, uten skriftlig samtykke fra opphavsrettsinnehaveren.
5. Spesielle bestemmelser
5.1. Noen funksjoner i programmet er bare mulig hvis du har tilgang til Internett. Brukeren mottar uavhengig av hverandre og betaler for slik tilgang på vilkårene og til satsene til sin teleoperatør eller internettilgangsleverandør.
5.2. Programmet lar brukeren legge ut informasjon om brukerens potensielle etterspørsel etter tjenester for transport av passasjerer og bagasje, samt å gjøre seg kjent med informasjon om tilbudene fra organisasjoner som tilbyr tjenester i dette området, og å søke etter slike tilbud av parametrene som er angitt av brukeren.
5.3. Informasjonen er tilgjengelig for brukeren under programmet (heretter kalt "data") som er gitt av partnere av opphavsrettsinnehaveren. For mer informasjon om tjenestene som tilbys (inkludert informasjon om tilstedeværelse av Wi-Fi-hotspot i en taxibilen, foto- / videotagning i taxibilen av partnere til opphavsrettsinnehaver eller annen informasjon) kan brukeren kontakte klagende partnere eller gi kontaktinformasjonen sin ved hjelp av funksjonaliteten til programmet, som kan brukes av partnerne til opphavsrettsinnehaveren for uavhengig kommunikasjon med brukeren og gi ham informasjon om tjenestene som tilbys.
5.4. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren er ikke ansvarlig for innholdet og (eller) relevansen av informasjon gitt av partnere, inkludert informasjon om kostnadene for partnernes tjenester, samt deres tilgjengelighet for øyeblikket.
5.5. Interaksjonen mellom brukeren og partnere ved kjøp av tjenester utføres av brukeren uavhengig (uten medvirkning fra opphavsrettsinnehaveren) i samsvar med reglene for levering av tjenester vedtatt av partnerne. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren er ikke ansvarlig for økonomiske og andre operasjoner utført av brukeren og partnere, samt for eventuelle konsekvenser av brukerens anskaffelse av partnertjenester.
5.6. Brukeren samtykker i at opphavsrettsinnehaveren kan behandle brukerens personlige informasjon (inkludert personlige data), overføre brukerens personlige data til opphavsrettsinnehaverens partnere, og at opphavsrettsinnehaverens partnere kan behandle personopplysninger for å kunne tilby tjenester til brukeren innenfor programmet. Når brukeren bruker programmet, overføres hans personlige informasjon for behandling på vilkårene og til de formål som er spesifisert av personvernregler tilgjengelig på
5.7. Brukeren varsles herved, forstår og godtar at programmet kan samle inn anonymiserte statistiske data om bruken av programmet og automatisk overføre disse dataene til opphavsrettsinnehaveren.
5.8. For å registrere og bruke programmet, er det nødvendig å oppgi brukerens mobiltelefonnummer. Når brukeren sletter programmet fra minnet til brukerens mobile enhet, lagres brukerens personlige informasjon innhentet av opphavsrettsinnehaveren ved autorisasjon i programmet ved bruk av brukerens mobiltelefonnummer og programapplikasjonen i tjenesten i en periode på 1 (ett) år. Når du installerer programmet på enheten på nytt og registrerer med det samme mobiltelefonnummeret som en identifikator, vil brukerens personlige informasjon som oppgis ved hjelp av det angitte mobiltelefonnummeret bli fullstendig gjenopprettet.
5.9. For å unngå tvil tilbyr opphavsrettsinnehaveren ikke passasjer- og bagasjetransport eller henvisningstjenester.
6. Ansvar under lisensen
6.1. Programmet tilbys på en "som den er"-basis. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren gir ingen garantier angående feilfri og uavbrutt drift av programmet eller dets individuelle komponenter og (eller) funksjoner, programmets samsvar med de spesifikke målene til brukeren, det garanterer ikke påliteligheten, nøyaktigheten, fullstendigheten og aktualitet av dataene, og gir ingen andre garantier som ikke uttrykkelig er spesifisert i denne lisensen.
6.2. Opphavsrettsinnehaveren er ikke ansvarlig for noen direkte eller indirekte konsekvenser av bruk eller manglende evne til å bruke programmet (inkludert data) og (eller) skader forårsaket til brukeren og (eller) tredjeparter som et resultat av bruk, ikke-bruk eller manglende evne til å bruke programmet (inkludert data) eller dets individuelle komponenter og (eller) funksjoner, inkludert på grunn av mulige feil eller svikt i driften av programmet, med unntak av tilfeller som er uttrykkelig foreskrevet i loven.
6.3. Alle spørsmål og påstander knyttet til bruk / manglende evne til å bruke programmet eller dataene, samt et mulig brudd fra programmet eller dataene til lovgivningen og (eller) rettighetene til tredjeparter, skal sendes gjennom tilbakemeldingsskjemaet som
6.4. Denne lisensen og alle forhold knyttet til bruken av programmet er underlagt lovgivningen i Nederland.
7. Oppdateringer / nye versjoner av programmet
7.1. Denne lisensen gjelder for alle påfølgende oppdateringer / nye versjoner av programmet. Ved å godta å installere en oppdatering / ny versjon av programmet godtar brukeren vilkårene i denne lisensen for de tilsvarende oppdateringene / nye versjonene av programmet, med mindre oppdateringen / den nye versjonen av programmet ledsages av en annen lisensavtale.
8. Endringer i vilkårene i denne lisensen
8.1. Denne lisensavtalen kan endres så vel som tildeles en annen part av opphavsrettsinnehaveren ensidig. Brukerens varsel om endringer i vilkårene i denne lisensen er lagt ut på: disse endringene i lisensavtalen trer i kraft fra datoen for publiseringen, med mindre annet er spesifisert i den aktuelle publikasjonen.
9. Detaljer om "Opphavsrettsinnehaveren"
Ridetech International B.V., (registreringsnummer 64591069)
Privat aksjeselskap
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, Nederland
Tlf.: +31 (0) 202402740
Faks: +31 (0) 202402741
Publiseringsdato: 20.07.2022
Forrige versjon av dokumentet:
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in Senegal (hereinafter referred to as the User) and MLU Europe B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License, subject to applicable laws.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
- Terms of Use of Yango available at
- Privacy Policy available at
- Terms of Use of Yango Delivery available at link
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder after prior notice of the proposed new version and the user’s consent. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the vehicle, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the vehicle by the Right Holder's partners - transportation provider or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by the Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year, unless the User sends the Notice on deletion of such data to the Rightholder prior to the expiration of this term. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
5.10. In accordance to article 31 of Law 2021-25 on prices and consumer protection, the User is informed that he has a period of seven (07) days from the date of subscription to the Service to exercise his right of withdrawal, without penalty, charge and without any reason by request to the Rightholder. The request must be sent before the expiration of the withdrawal period. The User who has exercised his right of withdrawal from a contract for the provision of services which performance has begun shall pay the Rightholder an amount corresponding to the service provided and proportionate to the total price of the service.
Without prejudice to the provisions of the above clause hereto, the User can withdraw from this License agreement at any time by deletingthe Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
6.5. Any disputes arising out or in connection with these Terms of Use of Yango shall be decided by the competent court in The Netherlands, unless mandatory conflict of laws provisions provide otherwise.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be amended by the Rightholder after prior notice of the proposed new version and the user’s consent. The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication at, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication and be deemed applicable to users once they have given their consent.
9. Details of MLU Europe B.V.
MLU Europe B.V. (registration number 74474103)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202402740
fax.: +31(0)202402741
Date of publication: July 20, 2022
Previous version of the document:
Accord de licence de Yango pour les appareils mobiles
Avant d'utiliser le logiciel, veuillez prendre connaissance des dispositions de l’accord de licence ci-dessous.
Toute utilisation du logiciel vaut l'acceptation pure et simple des conditions de cet accord de licence.
Si vous n'acceptez pas les conditions de l’accord de licence dans leur intégrité, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le logiciel dans quelque but que ce soit.
1. Dispositions générales
1.1. Le présent Accord de licence (ci-après — la Licence) spécifie les conditions d’utilisation du logiciel Yango pour les appareils mobiles (ci-après — le Logiciel) et est conclu entre toute personne qui utilise le Logiciel au Sénégal (ci-après — l’Utilisateur) et MLU Europe B.V. qui est un organisme autorisé à accorder les droits d'utilisation du Logiciel (ci-après — le Titulaire des droits ).
1.2. En copiant le Logiciel, en l'installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Logiciel de quelque manière que ce soit, l'Utilisateur exprime son accord pur et simple avec toutes les conditions de la Licence, sous réserve des lois applicables.
1.3. L'utilisation du Logiciel n'est autorisée que dans les conditions de la présente Licence. Si l'Utilisateur n'accepte pas les conditions de la Licence dans leur intégrité, il ne peut pas utiliser le Logiciel dans quelque but que ce soit. Il est interdit d'utiliser le Logiciel en violation (en cas de non-respect) de l'une des conditions de la Licence.
1.4. L'utilisation du Logiciel par l'Utilisateur dans les conditions de la présente Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales est fait à titre gratuit. L'utilisation du Logiciel dans des conditions et selon des modalités non couvertes par la présente Licence n'est possible qu'en vertu d'une convention spéciale avec le Titulaire des droits.
1.5. En utilisant le Logiciel, vous acceptez que le document suivant fait partie intégrante de la Licence relative au Logiciel :
- Les conditions d'utilisation du service Yango sont disponibles sur
- La politique de confidentialité est disponible sur
- Conditions d'usage du service Yango Delivery disponibles sur le lien
Les documents susmentionnés (y compris toutes leurs parties) peuvent être modifiés par le Titulaire des droits après notification préalable de la nouvelle version proposée et accord de l'utilisateur. Les nouvelles versions des documents entreront en vigueur dès leur publication, sauf disposition contraire prévue par ladite version elle-même.
1.6. Le Titulaire des droits peut fournir à l'Utilisateur une traduction de la présente Licence de l'anglais vers d'autres langues. Pourtant, en cas de conflit entre la Licence en anglais et sa traduction, c'est la version de la Licence en anglais qui fera foi.
2. Droits sur le Logiciel
2.1. Le droit exclusif sur le Logiciel appartient au Titulaire des droits.
3. Licence
3.1. Le Titulaire des droits accorde à l'Utilisateur le droit non transférable d'utiliser le Logiciel à titre gratuit et sous licence simple (non exclusive) sur le territoire de tous les pays de façon suivante :
3.1.1. Utiliser le Logiciel comme prévu, notamment, le copier et l'installer (reproduire) sur un ou plusieurs appareils mobiles de l'Utilisateur. L'Utilisateur a le droit d'installer le Logiciel sur un nombre illimité d'appareils mobiles ;
3.1.2. Reproduire et distribuer le Logiciel à des fins non commerciales (à titre gratuit).
3.2. Le Logiciel doit être utilisé (y compris distribué) sous le nom : Yango. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de modifier et/ou de supprimer le nom du Logiciel, l’avis de droit d'auteur ou toute autre référence au Titulaire des droits.
4. Limitations
4.1. Sauf l’utilisation dans le cadre et selon les modalités expressément stipulées par la présente Licence, l'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de modifier, décompiler, désassembler, déchiffrer ou d'effectuer toute autre opération avec le code objet et le code source du Logiciel qui a pour but d'obtenir des informations relatives à la mise en œuvre des algorithmes utilisés dans le Logiciel, de créer tout produit dérivé avec l'utilisation du Logiciel, ainsi que d’utiliser (autoriser d’utiliser) autrement le Logiciel et tous ses composants, cartes et autres images et données qui sont stockés par le Logiciel sur l'appareil mobile de l'Utilisateur, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.
4.2. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de reproduire et de distribuer le Logiciel à des fins commerciales (y compris à titre onéreux), y compris dans le cadre d’un recueil de logiciels, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.
4.3. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de distribuer le Logiciel sous une forme différente de celle qu'il a reçue, sans le consentement écrit du Titulaire des droits.
5. Dispositions particulières
5.1. L'utilisation de certaines fonctionnalités du Logiciel n'est possible qu'avec l'accès au réseau Internet. L'Utilisateur fait son affaire personnelle de l'obtention et du paiement d'un tel accès dans les conditions et selon les tarifs de son opérateur de télécommunications ou de son fournisseur d'accès à Internet.
5.2. Le Logiciel permet à l'Utilisateur de placer des informations relatives à la demande potentielle de l'Utilisateur pour des services de transport des passagers et des bagages, ainsi que de prendre connaissance des informations relatives aux offres des organisations qui fournissent des services dans le domaine susmentionné et de rechercher de telles offres selon les critères définies par l'Utilisateur.
5.3. Les informations disponibles à l'Utilisateur dans le cadre du Logiciel (ci-après — les Données) sont fournies par les partenaires du Titulaire des droits. Pour les informations détaillées relatives aux services offerts (y compris les informations relatives à la possibilité de connexion par wi-fi dans le véhicule, à la réalisation d'enregistrements photo/vidéo à l'intérieur du véhicule par les partenaires du Titulaire des droits - prestataire de transport ou autres informations), l'Utilisateur peut s'adresser aux partenaires du Titulaire des droits aussi bien que fournir ses cordonnées via une fonctionnalité du Logiciel pour que les partenaires du Titulaire des droits puissent eux-mêmes contacter l'Utilisateur et lui fournir les informations relatives aux services offerts.
5.4. Le Titulaire des droits n'est pas tenu responsable pour le contenu et/ou la pertinence des informations fournies par les partenaires, y compris les informations sur le coût des services des partenaires, ainsi que sur leur disponibilité à un moment donné.
5.5. L'interaction de l'Utilisateur avec les partenaires concernant l'acquisition des services est effectuée par l'Utilisateur lui-même (sans participation du Titulaire des droits) conformément aux règles de prestation des services spécifiées par les partenaires. Le Titulaire des droits ne peut pas être tenu responsable pour les transactions financières et toutes autres transactions effectuées par l'Utilisateur et par les partenaires, ainsi que pour toutes conséquences de l'acquisition des services des partenaires par l'Utilisateur.
5.6. L'Utilisateur donne son accord Détenteur de droits pour le traitement des informations personnelles (y compris des données personnelles) de l'Utilisateur par le Détenteur de droits, pour le transfert des données personnelles de l'Utilisateur par le Détenteur de droits aux partenaires du Détenteur de droits, ainsi que pour le traitement des informations personnelles par les partenaires du Détenteur de droits dans le but de la prestation des services à l'Utilisateur dans le cadre du Logiciel. Lors de l'usage du Logiciel par l'Utilisateur, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur est transmise pour le traitement dans les conditions et dans les buts définis dans la Politique de confidentialité qui est accessible depuis l'adresse suivante:
5.7. L'Utilisateur est expressément avisé, il comprend et accepte que le Logiciel peut collecter des données statistiques anonymisées relatives à l'utilisation du Logiciel et les transférer au Titulaire des droits en mode automatique.
5.8. L'Utilisateur doit indiquer son numéro mobile pour s'inscrire et utiliser le Logiciel. Lorsque l'Utilisateur supprime le Logiciel de la mémoire de l'appareil mobile, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur reçues par le Titulaire des droits lors de l'autorisation dans le Logiciel avec l’utilisation du numéro mobile de l'Utilisateur et de l'application du Logiciel, sont stockées dans le Service pendant 1 (une) année, à moins que l'Utilisateur n'envoie l'Avis de suppression de ces données au Titulaire des droits avant l'expiration de ce délai. Dans le cas où le Logiciel est réinstallé sur l'appareil et l'enregistrement est effectué avec l’utilisation du même numéro de téléphone mobile comme identifiant, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur qui ont été fournies avec l'utilisation du numéro mobile susmentionné sont reconstituées dans leur intégrité.
5.9. Pour éviter tout doute, le Titulaire des droits ne fournit pas de services de transport des passagers et des bagages ni de services d'assistance.
5.10. Conformément à l'article 31 de la loi 2021-25 relative aux prix et à la protection du consommateur, l'Utilisateur est informé qu'il dispose d'un délai de sept (07) jours à compter de la date de souscription au Service pour exercer son droit de rétractation, sans pénalité, sans frais et sans motif par demande au titulaire des droits. La demande doit être envoyée avant l'expiration du délai de rétractation. L'Utilisateur qui a exercé son droit de rétractation d'un contrat de prestation de services dont l'exécution a commencé devra verser au Titulaire un montant correspondant au service fourni et proportionnel au prix total du service.
Sans préjudice des dispositions de la clause ci-dessus, l'Utilisateur peut renoncer à tout moment au présent Accord de licence en supprimant le Logiciel de la mémoire de son appareil mobile.
6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence
6.1. Le Logiciel est est fourni « en l'état ». Le Titulaire des droits ne donne aucune garantie en ce qui concerne le fonctionnement correcte et régulière du Logiciel ou de ses divers composants et/ou fonctionnalités, l’adéquation du Logiciel aux objectifs spécifiques de l'Utilisateur, il ne garantit pas la fiabilité, l'exactitude, l'intégralité et la pertinence des Données, ainsi que ne donne aucune autre garantie sauf celles qui sont expressément stipulées par la présente Licence.
6.2. Le Titulaire des droits ne sera pas responsable pour toutes conséquences directe ou indirectes de toute utilisation ou de toute impossibilité d'utilisation du Logiciel (y compris des Données) et/ou pour tous dommages de l'Utilisateur et/ou des tiers résultant de toute utilisation, non-utilisation ou impossibilité d’utilisation du Logiciel (y compris des Données) ou de certains composants et/ou fonctionnalités, y compris à cause des erreurs éventuelles ou des défauts de fonctionnement, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la législation.
6.3. Toutes les questions et réclamations liées à l'utilisation / à l'impossibilité d’utiliser le Logiciel ou des Données, ainsi qu'aux violations éventuelles des lois et/ou des droits des tiers par le Logiciel ou les Données doivent être adressées via le formulaire de commentaires à
6.4. La présente Licence et toutes les relations liées à l'utilisation du Logiciel sont régies par la législation des Pays-Bas.
6.5. Tout litige découlant de ou en relation avec les présentes Conditions d'utilisation de Yango sera réglé par le tribunal compétent des Pays-Bas, sauf que les dispositions obligatoires sur les conflits de lois prévoient le contraire.
7. Mises à jour / nouvelles versions du Logiciel
7.1. La présente Licence s'applique à toutes les mises à jours ultérieures / nouvelles versions du Logiciel. En acceptant d'installer une mise à jour / une nouvelle version du Logiciel, l'Utilisateur accepte les conditions de la présente Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions correspondantes du Logiciel, à moins que telle mise à jour / installation de la nouvelle version du Logiciel soit régie par un autre accord de licence.
8. Modifications de la présente Licence
8.1. Le présent accord de licence peut être modifié par le Titulaire des droits après notification préalable de la nouvelle version proposée et consentement de l'utilisateur.
Lesdites modifications des conditions de l’accord de licence entreront en vigueur à compter de la date de leur publication sur :, sauf indication contraire dans la publication concernée, et seront réputées applicables aux utilisateurs une fois qu'ils ont donné leur consentement.
9. Coordonnées de la société MLU Europe B.V.
MLU Europe B.V. (numéro d'enregistrement 74474103)
Société privée à responsabilité limitée
Schiphol Boulevard 165, 1118 BG Schiphol, the Netherlands (Pays-Bas)
tél. : +31(0)202402740
fax : +31(0)202402741
e-mail :
Date de publication : le 20 juillet 2022
Version précédente du document:
License Agreement of Yango for Mobile Devices
Before using the program, please read the terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program in Zambia (hereinafter referred to as the User) and MLU Africa B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License, subject to applicable laws.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under the terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
- Terms of Use of Yango available at
- Privacy Policy available at
- Terms of Use of Yango Delivery available at link
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under the terms and as per tariffs of its communication or internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the vehicle, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the vehicle by the Right Holder's partners-transportation provider or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
6.5. Any disputes arising out or in connection with these Terms of Use of Yango shall be decided by the competent court in The Netherlands, unless mandatory conflict of laws provisions provide otherwise.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of MLU Africa B.V.
MLU Africa B.V. (registration number 74474332)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202402740
fax.: +31(0)202402741
Date of publication: 20.07.2022
Date of entrance into force: 20.07.2022
Previous version of the document:
Before using the program, please read terms and conditions of the below license agreement.
Any use of the program means that you fully and unconditionally accept the terms and conditions of this license agreement.
If you do not accept the license agreement in full, you may not use the program for any purpose.
1. General Provisions
1.1. This License Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the License) set the terms of use of Yango for mobile devices (hereinafter referred to as the Program) and is signed with any person using the Program, with the exception of persons in the territory of the Russian Federation or the Republic of Belarus or the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the User) and Ridetech International B.V., being a body authorized to grant the rights to use the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Rightholder).
1.2. By copying the Program, installing it on its mobile device or using the Program in any way, the User expresses its full and unconditional consent to all terms and conditions of the License.
1.3. It is permitted to use the Program only under the terms and conditions of this License. If the User does not accept the terms and conditions of the License in full, the User may not use the Program for any purpose. It is prohibited to use the Program in violation of (failing to fulfill) any of the terms and conditions of the License.
1.4. The Program can be used by the User under the terms and conditions of this License for personal non-commercial purposes free of charge. It is only possible to use the Program under terms and in ways not covered by this License based on a separate agreement with the Rightholder.
1.5. When using the Program, you agree that the following document forms an integral part of this License for the Program:
- Terms of Use of Yango available at
- Privacy Policy available at
The said documents (inter alia, any parts thereof) can be amended by the Rightholder without any special notice. New versions of the documents shall come into effect upon their publication, unless otherwise stipulated by the version itself.
1.6. The Rightholder can provide the User with a translation of this License from English into other languages. However, in the event of a conflict between the License in English and its translation, only the English version of the License shall be legally binding.
2. Rights to the Program
2.1. The exclusive right to the Program is vested in the Rightholder.
3. License
3.1. The Rightholder shall, free of charge and under an ordinary (non-exclusive) license, grant to the User the non-transferable right to use the Program in all countries of the world in the following ways:
3.1.1. to use the Program as intended, wherefore to copy and install (reproduce) it on the User’s mobile device/-s. The User may install the Program on an unlimited number of mobile devices;
3.1.2. to reproduce and distribute the Program for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
3.2. The Program shall be used (inter alia, be distributed) under the name: Yango. The User may not change and/or delete the name of the Program, the copyright notice or any other references to the Rightholder.
4. Limitations
4.1. Except as used in the scope and in the ways expressly stipulated by this License, the User may not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform any other actions with the object code and source code of the Program meant to obtain information on the implementation of algorithms used in the Program, create derivative works using the Program and otherwise use (allow to use) the Program and any components thereof, maps and other images and data stored by the Program on the User’s mobile device, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.2. The User may not reproduce and distribute the Program for commercial purposes (inter alia, for a fee), inter alia, as part of software product collections, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
4.3 The User may not distribute the Program in any form other than the form received, without the Rightholder’s written consent.
5. Special Provisions
5.1. Some functions of the Program can only be performed with the Internet available. The User shall independently get and pay for such access under terms and as per tariffs of its communication or Internet provider.
5.2. The Program enables the User to place information on the User’s potential demand for services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage, look through offers of organizations providing services in the said field, and search for such offers using parameters set by the User.
5.3. Information available to the User within the Program (hereinafter referred to as the Data) is provided by the Rightholder’s partners. To get more details on services offered (including the information on the availability of Wi-Fi hotspot inside the taxi, carrying out of photo/video recording inside the taxi by the Right Holder's partners or other information), the User can either address the Rightholder’s partners or provide its contact information through the functions of the Program, which can be used by the Rightholder’s partners to contact the User on their own and provide it with the information on services offered.
5.4. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for the content and/or relevance of information provided by the partners, including information on the cost of the partners’ services and on their availability at the moment.
5.5. The User shall independently (without the participation of the Rightholder) discuss with the partners the acquisition of services in accordance with the partners’ rules on the provision of services. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for financial and any other transactions effected by the User and partners and for any consequences of the acquisition of the partners’ services by the User.
5.6. The User agrees that the Rightholder can process the User’s personal information (including personal details), transfer the User’s personal details to the Rightholder’s partners and that the Rightholder’s partners can process personal information in order to provide services to the User within the Program. When the User uses the Program, its personal information is to be transferred and processed under the terms and for the purposes determined in the Privacy Policy available at:
5.7. The User is hereby notified, understands and agrees that the Program can collect anonymized statistical data on the use of the Program and automatically transfer these data to the Rightholder.
5.8. The Program shall be registered and used by applying the User’s mobile phone number. When the User deletes the Program from the memory of the User’s mobile device, the User’s personal information obtained by the Rightholder during authorization in the Program using the User’s mobile phone number and application of the Program will be saved in the Service for 1 (one) year. If the Program is re-installed on the device and registered using the same mobile phone number as an identifier, the User’s personal information provided with the use of the said mobile phone number will be restored in full.
5.9. For the avoidance of doubt, the Rightholder does not provide services involving the transportation of passengers and baggage and help desk services.
6. Liability under the License
6.1. The Program is provided “as is”. The Rightholder provides no guarantees of error- and trouble-free operation of the Program or its certain components and/or functions, fitness of the Program for specific goals of the User, does not guarantee the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the Data, and provides no other guarantees, which are not expressly stated in this License.
6.2. The Rightholder shall not be held liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use of or inability to use the Program (including the Data) and/or any losses incurred by the User and/or third parties as a result of any use of, failure to use or inability to use the Program (including the Data) or its certain components and/or functions, inter alia, due to possible errors or failures in their operation, except as expressly stipulated by laws.
6.3. All issues and claims related to the use of / inability to use the Program or the Data and possible violations of laws and/or third-party rights by the Program or the Data shall be sent through the feedback form to
6.4. This License and all relations associated with the use of the Program shall be governed by laws of the Netherlands.
7. Updates / New Versions of the Program
7.1. This License covers all future updates / new versions of the Program. By agreeing to install an update / new version of the Program, the User accepts the terms and conditions of this License for relevant updates / new versions of the Program, if there is no other license agreement for the update / new version of the Program.
8. Amendments to this License
8.1. This license agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Rightholder. User notification of the amendments introduced to the terms and conditions of this License is posted at: The said amendments to the terms and conditions of the license agreement shall come into effect from the date of their publication, unless otherwise specified in the relevant publication.
9. Details of the Rightholder
Ridetech International B.V., (registration number 64591069)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, the Netherlands
tel.: +31(0)202066970 / +31(0)202066971 / +31(0)623505401
fax.: +31(0)204466372
Date of publication: July 20, 2022
Previous version of the document:
Previous version of the document:
Convention de licence relative à l'usage du logicielle Yango pour les appareils mobiles
Avant d'utiliser le logiciel, veuillez prendre connaissance des dispositions de la convention de licence ci-après.
Tout usage par vous du logiciel vaut l'acceptation pure et simple des conditions de la présente convention de licence.
Si vous n'acceptez pas les conditions de la convention de licence dans leur intégrité vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le logiciel dans quelque but que ce soit.
1. Dispositions générales
1.1. La présente Convention de licence (ci-après — Licence) définit les conditions de l'usage du logiciel Yango pour les appareils mobiles (ci-après — Logiciel) et est conclue entre toute personne utilisant le Logiciel, sauf personnes sur le territoire de la Fédération de Russie, de la République de Biélorussie et de la République d'Arménie (ci-après — Utilisateur) et Ridetech International B.V., une entité habilitée à octroyer les droits d'usage du Logiciel (ci-après — Détenteur de droits).
1.2. En copiant le Logiciel, en l'installant sur son appareil mobile ou en utilisant le Logiciel de quelque manière que ce soit, l'Utilisateur exprime son accord pur et simple avec toutes les conditions de la Licence.
1.3. L'usage du Logiciel n'est autorisé que dans les conditions de la présente Licence. Si l'utilisateur n'accepte pas les conditions de la Licence dans leur intégrité il ne peut pas utiliser le logiciel dans quelque but que ce soit. L'usage du Logiciel avec violation (non-respect) d'une quelconque condition de la Licence est interdit.
1.4. L'usage du Logiciel par l'Utilisateur dans les conditions de la présente Licence à des fins personnelles non commerciales est fait à titre gratuit. L'usage du Logiciel dans les conditions et de la façon non prévues par la présente Licence n'est possible qu'en vertu d'une convention spéciale avec le Détenteur de droits.
1.5. En utilisant le Logiciel, vous acceptez que le document suivant fait partie intégrante de la Licence relative au Logiciel :
- Conditions d'usage du service Yango publiées à l'adresse
- Politique de la confidentialité publiée sur le réseau Internet à l'adresse
Les documents susmentionnés (y compris toutes leurs parties) peuvent être modifiés par le Détenteur de droits sans aucune notification spéciale. La nouvelle version des documents entre en vigueur au moment de sa publication, sauf dispositions contraires prévues par ladite version elle-même.
1.6. Le Détenteur de droits peut fournir à l'Utilisateur la traduction de la présente Licence de l'anglais vers d'autres langues. Pourtant, dans le cas de divergences entre les conditions de la Licence en langue anglaise et son traduction, c'est la version de la Licence en langue anglaise qui prévaut.
2. Droits au Logiciel
2.1. Le droit exclusif au Logiciel appartient au Détenteur de droits.
3. Licence
3.1. Le Détenteur de droits octroie à l'Utilisateur le droit intransmissible d'utiliser le Logiciel à titre gratuit dans les conditions d'une licence simple (non-exclusive) sur le territoire de tous les pays de façon suivante :
3.1.1. Utiliser le Logiciel conformément à son usage fonctionnel prévu et pour cela le copier et l'installer (le lancer) sur un ou plusieurs appareils mobiles de l'Utilisateur. L'Utilisateur a le droit d'installer le Logiciel sur un nombre illimité d'appareils mobiles.
3.1.2. Lancer et distribuer le Logiciel à des fins non commerciales (à titre gratuit).
3.2. Le Logiciel doit être utilisé (et distribué) sous le nom : Yango. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de modifier et/ou de supprimer le nom du Logiciel, le signe du droit d'auteur (copyright notice) ou les autres indications du Détenteur de droits.
4. Limitations
4.1. Sauf l'usage conforme à l'étendu et à la façon directement prévues par la présente Licence, l'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de modifier, de décompiler, de désassembler, de déchiffrer ou d'effectuer d'autres opérations avec le code objet et le texte de source du Logiciel qui ont pour but l'obtention des informations relatives à la réalisation des algorithmes utilisés dans le Logiciel, de créer les produits dérivés avec l'utilisation du Logiciel, ainsi que de faire (autoriser de faire) un autre usage du Logiciel, de tous composants du Logiciel stockés par le Logiciel sur l'appareil mobile de l'Utilisateur, des données cartographiques, des autres images et données, sans accord écrit du Détenteur de droits.
4.2. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de lancer et de distribuer le Logiciel à des fins commerciales (y compris à titre onéreux), y compris dans un Recueil de logiciels, sans accord écrit du Détenteur de droits.
4.3. L'Utilisateur n'a pas le droit de distribuer le Logiciel sous une forme différente de celle qu'il l'a reçu, sans accord écrit du Détenteur de droits.
5. Conditions particulières
5.1. L'usage de certaines fonctionnalités du Logiciel n'est possible qu'avec l'accès au réseau Internet. L'Utilisateur fait son affaire personnelle de l'obtention et du paiement d'un tel accès dans les conditions et selon les tarifs de son opérateur de télécommunications ou de son fournisseur d'accès à Internet.
5.2. Le Logiciel donne à l'Utilisateur la possibilité de publier l'information relative à la demande potentielle de l'Utilisateur de service de transport des passagers et du bagage, ainsi que la possibilité de prendre connaissance des informations relatives aux offres des organisations qui fournissent des services dans le domaine susmentionné et de rechercher de telles offres selon les critères fixés par l'Utilisateur.
5.3. Les informations accessibles à l'Utilisateur dans le cadre du Logiciel (ci-après — Données) sont fournies par les partenaires du Détenteur de droits. Pour les informations détaillées relatives aux services fournis (y compris les informations relatives à la possibilité de connexion par wi-fi dans la voiture, à la réalisation par le partenaire du détenteur de droits de la vidéoprotection dans la voiture et autres informations) l'Utilisateur peut soit s'adresser aux partenaires du Détenteur de droits, soit fournir ses cordonnées via une fonctionnalité du Logiciel pour que les partenaires du Détenteur de droits puissent eux-mêmes contacter l'Utilisateur et lui fournir les informations relatives aux services offerts.
5.4. Le Détenteur de droits n'engage pas la responsabilité pour le contenu et/ou pour l'actualité des informations fournies par les partenaires, y compris pour les informations relatives aux prix des services des partenaires, ainsi que à leur disponibilité à un moment donné.
5.5. L'interaction de l'Utilisateur avec les partenaires concernant l'acquisition des services est effectuée par l'Utilisateur lui-même (sans participation du Détenteur de droits), conformément aux règles de la prestation des services définies par les partenaires. Le Détenteur de droits n'engage pas la responsabilité pour les opérations financières et pour toutes autres opérations effectué par l'Utilisateur et par les partenaires, ainsi que pour toutes les conséquences de l'acquisition des services des partenaires par l'Utilisateur.
5.6. L'Utilisateur donne son accord Détenteur de droits pour le traitement des informations personnelles (y compris des données personnelles) de l'Utilisateur par le Détenteur de droits, pour le transfert des données personnelles de l'Utilisateur par le Détenteur de droits aux partenaires du Détenteur de droits, ainsi que pour le traitement des informations personnelles par les partenaires du Détenteur de droits dans le but de la prestation des services à l'Utilisateur dans le cadre du Logiciel. Lors de l'usage du Logiciel par l'Utilisateur, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur est transmise pour le traitement dans les conditions et dans les buts définis dans la Politique de confidentialité qui est accessible depuis l'adresse suivante:
5.7. L'Utilisateur est expressément avisé, il comprend et accepte que le Logiciel peut collecter les données statistiques anonymisées relatives à l'usage du Logiciel et les transmettre au Détenteur de droits en mode automatique.
5.8. L'enregistrement et l'usage du Logiciel sont effectués avec l'utilisation du numéro mobile de l'Utilisateur. Dans le cas de la suppression du Logiciel de la mémoire de l'appareil de l'Utilisateur, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur reçues par le Détenteur de droits lors de l'autorisation dans le Logiciel avec utilisation du numéro mobile de l'Utilisateur et lors de l'usage du Logiciel, sont conservées dans le cadre du service Yango pendant un (1) an. Dans le cas où le Logiciel est réinstallé sur l'appareil et dans le cas où l'enregistrement est effectué avec l'utilisation du même numéro mobile, les informations personnelles de l'Utilisateur qui ont été fournies avec l'utilisation du numéro mobile susmentionné sont reconstituées dans leur intégrité.
5.9. Pour éviter tout doute, Le Détenteur de droits ne fournit pas de services de transport des passagers et des bagages, ainsi que des services de dispatching et d'information.
6. Responsabilité en vertu de la Licence
6.1. Le Logiciel est mis à disposition dans les conditions « tel quel » (as is). Le Détenteur de droits ne donne aucune garantit en ce qui concerne le fonctionnement correcte et régulière du Logiciel ou de ses divers composants et/ou fonctionnalités, la conformité du Logiciel aux objectifs concret de l'Utilisateur, il ne garantit pas la fiabilité, l'exactitude, l'intégralité et l'opportunité des Données, ainsi que ne donne aucune autre garantie sauf celles qui sont expressément définies dans la présente Licence.
6.2. Le Détenteur de droits n'engage pas la responsabilité pour toutes conséquences directe ou indirectes de tout usage ou de toute impossibilité de l'usage du Logiciel (y compris des Données) et/ou pour les dommages de l'Utilisateur et/ou des tiers résultant de l'usage, du non-usage ou de l'impossibilité de l'usage de Logiciel (y compris de Données) ou de ses divers composants et/ou fonctionnalités, y compris à cause des erreurs possibles ou des défauts de fonctionnement, sauf dans les cas expressément prévus par la législation.
6.3. Toutes les questions et les réclamations liées à l'utilisation / à l'impossibilité de l'utilisation du Logiciel ou des Données, ainsi qu'à la violation par le Logiciel ou par les Données de la législation et/ou des droits des tiers doivent être adressées via le formulaire de contact à l'adresse
6.4. La présente Licence et toutes les relations liées à l'usage du Logiciel sont régies par la législation des Pays-Bas.
7. Mise à jour / nouvelles versions du Logiciel
7.1. La présente Licence s'applique à toutes les mises à jours ultérieures / nouvelles versions du Logiciel. En acceptant l'installation d'une mise à jour / d'une nouvelle version du Programme, l'Utilisateur accepte les conditions de la présente Licence pour les mises à jour / nouvelles versions correspondantes du Logiciel sauf si la mise à jour / l'installation de la nouvelle version du Logiciel est régie par la convention de licence spéciale.
8. Modification des conditions de la présente Licence
8.1. Le Détenteur du droit peut modifier unilatéralement la présente convention de licence. La notification à l'Utilisateur des modifications apportées dans les conditions de la présente Licences est publiée sur la page suivante: Les modifications susmentionnées des conditions de la convention de licence entrent en vigueur à la date de leur publication, sauf si la publication correspondante en dispose autrement.
9. Coordonnées du Détenteur de droits
Ridetech International B.V., (numéro d'enregistrement 64591069)
Private Limited Liability Company
Schiphol Boulevard 291, 1118 BH Schiphol, the Netherlands (Pays-Bas)
tél. : +31(0)202066970 / +31(0)202066971 / +31(0)623505401
fax : +31(0)204466372
e-mail :
Date de publication : 20.07.2022
La version précédente du document :
La version précédente du document :