Please read these Terms of Use carefully. By using the Yasmina Voice Assistant service or any part thereof, you unconditionally accept these Terms of Use, which form a binding agreement between you and us. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use the Yasmina Voice Assistant service.

Terms and Definitions

These Terms of Use constitute an offer of Direct Cursus Technology LLC with its registration number 1802868 (Company) to a Internet user (User) for the provision by the Company of a voice assistant to the User through the Device and mobile application or website, as a case may be (Service).

Yasmina shall mean the voice assistant service “Yasmina” provided by Company, which is used according to the Terms available online at: https://yango.com/legal/yasmina_termsofuse;

User Account shall mean a unique account of the User on the Service.

By using the Yasmina, the User agrees that the Privacy Policy, which located on the page at: https://yango.com/legal/yango_yasmina_privacy_policy, is an integral part of this Terms, and its term fully apply to the User when using the Service.

Starting to use the Program in any way, the User shall be deemed to have accepted this Terms, as well as the Privacy Policy in full, without any reservations or exceptions.

By starting to use the Service/its individual functions, the User is deemed to have accepted these Terms, as well as the terms of all the above documents, in full, without any reservations or exceptions. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of these documents, the User does not have the right to use the Service.

These Terms may be changed by Company without any special notice; the new version of the Terms comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Terms. The current version of the Terms is always located on the page at: https://yango.com/legal/yasmina_termsofuse.

If Company has made any changes to these Terms with which the User does not agree, he is obliged to stop using the Service.

1. Use of the Service. Certain functions of the Service

1.1. The Service provides the User with the opportunity to use Yasmina functions as part of other Company Services that support these functionalities.

Performing the functions of the Service is possible only if you have access to the Internet. The user independently receives and pays for such access on the terms and rates of his telecom operator or Internet access provider.

1.2. The Service provides the User with the opportunity to make queries by voice dialing and receive brief information (quick response) on certain queries, activate the dialogue mode with the voice assistant or activate the function of voice assistant, application, device, with which the assistant interacts.

The voice assistant's responses are generated automatically using the algorithm training function based on User remarks and open data.

The User agrees that Company cannot be responsible for any voice assistant reactions acquired during communication with the User.

Furthermore the Company is not responsible for the accuracy, relevance, correctness of information in answers of voice assistant. Company does not guarantee that any answer will be generated or a response will be given to the User's request; in particular, Yasmina may offer to reformulate the request.

The User is notified and agrees that answers of voice assistant is not an expression of anyone's opinion, Company's position, or a statement of facts. Answer cannot under any circumstances be regarded as guidance or advice when making decisions or taking any actions.

1.3. The Service provides the User with the ability to activate special voice assistant skills to call third-party software products (bots, chats) and/or interact with third-party organizations (hereinafter referred to as Partners).

The User’s interaction with Partners and/or their software products is carried out by the User independently (without the participation of Company). Company is not a party to the legal relationship established between the User and the Partner and is not responsible for:

  • financial and any other transactions made between the User and the Partners, as well as for any consequences of the User’s acquisition of goods/works/services of the Partners;
  • designation and description of any skill. Company does not confirm or deny compliance with the law, correctness or reliability of the description of any skill;
  • content, relevance, legality of information provided by Partners, including information about the goods/work/services they offer, their actual availability, cost, etc.;
  • processing by Partners of the User’s personal data provided to them when accessing software products and/or goods/works/services of Partners.

If there are reasonable assumptions about a possible violation by the Partners of the law, the rights and interests of third parties by the information posted by them and/or the illegal nature of the Partner’s activities, the User can send a complaint through the functionality of the Company Service.

Conditions and special requirements for Partners, based on the results of consideration of the complaint by Company, measures may be taken to eliminate violations and/or sanctions against the violator, including possible restriction of access to the Service.

For the purpose of quality control, as well as to comply with legal requirements, Company stores the history of interaction between Users and Partners. Company processes the specified information under the conditions specified in the Privacy Policy located at https://yango.com/legal/yango_yasmina_privacy_policy.

1.4. The User may be given the opportunity to carry out requests (commands) aimed at performing operations and actions with the device he is using, the software of which includes voice assistant functions, or which can be controlled using commands given to the voice assistant using devices and applications that support the function voice assistant (turn on/off the device, reboot, open programs, etc.).

Connecting and managing the settings of devices connected to the Service is carried out by activating special voice assistant skills created and operated under the conditions published at: https://yango.com/legal/uae_yango_spark_conditions. To connect and start using the device using voice assistant commands, the device manufacturer may provide additional registration and/or authorization on the manufacturer’s resources.

Company does not guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, or correctness of command execution, and is not responsible for the condition of the User’s property, devices, or technical problems that arise during the execution of commands specified by the User.

2. Intellectual property

2.1. The Service may contain images, audio, video and text materials (including those generated using special functions and skills of the Service) (hereinafter referred to as the Content).

The rights to all objects that make up the design of the Service as a whole and its individual elements, to the Service software, to the neural network algorithm for creating pictures and Answers belong to Company.

Rights to units of Content that are objects of intellectual property rights and included in the Service (text, visual, audio/video content, etc.) belong to its legal owners. For violation of the exclusive rights of Company and (or) the copyright holders of the relevant units of Content or third parties, the User is responsible in accordance with applicable law.

The use of intellectual property included in the Service is permitted solely for the personal non-commercial needs of the User. Company does not guarantee access to certain objects of intellectual property for any specific period of time, as well as the availability of such objects on the User’s territory.

2.2. By starting to use the Service, the User guarantees that he does not and will not take any actions aimed at circumventing technical means of protection against unauthorized use of the Content. Any copying, reproduction, processing, distribution, making available to the public, circumvention of technical protection measures or other use of the Content beyond the capabilities provided by the Service, as well as any use thereof for commercial purposes without the prior consent of Company is prohibited.

2.3. Company is not responsible for violation of the exclusive rights of third parties committed by Service Partners when they use their software products available to Users of the Service under the terms of clause 1.3. of these Terms. If violations are detected, the User has the right to report these facts through the functionality of the Company Service.

3. Limitations

3.1. The service is provided on an “as is” basis. Company does not provide any guarantees regarding the error-free and uninterrupted operation of the Service or its individual functions, or the compliance of the Service with the specific goals and expectations of the User.

The Service is provided exclusively for use by the User at home in a limited circle of people for entertainment purposes and does not have the purpose of causing any harm/damage to either the User or third parties.

3.2. Use of the Service by a minor is permissible with the knowledge and consent of his legal representative and under his control after the legal representative familiarizes himself with these Terms and fully accepts their provisions on his behalf. Company does not guarantee the absence of information in the Service that does not correspond to the age category of a minor.

3.3. The relations regarding the use of the Service shall be governed by the applicable law. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with these Terms of Use shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the DIFC courts (including Small Claims Tribunal for claims). If questions, statements or claims arise, the User has the right to report them through the functionality of the Company Service. If Company and the User fail to reach agreement, the issue may be resolved in court at the location of Company.


Direct Cursus Technology LLC, registration number 1802868, located at: UAE, Dubai, Trade Center Second, The Offices 2, Unit No. TO2-FLR03-03.05-17

Date of publication: 15.02.2024