Conditions for the Use of Yango Deli Service Promotional Codes

Conditions for the Use of Yango Deli Service Promotional Codes



1.1. The following terms and definitions are used in these Conditions for the Use of Yango Deli Service Promotional Codes:

1.1.1. Yango Deli shall mean Limited Liability Company FOODTECH SARL (address: Ya Abidjan, Cocody Danga, Rue des Jasmins, Parcelle 30, Ilot 4, Lot 37 en Côte d’Ivoire, reg. number: 0036101B).

1.1.2. Promotional Code shall mean a certain sequence of symbols upon the activation of which, subject to compliance with other terms and conditions for its use, the User is granted a Discount. A Promotional Code may be brought to the User’s attention through its indication in a Coupon or on a Website or be communicated by other means.

1.1.3. Discount shall mean a discount provided to the User from the cost of the Goods ordered by the User and from Delivery of the Goods to the User, in an amount specified by Yango Deli and communicated to the customer via the Coupon, on the Website, or in other manner. If applicable, the amount of the Discount is indicated inclusive of VAT (or other taxes).

1.1.4. Coupon shall mean a document (including a paper card or other handout, a poster or other medium intended for public display, any other promotional material, or information in electronic form) containing a Promotional Code and the conditions for the provision of a Discount.

1.1.5. Website shall mean a page on the Internet which contains a Promotional Code and the conditions for the provision of a Discount.

1.1.6. Yango Deli Service shall mean all Websites (including but not limited to those posted on the Internet at: and software (including programs for mobile devices) that make it possible for a Service User to place an Order for Goods and Delivery under the terms and conditions set forth in the User Agreement.

1.1.7. Conditions shall mean these Conditions for the Use of Yango Deli Service Promotional Codes, which are posted on the Internet at:

1.1.8. User Agreement shall mean the document posted on the Internet at:, which presents an offer for Users to use the Yango Deli Service.

1.2. Other terms used in these Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with the User Agreement.

1.3. These Conditions shall have an unlimited validity period.

1.4. Users shall be obliged to familiarize themselves with the Conditions. By activating a Promotional Code, the User confirms that he/she has been fully familiarized with these Conditions and agrees to observe the same.

1.5. A Promotional Code gives the right to receive a Discount in the amount indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, or otherwise communicated to the User, subject to the terms of use of the Promotional Code, also indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, or otherwise communicated to the User, as well as specified in these Conditions.



2.1. A Promotional Code allows the receipt of a Discount only with the use of non-cash payment (see clause 5.1.3 of the User Agreement), that is, when payment for Goods and Delivery is made without cash using a linked bank card.

As a pre-requisite for a Discount, restrictions may be imposed with regard to the issuer of cards participating in the promotional campaign. Only bank cards on physical carriers shall be acceptable for the purposes of non-cash payment; prepaid virtual bank cards and other cards in electronic form, as well as other electronic means of payment, are not accepted for payment.

2.2. A Promotional Code can provide the following Discount conditions:

2.2.1. Discount is available only on the first Order using the Yango Deli Service: the first Order is determined based on the phone number specified by the User in the Yango Deli Service.

2.2.2. Discount is available on the first several Orders using the Yango Deli Service (for instance, the first three Orders using the Yango Deli Service): A discount is provided on the first Order, as defined in clause 2.2.1 of these Conditions, as well as for a certain number of subsequent Orders, provided that the Promotional Code is activated for the first Order.

2.2.3. Discount is available only provided that certain parameters are selected when the Goods and Delivery are Ordered using the Yango Deli Service.

2.2.4. Discount is available only when Goods and Delivery are Ordered using the Yango Deli Service within a certain territory (including restrictions concerning cities or start and/or end points of the route) and/or within a certain period of time. A promotional code becomes invalid upon the expiration of its effective term. In the event that such a territory and/or time period are not indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, and/or are not communicated to the User in another manner, the territory is deemed to be limited to the borders of the city and region where the distribution of Coupons/Promotional Codes is organized; the time period is deemed to be limited to the period during which the relevant Coupon/Promotional Code is available to the public.

2.3. A Promotional Code can be used by one User only one time, unless otherwise indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, or in information communicated to the User in another manner.

2.4. Neither the difference between the cost of Goods and the Delivery ordered by the User and the amount of the Discount, nor the amount of the Discount as such, is payable in cash.

2.5. A Discount is provided only when Goods and Delivery are Ordered from the partners (Restaurants and Delivery Agents) offered by the Yango Deli Service for selection upon the activation of the Promotional Code.

2.6. A Promotional Code provides a Discount only if it is activated when an Order is processed using the Yango Deli Service and the rules described in clauses 1.5 and 2.2 of these Conditions are observed.

2.7. A Discount is provided in relation to the cost of Goods and the cost of Delivery if the Delivery is to be paid for by the User under an Order processed by the User and carried out by a Delivery Agent. For clarity, the nominal value of the Discount is first applied to the cost of the Goods, and then, in the part exceeding the cost of the Goods, applied to the cost of Delivery and the Service fee. The User shall be obliged to pay on his/her own the part of the cost of the Goods and/or Delivery which is not covered by the nominal value of the Discount, by means of a non-cash payment. If the Delivery is to be paid for by the User under an Order processed by the User and carried out by a Restaurant, the provision of a Discount in relation to the cost of the Goods and the cost of Delivery is permitted at the discretion of the Service. Yango Deli reserves the right to define the manner and conditions for the provision of said Discount.



3.1. In order to counteract the unfair use and/or the misuse of Promotional Codes, Yango Deli shall reserve the right to apply other verification methods not expressly specified in these Conditions, including, but not limited to, the following: verify that the User is actually making his/her first Order using the Yango Deli Service, verify that the User is not an employee or a representative of Yango Deli or a counterparty of Yango Deli from which a Promotional Code has been received, as well as refuse to provide Discounts in the event of the detection of relevant misuse and/or unfair use of a Promotional Code.

3.2. The use of a Promotional Code may be unavailable for technical reasons if the User does not update the Yango Deli mobile application to the latest available version, and/or for other reasons. For technical reasons, a Discount based on a Promotional Code which can be used for non-cash Order payment may be unavailable in cases in which the payment method has been changed to cash and/or subsequently changed back to non-cash.

3.3. When considering queries related to the activation or use of Promotional Codes, the Yango Deli support service shall have the right to request, and the querying User shall be obliged to provide, confirmation of the receipt of the Promotional Code: a photo of a card with the Promotional Code, a screenshot of a page with the Promotional Code, and/or other proof as directed by the support staff. In the event of the non-submission of said confirmation, Yango Deli reserves the right to refuse the provision of a Discount.

3.4. Yango Deli shall not be held liable for the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, as well as for any direct, indirect, or special damage or losses by Users associated with the provision of Promotional Codes in accordance with these Conditions which result from malfunctions of telecommunications or energy networks, from malicious software, from the unfair acts of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and/or the disabling of software or hardware, or from other unforeseen circumstances of insurmountable force. Yango Deli shall bear no obligation to compensate Users’ losses in such cases.

3.5. Yango Deli shall have the right to refuse to provide Discounts and Promotional Codes to Users if they have provided false information about themselves or otherwise violated these Conditions.

3.6. In other aspects not set forth in these Conditions, Yango Deli and the User shall be governed by the provisions of the User Agreement.

How to activate a Promotional Code

A Promotional Code can be used only if it has been activated. To activate a Promotional Code, enter it into the dedicated field before the processing of an Order using the Yango Deli Service and click “Apply” (or another similar button).

Conditions d’utilisation des Codes promotionnels du Service Yango Deli



1.1. Les termes et expressions utilisés dans le présent Contrat d’utilisation des Codes promotionnels du Service Yango Deli s’entendent comme suit.

1.1.1. Yango Deli : société à responsabilité limitée FOODTECH SARL (adresse : Ya Abidjan, Cocody Danga, Rue des Jasmins, Parcelle 30, Îlot 4, Lot 37 en Côte d’Ivoire ; numéro d’immatriculation : 0036101B).

1.1.2. Code promotionnel : séquence de symboles dont l’activation, sous réserve du respect des autres conditions régissant son utilisation, permet à l’utilisateur de bénéficier d’une Remise. Les Codes promotionnels peuvent être mis à disposition de l’Utilisateur sous forme de Coupon, indiqués sur le Site ou fournis par d’autres moyens.

1.1.3. Remise : réduction d’un certain montant, déterminé par Yango Deli, accordée à l’Utilisateur sur le prix des Marchandises et Livraisons commandées par lui, et mis à disposition du client sous forme de Coupon, sur le Site ou par d’autres moyens. La valeur de la Remise comprend la TVA (ou les autres taxes), si celle-ci s’applique.

1.1.4. Coupon : document (carte en papier ou autre document distribué, affiche ou autre support rendu public, autre support promotionnel ou informations sous forme électronique) contenant un Code promotionnel et les conditions régissant l’application de la Remise correspondante.

1.1.5. Site : page web contenant un Code promotionnel et les conditions régissant l’application de la Remise correspondante.

1.1.6. Service Yango Deli : tous les sites web (notamment, sans s’y limiter, hébergés à l’adresse suivante : et programmes informatiques (y compris les applications pour appareils mobiles) permettant à l’Utilisateur du Service de passer des Commandes de Marchandises et de Livraisons dans les conditions prévues dans le Contrat d’utilisation.

1.1.7. Conditions : présentes conditions d’utilisation des Codes promotionnels du Service Yango Deli, publiées sur internet, à l’adresse suivante :

1.1.8. Contrat d’utilisation : document publié sur internet, à l’adresse, qui constitue l’offre d’utilisation du Service Yango Deli adressée à l’Utilisateur.

1.2. Les autres expressions et termes utilisés dans les présentes Conditions s’entendent au sens du Contrat d’utilisation.

1.3. Les présentes Conditions s’appliquent pour une durée indéterminée.

1.4. Les Utilisateurs sont tenus de prendre connaissance des présentes Conditions. En activant un Code promotionnel, l’Utilisateur déclare avoir pris pleinement connaissance des présentes Conditions et les accepter.

1.5. Les Codes promotionnels confèrent le droit de bénéficier d’une Remise, dont la valeur figure sur le Coupon, sur le Site ou est indiquée à l’Utilisateur par un autre moyen, sous réserve du respect des conditions régissant l’utilisation des Codes promotionnels, qui figurent également sur le Coupon, sur le Site ou sont indiquées à l’Utilisateur par un autre moyen, et sont incluses dans les présentes Conditions.



2.1. Les Codes promotionnels permettent à l’Utilisateur de bénéficier d’une Remise uniquement si celui-ci opte pour un paiement sans numéraire (paragraphe 5.1.3 du Contrat d’utilisation), c’est-à-dire à condition que les Marchandises et la Livraison soient payées par carte bancaire.

Les conditions régissant l’application de la Remise peuvent comprendre une restriction concernant l’émetteur de la carte utilisée dans le cadre de la campagne publicitaire. Seules les cartes bancaires sur support physique sont acceptées pour les paiements sans numéraire : les cartes de paiement virtuelles prépayées et les autres cartes sous forme électronique, tout comme les autres moyens de paiements électroniques, ne sont pas acceptées.

2.2. Les Codes promotionnels peuvent être accompagnés des conditions ci-dessous, qui régissent l’application de la Remise.

2.2.1. Remise uniquement sur la première Commande passée par le biais du Service Yango Deli : le numéro de téléphone indiqué par l’Utilisateur sur le Service Yango Deli est utilisé pour déterminer s’il s’agit de sa première Commande.

2.2.2. Remise sur un certain nombre de premières Commandes passées par le biais du Service Yango Deli (sur les trois premières Commandes passées par le biais du Service Yango Deli, par exemple) : la Remise est appliquée à la première Commande, aux termes du paragraphe 2.2.1 des présentes Conditions, et au nombre de Commandes subséquentes indiqué, à condition que le Code promotionnel soit activé lors de la première Commande.

2.2.3. Remise uniquement lorsque certains paramètres sont choisis lors de la Commande de Marchandises et de Livraison passée par le biais du Service Yango Deli.

2.2.4. Remise uniquement en cas de Commande de Marchandises et de Livraison passée par le biais du Service Yango Deli dans une zone géographique précise (délimitée dans une agglomération, en fonction du point de départ et/ou d’arrivée de l’itinéraire) et/ou dans un délai donné. Après expiration du Code promotionnel, celui-ci n’est plus valable. Si la zone géographique et/ou la durée de validité ne figurent pas sur le Coupon, sur le Site et/ou ne sont pas indiquées à l’Utilisateur par un autre moyen, cette zone géographique est réputée être l’agglomération et la région dans laquelle sont diffusés les Coupons/Codes promotionnels, et la durée de validité est réputée être la période pendant laquelle le Coupon/Code promotionnel en question est rendu public.

2.3. Sauf indication contraire sur le Coupon, sur le Site ou communiquée par un autre moyen, les Codes promotionnels peuvent être utilisés une seule fois, par un seul Utilisateur.

2.4. La différence entre le prix des Marchandises et de la Livraison commandées par l’Utilisateur et la valeur de la Remise, ainsi que la valeur de la Remise elle-même, ne peuvent être récupérées sous forme d’argent.

2.5. La Remise s’applique uniquement en cas de Commande de Marchandises et de Livraison auprès des Partenaires (Restaurants ou Livreurs) proposés sur le Service Yango Deli lors de l’activation du Code promotionnel.

2.6. Les Codes promotionnels permettent de bénéficier de la Remise uniquement s’ils sont activés lors d’une Commande passée par le biais du Service Yango Deli et sous réserve du respect des règles prévues aux paragraphes 1.5 et 2.2 des présentes Conditions.

2.7. La Remise s’applique au prix des Marchandises et au prix de la Livraison, dans le cas où la Livraison est payante pour l’Utilisateur dans le cadre de sa Commande et assurée par le Livreur. Par ailleurs, la valeur nominale de la Remise s’applique d’abord au prix des Marchandises puis, concernant la somme dépassant le prix des Marchandises, s’applique au prix de la Livraison et aux frais de service. L’Utilisateur s’engage à régler sans numéraires la part du prix des Marchandises et/ou de la Livraison qui n’est pas couverte par la valeur de la Remise. Dans le cas où la Livraison est payante pour l’Utilisateur dans le cadre de sa Commande et est assurée par le Restaurant, l’application de la Remise au prix des Marchandises et de la Livraison est autorisée à la discrétion du Service. Yango Deli se réserve le droit de définir les conditions et les modalités d’application de la Remise en question.



3.1. En vue d’empêcher toute utilisation frauduleuse ou abusive des Codes promotionnels, Yango Deli se réserve le droit de procéder à des vérifications qui ne sont pas expressément indiquées dans les présentes Conditions, notamment (sans s’y limiter) : vérifier que la Commande est effectivement la première Commande passée par l’Utilisateur par l’intermédiaire du Service Yango Deli, et que l’Utilisateur n’est pas un employé, un représentant ou un prestataire de Yango Deli, et refuser l’application de la Remise si une tentative d’utilisation frauduleuse ou abusive du Code promotionnel est détectée.

3.2. L’utilisation des Code promotionnels peut être impossible pour des raisons techniques si l’Utilisateur ne dispose pas de la dernière version disponible de l’application mobile Yango Deli et/ou pour d’autres raison. Pour des raisons techniques, l’application des Remises associées aux Codes promotionnels dont les conditions d’utilisation comprennent un paiement sans numéraire peut être impossible si l’Utilisateur a modifié son moyen de paiement pour choisir le paiement en espèces et/ou s’il a ensuite modifié son choix pour repasser au paiement sans numéraire.

3.3. Dans le cadre de l’examen des demandes concernant l’activation ou l’utilisation des Codes promotionnels, le service d’assistance Yango Deli est en droit de demander à l’Utilisateur ayant formulé la demande de prouver par quel moyen il a obtenu le Code promotionnel (une photographie de la carte en papier contenant le Code, une capture d’écran de la page contenant le Code et/ou un autre justificatif, selon les consignes de l’agent du service d’assistance), et l’Utilisateur est tenu, dans ce cas, de présenter le justificatif demandé. Si l’Utilisateur ne présente pas ce justificatif, Yango Deli se réserve le droit de refuser l’application de la Remise.

3.4. Yango Deli ne peut être tenu pour responsable en cas d’inexécution ou de mauvaise exécution de ses obligations, ou en cas de pertes ou de préjudices directs, indirects ou particuliers subis par les Utilisateurs en lien avec la mise à disposition d’un Code promotionnel conformément aux présentes Conditions, si ces pertes ou préjudices résultent d’un dysfonctionnement des réseaux de télécommunication ou électriques ou des conséquences de programmes malveillants ou d’actes malhonnêtes de tiers visant un accès non autorisé au matériel et aux logiciels et/ou une mise hors service de ceux-ci, ou d’autres circonstances imprévisibles de force majeure. Dans ce cas, Yango Deli n’est pas tenu d’indemniser les Utilisateurs.

3.5. Yango Deli est en droit de refuser aux Utilisateurs l’application de la Remise et du Code promotionnel s’ils fournissent de fausses informations à leur sujet ou s’ils enfreignent d’une quelconque manière les présentes Conditions.

3.6. Toutes les questions qui ne sont pas régies par les présentes Conditions sont réglées par Yango Deli et par l’Utilisateur conformément aux conditions du Contrat d’utilisation.

Activation d’un Code promotionnel

Pour être utilisés, les Codes promotionnels doivent être activés. Pour activer un Code promotionnel, l’Utilisateur doit le saisir dans le champ prévu à cet effet dans le formulaire de Commande du Service Yango Deli et cliquer sur le bouton « Appliquer » (ou équivalent).

Conditions for the Use of Yango Deli Service Promotional Codes



1.1. The following terms and definitions are used in these Conditions for the Use of Yango Deli Service Promotional Codes:

1.1.1. Yango Deli shall mean Private Company Limited by Shares Yango Deli ZAM Limited (address: House No. 3 Mpulungu Road, Olympia Park, Lusaka, Zambia, reg. number: 120220043569).

1.1.2. Promotional Code shall mean a certain sequence of symbols upon the activation of which, subject to compliance with other terms and conditions for its use, the User is granted a Discount. A Promotional Code may be brought to the User’s attention through its indication in a Coupon or on a Website or be communicated by other means.

1.1.3. Discount shall mean a discount provided to the User from the cost of the Goods ordered by the User and from Delivery of the Goods to the User, in an amount specified by Yango Deli and communicated to the customer via the Coupon, on the Website, or in other manner. If applicable, the amount of the Discount is indicated inclusive of VAT (or other taxes).

1.1.4. Coupon shall mean a document (including a paper card or other handout, a poster or other medium intended for public display, any other promotional material, or information in electronic form) containing a Promotional Code and the conditions for the provision of a Discount.

1.1.5. Website shall mean a page on the Internet which contains a Promotional Code and the conditions for the provision of a Discount.

1.1.6. Yango Deli Service shall mean all Websites (including but not limited to those posted on the Internet at: and software (including programs for mobile devices) that make it possible for a Service User to place an Order for Goods and Delivery under the terms and conditions set forth in the User Agreement.

1.1.7. Conditions shall mean these Conditions for the Use of Yango Deli Service Promotional Codes, which are posted on the Internet at:

1.1.8. User Agreement shall mean the document posted on the Internet at:, which presents an offer for Users to use the Yango Deli Service.

1.2. Other terms used in these Conditions shall be interpreted in accordance with the User Agreement.

1.3. These Conditions shall have an unlimited validity period.

1.4. Users shall be obliged to familiarize themselves with the Conditions. By activating a Promotional Code, the User confirms that he/she has been fully familiarized with these Conditions and agrees to observe the same.

1.5. A Promotional Code gives the right to receive a Discount in the amount indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, or otherwise communicated to the User, subject to the terms of use of the Promotional Code, also indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, or otherwise communicated to the User, as well as specified in these Conditions.



2.1. A Promotional Code allows the receipt of a Discount only with the use of non-cash payment (see clause 5.1.3 of the User Agreement), that is, when payment for Goods and Delivery is made without cash using a linked bank card.

As a pre-requisite for a Discount, restrictions may be imposed with regard to the issuer of cards participating in the promotional campaign. Only bank cards on physical carriers shall be acceptable for the purposes of non-cash payment; prepaid virtual bank cards and other cards in electronic form, as well as other electronic means of payment, are not accepted for payment.

2.2. A Promotional Code can provide the following Discount conditions:

2.2.1. Discount is available only on the first Order using the Yango Deli Service: the first Order is determined based on the phone number specified by the User in the Yango Deli Service.

2.2.2. Discount is available on the first several Orders using the Yango Deli Service (for instance, the first three Orders using the Yango Deli Service): A discount is provided on the first Order, as defined in clause 2.2.1 of these Conditions, as well as for a certain number of subsequent Orders, provided that the Promotional Code is activated for the first Order.

2.2.3. Discount is available only provided that certain parameters are selected when the Goods and Delivery are Ordered using the Yango Deli Service.

2.2.4. Discount is available only when Goods and Delivery are Ordered using the Yango Deli Service within a certain territory (including restrictions concerning cities or start and/or end points of the route) and/or within a certain period of time. A promotional code becomes invalid upon the expiration of its effective term. In the event that such a territory and/or time period are not indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, and/or are not communicated to the User in another manner, the territory is deemed to be limited to the borders of the city and region where the distribution of Coupons/Promotional Codes is organized; the time period is deemed to be limited to the period during which the relevant Coupon/Promotional Code is available to the public.

2.3. A Promotional Code can be used by one User only one time, unless otherwise indicated on the Coupon, on the Website, or in information communicated to the User in another manner.

2.4. Neither the difference between the cost of Goods and the Delivery ordered by the User and the amount of the Discount, nor the amount of the Discount as such, is payable in cash.

2.5. A Discount is provided only when Goods and Delivery are Ordered from the partners (Restaurants and Delivery Agents) offered by the Yango Deli Service for selection upon the activation of the Promotional Code.

2.6. A Promotional Code provides a Discount only if it is activated when an Order is processed using the Yango Deli Service and the rules described in clauses 1.5 and 2.2 of these Conditions are observed.

2.7. A Discount is provided in relation to the cost of Goods and the cost of Delivery if the Delivery is to be paid for by the User under an Order processed by the User and carried out by a Delivery Agent. For clarity, the nominal value of the Discount is first applied to the cost of the Goods, and then, in the part exceeding the cost of the Goods, applied to the cost of Delivery and the Service fee. The User shall be obliged to pay on his/her own the part of the cost of the Goods and/or Delivery which is not covered by the nominal value of the Discount, by means of a non-cash payment. If the Delivery is to be paid for by the User under an Order processed by the User and carried out by a Restaurant, the provision of a Discount in relation to the cost of the Goods and the cost of Delivery is permitted at the discretion of the Service. Yango Deli reserves the right to define the manner and conditions for the provision of said Discount.



3.1. In order to counteract the unfair use and/or the misuse of Promotional Codes, Yango Deli shall reserve the right to apply other verification methods not expressly specified in these Conditions, including, but not limited to, the following: verify that the User is actually making his/her first Order using the Yango Deli Service, verify that the User is not an employee or a representative of Yango Deli or a counterparty of Yango Deli from which a Promotional Code has been received, as well as refuse to provide Discounts in the event of the detection of relevant misuse and/or unfair use of a Promotional Code.

3.2. The use of a Promotional Code may be unavailable for technical reasons if the User does not update the Yango Deli mobile application to the latest available version, and/or for other reasons. For technical reasons, a Discount based on a Promotional Code which can be used for non-cash Order payment may be unavailable in cases in which the payment method has been changed to cash and/or subsequently changed back to non-cash.

3.3. When considering queries related to the activation or use of Promotional Codes, the Yango Deli support service shall have the right to request, and the querying User shall be obliged to provide, confirmation of the receipt of the Promotional Code: a photo of a card with the Promotional Code, a screenshot of a page with the Promotional Code, and/or other proof as directed by the support staff. In the event of the non-submission of said confirmation, Yango Deli reserves the right to refuse the provision of a Discount.

3.4. Yango Deli shall not be held liable for the non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, as well as for any direct, indirect, or special damage or losses by Users associated with the provision of Promotional Codes in accordance with these Conditions which result from malfunctions of telecommunications or energy networks, from malicious software, from the unfair acts of third parties aimed at unauthorized access and/or the disabling of software or hardware, or from other unforeseen circumstances of insurmountable force. Yango Deli shall bear no obligation to compensate Users’ losses in such cases.

3.5. Yango Deli shall have the right to refuse to provide Discounts and Promotional Codes to Users if they have provided false information about themselves or otherwise violated these Conditions.

3.6. In other aspects not set forth in these Conditions, Yango Deli and the User shall be governed by the provisions of the User Agreement.

How to activate a Promotional Code

A Promotional Code can be used only if it has been activated. To activate a Promotional Code, enter it into the dedicated field before the processing of an Order using the Yango Deli Service and click “Apply” (or another similar button).