Expand your business with Yango

Become our partner

Join Yango with your own transport company or invest in one. Yango will provide full support at every step to launch successful operations: from attracting new drivers to getting better funding terms with financial institutions to sourcing vehicles at special rates for Yango partners. In addition, Yango will provide day-to-day support to help you manage operations efficiently right from the start.


Use our entire toolkit. Traffic forecasting, map-based routing, and ride request distribution algorithms help minimize your drivers’ downtime and dead mileage. And Yango Pro features like stacked rides, rides along the way, and airport queues help your drivers complete more rides.

How to become a Yango partner

Submit an application

We contact you and provide an in-depth consultation

You sign a partner agreement after verification

You get access to our taxi management software and start getting ride request

Grow your business with Yango

Fri Sep 06 2024 22:31:52 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)