Solutions to frequent problems

I'm getting too many captchas

The system won't accept my captcha entries

Infinite loading

I can't pass the captcha

Why am I getting captchas?

If the service receives a lot of similar requests from users or programs, service may ask you for additional verification. To stop getting captchas too often, disable the VPN and allow cookies in your browser:
Yandex Browser
Microsoft Edge
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox

I'm asked to complete a task after clicking "I'm not a robot"

Checking the "I'm not a robot" box may not always be enough for the system to tell a real person from a robot. We continually work to improve our algorithms but sometimes ask users to go through additional verification.

In that case, to return to the service page, enter the characters shown in the captcha image and click Submit.

To get a new captcha image, click .

Instead of entering characters from an image, you may also choose to enter numbers from an audio captcha:

  1. Click .
  2. Listen to the message.
  3. Enter the numbers you heard in the field below the captcha image.
  4. Click Submit.

If your browser saves cookies and the task is completed correctly, service will verify that the requests are coming from a human.

I can't see the captcha image

If you don't see the captcha image after checking the "I'm not a robot" box, see if the Yango logo is visible in the upper-left corner of the page:

Not visible

Your browser may be blocking the display of all images:

  1. Allow the display of images:
    Yandex Browser
    Google Chrome
    Mozilla Firefox

  2. Clear the browser cache.

  3. Reload the page to see if the problem is gone.


Some extensions (like ad blockers) restrict the display of page content, including captcha images. Try going through all your extensions one by one to find the one causing the issue and disable it:

  1. Temporarily disable all extensions in your browser:
    Yandex Browser
    Microsoft Edge
    Google Chrome
    Mozilla Firefox

  2. If the captcha image is now visible, re-enable your extensions one by one until you identify the one causing the problem.

  3. Disable the extension. You can also contact its developers to notify them of the issue.

  4. Clear cache so that the browser doesn't load a previously saved copy of the page with blocked images.

  5. Reload the page to see if the problem is gone.

Captcha characters are unreadable

Try doing one of the following:

  • Click to get a new captcha image.
  • Use the audio captcha instead of the text one.
I don't want to allow all cookies

In your browser settings, add services that you frequently use to cookie exceptions.


If the form doesn't open, you may have JavaScript disabled. Enable it in your browser settings and reload the page.

Contact support