Submission guide

Under Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (“DSA Regulation”) you may notify Yango about potential illegal content spotted on Yango ride hailing platform.

Your notice\complaint shall be handled in accordance with Yango complaint handling rules All data and documents you submit hereunder will be processed by Yango in accordance with the Yango privacy notices.

Please, note, that you can submit either:

A notice regarding illegal content, in case you have identified:

- presumably illegal content

- content that is not in lines with Yango Terms of Use


A complaint

- on handling of the notice of illegal content by Yango;

- related to the basis listed in the complaint handling rules

In case you are willing to submit the notice\complaint, please send it to the .

Please, make sure that your notification\complaint includes:

- Your name

- Your email address

In the case of information considered to involve one of the offences referred to in Articles 3 to 7 of Directive 2011/93/EU, name and email address are not required.

- for notices: link to the page where you have spotted the illegal content and or scans\photos of respective materials and detailed description why you think it is inappropriate (illegal\not compliant with Yango terms and conditions)

- for complaint: detailed description of the basis of complaint (please, attach necessary documents, if needed)