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Processed © ООО ИТЦ «СКАНЭКС» (, Includes "WorldView-2" Data © DigitalGlobe, Inc.

Processed © ООО ИТЦ «СКАНЭКС» (, Includes IKONOS Data © Geo Eye, Inc.

Processed © ООО ИТЦ «СКАНЭКС» (, Includes TerraColor Data © Earthstar Geographics, Includes IRS Data © ANTRIX Corporation Ltd., Includes material © European Space Imaging GmBH

© DigitalGlobe, Inc., © Airbus DS, distributed by ООО ИТЦ «СКАНЭКС»


© Estonian Land Board

LINZ Data Service © NZ Crown Copyright under CC BY 3.0 NZ

(с) Amt für Statistik Berlin-Brandenburg from under CC BY 3.0 DE

© GeoX – BFKH FTFF – Zrínyi, 2017

Zenbu © under CC BY 3.0 NZ

Материалы ЗАО «Навиком» предоставлены на основе данных ©РОСРЕЕСТРа

Stats NZ Geographic Data Service © StatsNZ under CC BY 3.0 NZ

Czech Republic - ČÚZK

Surveying and Mapping authority of the Republic of Slovenia,, 2017, under »priznanje avtorstva« 2.5

Panoramic photos:

Panoramic photos: Компания neq4

Panoramic photos of Bolshoi skating center, Iceberg winter sports center and Sanki center are provided by Olympstroy State Corporation (

Information on the routes of urban public transport is provided by State Unitary Enterprise Mosgortrans (Moscow) «Дискус Медиа» LLC (Saint Petersburg)