Yango Internal Complaint-Handling System Rules

These Yango Internal Complaint-Handling System Rules ("Rules") regulate the terms of Yango handling complaints (“Complaints”) under the Regulation (EU) 2022/2065 (“DSA Regulation”).

Complaint handling by Yango

According to the DSA regulations Yango provides to the users of Yango ride hailing platform as well as to the individuals or entities that have submitted a notice, with access to Yango internal complaint-handling system (link to the previous page) that enables them to lodge, electronically and free of charge, complaints against

- a decision taken by Yango upon the receipt of a notice or

- against following decisions taken by Yango on the grounds that the information provided by the recipients constitutes illegal content or is incompatible with its terms and conditions:

(i) decisions whether or not to remove or disable access to or restrict visibility of the information;

(ii) decisions whether or not to suspend or terminate the provision of the service, in whole or in part, to the users;

(iii) decisions whether or not to suspend or terminate the users’ Yango account;

(iv) decisions whether or not to suspend, terminate or otherwise restrict the monetary payments.

Yango will handle complaints in a timely, non-discriminatory, diligent and non-arbitrary manner in line with provisions of DSA. Yango shall inform complainants without undue delay of its reasoned decision in respect of the information to which the complaint relates and of the possibility of out-of-court dispute settlement and other available possibilities for redress.

Yango shall suspend, for a reasonable period of time and after having issued a prior warning, the processing of notices and complaints submitted through under the Rules by individuals or entities or by complainants that frequently submit notices or complaints that are manifestly unfounded.

Mediation and out-of-court dispute settlement

A user who is dissatisfied with the decision made under these Rules by Yango including the cases of complaints that have not been resolved by means of Yango internal complaint-handling system may refer the matter to any certified out-of-court dispute settlement body in the Netherlands in line with the provisions of DSA without prejudice to the right of the recipient of the service concerned to initiate, at any stage, proceedings to contest those decisions by the providers of online platforms before a court in accordance with the applicable law

Yango may refuse to engage with such out-of-court dispute settlement body if a dispute has already been resolved concerning the same information and the same grounds of alleged illegality or incompatibility of content.

The certified out-of-court dispute settlement body shall not have the power to impose a binding settlement of the dispute on the parties.

Certified out-of-court dispute settlement bodies shall make their decisions available to the parties within a reasonable period of time and no later than 90 calendar days after the receipt of the complaint. In the case of highly complex disputes, the certified out-of-court dispute settlement body may, at its own discretion, extend the 90 calendar day period for an additional period that shall not exceed 90 days, resulting in a maximum total duration of 180 days.

For the users, the dispute settlement shall be available free of charge or at a nominal fee.

Previous version of the document: https://yandex.ru/legal/complainthandling/16022024