This tool will help you estimate your income level based on your desires and capabilities
per week or per hour
Choose preferred income:
Calculation is approximate and made as an example based on average driver income (earnings and Yango partner’s bonuses) in Lahore and Islamabad from 26.06 to 16.07.24. This means that some drivers’ income will be higher, while others’ drivers income will be less than the figures provided in the calculation. This is not an employment offer. To drive a taxi using Yango Pro you need to have a contract with one of Yango partners. Results vary and depend on each individual case. Earnings are variable and not guaranteed. For detailed information about service fees and other terms and conditions, please contact Yango partners.
Use our handy calculator to get an estimate of your income. Just input basic information about your availability and the number of rides you plan to do, and we'll give you an idea of your potential earnings. Remember that estimates vary based on factors like demand, time of day, and location. Start planning your earning potential today with Yango partners
Mobile App Yango Pro Your go-to app for taxi drivers partnering with Yango. View available rides, track daily earnings, and get convenient navigation to pick-up locations. Maximise efficiency and earnings on the road
Simple to Install Install and navigate Yango Pro with ease. Simply download the app, follow the quick setup, and start driving. Effortlessly access features like ride tracking and navigation, making your driving experience smooth and hassle-free
Start your Journey Today Start your journey today with Yango partners and take control of your earnings as a taxi driver. With our intuitive mobile app designed specifically for drivers, you'll have access to available rides, track your daily income, and navigate to destinations with ease. Our platform connects you with a network of trusted partners. Whether you're looking for flexibility in your schedule or seeking to boost your income, Yango is here to support you every step of the way.