Let your car do the work!
Earn up to 85,000 Kz/week by renting out your car!
Got a car? You can earn up to 85,000 Kz/week!
Why earn money by renting out your car?
Earn a fixed income every month
You will only be matched with reputable companies known for professional vehicle hires
Your car remains your property
Your vehicle will be entrusted to experienced drivers
The best earning model
With Yango partner, you decide how you earn! The choice is yours.
Rent out your car
Fill out the form to see if your vehicle is eligible for this offer. We will contact you with more information.
Coordinate the car model with yango’s partner and buy a car that is exactly suitable for rent.
Fill out the form and we will contact you with more information soon.

Earn up to 85,000 Kz/week by renting out your car!

General conditions:

Earn up to 85,000 Kz/week
Monthly maintenance (air and oil filters, engine oil are provided by Yango partners)
Insurance (provided by Yango partners)
The most popular models: Suzuki S-Presso, Suzuki Alto, Kia Morning (or similar, check with Yango Partner for details)
Accepted mileage: < 30,000 km
Earn up to 85,000 Kz/weekly with just your car!
How to sign up
Fill in the information below and click “Submit”
Wait for a Yango partner to contact you with complete information
Provide your car to the partner
Earnings are sent to your account within 3-5 business days based on the results of your partnership for that month!
You relax while your car works
Yango Partner
This is not an employment offer. Conditions are individual and subject to change. Contact a Yango partner for more information.
Fri Sep 06 2024 22:06:11 GMT+0300 (Moscow Standard Time)